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    • Dag 8

      Ngorongoro Crater Strangular Fig

      29. maj 2019, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

      These all share a common "strangling" growth habit that is found in many tropical forest species, particularly of the genus Ficus. This growth habit is an adaptation for growing in dark forests where the competition for light is intense. These plants are hemiepiphytes, spending the first part of their life without rooting into the ground. Their seeds, often bird-dispersed, germinate in crevices atop other trees. These seedlings grow their roots downward and envelop the host tree while also growing upward to reach into the sunlight zone above the canopy.

      An original support tree can sometimes die, so that the strangler fig becomes a "columnar tree" with a hollow central core. However, it is also believed that the strangler fig can help the support tree survive storms.
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    • Simba camp through crater base to arusha

      19. september 2018, Tanzania ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Today we awoke to the campsite sitting in the low clouds, as we left simba to go into the crater thi gs cleared and we entered what is really a complete biosystem
      To see lions sat just a few hundred metres away from a herd of zebras and gazelles was really greatLæs mere

    • Dag 7

      Safari Day 5: Ngorongoro Krater Teil 2

      27. september 2018, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Einige hundert Meter weiter geht das Spektakel weiter: Eine Oase - nur ohne Fata Morgana. Plötzlich fängt es dschungelartig an zu grünen, bevor wir den wunderschönen See erreichen. Das tolle ist, dass dieser niemals austrocknet, da eine ständige Zufuhr vom Viktoria-See stattfindet.
      Mit einem Blick auf das Auto stellen wir fest, dass sich diverse Vögel auf unseren Sitzen eingenistet haben.
      Auf der Fahrt kommen uns überall Masai-Familen entgegen, die ausserhalb das Kraters in kleinen Dörfern wohnen. Und: Die Kinder müssen früh erwachsen werden. Jungen im Grundschulalter treibende Herden mit Dutzenden Kühen von A nach B, Mädchen tragen enorm große Wasserbehälter auf den Köpfen, um damit die Familie zu versorgen.
      Auf dem Weg nach oben macht Erics Auto schlapp. Gottseidank kennt er den Fahrer hinter uns und wir gesellen uns zu einem Franzosen, Portugiesen, Engländer, Slowakei und einer Polin - die uns herzlich empfingen. Auf er der Fahrt tauschten wir unsere Geschichten aus und uns wird schnell klar - pünktlich ist hier niemand.
      Eine Stunde später landen wir in der Rhino Lodge und freuen uns über den tollen Blick aus dem Zimmer auf den Krater.
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    • Dag 14

      Ngornogoro Crater

      19. oktober 2007, Tanzania

      We awoke this morning to a cacophony of bird songs. As we were staying in a tent (really a canvass room) we could hear the singing clearly. After lingering in bed a little longer than expected, I got up and we got ready for the day. We met Matt, Jim, Barbara and Nick for breakfast, as our paths had all crossed one last time. We said our goodbyes to Matt and Jim, then discussed the day with Barbara and Nick. They will be on a separate safari the next two days, but it is with the same company and itinerary as ours, so we will be spending more time together. The drive to the crater was an hour or so, then it is a painful, bumpy, dusty ride up and over the crater wall onto the floor. We first saw an elephant in the distance, then ostrich, cape buffalo, lots of gazelles, and warthogs. We also saw a variety of avian life. One bird, the Kory Bustard, is the largest flying bird. At 42 pounds, it is a flying thanksgiving dinner! We spent some time at the hippo pool, where they cooled themselves by throwing mud around with their tails. We saw a lion pride, unfortunately a little too far for pictures. And at the end of the day, we got to see the almost extinct black rhino. That was a real treat. There was a baby rhino with the two adults but we could not get a clear look at it. At the end of the day, we were covered with dust and delivered to the Sopa Lodge. We had a late dinner and turned in for the night. As we looked out our window a cape buffalo ambled by about 15 feet from the room. The sunset over the crater was beautiful.Læs mere

    • Dag 8

      Ngorongoro-Krater (Caldera)

      4. juli 2018, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Der Krater bzw. die Caldera entstand, als der Vulkanberg in sich zusammenbrach. Die Landschaft streckt sich über ca. 20 km und liegt auf 1700 m über NN und gehört zum UNESCO Welterbe.

      Hier leben Büffel, Gnus, Elefanten, Löwen, Impalas, etc.

      Wir sind von der Serengeti aus direkt in den Krater gefahren.

      Auf dem Kraterrand steht das Denkmal von Prof. Grzimek und seinem Sohn Michael.

      Der Blick in den Krater ist atemberaubend und mit Fotos gar nicht darzustellen.

      Übernachtet haben wir in Karatu, bevor es dann am nächsten Morgen zum Flughafen nach Arusha ging.
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    • Dag 8

      Ngorongoro Crater Grant Giselle

      29. maj 2019, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      The Grant's gazelle is a gregarious, territorial, and migratory species. The home ranges of does overlap with those of the bucks. Only male gazelles are territorial. Male gazelles will herd all females that cross their territories. When the females are in estrus, they are strongly guarded by the dominant male, which prevents other males from mating with them. Any doe that tries to leave is aggressively herded back. Most of the time, the buck's simple stance in relation to her is enough to keep the female from leaving.Læs mere

    • Dag 22

      Ngorongoro wildebeasts

      21. februar 2018, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      The first 2 pics are of a new born being cleaned and helped by the mother, and the other 2 pic are of a wildebeast giving birth, even though its hard to see. After all the posts of predators having lunch, it was good to see the other side of the cycle of lifeLæs mere

    • Dag 8

      Ngorongoro Crater Grant Giselle

      29. maj 2019, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

      The Grant's gazelle is found in East Africa and lives in open grass plains and is frequently found in shrublands; it avoids areas with high grass where the visibility of predators is compromised. They also occur in semiarid areas and are relatively well adapted to dry areas, relying on more browse or leafy material during dry seasons to supplement their intake of water. They are migratory animals,Læs mere

    • Dag 19

      Ngorongoro Crater

      27. juni 2017, Tanzania ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      The Ngorongoro Crater, where do I start? This place was incredible, not only for the animals but also for the scenery. Travelling to the crater the were elephants and water buffalo on the road (that refused to move out the way and posing for several photographs) but as we drove down into the crater the first thing we saw was a lioness run past our car on the road, we could have reached out and touched her! We soon realised that she wasn't the only lioness as other came out of the bushes surrounding a group of water buffalos, we watched as they began chasing the water buffalos and eventually catching one of the young.

      This means in under one hour we have ticked off three of the 'big five' which is incredibly lucky and a great start to the day- especially for those who have only just started on the tour, this being their first game drive!

      We came across two lion couples (separately) who were on their 'honeymoon' where they move away from the pack and mate every twenty minutes for seven days! We just happen to be there for the live pornography show along with another twenty vehicles.

      We stopped for lunch by a lake which was full of hippopotamus', it was nice to just watch them as we sat on the bank while eating our lunch.

      After lunch we continued the game drive and it wasn't long before we came across two rhinoceros' which is rare as they normally travel by themselves but the jungle master told us this would be a mother and her child.

      Throughout the day we saw several other animals such as zebras, gazelles, hyenas, warthogs, wildebeest, giraffes, etc. Today the animals were so close to the vehicle compared to other game drives making it so much better, it was as if the animals felt safe with us being in their environment and were not scared of us.

      On the way to our campsite in the Serengeti National Park we came across a cheetah and then shortly after fourteen lion cubs and three lioness'. The cubs were playing, pouncing on each other, chasing each other and climbing the tree while the lioness' rested on a nearby rock keeping an eye on them. I could have sat there and watched them for hours, it was just beautiful to see but the jungle master wanted to get us back to camp as he would be fined if we were still out past dark.
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    • Dag 8

      Ngorongoro Crater Sacred Ibis

      29. maj 2019, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 72 °F

      With Wildebeests.
      The Sacred Ibis is a distinctive large wading bird that measures 75 centimetres (30 inches) in length and weighs 1.35 kilograms (3 pounds). It has a wingspan of 112 – 124 centimetres (44 – 49 inches).

      The plumage of the sacred ibis is mainly white in colour with black plumes on its lower back. Its small head and slender, curved neck are also black and practically bald. The sacred ibis has small black eyes and a long, slender, downward curved bill which is used to probe into sand and mud in shallow water or in grass and soil when foraging.

      The legs of the sacred ibis are long and black and its feet are partially webbed like most wading birds. When in flight, the wing tips of the primary flight feathers are black which display a black border to the rear of the white wings.
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