Khlong Ban Muang

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    • Dag 8

      Day 7 - The Train to Ayutthaya

      17. desember 2019, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      We both had a restless night and were wide awake before the 6am alarm call. We showered & packed & went down to breakfast at 7am.

      After coffee & croissants, we settled our bill & arranged for a taxi to take us to Chiang Mai Railway Station. The 15 minute journey cost us just 79 Baht (£2), so feeling generous, I let her keep the 100 Baht note I gave her.

      Jackie left me outside the station with the luggage whilst she went off to collect our rail tickets from a nearby hotel. She came back with a silly grin on her face so I knew we were definitely sitting together, we were.

      We walked up the platform & boarded our Special Express to Bangkok. We trooped up & down the carriage, accidentally crashing our rucksacks on literally every passenger that had already boarded.

      At 8.50am sharp, the train pulled out of Chiang Mai. It was only a quarter full, so we both moved to more favourable window seats & spread out. The majority of the passengers were Thai, who were very smiley & friendly. The train passed through initially jungle & mountainous scenery, which then flattened out to farm land and paddy fields.

      Shortly after boarding, a hostess came round with a trolley & supplied us with coffee & a banana custard filled bun. An hour later she was back with 3 cartons each, which contained 1. stir-fry chicken in basil leaves, 2. Fried baby clams & 3. sticky rice. It was disgusting, Jackie said that she wouldn’t have fed it to her cat......if she had one. The whole lot went in the bin. We had a ‘consolatory’ Hong Thong & some Lays! Later on our hostess returned with more coffee & a packet of fig rolls each.

      Throughout the journey we made several stops, where more people got on than got off & before long, we had been forced to return to our allocated seats. We both read our books, yes even Jackie! There is photographic evidence.

      We arrived at Ayutthaya at 7.15pm, almost exactly the same time it took us to fly from Heathrow to Bangkok. Overall the train journey had been a very pleasant experience, not bad for just £22.50 each!

      For 100 Baht we took a Tuk Tuk 🛺 to our new accommodation, Baan Kong Homestay on the island in Ayutthaya. We checked in & had to promise that we would pay later as we didn’t have enough cash to pay up front.

      We dumped our bags, changed into shorts, it is considerably hotter in Ayutthaya, then headed out for a beer & a snack. We firstly got out 10,000 Baht from an ATM, then selected a restaurant called Burinda Restaurant. I had a Pad Thai, whilst Jackie had a Nasi Goreng. It was the best food we had had on this trip other than maybe my Massaman curry in Chiang Mai.

      Feeling chilled, we returned to our Homestay, only to find we were locked out, until we managed to squeeze through a side gate, to break back in. We ended our night sat on our balcony listening to the soothing sounds of Nick Drake.

      Song of the Day - The Day We Caught The Train by Ocean Colour Scene.
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    • Dag 6


      3. oktober 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      Another incredible lunch. It does seem we are eating a lot but Lid our guide's family run a restaurant and he really loves his food and taking clients to restaurants that specialize in the visiting regions food. Ayutthaya specialty is fried vegetables.Les mer

    • Dag 172

      Ayutthaya, Siamese Kingdom

      11. august 2022, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Alli and I separated for a few days, I wanted to break my way down south so it wouldn't be so long (also I was travelling in third class to fit my budget which made it tougher of a journey). And Alli decided to reach the full moon party, which wasn't much of an interest for me. This is why I took two days to visit one of the Thailand's Ancient capitals. I was warned in advance that I might be disappointed after being in Angkor Wat, but that made me a bit sad, because it meant people didn't understand that those were two different things for teaching you and showing you different concepts. I biked around the city and enjoyed the contrast of the very thai way of living nowadays, completely melt with hundreds of ancient ruins. I went to the tourist center expecting to get to learn some of the history of the Siam civilization, but found that it was moved to a way smaller building where I could only get a booklet. So I enjoyed part of the day in a quiet park and read about what the city could offer. To close the marvelous tour about what thailand might have been at some point (a civilization worth giving a second to observe and give its respects, because it's one of the few that has never been colonized), went to the Royal Palace, entered the Wat Mahatat, and while imagining how it must have been at the time, admired the fave trapped in the trea that makes the symbol of the city. Then came back to my cozy hostel, where I had a dinner with the other guests. On my second day took the day very slowly, and biked near the river, visited a market and got a massage for 3€ with all the other thai people populating the area.

      🏠 Accomodation: Plus Hostel Ayutthaya (breakfast, dinner and all day snacks included and the owners are sososo lovely, backpacker's vibe is also nicer, older people and more relaxed)
      📍 Essentials: bike across the city and its ruins, Wat Mahatat
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    • Dag 75

      Ayutthaya Tag 3

      21. januar 2023, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Heute habe ich die Erkundung der Stadt weiter fortgesetzt. An jeder zweiten Ecke findet man einen kleinen Tempel oder eine Ruine der alten Stadt. Es gibt auch kleine Bezirke der Länder die Thailand kolonialisierten. (Frankreich, Portugal, Japan)Les mer

    • Dag 240

      Ayuttaya to Bangkok

      23. desember 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      So much for a lie in! No early start needed and yet I’m ready to go at 3.30am! Well, at least I’ve learned that it’s not work that gets me up early.

      After doing some admin, having breakfast and packing we headed to the bus station for our transport back to Bangkok. We scrambled into the next van to Bangkok, defending our paid for luggage seats and set off. It only took about an hour and we reached the bus terminal where it was ‘suggested’ we catch a train the rest of the way. Surprisingly, this turned out to be very easy and we reached the hotel in no time.

      No early check in though. We left the bags and went for lunch near the Siam centre. We walked back down Sukhumvit Road and reached the hotel by 3pm.

      Later we went to the supermarket and bought dinner, including delights such as passion fruit.
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    • Dag 33

      Auf nach Ayutthaya

      29. mars, Thailand ⋅ 🌙 31 °C

      Am späten Vormittag fuhren wir mit dem Taxi zum Bahnhof, wo wir für sage und schreibe 30 Baht ( 80 Cent,) für uns beide zusammen ein Ticket bis Ayutthaya erstanden. Im Zug wurden von "fliegenden" Händlern Speisen und Getränke verkauft. Nach eineinhalb Stunden waren wir in Ayutthaya und fuhren mit dem Taxi zu unserem Hotel. Es war ein sehr heißer Tag, so dass wir nach einem sagenhaft günstigen Mittagessen (1,50 Euro pro Gericht) im Schatten auf unserer Terrasse saßen. Als es dann ein wenig abkühlte machten wir uns auf ins historische Ayutthaya. Herrlich! Erinnert sehr an Bagan in Myanmar. Abends liefen wir über den appetitanregenden Nachtmarkt und ließen diesen abwechslungsreichen Tag bei einem Ingwertee mit Eis ausklingen.Les mer

    • Dag 34

      Mit dem Tuktuk durch Ayutthaya

      30. mars, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      Was für ein Tag! Weil wir bei der schon am frühen Vormittag brütenden Hitze möglichst wenig laufen und dennoch viel sehen und erleben wollten, nahmen wir uns ein Tuktuk mit Fahrer für den Tag. Der hatte nicht nur ein rasantes Tempo, sondern auch viele interessante Vorschläge von Sehenswürdigkeiten abseits der Touristenwege. So ließen wir uns von ihm durch das wunderschöne Ayutthaya fahren und überraschen. Ich habe bestimmt 200 Fotos gemacht. Leider kann ich jeweils nur 20 Posten. Ganz schön schwierig, eine Auswahl zu treffen. Am späteren Nachmittag sind wir dann noch mit dem Grabtaxi ins Nationalmuseum gefahren und haben den Goldschatz angeschaut. Eindrucksvoll. Zurück dann ein Spaziergang durch den Geschichtspark.Les mer

    • Dag 38

      Niwas Ayutthaya

      4. oktober 2016, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Auf dem Weg zum Guesthouse, war es dann soweit ich legte mich mit meinem Rucksack die Länge nach hin und konnte nur mit Sabrinas Hilfe wieder aufstehen 😂 Nicht wegen der Schmerzen, sondern, weil der Rucksack so schwer war.
      Wir haben uns wirklich ein wunderschönes kleines Guesthouse ausgesucht, mit einem super netten Besitzer der uns direkt einen Überblick verschaffte und uns die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten auf einer Karte einzeichnete. Morgen leihen wir uns ein Fahrrad und drehen eine Runde.
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    • Dag 31


      18. mai 2018, Thailand ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      Heute sind wir von Koh Samui nach Bangkok geflogen und vom Flughafen mit Bus und Zug nach Ayutthaya gefahren.

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