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    • Day 44

      Old Town

      June 22, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      I went to Landesmuseum which had an exhibition called ‘I’m Wald’ about the History of Switzerland forests and lots of art about sustainability , climate change and climate change protestors and recent events.
      There was an Anne Frank exhibition that I saw as well.
      I went around old town and found a cute park with a really nice view- people were sitting off the ledge of the wall and you could see the whole of the Limmat river which was so so pretty. The streets and buildings were also really nice 😊:)))
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    • Day 4

      Reflections on Zurich

      April 30 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Zurich is a very pretty city on two fronts. The city centre is filled with cobbled streets, attractive buildings and plentiful pedestrianised outdoor spaces. It is dotted with fountains that dispense fresh mountain water for the public. The multiple rivers that flow through the city team with waterfowl and the view of the Aldstadt from the view spot at Lindenhof is very pleasant to enjoy in the tranquility of the morning sun over a quick breakfast fresh from a bakery.

      The second front contributing to the city's attractiveness is its setting. The tall mountains, dense forests and clear blue lakes framed by the distant snow-capped Alps provide a rich backdrop to the city.

      The people here have largely conformed to my mental image of the Swiss - friendly but reserved and proud of their country. The streets of Zurich are filled with the sounds of German, French and Italian, unsurprisingly given that these are all native languages here, but it is also very common to overhear English, Spanish and Mandarin. Unlike in more Mediterranean countries, when I have spoken my (admittedly very limited) German, shopkeepers and waiters have tended to react by smiling and quickly switching to English rather than encouraging me to keep trying to speak their language.

      While I've enjoyed my time here, I do also see why many native Swiss do not like Zurich. Similarly to many major European cities, the city centre feels very busy and filled with tourists, diluting the "Swiss-ness" of the place. I think it is also expensive here even by Swiss standards - even a quick snack has tended to cost me a franc or two more in Zurich's Aldstadt than in Sargans or Kilchberg.

      All in all, I leave Zurich continuing to have a bit of a crush on Switzerland. It's a stereotypically quaint country filled with natural wonders with a very distinctive, particular culture. While I feel that I have now seen most of Zurich's main sights, I would definitely be keen to experience more of Switzerland, perhaps in somewhere like Interlaken, Lucerne or back in Geneva.
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    • Day 2


      September 9, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Heute schauen wir uns Zürich an. Es ist sehr voll und vor allem sehr viele Touristen. Staun
      Überall sind irgendwelche Märkte oder was zum Schauen. 👍🏻
      Dann sind wir noch am Zürichsee entlang gelaufen. Leider hatten wir keine Badeklamotten dabei. Bei 23 Grad Wassertemperatur wäre das super gewesen. 🐬Read more

    • Day 3

      Popolino quanto è bella Zurigo?

      August 20, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      Meravigliosa Zurigo!
      Anche se sono stata solo 2 ore è scattato il colpo di fulmine e quando l'amore chiama... Tornerò!

      Oggi i miei occhi hanno fatto WOW🤩
      Giornata memorabile💙💜
      E sono solo all'inizio..Read more

    • Day 4

      Los geht's zur Limmat!

      December 31, 2018 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Nach dem Frühstück sind wir aufgebrochen. Unser erstes Ziel war das Großmünster, welches auf der anderen Uferseite des Limmat liegt. Über die Münsterbrücke kann man perfekt auf das Großmünster zugehen. Um zur Brücke zu kommen, sind wir durch mehrere Gässchen gegangen. Auf dem Weg sind wir auf diesen wunderschönen mit Rosenköpfen gefüllten Brunnen gestoßen.Read more

    • Day 4

      Der Lindenhof - Blick auf die Limmatquai

      December 31, 2018 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Ein sehr beliebtes und bekanntes Ausflugsziel in Zürich ist der Lindenhof (Zürcher Hügelzug). Auch im Motel One hatten wir diesen Tipp bekommen. Natürlich sind wir diesem Tipp gefolgt. Der Lindenhof ist Teil der eiszeitlichen Endmoräne und Hügelzug der historische Stadtkern und ein öffentlicher Platz der Schweizer Stadt Zürich. Moränenhügel wie der Lindenhof sind für das Gebiet um Zürich prägend, dazu gehören die Höhenzüge vom Käferberg-Waidberg, Zürichberg-Adlisberg bis zum Pfannenstiel und der Üetliberg mit der Albiskette. Auch die Entstehung des Zürichsees geht auf die Moränenablagerung zurück. Der heute weitgehend abgeflachte Lindenhof (428 Meter über dem Meer) erhebt sich rund 25 Meter über dem Niveau der Limmat. Die Aussicht auf die Uferpromenade an der Limmatquai ist unglaublich schön. Auch Richtung Zürichsee und Großmünster kann man einen guten Blick werfen. Hier haben wir eine längere Zeit verbracht und einige Bilder gemacht.Read more

    • Day 3

      Auf nach Zürich

      October 7, 2021 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Heute da das Wetter noch immer nicht optimal ist fahren wir nach Zürich. Hier ist es teuer teuer teuer 💸. Am Anfang gibts leckeren Cafe und a Rösti 😋☕🍳
      Wir erkunden die Stadt weiter zu Fuß und wie zu erwarten landen wir in einem Schokoladengeschäft 🍫 hier gibts es Leckerein ohne Ende. Unsere Entscheidung fiel auf eine Weiße schoko mit Pistazien und Mandeln, mega lecker 😋😋
      Auch ein paar Sonnenstrahlen konnten wir erhaschen ☀️
      Uns hats gefallen 👍🏼
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    • Day 4

      Hiltl - Vegitarische Metzgerei

      December 31, 2018 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Als Teil meines Weihnachtsgeschenkes von Nadine, hatten wir für heute Abend einen Tisch im Hiltl reserviert. Bevor wir um 17:30 Uhr zum Essen sind, haben wir die vegetarische Metzgerei die zum Restaurant gehört besucht. Leider war die Theke kurz vor der Schließung vor dem Feiertag bereits leer, trotzdem konnten wir die tolle Auswahl bestaunen. Ich habe uns zwei Packungen Soja Räucherspeck besorgt und Nadine hat zwei Packungen veganes Beef-Jerky gekauft. Das kostbare Gut haben wir zurück ins Hotel gebracht, bevor es dann zum Restaurant ging.Read more

    • Day 8,124

      Neue Taverne Zürich

      March 29, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Neue Taverne
      Glockengasse 8, Zürich, 8001, Schweiz

      Spontan sind wir am Abend noch in „Neue Taverne“ in Zürich, wir hatten das Überraschungsmenü vorbestellt.
      Die Gerichte waren außergewöhnlich schmackhaft und liebevoll serviert - und natürlich vegetarisch.

      „Dies ist das neue Projekt von Nenad Mlinarevic (zuvor für das 2-fach besternte "focus" im "Park Hotel Vitznau" verantwortlich) und zudem sein zweites in Zürich. Neben der "Bauernschänke" hat er im Dezember 2019 dieses lebendig-fröhliche Restaurant eröffnet. In der offenen Küche wird vegetarisch gekocht. Das Konzept: "Sharing". Auf der Karte finden sich 12 tolle kreative, saisonal wechselnde Gerichte - drei bis vier pro Person sind eine gute Wahl. Geradezu ein "Signature Dish" ist z. B. das "Planted Chicken", ein Hähnchenfleisch-Ersatz aus Erbseneiweiss, der gegrillt und mit Chili-Mayonnaise serviert wird. Dazu Bio-Weine, hausgemachte Limonaden und Kombuchas. Äusserst freundlich und geschult der Service. Mittags gibt es ein Tagesessen, meist als "Bowl", sowie einen Auszug der Abendkarte.“
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    • Day 35

      District 1, Zürich, Switzerland

      June 6, 2016 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Day 34:

      Today was one of the best days of our trip thus far. Not only was the weather phenomenal, the city was beautiful, and the people were nice.

      We woke up pretty early due to some construction (we swear they are following us), and went to the grocery store to pick up our next few meals, as this is the most expensive city we're likely to be in. After eggs, bacon, and prezel buns, its difficult to bring a day down. We wandered from our small district 6 on the hill to the main part of the city in district 1. We came upon Kirche Unterstass in our little district. It was a cool little church with a red-faced clock on the tower. Turns out it was the site of a 14th century church, but since the Swiss have so many dollars at their disposal, it was instructed to be destroyed and later rebuilt. It definitely looked nice, though.

      In order to get to center city, we had to cross the Limmat. Its one of the clearest rivers we have seen in mainland Europe. We stood on the bridge for a while, just admiring the water and the fish, while avoiding bicyclists. When we made our reservations for tomorrow's train, we met the friendliest person behind the reservation desk. Can we also say that Swiss money is the coolest we have come upon so far...

      Across the street from the main station was the Schweiserisches Nationalmuseum. For Europe, it was an impressive building for a national museum, for the US, it would blow away anything we've seen. It was built just before the 20th century, in the style of a French renaissance chateau. There were towers with multicolored shingling, details around the windows, and all around just pretty awesome. Not to mention the central station itself... mid 1800s, a labrinyth of levels and tracks that has us lost for the better part of an hour...

      Next, after wandering the streets of Old Town, enjoying the sights of the river and town, we came upon St Peter Church. The site is known to have housed a temple for the Roman god Jupiter in the 8th Century. In the 11th, it was replaced by a romanesque church, before being replaced as the first Protestant church in the early 1700s. It also has a clock tower with the largest church clock face in all of Europe. It was a completely different style of church than we're used to during this trip. There were crown mouldings, bright colors, and looked surprisingly modern. It was a refreshing change, but we definitely still prefer the gothic style.

      From there, we made our way to a restaurant (AKA our easiest access to a toilet), and had some surprisingly impressive organic Swiss beers! With the toilet part out of the way, we walked up to Lindenhof hill, where we were able to get a great look at the city from above. We hung out there like some rebel teenagers until we figured we should move on.

      We somehow walked straight to the Kirche Fraumünster. This church was built on the remains of an abbey built exclusively for women in the mid 9th century. It is known for being founded by Louis the German, and its stained glass, however, we weren't allowed to take photos inside, so google needs to help out in thay aspect...

      Right across the river was the Grossmünster, the biggest church of the city. Legend had it that the site of this church was chosen by Charlemagne. The current church was built just a few hundred years later, in about 1100. Again, no pictures were allowed inside, but its still fascinating to experience being in builidngs with such history.

      From there, it was pretty much a straight shot to the apartment. We called it an early day because the amount of effort we have put in is really starting to catch up with us at this point. We had a nice dinner of sausages and veggies, and now it is bedtime. Tomorrow we are travelling on what is described as the most luxurious train in Europe. We're excited.

      Also, Zürich is crazy expensive, but also a must see. It's beautiful, filled with history, and not too touristy. It gets a big thumbs up from us.
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