Khlong Saen Saep

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    • Dag 5

      Jim Thompson House, Bangkok

      3. december 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      Der Amerikaner Jim Thompson hat nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg die thailändische Seidenindustrie angekurbelt. Sein einstiges Domizil, das Jim-Thompson-Haus, ist heute eine Oase der Ruhe inmitten der Großstadt und beherbergt eine großartige Kunstsammlung, Gemälde und Antiquitäten. Aufgrund seiner Opulenz, der traditionsreichen Details und üppigen Gärten ist das Jim-Thompson-Haus in Bangkok eine Legende.
      Er verschwand 1967 spurlos im Dschungel Malaysias. Sein aufregendes Leben und sein mysteriöses, nie aufgeklärtes Verschwinden bieten viel Stoff für Gerüchte und Verschwörungstheorien.
      Wirklich sehenswert!
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    • Dag 345

      Bangkok Monday H3 #2085

      11. december 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 34 °C

      It was another excellent trail, with all sorts of twists and turns. Eat Me and 4x2 made it all look easy, on this 7 km running soi·rée city trail. It looked like we had about 15-20 hashers, with 3 of them being visitors. Boob was the stand in GM, and the circle was full of entertainment. A great day on the hash.Læs mere

    • Dag 4

      Bangkok Tag 2

      11. januar, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Zweiter und letzter Tag Bangkok! Ich bin erstmal eine zweite Runde durch Chinatown gelaufen, da ich gestern nicht alle Ecken erwischt hatte. Danach ging es in den östlichen Teil der City, wo die großen Malls und Wolkenkratzer stehen. In den Malls kann man zum Teil bis auf die 12. Etage hochfahren und hat von da aus eine mega Aussicht auf die Stadt 😍 am frühen Abend ging es dann ins Hostel: packen und auschecken. Danach mit dem Roller Richtung Khaosan Road, von dort fuhr dann der Bus los, der mich hoffentlich schnell an die Küste bringt, wo dann morgen um 7 Uhr die Fähre nach Koh Tao ablegt 😍Læs mere

    • Dag 157

      Bangkok - Day 2

      30. januar, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Stamattina sveglia presto per essere davanti all’entrata del Palazzo Reale alla sua apertura.
      Arrivata in Tuk-Tuk poichè non trovavo un GRAB, sono stata obbligata a cambiarmi (avevo su dei pantaloncini) perché non si può entrare con le gambe e le spalle nude (regola che vale sia per donne che per uomini).

      Il Palazzo Reale è bellissimo! Ha dei colori stupendi ed un’architettura bellissima.
      Vale veramente la pena pagare il prezzo del biglietto, sebbene sia abbastanza alto (500Bath che sono 13CHF).

      Dopodichè mi sono fatta portare al IconSiam shopping center dove ho fatto colazione e sono andata ad ammirare la città dalla bella terrazza panoramica. Peccato che in questo periodo Bangkok è molto inquinata, ma la vista era comunque bella.

      Dopodichè sono andata al MBK Shopping center, punto di ritrovo del mio free walking tour con Luc. È stato molto interessante perchè abbiamo visto come spostarsi facilmente nella città con i vari trasporti pubblici locali, siamo saliti sul tempio della montagna d’orata dove c’è una bella vista della città, per poi raggiungere Khao San Road.
      Lì ci siamo divisi, ed io e due ragazze danesi siamo andate a bere qualcosa insieme.
      Una cosa interessante che abbiamo visto sono del varani che nuotano nelle acque dei canali…a quanto pare sono presenti in grandi quantità anche al parco Lumphini. Magari la prossima volta che sono a Bangkok vado a vederli.

      A fine pomeriggio mi sono rispostata in barca a China Town che era molto viva e piena di street food, per poi prendere la Metro e lo Skytrain per arrivare nuovamente al MBK, dove ho fatto un giro in questo shopping mall di 7 piani e con più di 2000 negozi.

      La serata si è conclusa con cenetta e poi a letto!
      Domani ultimo giorno a Bangkok (per il momento).


      This morning I woke up early to be in front of the entrance to the Royal Palace when it opened.
      Arriving by Tuk-Tuk as I couldn't find a GRAB, I was forced to change (I was wearing shorts) because you can't enter with bare legs and shoulders (a rule that applies to both women and men).

      The Royal Palace is beautiful! It has beautiful colors and beautiful architecture.
      It is really worth paying the ticket price, although it is quite high (500Bath which is 13CHF).

      Afterwards I went to the IconSiam shopping center where I had breakfast and went to admire the city from the beautiful panoramic terrace. It's a shame that Bangkok is very polluted at this time, but the view was still beautiful.

      Afterwards I went to the MBK Shopping center, the meeting point of my free walking tour with Luc. It was very interesting because we saw how to easily move around the city with the various local public transports, we went up to the Golden Temple mountain where there is a beautiful view of the city, and then reached Khao San Road.
      There we split up, and two Danish girls and I went for a drink together.
      An interesting thing we saw were big lizards swimming in the waters of the canals... apparently they are also present in large quantities at Lumphini park. Maybe next time I'm in Bangkok I'll go and see them.

      At the end of the afternoon I returned by boat to China Town which was very lively and full of street food, and then took the Metro and the Skytrain to get back to MBK, where I took a tour of this 7-levels shopping mall with more of 2000 shops.

      The evening ended with dinner and then off to bed!
      Tomorrow last day in Bangkok (for the moment).
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    • Dag 5

      Jim Thompson House

      9. marts, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      We called a Grab (equivalent of Uber in Asia) from the Golden Mount to Jim Thompson House. On the way there googled Karemeen & Sobereen almost directly behind Jim Thompson and had a canal view lunch of Chicken Pad Krapow, papaya salad, chicken satay, beer and watermelon smoothie. Heard a Muslim call to prayer and were to find out shortly why that was.

      Then to the house where we were just on time for the 13:10 tour.

      The Jim Thompson House stands on the Saen Saeb canal across from Bangkrua, a traditionally Muslin area. The building was constructed by Jim Thompson, an American businessman, founder of the Thai Silk Company and art collector who wanted a home close to the Muslim quarter where highly skilled weavers were and also a place to showcase his private collection of Asian artifacts. Thompson revitalized the Thai hand-woven silk industry in the region in the 1950s and 60s following WWII.

      Apart from being a businessman with a father who had been in the textile industry, Jim Thompson had trained to be an architect and masterfully joined six historic teak wood houses, which were dismantled and brought from Ayutthaya to form his showcase home where he lived for nine years.

      The authenticity of the traditional houses was faithfully preserved, some of the houses were elevated off of the ground, other houses he added his own twist to, like the inclusion of an indoor staircase instead of the traditional outdoor stairs.

      Valuable items in the house include a dining table which once belonged to King Rama V, Belgian glass, a 17th century Buddha statue, Italian marble floors, Chandeliers, Benjarong earthenware, Thai and Burmese stone statues carvings from Cambodia and Chinese Ming porcelain.

      In 1967 at the age of 61, Thompson was visiting friends in Malaysia; he went out into the forest for a walk and disappeared. Extensive searches for him found no trace of Jim Thompson, and his disappearance remains a mystery.
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    • Dag 5

      MBK Center

      9. marts, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 34 °C

      This 30 year old megamall was a 15 minute walk from Jim Thompson House and Nancy was looking for a couple of things so we went there.
      It has 2,000 stores selling everything you could possibly want. It is MBK is not a "high class" mall like Siam Center and stores here are on average less pricey than other Bangkok malls and each floor is dedicated to a particular item or range of goods, like the floor where all the stores sell shoes and the fourth floor which focuses on electrical gadgets plus an area called shopping street which has a maze of booths like a street market. On the top floor there is an entertainment section with cinemas, karaoke, a games arcade, bowling alley and restaurants.

      MBK is connected by elevated walkways to the high end Siam Discovery and Siam Paragon shopping centers.

      We felt the place had too much choice so decided to move on after having an iced americano and a latte.
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    • Dag 1–3

      First night in Bangkok

      11. marts, Thailand ⋅ 🌙 29 °C

      Wir kommen abends in unserem sehr sauberen Hostel an, das leider doch kein en-suite WC hat ;)
      Na dann mal Vorsicht walten lassen, was das Streetfoord angeht.
      Uns treibt es bis 4 Uhr durch Bangkoks Straßen und Bars mit der letzten Station im 12x12, in dem die beste Musik läuft, die wir uns hätten wünschen können.Læs mere

    • Dag 79–80


      26. marts, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      Murray Head sang einst von "one night in Bangkok". Das wäre ganz schön sportlich wenn man in der Zeit einen Eindruck von dieser wuseligen aber charmanten Chaosstadt bekommen will. Bangkok ist irgendwie der Knotenpunkt während unseres Thailandaufenthalts geworden. Insgesamt drei mal waren wir hier - zu Beginn, nach unserem Abstecher in den Norden und zuletzt nach unserem Abstecher auf die südlichen Inseln. Immer wieder haben wir dabei Neues entdeckt und bereits Entdecktes nochmal genossen. Ob Ausflüge zu protzigen Kulturtempeln oder pompösen Konsumtempeln (aka Shopping Malls), ob Spaziergänge durch den Park, durch Hochhäuserschluchten oder die kleinen, engen Gassen zwischendrin, in denen wir das beste und günstigste Streetfood auf unserer Reise gegessen haben - Bangkok hat einfach alles (abgesehen von angenehmen Temperaturen). Vermutlich würde uns auch bei einem vierten Besuch noch immer nicht langweilig werden.
      Der Südostasien-Teil unserer Reise endet damit und irgendwie haben wir es geschafft, dass sogar unsere Reiseroute auf der Karte wie ein Elefantenkopf aussieht - wie cool ist das?
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    • Dag 3

      Falling in love with Bangkok

      30. oktober 2018, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Today was incredible. Started by waking up at 11:30 (oops- jet lag might be real) and taking a few suggestions from a slightly grumpy bunk mate, headed to a food market where we seemed to be the only foreigners. Tom got rice and chicken which was incredibly delicious--and also incredibly spicy!

      We then walked to a local restaurant, which, despite being UK prices served amazing chicken and waffles. Very full and happy, we caught a boat bus to Wat Arun: a temple dedicated to the sun god with the most intricate decoration, which appeared to turn golden where the sun catches it.
      After spending a few hours wandering into temples and getting iced tea and coconut water in shade, we decided to get a short water bus to Wat Pho: the reclining Buddha. It is absolutely breathtaking!

      Wondering around the temples at Wat Pho and looking at what felt like all the 832 depictions of Buddha on this site, we walked into a temple where monks were chanting. This felt completely surreal and beautiful! We sat and listened to them for a while, and on the way out Tom met a puppy who LOVED him, and while trying to avoid getting attacked, managed to stand on and break a woman's sandal. We didn't understand what they were saying but she kindly declined the offer of his shoes, which was fair enough after a full day of Bangkok usage.

      We then got the boat back up the river, watching the glorious sunset, then headed to a food market and got rice, chicken, some questionable fish omelette, and mushrooms which were by far the best mushrooms I've ever eaten. The lady also gave us what seemed to be a bowl of cabbage and the water it was boiled in for free: not our favourite Thai delicasy so far.
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    • Dag 18

      Bangkoks Streetfood

      9. oktober 2019, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Endlich zurück in Bangkoks kulinarischen Vielfalt! Überall kleine Garküchen und an jeder Ecke zieht ein anderer Duft auf.

      Nachdem wir uns Ausgehfertig gemacht hatten ging es für uns raus auf die Straßen von Bangkok. Zuerst erkundeten wir einen einheimischen Markt. Eine Mischung aus Streetfood, Flohmarkt und Basar. Auch wenn wir in den letzten Tagen sehr viel gesehen haben, es gibt immer wieder etwas neues zu entdecken.

      Abschließend sind wir in einem Supermarkt gelandet - und dann bin ich völlig aus dem Häuschen gewesen: Saure Gurken aus der Heimat 😍😍😍😍 und das mitten in Bangkok!
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