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Top 10 Travel Destinations Taipei
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    • Day 29


      September 29, 2019 in Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      The region's 18th named storm has arrived to Taiwan so did we. So, our first couple of days in Taipei were very wet and windy, but also occasionally very hot and sunny, so much that we both got sunburnt! Anyway, that's enough weather update.
      The bus journey from the airport was mostly on an extremely high motorway, the same level as the skyscrapers pretty much, they were less shiny and modern than the ones in Japan and Korea. The city seems to poke out from the jungle and the change in climate is really noticable despite the short flight from Korea.
      Our neighbourhood was a lively market area, full of people and loads of weird really cheap street food stalls, just as we like it! :)
      We walked to Peace Park, where there are lovely gardens with a jungle type feeling and some monuments to various past disasters and successes.
      We also went to Liberty Square, a huuuge square surrounded by amazing buildings on all four sides. On the way home we walked throught the botanic garden before we hit our double bed (in a dorm) for a power nap. The previous night's sleep had been somewhat disturbed by someone's diesel engine snoring in the bunk below us.
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    • Day 49

      Today was declared a shopping day

      November 17, 2019 in Taiwan ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Thank goodness our accommodation was opposite a decathelon so we managed to get all our shopping out of the way in 15mins. I got a compass and some gloves. Hannah nothing. Win win.
      So it then became a wandering round parks and ice cream day. Much better 😁.
      There are loads of parks to see in the center of the city. We then walked along the river Tamsui with loads of colourful flowers.
      Next we went to the tourist trap of Elephant Hill, which gives you fantastic views over the city. We timed it perfectly to give us a great sunset, but there were just too many people there to enjoy it fully.
      We walked about 20mins west to the Linjiang Street Night Market, which is much smaller than others, but pleasant and easy to walk around.
      Had some sweet potatoes with sweet sprinkles which tasted like doughnuts. Nice! Also some dumplings. Great! And some Korean Cheese chicken balls. Not as good, we had these before in Seoul and wanted to check if they were different. But no, their spicy sauce tastes weird, not in a good way.
      Tried to find a bar when we got near the accommodation, but instead found a Thai massage place. We both opted for a shoulder and head massage.
      I got the grumpy looking strong man in the corner.
      Now, I've never experienced child birth, but I imagine the pain is nothing compared to what he was inflicting in a particular knot in my right shoulder. Full elbow with full weight and wiggle. Being cheap we had only paid for the 15 min option. Thank goodness for that!
      However once we left, my shoulders did feel a whole world better.
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    • Day 162

      Taipei, Taïwan !

      March 17, 2020 in Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Bien arrivés à Taïwan, pour une période indéterminée jusqu'à ce que la situation se calme et que la crise sanitaire soit finie.
      Ici tout va bien, peu de cas et un bon système de santé et gestion de crise. On évite les sorties inutiles, et les foules de gens.

      La ville est vraiment chouette, et les gens sont très gentils ! La nourriture est vraiment variée (et ça, ça fait du bien!). On trouve même des petits airs de Japon, étant donné que Taïwan était une colonie Japonaise 🤩

      On vous souhaite bon courage pour le confinement 😟
      En espérant que la situation s'arrange 🤞
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    • Day 248

      Jiufen again

      June 11, 2020 in Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      De retour dans le nord, on en profite pour retourner dans un coin qui nous avait vraiment plu en arrivant à Taïwan : On part refaire un tour à Jiufen. Ce village est tellement beau et paisible, ça nous fait du bien ! Planqués au milieu de la forêt, avec la mer et du thé 🍵
      En plus, on arrive enfin à avoir du soleil pour profiter de la vue sur la mer 🤩☀️
      Y a pas à dire, c'est quand même magnifique Taïwan ❤️🇹🇼
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    • Day 253

      Houtong Cat Village

      June 16, 2020 in Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      On aura pas fait la chasse aux oeufs de Pâques cette année, mais on remplace ça (un peu en retard 😋) par une chasse aux chats, cachés (ou pas!) partout dans un petit village proche de Jiufen !
      Houtong Cat Village, un ancien village minier qui a été à l'abandon pendant un moment, connait un nouveau souffle grâce aux chats qui attirent les touristes 🐾🐾 ! Perdu dans la forêt/montagne, le village est tout petit, quelques rues à peine, mais est rempli de petites boules de poils trop mignonne
      On affronte (difficilement) la chaleur pour aller voir ça (36°C ressenti 48°C quand même) et on est clairement pas déçu du voyage !🐈😻
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    • Day 260

      Bye bye Taïwan ✈️

      June 23, 2020 in Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 34 °C

      Derniers jours de voyage, nous allons bientôt quitter ce beau pays ! Quelques photos en vrac de ce a quoi ressemble la vie Taïwanaise qui va nous manquer 😊
      Entre les 7eleven à thème, les snoopy partout 😍, les animaux 🐈🐕🐿️, les sculptures, les parcs, la verdure... Et la chaleur 🥵😬

      Bref, bientôt bye bye Taiwan 🇹🇼
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    • Day 153

      Xiao Long Bao Kochkurs

      March 30, 2023 in Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Das ungeplante Reisen hat vor allem den Nachteil dass ich keine Souvenirs mitnehmen kann. Müsste sie ja überall hin mitschleppen.

      Habe daher beschlossen stattdessen eine Fähigkeit mitzunehmen und habe einen Kochkurs für Xiao Long Bao (Soup Dumplings) und Niu Rou Mian (Braised Beef Noodle Soup) gemacht.

      Suppe kochen und so kann ich grundsätzlich, die neue Fähigkeit ist, wie man mit einem kleinen Stück Rundholz Teig zu einem hauchdünnen Teigblatt ausrollt und daraus einen Dumpling faltet 🤩

      ###### english ######

      The main disadvantage of unplanned travel is that I can't take any souvenirs with me. I would have to carry it with me everywhere.

      So decided to pick up a skill instead and had a cooking class for Xiao Long Bao (Soup Dumplings) and Niu Rou Mian (Braised Beef Noodle Soup).

      I know how to cook soup and stuff like that, so the new skill is how to roll out dough into a wafer-thin sheets with a small piece of round wood and fold a dumpling out of it 🤩

      ☆☆☆ Kochschule / cooking school:

      CookInn Taiwan 旅人料理教室
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    • Day 156

      Jiufen & das Meer

      April 2, 2023 in Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Es gibt an der Nordküste irrsinnig viel zu sehen, aber da Sonntag war und wunderbares Wetter, waren die Massen unterwegs. Ich habe daher einige Sights an der Küste ausgelassen, habe mich an den Staus vorbeiheschummelt und nach Laune ausgewählt wo ich stehen bleibe (Susanne, da ist wieder was nur für dich dabei 😉).

      In der Gegend gab es Gold-, Silber- und Kupfererzabbau. Die Ruinen einer Raffinerie blicken als stummer Zeuge dieser Zeit auf das Meer.

      Juifen ist eine kleine Stadt, die sich an einen Hügel schmiegt. Die Straßen, Wege und Stiegen sind voll Menschen und durchziehen die Stadt wie die Ameisenrouten einen Ameisenhaufen. Zumindest an einem Sonntag. Es wird hier ganz viel Ghibli Studio Zeug verkauft, die Stadt erinnert ein wenig an die Stadt in "Spirited Away", vor allem abends, wenn die Lichter angehen. Ich wäre gern so lange geblieben um das zu sehen, aber die Massen an Menschen habe ich nicht ausgehalten.

      ###### english ######

      There is an insane amount to see on the north coast but as it was a Sunday and the weather was beautiful the crowds were out. So I skipped a few sights on the coast, cheated my way past the traffic jams and chose where to stop depending on my mood (Susanne, there's something just for you again 😉).

      Gold, silver and copper ore mining happened in the area. The ruins of a refinery look out to sea as a silent witness of that time.

      Juifen is a small town nestled on a hill. The streets, paths and stairs are full of people and run through the city like the ant routes through an anthill. At least on a Sunday. A lot of Ghibli Studio stuff is sold here, the town is a bit reminiscent of the town in "Spirited Away", especially at night when the lights come on. I would have liked to stay long enough to see that, but I couldn't stand the crowds.
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    • Day 22


      May 12, 2023 in Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      We have arrived in Taiwan. We’ve spent our first four nights in Taipei and a couple of days travelling down the county. It’s a great mixture of Japanese culture, a little Chinese but unique in its own right.

      In Taipei we had the pleasure of sharing a very small room, hostel style, with a double bed and bunk beds and not much room for anything else. Accommodation is much more expensive and much of it is pretty dated, we’ve not quite got the hang our sweet spot yet! As you will see!!

      Taipei was great, we headed straight up Taipei 101. It used to be the tallest building in the world, until everyone else built some bigger ones!! The kids got the best candy floss I’ve ever seen made from a machine.(check out the pic) We went to the zoo, which was really good and had a bonus gondola ride to get there. We ate at what is considered to be the best place for dumplings in the world, drank a beer or two in the LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 area and I also brought a camera which is pretty cool. I really enjoyed Taipei and we will most likely head back there for a few more days before we fly out of Taiwan.

      We got our first High Speed Rail (HSR) down to a town called Taichung. We were excited about getting a larger room as we were craving space, but soon released it was in a massive hotel, so there was nowhere to hang when the kids had gone to sleep. So, choices were lights out early or as we did one night set up the bog bar, where we enjoyed a few beers sat in/on the toilet! Oh the exciting life of travelling with fun sponges! (Sorry I meant the kids)!
      Nice city though, went to the natural history museum, also to a illusion museum (see if you can spot the pics!) and ate at a very famous ice cream place!
      We’ve attempted a few night markets, food here can be a little eccentric, lots of nasty animal bits up for offer. The challenge has been to find a restaurant which meets all our children’s needs , Otto only wants meat and Freda will only eat veggie. NIGHTMARE!!!
      The kids have got obsessed though, not with the food, but the grabber and toy vending machines which seem to pop up in every other shop! They can’t quite understand why they never win on the grabbers!!! Mitch is getting very annoyed wasting all our money! Kids 🤣

      We moved on to a smaller town today, called Lukang, touted as the Kyoto of Taiwan! I have to say that is a little far fetched! Anyway we had fun managed to kill some time, took a tour down a narrow alley named touch breast street, saw a few cool temples and stumbled upon a very loud and an extremely amusing festival. Highlights were a man hitting his back with many weapons including a ball covered in pins so blood streamed out, crazy guys with branches on the end of large poles and girls pole dancing while traditional costume clad folk paraded down the road to a temple!! Bonkers!

      As the only westerners at the party we started to attract too much attention (mainly Otto being continuously filmed by a guy) so had to swiftly depart back to our hotel that Mitch had managed to book for us.
      Turned out to be a sex (love) hotel!!! Upside kids really loved the massive jacuzzi bath! Downsides I have to explain to Freda what the sex toy vending machine in our bedroom is. Our bed side table is nicely set up with a condom, lighter, ashtray and some tissues!!!
      Needless to say we are out of here tomorrow and heading to the hills!
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    • Day 11

      Chiang-Kai-shek Gedächtnishalle

      October 7, 2023 in Taiwan

      Es riiiiiiesigs Gländ mit emene gigantische Igangstor, zwei grosse Hüsser und enere no grössere Halle ufere ahöchig. De Chiang-Kai-shek isch de General und Präsident gsi, wo d Republik China uf die jetzig Insle überebracht het, während de Mao Zedong Festland China für sich beasprucht het.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Taipei, Taipeh, ታይፔ, تايبيه, Горад Тайбэй, Тайпей, তাইপে, ཐའེ་པེ, Dài-báe̤k, تایپێ, Tchaj-pej, Ταϊπέι, Tajpeo, Taipéi, تایپه, Tayipèh, Thòi-pet-sṳ, טאיפיי, ताइपे, Taypè, Tajpej, Թայբեյ, Kota Taipei, Taípei, 台北市, ტაიბეი, 타이베이 시, Taipeium, Taipėjus, Taibei, Тајпеј, തായ്‌പെയ്, Тайбэй, ताइपेइ, ထိုင်ပေမြို့, ਤਾਈਪਈ, ٹاۓپی, Taipé, Tayipeyi, Тайпэй, தாய்பெய், ไทเป, تەيبېي شەھىرى, Тайбей, تائی پے, Đài Bắc, 臺北市

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