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Top 10 Travel Destinations Lucerne
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    • Day 4

      Dinner at Sens

      July 11 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      [Post by Caty]
      To get to the restaurant, we took a little path that was right on Lake Luzern that was surrounded with trees. Restaurant Sens is a little white restaurant that sits on the water. Every plate was beautiful and unique, and the entire time we had a beautiful view of the lake and sunset. The waiters were all very kind, and the experience as a whole was amazing.
      When we were seated, the servers gave us champagne and gave us a welcome snack. It was a puree vegetable paste that was served on a piece of lettuce and had different spices on top.

      The first appetizer was melted, foamed parmesan with a quail egg and mushrooms at the bottom. On top there was truffles. The waiter instructed us to scoop all the way to the bottom so you can taste everything together. With the warm mushrooms and still hot parmesan foam, everything fit perfectly together, which made this my favorite dish.

      The second appitizer was served in mini cones. They were filled with spiced beet, chives, and grated cheese. The cone was a nice crunch, and plate was very unique that just added to the experience.

      The last appitizer was a little tart. Inside was caviar, sliced beans, and a squash puree with flower petals on top as garnish. The tarts were on a plate of moss and leaves, which made the dish extremely pretty.

      The first course was squid with peas, and a coconut sauce. They first brought out the textured bowls that had everything but the squid. They then brought out the squid and placed them in hot rocks to cook them, and then put hot water and put a lid on to steam it. We mixed the squid with the sauce and the other ingredients. This was also another favorite for me, between being able to see part of the meal being cooked in front of us, and how good everything tastes together.

      The second course was a small salad that had brussel sprouts and other greens. They came out with a little pitcher and poured a fermented plantain sauce on the side.

      The third course was their homemade pasta with tomato and mandarin leaf foam. There was a tomato and Campari sauce. Will thought it tasted vaguely like Spaghetti-o sauce, while Mom thought it was one of the best of the night.

      In between the third and fourth courses we were brought out bread with miso butter. This was one of Will's favorite parts of the dinner.
      The fourth courses was pike perch and had two different sauces, potatos, greens and olives. The servers came out and poured an olive, cream, and tomato sauce on the side. The plate was beautiful and very unique.

      The last main course was a bitter salad that had beans, spruce, and they came out with a white sauce that was placed on the side. Then, the waiters came with a jar full of pine cone syrup and they drizzled it over the salad.

      After that, they came out with the pre-dessert, which was ice cream that had a fennel oil and had a green dusting.

      Finally, we had the main dessert. There was a meringue with smoked hay ice cream. There were dried raspberries all around the plate and other fruits in there as well. As a final trick, a waiter came out with a wooden bin of dry ice, and took the flower from our table that was being used as a decoration, and put it in the dry ice. Then he sprinkled the petals over the dish for an extra crunch.

      The dinner was amazing and so was the experience. The view and the location of the restaurant made everything so much better. They never reused a plate, and everything was thought through so well, and I would definitely go again.
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    • Day 6

      Chapel Bridge

      July 21 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 75 °F

      We slept in today and boy did we need it. We had a great walking tour around the city! Chapel Bridge is Lucerne's landmark and considered to be Europe's oldest covered bridge. It was built in the 14th century. The pictorial panels inside the bridge, which were incorporated in the 17th century, contain scenes of Swiss and Lucerne’s history. They still have the old city wall and things left behind from the Romans. We also saw the Lion Monument and a woman who was going to surf the river. The Lion Monument (German: Löwendenkmal), commemorates the Swiss Guards who were massacred in 1792 during the French Revolution. Queen Victoria and Mark Twain vacationed here. Michael Jackson wanted to buy a castle and live here but they didn’t let him. Oh yeah, and you can drink the water from any of their fountains!!Read more

    • Day 70

      Lucerne Switzerland

      July 17, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Located right in the center of Switzerland, Lucerne is not only a beautiful city worth experiencing, it’s also a great base from which to explore the rest of Switzerland as the city is very well connected to the rest of the country by an efficient railway system.

      One of the most famous landmarks of Lucerne is the Chapel Bridge, which was built in the 14th century and is said to be the oldest bridge of its kind in Europe. As it’s a popular landmark, there are several tour groups that take tourists on a walking tour of the bridge, complete with stories and pictures of medieval life in Lucerne. The other popular landmark of Lucerne is undoubtedly the Dying Lion of Lucerne, built after the French Revolution to commemorate the Swiss Guards who gave up their lives during the war.

      The Lucerne Lakefront district is very picturesque, situated in the heart of alstadt (old town). We sampled some of the trafitional Swiss dishes and beers here. Much of the food had a german influence and german was the predominate language of Lucerne, with eastern Switzerland speaking german and western speaking french. This was a beautiful small city and one that should not be missed.
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    • Day 9

      Hier ist der Urlaub!

      July 17, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      'Hier ist der Urlaub! Und hier auch! Und da!' Luise musste abends mit den Omas und Opa Uli telefonieren, läuft mit dem Handy quer über den Platz und zeigt Oma Claudia den Urlaub.
      Aber der Reihe nach.... Nach dem Frühstück ziehen wir alle 3 nach langer Zeit mal wieder feste Schuhe an und laufen zur Luftseilbahn gleich um die Ecke. In nur 8 min bringt uns die Gondel auf den Berg über Vitznau nach Hinterbergen-Rigi. Auf der Fahrt und oben haben wir ein wahnsinns Panorama. Luise interessiert sich dafür weniger und möchte am liebsten gleich wieder Gondel fahren.
      Nachmittags fahren wir dann noch eine Station mit dem Dampfschiff über den See. Leider hatte es gestern nicht gepasst von den Fahrzeiten. Deshalb holen wir das heute nach und bestaunen die alte Technik.
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    • Day 154


      September 6, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Ich bleibe im Zentrum der Schweiz und besuche heute Luzern. Auch wenn das Stadtbild einige Gemeinsamkeiten mit Zürich aufweist, herrscht hier ein ganz andere Atmosphäre, die besser zum ländlich geprägten Rest passt.
      Die Reuss teilt die Stadt und wird von mehreren wunderschönen Brücken aus Holz oder Stahl überspannt. Auf beiden Seiten zieht es mich in die engen Gassen und auf kleine Plätzen, die von oft kunstvoll bemalten Fassaden begleitet werden.
      Bei der Mittagspause am Ufer des Vierwaldstättersee kann ich ihn und die Berge noch einmal aus einer anderen Perspektive als bei der gestrigen Wanderung begutachten. Tolle Ausblicke bieten sich mir beim Spaziergang auf der ehemaligen Befestigungsanlage und von den den zugehörigen Türmen. Trotz einiger Touristen und beinahe kitschig schöner Sehenswürdigkeiten, fühlt sich die Stadt immer noch authentisch an.
      Etwas oberhalb des übernächsten Sees finde ich einen Stellplatz mit herrlichem Blick auf ihn und die Stadt Lungern.
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    • Day 2

      Kaffeepause vor Luzern

      August 30, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Die ersten 400km liegen bereits hinter uns. SL läuft ohne Probleme, nachdem die Jungs gestern noch schnell ein Kabel von der Zündverteilung wechseln mussten.
      Danke an Daniel und Frank. Jetzt sind wir erstmal 5 Tage auf uns alleine gestellt. Wird schon schiefgehen 😁Read more

    • Day 23

      Snow and Sunshine part 2

      September 4, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      After visiting the snow Gav and I hiked down the mountain. About 10 km ? I kept wanting to break into song (Not allowed in Switzerland either) , it is absolutely beautiful and green and the sheer size of the mountains is awe inspiring! A FANTASTIC DAY!Read more

    • Day 28

      Lucerne Lake tour

      September 9, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Travelled around Lucerne Lake today with Heidi, Fabienne's mum, we caught a train, ship, gondola, hiked, gondola, steep train , ship again and train. Such amazing scenery, fantastic hike. Switzerland is just so beautiful. Perth is just so FLAT!!Read more

    • Day 41


      June 3 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Nachdem wir in Frankreich noch mal beim Carrefour waren, ging es weiter in die Schweiz nach Luzern. Wir sind auf einem netten CP am See untergekommen. Alles ist recht nass, die letzten Tage hat es hier viel geregnet, auch der See führt viel Wasser.
      Am Nachmittag sind wir dann mit dem Bus (das Busticket ist im CP Preis eingeschlossen) nach Luzern gefahren (ca. 20 Min) und kamen direkt beim Bahnhof an und haben uns erst mal einen kleinen Überblick verschafft. Was wir bis jetzt gesehen haben, gefällt uns gut. Hoffen wir mal, dass wir morgen noch ein paar Berge sehen können und es nicht regnet.
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    • Day 42


      June 4 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Das Wetter meinte es heute sehr gut mit uns. Am Anfang zwar noch etwas frisch, aber überwiegend sonnig. So macht die Stadtbesichtigung Spaß. Zuerst die Jesuitenkirche, dann die Museggmauer (äußere Stadtmauer), zwei Türme haben wir bestiegen, die Hofkirche und ein wenig Flair mit Eis am See. Ein gelungener Tag in einer wunderschönen Stadt.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Kanton Luzern, Luzern, Lucerne, Lucerna, 루체른 주

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