Choeng Mon Beach

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    • Day 11

      Dinner mit Seaview

      July 15 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Auch am heutigen teils etwas regnerischen Tag genossen wir das gemütliche Leben auf dem Liegestuhl. Die Temperaturen waren herrlich und der Pool eine wilkimmene Abkühlung.

      Joland hat gestern ein schönes Restaurant direkt am Meer entdeckt wo wir am Nachmittag bei einem Apero entschieden einen Tisch für abends zu reservieren.
      Gesagt, getan um halb acht spazierten wir durch den fast schon mehligen weichen Sand und setzten uns.
      Dann kurz nachdem wir unsere Bestellung gemacht hatten, wurde neben uns mit dem Aufbau zur Show begonnen.

      In der absoluten Dunkelheit bestaunten wir die drei Künstler welche mit brennenden Fakeln und „Sprätzle“ hantierten.
      Dany zeigte wie man sieht sein Fotografentalent.
      Anschliessend genossen wir wieder einmal ein herrliches thailändisches Menu.
      Ich bin zum Schluss gekommen, dass ich viel eher den „Verleider“ unseres käsigen schweizer Essen als vom thailändischen bekomme.
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    • Day 18

      Letzter Tag auf Koh Samui

      July 25, 2023 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Zunächst ging es wieder zum Treehouse, um ein ausgiebiges, leckeres Frühstück zu genießen. Dann fuhren wir weiter zur Central Mall (da es geregnet hat) und Leo wurde endlich fündig - er war glücklich über seine Nikeschuhe und einen coolen Pullover - ein perfekter Tag für ihn! Anschließend ist die Mama noch einmal zur Kopf-Rückenmassage an den Strand gegangen und hat den Rest der Bande am Strand wieder getroffen. Dort sind dann Papa und Leo spontan Jetski gefahren. Ein schöner Abschluss.Read more

    • Day 17

      The Cocoon

      July 24, 2023 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Was für ein wundervolles Restaurant auf dem Berg mit Blick aufs Meer, Buchten auf beiden Seiten und dem kleinen Flughafen. Das Frühstück war dort sehr traumhaft lecker! So könnte jeder Tag perfekt beginnen!Read more

    • Day 14

      Fisherman's Village

      July 21, 2023 in Thailand ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      Wir haben ein Auto gemietet für 3 Tage und sind am Abend in Bophut Beach gewesen (jeden Freitag ist dort großer Nachtmarkt). Souvenirs kaufen und Garküchen genießen. Papa hat den besten Spieß ausgesucht und die Männer haben alle Insekten gegessen... ahhhhhRead more

    • Day 9

      And on Friday, we leave 😕

      May 12, 2023 in Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Enjoyed our last dinner in lovely Samui last night, after a lovely beach day. Mai Tai for sundowners at the Carnival Beach Club (happy hour, $6 each, such a bargain). Then a walk around the corner to Krua Thai which has been closed the whole time we have been here but reopened last night. We were the first ones there but it quickly filled up and was buzzing.
      We shared 3 starters, fish cakes, no names and pandanus wrapped chicken. All delicious but the standout was the chicken. It tasted like real roast chicken that mum used to make, when chickens had real flavour. Followed that up, rather bravely really because they were big serves, with beef massaman curry. Again delicious. Had with generous pours of wine, cheapest price on the island at 120 Baht (around $5].
      Up early this morning (even me) to see the last sunrise, have our last breakfast, last swim, then will need to pack and get in the sad wagon (as David calls it) at 11 to go to the airport.
      The sunrise photos clearly show Cape Frahn which is billed as a private and exclusive island, with chef David Thompson in residence at the restaurant. Today it looked like an island because the tide was in, but yesterday we could have walked over to it. And the guests arrive by funny looking jeep trolleys that drive through the water. I tell ya, if I was paying those prices to stay on an island I would be wanting to arrive on a launch (think Monaco in the 60s).

      David will finish off the blog later with our return adventures but it is bye from me. It has been a lovely holiday, I know the blog is not very exciting or full of new things, but a true reflection of how relaxing it has been.
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    • Day 5

      Day 4 - A day at SALA

      May 8, 2023 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Today is our day at SALA, the fancy resort next door. I slept in today but David did his usual run, swim, swim and then off to breakfast. Well, disappointment. The buffet is back, no rice soup for me. But the fruit and omelette and spring rolls and noodles and toast did the trick.
      Back to the room to organise ourselves for our trip next door and do the blog, then headed off to SALA at 10am. They were very lovely, set us up with lovely thick soft towels on a double day bed under the palms. This will do very nicely! Kept coming around with fresh glasses of iced water which is a nice touch. We swam in the adults only pool, beautiful. Aperol spritz at midday, then up to the restaurant for lunch at 1.
      We have been chasing traditional Thai fish cakes so we shared that as a starter and they were as good as could be, delicious. Then shared a squid dish, raw tuna dish and a beetroot tempura prawn dish with quinoa. All very delicious with a glass of Pinot Grigio.
      Back to the loungers for more rest and swimming before I declared to David that I was not leaving.
      Reality snuck in, and I said I would leave for a cocktail down the beach at the recently found beach club, so we packed up, paid the bill and headed off for cocktails. What a great day.
      We arrived back at our room to find the aircon not working, and it is really hot here at the moment. Unfortunately the maintenance man has knocked off so it will need to be fixed tomorrow. They gave us keys to another room to sleep in which is fine, so now we are spread across two rooms.
      Across the road to Mother restaurant for dinner which was lovely, then home to a new and cool room for a good sleep ready for more beach tomorrow.
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    • Day 5

      Later on the birthday day

      May 8, 2023 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      After our amazing breakfast we set up on our loungers for the day. The weather is perfect, slight breeze and very still water. Lots of swims and reading.
      Lunch was on our loungers, shared some no-names and Pad Thai, then more swimming and lounging before going to the pool for a change of scenery. The pool is really lovely, but quite warm even though it is really deep. It was a bit sunny there so back to the loungers. I went for a lovely foot massage while David swam and relaxed.
      Then it was time to get ready for dinner. Spruced up a bit, finished the champagne on the balcony and wandered down to Krua Thai for dinner only to find it closed until 10 May. So back we came and settled on Pecore Nero for an Italian dinner. Shared a starter of raw tuna and avo, (with glasses of Verdeca from Puglia) then shared a Gondola pizza, mushroom and olives (with glass of Negromara). The chilli oil was super hot and lovely. Finished off with a complimentary shot of chocolate rum, delicious.
      It was only about 7.30 by this stage, plenty of time to wander down to the cocktail bar on the beach. Mai Tai for me and a Caprinha for David. Lovely cocktail with feet in the sand, a lovely way to end the birthday.
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    • Day 4

      Where else would you celebrate

      May 7, 2023 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Up just before sunrise (a great time) and Kerry is frightening me - second morning her alarm has gone before mine! Anyway we both enjoyed our different directions. I have a dual dip here after the run - sea first then pool. The pool is like a sauna though - a beautiful pool but not refreshing. Just before brekkie Kerry gave me a birthday gift she had carried from our Willunga trip - a lovely handmade wooden coffee scoop. Will be well used. We then grabbed the birthday champagne and headed off to breakfast. Shock horror- there was no buffet and it looked initially as a ‘ brekkie not going to happen’ - Sunday?? However we were quickly greeted with menus and told it was now cook to order breakfast! Exactly what we had been hoping for/anticipating was now reality. Kerry’s face when she saw pork rice soup was something to behold! They told us this would be the go from now on- order has been restored! I had chilli omelette which was cooked perfectly and the rice soup was next level. The Nicolas Feuillatte was superb - a 2008 Vintage Blanc de Blanc - a serious treat and big thanks and kisses Kerry! What a spot and the complete treat. Bring on another day in this corner of paradise.Read more

    • Day 97

      Es geht weiter..

      November 15, 2022 in Thailand ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      Nina ist wieder bei Kräften und die neu gewonnen Energie haben wir direkt ausgenutzt und sind heute morgen los zu einer Elefantenauffangstation. Dieser Ausflug stand weit oben auf den Chiang Mai to - Do's.
      Und wir waren sehr glücklich, wenigstens diesen Besuch wahr zu machen.
      Wir durften die Riesen füttern, sie beim Spaziergang begleiten und zum Schluss sogar mit ihnen im Fluss baden. Dieses Erlebnis hat uns einen lang gehegten Traum erfüllt, denn Elefanten gehören zu unseren Lieblingstieren. Und diese aus nächste Nähe zu bestaunen und zu berühren war etwas ganz besonderes.
      Im Anschluss fuhren wir zu einem nahegelegenen Wasserfall. Hier waren wir allerdings schon wieder müde vom Tag und konnten uns nicht dazu überwinden ins Wasser zu gehen. Wir merken noch ganz schön deutlich, dass wir noch ein ganzes Stück von unserem gewohnten Energielevel entfernt sind.
      Wir nehmen uns jetzt in Thailand aber die Zeit die es eben brauchen wird bis wir uns-vor allem Nina sich wieder voll erholt hat.
      Chiang Mai ist übrigens wunderschön! Das was wir gesehen haben auf der langen Fahrt war unglaublich grün, ruhig und unberührte Natur-eine wirkliche Idylle!
      Morgen geht's nach Koh Samui!
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    • Day 3

      Day 2 continued

      May 6, 2023 in Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      After a lovely breakfast of fresh tropical fruit, and superb omelette for David, we claimed our beach loungers under the big tree. Later in the morning we headed off to the wine shop in Bophut (expensive but terrific) and picked up some French for David’s birthday tomorrow. Champagne, Provence rosé and a cote du Rhone. Hopefully there will be some leftovers for the following days 😊.
      Straight back to the loungers for a while, then I headed off for a massage and David had some peace and quiet.
      Lunch on the beach was a chargrilled corn cob, delicious!
      Lots more swimming and lounging, then headed down the beach to look for a cocktail after yesterday’s fail at our place. Found a place called Carnival and pulled up a bar stool. Daiquiri for D and Mai Tai for me. Well, they were perfect, generous pours, as professional a cocktail as you would hope to find, and happy hour prices! Even the beach dogs were cuter. We will be back.
      Home for a spruce up ready for dinner across the road tonight.
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