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    • Jour 47

      Tarangire National Park

      20 février 2020, Tanzanie ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Primo giorno di safari!
      Ho Deciso di andare a fare un safari con un altro gruppo perché le ragazze del mio ostello non avevano intenzione di farlo questo weekend ma essendo il mio unico fine settimana non avevo altra scelta!
      Alle 8 (con un po’ di ritardo locale) mi sono venuti a prendere e verso le 9 è arrivata una jeep con altre 5 ragazze pronte per partire.
      Due ore di macchina per arrivare al parco nazionale, dove ho visto paesaggi incredibili e scene che per noi veramente sono assurde. Mucche, capre che attraversano le “autostrade”, masai con il bestiame al pascolo, strade in condizioni pietose! Ma la bellezza dei paesaggi era indescrivibile! Proprio come mi immaginavo l’Africa!
      Arriviamo al parco, la nostra guida si chiama Frank! Sbriga le pratiche per entrare ed ecco che alza il tetto della jeep e partiamo con il nostro primo giorno!
      Il parco nazionale Tarangire viene anche detto il paradiso degli elefanti! Già dopo due secondi ho capito il perché, elefanti OVUNQUE! Una bellezza incredibile, erano proprio a due passi da noi e l’immensità di questo animale è difficile da credere se non te lo trovi difianco.
      Dopo due minuti mi sembrava già “normalità” girare in jeep e vedere gli elefanti nel loro habitat, ma a questo si sono aggiunti mille tipi diversi di antilopi, giraffe, un leone in lontananza che non siamo riusciti proprio a vederlo benissimo, bufali. Di tutto! Le giraffe, le mie preferite!!!! La bellezza e l’eleganza di questo animale è veramente affascinante!
      A pranzo ci siamo fermati in una piazzola di pic nic a mangiare con delle scimmiette che venivano la e facevano di tutto pur di rubarti il cibo! Maledette.. non mi sono mai state simpatiche!
      L’unica pecca è stato il caldo, mamma mia! Ma d’altronde siamo in Africa.. cosa mi aspettavo?

      Detto questo verso le 16 ci siamo dirette verso il nostro camping in direzione di ngorongoro. Sarà da la che poi andremo verso il parco Serengeti! Dove faremo il nostro prossimo safari.
      Il camping era quasi di lusso, nelle tende avevamo persino il letto.. piccolo particolare che abbiamo trovato la mancia sotto al cuscino.. ecco non so quanto fosse pulito!
      Il nostro cuoco ci ha preparato una cena deliziosa e poi siamo andate dirette a letto!
      La notte non è stata malvagia!!

      Giornata veramente stupenda! Ne è valso proprio la pena!
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    • Jour 3

      Tarangire National Park

      10 septembre 2022, Tanzanie ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Wow, was für ein Start, es ist der Hammer!! Wir haben bis zum Mittag schon über 100 Elefanten gesehen, auch mehrere Elefantenbabys. Zwei Elefanten, mehrere Zebras & Gnus und eine Giraffe sogar ganz nah, weniger als einem Meter von dem Auto entfernt😳😍 Hatten gerade ein leckeres Mittagessen und jetzt geht es weiter mit den Pirschfahrten. Wir sind begeistert!En savoir plus

    • Jour 63

      Tarangire ft. Dik Dik

      17 novembre 2019, Tanzanie ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      First of two safaris with Greg’s Adventures. There are quite a few National Parks near Arusha, and today we’re heading to Tarangire. The park is pleasant enough and we see lots of Elephants and Monkeys whilst driving through. Unfortunately for us, this area is infested with Tsetse flies, which are like mosquitos on steroids. The bites genuinely feel like they are taking a chunk out of you, and I swear I feel one biting through my shirt. We spray DEET liberally around the car, but they are determined, and soon enough someone in the car will let out a sharp cry.

      It’s all worth it though for one of the most unexpected animal surprises of the trip. As we turn a corner past a dry riverbed, we come across a tiny little deer, which our driver Solomon introduces to us as the Dik-Dik. It’s a great name for an even greater animal. It is miniature on an inconceivable scale, and one of the cutest things we’ve seen.

      Towards the end of our game drive, we chance across a lion up a tree. It’s quite the sight, and a good surprise since we were told in Uganda that the only Tree-Climbing Lions were to be found in Queen Elizabeth National Park. So either we are not looking at a lion in a tree, or we were DECEIVED.

      Our accommodation for the night is in a campsite set on the side of a hill. It has an infinity swimming pool overlooking Lake Manyana, which would be perfect but for the fact that a colony of bees has set up on the “infinity” side of the pool, and don’t take kindly to being disturbed. It’s still an incredible view, and a nice refreshing way to spend the remainder of the day.
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    • Jour 15

      Tarangire National Patk

      18 juin 2023, Tanzanie ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      We’re on the move again today. Heading down to Tarangire National Park. Thank goodness on a much better road and with less traffic. Actually most of the traffic on here is the little vans the locals use as buses and safari vehicles. Again there were interesting local things to see. Water is at a premium in this area and there were lots of woman collecting water from the wells and in some cases ponds and muddy puddles.

      Lots of herds of cows and goats. The Massai rarely eat wild caught animals and rely on their cow and goats to feed the village. We turned off the main road to come into the camp from a back road. Went past so many little communities. They must be almost totally self sufficient because they are miles from even the little shop and there didn’t seem to be any vehicles around either.

      This camp we’re staying at only opened last October. It is lovely, a little more rustic than than other camps we’ve stayed at. The staff are amazing they seem to be right there as soon as you want anything. We are the only ones here at the moment so we’re getting well and truly spoilt.

      We’re off for our first game drive this afternoon. It’s almost an hours drive to the National Park Gate but it’s 4 wheel driving through the bush with plenty of things to look at on the way. The National Park is a huge wetland surrounded by savannah studded with Acacia trees and Mapuna trees.

      The elephants love Mapuna trees and there are plenty of them here, plenty of Elephants, Zebras, Impala, Giraffes, Waterbuck, Tiktik, Buffalo, Heartabeast, Hippos as well as Leopards, Lions, Jackals, Hyenas plus 480 species of Birdlife 200 of which Graham made us stop and take a photo of.

      It was a great few hours drive, I think we saw everything except the Leopard and Lions, maybe tomorrow for them. The camp ended up ringing our guide and asking if he was ever bringing their guests back for dinner. 😂😂
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    • Jour 16

      Day 2 at Tarangire

      19 juin 2023, Tanzanie ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Today has been an epic, marathon day. We started the day with a wake up coffee and 4.30 heading off on our game drive at 5.00. It’s still dark then of course but it takes an hour to get to the park so it’s almost light by the time we get there.

      The animals were all a bit quite this morning and we were all thinking we could have sleep in for another hours but then they started appearing. It’s weird how the bush looks empty and then the animals sort of just appear out of nowhere. First the Elephants and the Giraffes, Zebras, Antelopes then the Jackals and Hyenas. A huge herd of Buffalo, little Monkeys and Mongoose. Still no elusive Leopard but not for the lack of trying on all of our parts especially our guide David.

      We were just on our way back out of the park and had stopped to look at yet another herd of elephants, this one playing in the marshes and David says, sit down guys someone has spotted the leopard. One of his guide friends had pulled up beside us and he’d just seen it jumping into one of the trees, so off we went flying down the road, all those trees look the same to me and I still don’t know how he found it from his friends directions but find it he did.

      It was a young female and she was just beautiful, sitting there lazing in the tree, just relaxing until she spotted something she though she could hunt then it was full attention. Sadly for us but luckily for the Waterbuck she decided he was too big for her and she settled back down for an afternoon nap.

      Five minutes after leaving her we came across a big lioness in almost the exact same position in another tree. I don’t think we would have spotted either one they blend in to the trees so well.

      We have Sundowners tonight somewhere and then a night drive. David drove us to where we were watching the sunset and wow what a setup, they had a fire going a table with every drink you could possibly imagine, snacks, tables and chairs all set up in the bush waiting for a glorious sunset.

      We may have been a little tipsy on the night game drive but 4 wheel driving quickly sobered us up, a little anyway. I didn’t expect to see much on a night drive but was pleasantly surprised. We saw a Porcupine, Airsprings, African Hare, Dickey Dickey, Elephants, a Giraffe, a Lion, a Hyena. After an eventful night back to the camp for a late dinner.
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    • Jour 2

      Tarangire National Park

      19 mai 2023, Tanzanie ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      I booked a two day Safari with the hotel I was staying in. Normally safaris start from the town Arusha, which was 80 kms away from Moshi, so Ans drove me at 06 am towards the office of the organizer of the trip.
      At 08 am, I hopped on a Safari 4x4 vehicle I had only seen in the movies. We picked up 5 other people, all happened to be french ladies, and we head off to the Tarangire National Park.
      We drove for about two hours before reaching the park, setting the expectations higher and higher every minute that passed by.
      Inside the park, during the first hour and a half, we saw Impalas and one elephant being observed by a lion. However, this was very far away, and I was getting a bit discouraged.
      The tour guide said we will go to a place where there is a river, hoping we could see more animals. I was skeptical; until we reached the highest point of a hill and looked to the right. There was a family of elephants heading towards the river, and started bathing in it. It was blissful. I felt like being in the Jungle Book, when Mowgli is part of the herd. From then onwards the day kept getting better. We got closer to them, and were surrounded by giraffes and baby elephants. We saw the senior elephants taking care of the babies while they were asleep, and it was such a special moment. I felt we are so similar. These strong immense animals have such a kind heart and are willing to protect their community and work together as a family.
      We continued driving around the park, with astonishing views of the African savannah, which made me remember how much I love being in nature.
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    • Jour 4

      Parc de Tarangire

      10 janvier, Tanzanie ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Première journée de safari : le parc de Tarangire. Malheureusement, l’organisation de l’agence pour safaris par laquelle je suis passée était très mauvaise et nous n’avons pu passer que deux petites heures dans le parc.En savoir plus

    • Jour 12

      Parc de Tarangire

      18 janvier, Tanzanie ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      De retour à Tarangire pour un safari d’une journée pour espérer voir davantage d’animaux, mais malheureusement à cause de la pluie les 3/4 du parc étaient encore fermés et les animaux cachés.

    • Jour 4

      Tarangire National Park

      21 février, Tanzanie ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Per il nostro primo giorno di safari in jeep ci dirigiamo al parco del Tarangire. Ma non prima di aver affrontato un’impervia strada distrutta dalle piogge notturne.
      Una volta arrivati dobbiamo portare pazienza prima di incontrare i primi animali perché nel mese di Febbraio l’erba è molto alta e rende difficile la visuale. Intanto ci intrattiene l’incredibile paesaggio colmo di Baobab e termitai.
      Per pranzo ci fermiamo in un’area picnic e lottiamo con le scimmie per riuscire a mangiare il nostro cibo. Riescono comunque a rubarci un riso e una mela. Nel pomeriggio la Tanzania ci regala una splendida scena di un gruppo di elefanti che fanno il bagno e che attraversano la strada proprio di fronte alle nostre jeep. Durante la giornata vediamo anche gazzelle, dik dik, giraffe e altre scimmie. Infine, scorgiamo una piccola parte di leopardo ben nascosto tra i rami di un albero, visibile solo se dotati di binocolo e pazienza.
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    • Jour 3

      Tarangire National Park

      10 octobre 2021, Tanzanie ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      First day of our 4 days / 3 nights safari

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