The day began with waterfront walk. There were lots of people out exercising and going to work. I met #trailangels Stephan and Monica who bought me an ice cream and we have a neat chat about a charityRead more
The day began with waterfront walk. There were lots of people out exercising and going to work. I met #trailangels Stephan and Monica who bought me an ice cream and we have a neat chat about a charityRead more
The day started warm. Even at 5 a.m., I was quite comfortable sitting outside before the sun came up, with only my slides on and no jacket! I had a late start because it was Sunday (and breakfast isRead more
Ça y est! Après 2 moins de planning, de réservations, de tracés sur google maps et Qgis, d'achats de vélos, de clés, de housses de transport (tgv de merde), d'entraînements, de démontage deRead more
Today was our first day of rest. We have walked 22 days now, with no rest for the last 19. Our feet and legs are aching. A lot.
I need to replace my shoes. They are the correct size for regularRead more
Dreadful night. Hot, sticky, noisy, airless. Sometimes camping isn’t as much fun as you think it should be.
Off sharp as I was due to meet a young lady later. Temperature lovely for walking untilRead more
Irgendwie war mir nicht nach bummeln in der vollen Stadt, dafür hat mich das olympische Museum mit seiner Parkanlage am See angezogen.
Das war eine sehr gute Idee!
Obwohl das Museum schon 30Read more
Ubicado en Lausana, sede del comité Olímpico Internacional. Describe la historia de los juegos Olímpicos modernos y de su fundador Pierre de Coubertin. Es una de las ciudades que ostenta laRead more
Nach dem der Morgen wieder langsam startete, alles getrocknet und verstaut war, machte ich mich auf den Weg nach Lausanne. Viele Menschen mit Fahrrädern voll Gepäck kreuzten meinen Weg. Kurz war ichRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Lausanne District, District de Lausanne
Traveler I would turn into a croissant 🥐
Traveler 😂😂 that did look like a tasty spread
Traveler Yes you need to combine with lots of walking. can't understand how they all stay slim.
Traveler we are not fit, but we hide quite well! 😜
Traveler Wow yum, just as well you are walking a long way after that 🥖😊