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Top 10 Travel Destinations Taipei
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    • Day 11

      Chiang-Kai-shek Gedächtnishalle

      October 7, 2023 in Taiwan

      Es riiiiiiesigs Gländ mit emene gigantische Igangstor, zwei grosse Hüsser und enere no grössere Halle ufere ahöchig. De Chiang-Kai-shek isch de General und Präsident gsi, wo d Republik China uf die jetzig Insle überebracht het, während de Mao Zedong Festland China für sich beasprucht het.Read more

    • Day 85–86


      April 28 in Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Sun 28 April

      Upon arrival at Taipei Airport, the first thing we noticed was how busy it was. Lots of people seemed to be arriving from other flights. Before reaching border control, we had to go through meat and veggie screenings to ensure we weren't bringing anything in. We then walked past a dengue fever and illness screening desk. Although I had researched that we didn't need a visa to enter Taiwan, waiting at the border made me nervous that I'd missed something or that we needed to fill in some form in advance. Thankfully, we didn't, and they just gave my passport a pretty cool stamp, and off we went.

      After retrieving our bags, we picked up a pay-as-you-go card for transportation and a phone SIM card. We were super surprised by the fast data speeds we were getting.

      After taking a beautiful train ride into the city, which carried us high above the lush hills, we decided to grab some food before checking in. James found us a highly-rated but fairly traditional restaurant where we ordered a traditional Taiwanese beef noodle soup. It had the softest beef I'd had in ages and jelly bone marrow as well, which I personally wasn't as big a fan of. Then we checked into our private room at the hostel, which was wonderful for the price. Even without a window at £37, it had a private bathroom, towels, shower gel, a tea/coffee kettle, and it was very clean and well-maintained, which is a lot more than I can say for some places we've stayed.

      We then spent a wild night doing ALL our laundry and basically washing everything because it all now had a whiff of the Hong Kong dungeon on it. Like an answer to my prayers, the hostel had washing machines and dryers. I forgot how long dryers take though, even at low heat, and even though we started at 7 pm, it didn't finish until 10 pm. I was so tired I fell straight to sleep.

      DAY 2

      I awoke with a headache and didn't sleep as well as I thought I would, considering how tired I was, but I took a painkiller and it went away. Our free breakfast was the strangest medley of things I've ever seen on offer. I think it was all more traditional Taiwanese breakfast stuff, but it was all savory, such as chili chicken pasta in a white sauce, veg and sausage in gravy, what I thought were hash browns but were actually a creamy cron thing, and more. It was all pretty delicious though, and I tried everything. James was boring and just ate the toast and jam, boo. The tea here is super milky and sweet too, so I'm in paradise.

      We then headed off to a free walking tour of the old city. It was a pretty big group of mostly 27- to 40-somethings who all seemed neat and were traveling around East Asia. As we were listening to the guide, something tickled my foot. I looked down thinking it might be a fly or something, but to my horror, it was a centipede! I flipped, shaking my foot and jumping around and throwing off my sandal too. It went off pretty quickly, but I got the fear of it now and had to put James between myself and it. Of all the people's feet it could have crawled on, it had to be mine, who has the biggest fear of them, FFS.

      The rest of the tour was lovely. The guide was really good at simplifying the complicated past of Taiwan's many invaders and people, and I definitely came away knowing so much more than I did upon arrival.

      It was about 33°C out, and even in the shade, quite hot. In the middle of the tour, we stopped at a local stall and had a mixed fruit water drink that also comprised of a jelly, which was delicious! After that, James and I lost our concentration a bit, but we did chat to a guy from the UK who grew up in Catford (where we live) and now lives in Singapore. We ended the tour in the younger neighborhood, where the LGBTQ community also gathers. We then headed to a nearby cafe and got some lunch, and as we were tucking in, what seemed like a practice procession of floats went by banging drums and in a dragon costume.

      After our lunch break, we headed to Monument Square, before going back for a nap in our room. After crossing the roads, which take five minutes because they're so big, and picking a bus to take (they only come every 20 mins), we arrived at the square and were immediately struck by how HUGE the buildings were. We walked around admiring them for ages, craning our necks to see the beautiful decoration of the roof and sat on the steps of the National Opera to admire the whole scene while nibbling on some traditional biscuits we picked up on the way. We then headed to the furthest monument of Chiang Kai-shek, sitting on a chair, very similar to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. The scale of everything was pretty stunning. We read the style had been brought over by Chiang Kai-Shek in 1949 when he came over from China. After wandering around the building, we headed back to our room where I napped for two hours.

      At 7 pm, we headed out to Shilin Night Market to get dinner. The area is famous for its many food stalls and night shopping, and it did not disappoint. We got out roughly £35 cash but only spent half of it and managed to eat about six different things plus a drink. We started with a Taiwanese sausage in a rice wrap, which set us up with unique flavors for dinner. We then had fried crab leg, which was delicious. I didn't realize the texture of crab meat was so soft. We then had the longest, straightest potato chips (aka French fries) ever, with mayo and seaweed, so crispy and delicious. I got a very tasty cranberry drink. Then we had a bun with pork filling, which was so good, but the bun was more bready than I was expecting. We then moved on to dessert, starting with an ice cream sandwich and then shaved snow (frozen condensed cream) with fresh mango on it. It was huge and a real showstopper. It was a delicious evening, and as we left, we were discussing coming back to try all the other things we missed. Overall, a fantastic first day in Taiwan, which is making us fall in love with this country a lot.
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    • Day 32

      1er jour a Taipei - visite guidée

      May 2 in Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Visite guidée de Taipei avec Vincent Verdier de "Taiwan Safari" (trouvé grâce au super site https://worldwildbrice.net/

      On apprend que notre guide Vincent a aussi grandi à Saint-Renan, incroyable. Il habite depuis une dizaine d’année à Taipei et propose des visites guidées et voyages sur mesure de l’île. Le courant passe très bien. 😊

      Vincent nous mène de quartier en quartier, en nous détaillant la culture, la géopolitique, la gastronomie et l’histoire taïwanaise. Et oui parce qu’ici on est finalement détendu par rapport à la situation avec la Chine. Personne ne croit à une invasion. Les deux pays s’entendent « plutôt » bien. Ça serait encore les américains avec leur manichéisme qui viendraient mettre le feu aux poudres.
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    • Day 260

      Bye bye Taïwan ✈️

      June 23, 2020 in Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 34 °C

      Derniers jours de voyage, nous allons bientôt quitter ce beau pays ! Quelques photos en vrac de ce a quoi ressemble la vie Taïwanaise qui va nous manquer 😊
      Entre les 7eleven à thème, les snoopy partout 😍, les animaux 🐈🐕🐿️, les sculptures, les parcs, la verdure... Et la chaleur 🥵😬

      Bref, bientôt bye bye Taiwan 🇹🇼
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    • Day 12

      Taipei 101

      October 8, 2023 in Taiwan ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      S ehemalig höchste Gebäude uf de Welt misst 508m. Eis vo de Merkmal isch die riesig Kugle im innere. Dank ihre staht das Gebäude au nach unzählige Erdbebe und Taifuns no (Taifuns chönd stark si hanni gmerkt). Leider isch d Sicht nöd eso guet gsi, glohnt het sichs trotzdem.Read more

    • Day 33

      Taipei 101

      May 3 in Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Plus haute tour de Taipei et fleuron technologique du pays. Parce que oui, Taiwan est un pays très riche, ayant subit une croissance brutale. Ici les services publiques tournent à bloc, il y a de la thune à foison. Pour la petite anecdote, le pays génère tellement d’argent que l’année dernière l’état a rendu l’équivalent de 300€ à tout le monde, bébé compris. Ainsi à la création de Taipei 101, ils ont décidés d’y intégrer toutes les technologies de pointe disponible, dont un pendule interne sur trois étage pour absorber les vagues sismiques.Read more

    • Day 153

      Xiao Long Bao Kochkurs

      March 30, 2023 in Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Das ungeplante Reisen hat vor allem den Nachteil dass ich keine Souvenirs mitnehmen kann. Müsste sie ja überall hin mitschleppen.

      Habe daher beschlossen stattdessen eine Fähigkeit mitzunehmen und habe einen Kochkurs für Xiao Long Bao (Soup Dumplings) und Niu Rou Mian (Braised Beef Noodle Soup) gemacht.

      Suppe kochen und so kann ich grundsätzlich, die neue Fähigkeit ist, wie man mit einem kleinen Stück Rundholz Teig zu einem hauchdünnen Teigblatt ausrollt und daraus einen Dumpling faltet 🤩

      ###### english ######

      The main disadvantage of unplanned travel is that I can't take any souvenirs with me. I would have to carry it with me everywhere.

      So decided to pick up a skill instead and had a cooking class for Xiao Long Bao (Soup Dumplings) and Niu Rou Mian (Braised Beef Noodle Soup).

      I know how to cook soup and stuff like that, so the new skill is how to roll out dough into a wafer-thin sheets with a small piece of round wood and fold a dumpling out of it 🤩

      ☆☆☆ Kochschule / cooking school:

      CookInn Taiwan 旅人料理教室
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    • Day 16

      Tag 16: ✈️ Ōsaka - Taipeh

      November 16, 2023 in Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Heute ging unsere Zeit in Japan leider zu Ende. Das bedeutet aber auch, dass unsere Zeit in Taiwan anfängt! Drei Stunden sind wir von Ōsaka nach Taipeh geflogen und haben dabei eine Stunde direkt wieder gut gemacht. In Taiwan angekommen war es leider bewölkt und hat geregnet, was typisch für das wechselhafte Herbstwetter in Taiwan, besonders im Norden ist. Mit 25°C war es aber trotzdem warm und schwül und man merkt, dass wir jetzt in den (Sub-) Tropen sind. Nach dem Einchecken im Hotel waren wir erstmal vegetarisch Essen und haben uns über die deutschland-ähnlichen Preise im Restaurant gewundert. Was uns auch aufgefallen ist sind die vielen Motorräder, die die Straßen dominieren. Damit endet unser Tag aber auch schon, da wir morgen schon um 8:45 Uhr zu einer geführten Tour zu verschiedenen Sehenswürdigkeiten an der Nordküste Taiwans starten und fit sein wollen.Read more

    • Day 17

      Tag 17: New Taipei City

      November 17, 2023 in Taiwan ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Zum Beginn unseren heutigen Beitrag ein kleiner Fakt über Taiwan. Mit gut 36.000 km² ist Taiwan so groß wie Baden-Württemberg.

      Unseren ersten Tag auf der Insel haben wir im Norden in New Taipei City verbracht. Erster Stopp war der Yehliu-Geopark mit seinen markanten Pilz-Steinen. Da die Gesteinsschicht der Meeresküste aus Kalksandstein besteht und der Erosion durch das Meer, der Verwitterung und den Erdbewegungen unterliegt, ist eine besondere Form zustande gekommen.
      Weiter ging es mit dem Bus, dessen Charme uns mindestens drei Jahrzehnte in die Vergangenheit versetzte, zum Yin-Yang-Meer. Hier fließt eisenhaltige Wasser aus dem Gebirge ins Meer und bringt den Kontrast zwischen gelben und blauen Wasser hervor.
      Die Schönheit der Natur hat uns begeistert. Das kleine Land hat nicht nur tolle Küstenabschnitte sondern auch wunderschöne Berglandschaften und Wasserfälle.
      Hingegen dazu brauchen wir in der Stadt noch etwas Eingewöhnungszeit. Dort werden wir von vielen Eindrücken, Gerüchen und Geräuschen überflutet.
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    • Day 1

      Hello Taipei!

      March 23 in Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Arrive into Taoyuan airport to a massive queue at immigration. But thankfully the processing was quick with no verbal communication, only hand gestures.
      Tried our luck at the lucky draw but no game fish.
      Took the express MRT service to Taipei Main Station, then 400m walk to Rich & Free Hotel. Affordable and clean hotel, with decent people at reception. Free small packet snacks also.
      Went to Liu Shandong Beef noodle, ordered clear beef soup and braised beef soup. Nice and can taste the difference between the two. Also had salty vege to put into soup. Had boiled peanuts (yum) and pickled Cabbage also (weirddd). Had peach black tea with yakult afterwards, very nice.
      Then walked to Bopiliao Historical Block to explore a bit of the history of Taipei, the people and the architecture of the buildings. We passed by yongfu ice cream accidentally on the way, so had longan, limei and taro ice cream. So so la. Longan was probably the nicest.
      Then went to Bangka Longshan temple, one of the biggest and most famous temples in Taipei City. There were pillars with small Buddha icons and names of peoples ancestors on them. So many!! And saw people trying to discern the will of the gods with the red moon blocks.
      Went to Guangzhou and Wuzhou Street night market after. Had:
      Taro balls
      Stinky tofu(!)
      Aiyu jelly drink
      Oyster omelet (disappointing)
      Bought some cut fruits
      On the way back stopped by at Carrefour to buy a bunch of local beers for the week
      At the night market saw some uncles playing tetris on the sidewalk on Arcade machines. Very cool la! And old uncle got young auntie girlfriend.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Taipei, Taipeh, ታይፔ, Тайпей, ཐའེ་པེ, Tchaj-pej, Ταϊπέι, Tajpeo, Tayipèh, טאיפי, ताइपे, TPE, Kota Taipei, 台北市, 타이베이, Taipeium, Taibėjus, Tajpej, Taipé, Тайбэй, Тајпеј, ไทเป, تەيبېي, Đài Bắc

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