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    • Hari 12

      Bizarre small world

      31 Mei, Turki ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      We drove to a cafe in a village near cappadocia as it makes traditional cappadocia clay pot stew. It is served and the pot smashed, a bit like taking the top of a boiled egg, to reveal a slow cooked lamb vegetable tomatoe based stew which peter really enjoyed. Whilst in this remote place a women approached me and asked me if I was melissa dinn from CIT? Turns out I taught with this lovely woman for about two years in the same faculty however she left, married a turkish man and they opened this cafe! We sat and talked for ages! She was only there by chance as normally does not work on this day !Baca lagi

    • Hari 6


      12 Disember 2023, Turki ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Today was a very full day! We flew to Cappadocia this morning, then off to the red river (source of the clay that we would see put to good use), onward to the rock formations (known as the "Fairy Chimneys") and finished with the mesmerising Dervishes. No wonder my head was spinning.Baca lagi

    • Hari 140

      Balloons and bikies

      22 Ogos 2023, Turki ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Today we did two really fun things. We woke up 5:00 am to go on a hot air balloon to see the sun rise, it was so beautiful. We were on the balloon for an hour. When we landed we had some a free “champagne”, so I got to have some. It tasted like creaming soda. We got participation certificates for going on the balloon ride. We got on a mini bus back to the and we rested. I got finely call Ava!

      We went to get döners for lunch. We went to the park to eat and play. When we got back to the hotel we went to get ready for a ATV sunset tour. It was so fun. I got to drive 🛞 for a bit of it. After looking at the sunset we went home for dinner.

      Mum and dad had a wine tasting and I had a really yummy hot chocolate and just an appetiser for dinner. When got home I fell straight asleep.
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    • Hari 12

      Master potter of turkish jugs, wine deca

      31 Mei, Turki ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      An absolute highlight - again! We visited a master potter and sat with him as he spun his wheel with his feet and threw his red clay to make traditional turkish pottery. his cousin spoke with us explaining the process. was really interesting. later we met with the master artists who paint using different techniques and mediums to create turkish pottery. peter and i considered buying a large turkish plate by one of these masters but it was US$15,000 so we didn’t. Truly wonderful seeing this and hopefully you will see how special it was from the photos. We will have to stick to the turkish pottery made by non masters which we love and can afford!Baca lagi

    • Hari 142

      Cappadocia, Turkey!

      10 Ogos 2022, Turki ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      Miles: 4.6 steps: 12046
      Flights stairs: 41

      Cappadocia is THE place in the world for hot air ballooning. Hundreds of them launch every morning at sunrise. We decided we got to sleep too late to get up early the first morning, but I ended up waking up on my own around 6:00, so went to our terrace to see if it was too late or if it gave me a view or not. Was happy to be able to still see a little more than 60 in the sky!! I was looking into the sun so pics were difficult, but it was quite the sight.

      Usually when we’re in cities we get around on our own - subways, trams, buses, Uber, taxis - but here in this village, that’s not so easy. We either have to walk or take a tour. So today we took a group tour - highlights of cappadocia. It was okay. They showed us a few of the limestone formations (fairy chimneys), went to Panorama Point, to Goreme open air museum, a carpet weaving demonstration, imagination valley (formations that look like animals), and a pottery demonstration. It was all every interesting.

      I had no idea we were in the hub of the ancient Christian world - where they first settled after being pushed out of the Rome. Pretty crazy the history here. They settled here because it was so easy to “make” housing - all you needed was a hammer and chisel, and you could carve yourself a home. There were churches everywhere - small cut outs that could only hold 10 people or so with beautiful paintings on the walls.

      After the tour we went for a walk up to “Sunset viewpoint” for the sunset. It was pretty beautiful. Then headed back home to call it a day!
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    • Hari 7


      5 Jun, Turki ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      Zeitig gestartet und zur Karawanserei Sarihan gefahren. Siehe da das www hatte recht und ich bekam Karten für die tanzenden Derwische. Unterkunft gesucht und dann nach Göreme gefahren. Voll Touristen, viele Japaner und die sind schlimmer als eine Volksschulklasse. Alles hat Europäische Preise.Baca lagi

    • Hari 70

      Bigfoot wieder „on Tour“! 😅

      3 Ogos 2023, Turki ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      Wir können es kaum glauben, wir sind wieder zurück auf der Tour mit voller Kraft und allen PS. Die letzten beiden Tage waren ziemlich kräftezehrend und nervenaufreibend.
      600 Kilometer „geschlichen“ mit Motor im Notbetrieb. Von einer Werkstatt zur anderen, alle schütteln den Kopf, sind bemüht, können aber trotz Fehlerprotokoll nicht weiterhelfen.
      Wir hatten uns schon im Flieger nach Hause gesehen.
      Heute endlich, in einer großen modernen Iveco- Werkstatt in Kayseri, wurde bei der Fehlerauslese die richtige Diagnose gestellt.
      Der Ansaugschlauch am Turbolader ist unterhalb geplatzt. Das war von oben nicht sichtbar!
      Ein Kurier wird losgeschickt, der, wo auch immer das Ersatzteil besorgt!

      Wir sind völlig geflasht von der zuvorkommenden Behandlung als wir in deren Servicebereich ankommen. Alles wird stehen und liegen gelassen, der Iveco aus Deutschland in Augenschein genommen. Einer der Chefs ruft sogar seine deutsche Frau an, die dann als Übersetzerin am Telefon fungiert. Später werden wir von der englischsprachigen Chefsekretärin betreut inclusive Essen und Trinken.

      Die Zusammenarbeit mit der Iveco Zentrale verläuft unterstützend und reibungslos. Die Reparatur und das Ersatzteil werden als Garantiefall anerkannt.
      Wir fahren nach ca. 6 Stunden völlig dankbar vom Werksgelände.
      Während mein Fahrer wieder ordentlich Gas geben kann, kommt mir der Refrain eines Liedchens aus der Zeit der neuen deutschen Welle in den Kopf und ich singe lauthals 🎵🎵…und ich düse, düse, düse im Sauseschritt……und bring die Liebe mit von meinem Himmelsritt. 🎵🎵 Irgendwie passt das auch in den Gefühlskontext

      Jetzt stehen wir im kleinen Städtchen Avanos in Zentralanatolien am Ufer des Flusses und genießen die frische Brise, die das Wasser abgibt.
      Übrigens, die Gruppe hieß DÖF, vielleicht erinnert sich jemand.
      Und ich singe immer noch! Wir düsen zwar nicht durchs All, aber morgen in den „Nationalpark Göreme“!

      Und vielen lieben Dank fürs Daumendrücken! Das hat auf jeden Fall geholfen! 👍🏻💚😂
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    • Hari 2

      Avanos - Töpferdorf 🍶

      9 Oktober 2022, Turki ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Vor dem Mittagessen ging es noch in das Töpferdorf Avanos. Hier wurde uns zuerst das Rohmaterial und das zu bemalende Töpfergut 🍶vorgestellt. Danach gab es sogar eine Livedemonstration, dieser Mann hat in kurzer Zeit ein Töpfchen mit Deckel gestaltet. Dazu gab es einen türkischen Tee 🫖. Im Showraum hatte es dann Meisterstücke zu bewundern, natürlich konnte man auch einkaufen.Baca lagi

    • Hari 122

      Village troglodyte de Gomeda

      26 September 2023, Turki ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Après une nuit au calme, on part pour se balader dans des sites un peu à l'écart des grands axes touristiques.
      On prend la direction de la vallée de Gomeda. On découvre un village troglodyte qui a été habité jusqu'en 1923. On est seul sur place. Il y a tout un village creusé dans les falaises. Des églises, des habitations, des pigeonniers. On peut rentrer dans les maisons. Certaines sont sur plusieurs niveaux avec des escaliers, des tunnels. C'est l'aventure!
      On roule ensuite vers un autre site où on peut visiter un complexe monastique. Un escalier au bord de la route nous mène à une église avec des colonnes et une autre creusée dans un cône isolé. Insolite ! On continue pour gagner la pancarlik kilise (église aux betteraves) qui possède de magnifique peintures dans les tons verts datant du IXème et Xème siècle.
      On s'arrête ensuite à Ürgüp pour déjeuner et acheter quelques souvenirs.
      On repart ensuite vers Zelve pour trouver un spot pour la nuit. On hésite à se poser près des lieux de décollage des ballons mais il y a beaucoup de quads le soir. Un autre est trop près de la route. On choisit finalement un lieu un peu ex centré. Tant pis pour les décollages de ballons... Quoique 😜
      On a une belle vue sur des falaises avec des ouvertures creusées. On est pas mal.
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    • Hari 14

      Overnight Bus

      6 Oktober 2023, Turki ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Given that we were nursing a stiff hangover and it would be the last day with everyone together, not much really happened. In fact, nothing happened, and the photos reflect it. We played cards for honestly about 3 hours before going for an early dinner and a wander around town. To get us through the bus trip, our tour guide once again rolled a J for some of us, and we enjoyed that before getting on the bus. I made sure to get on early, to sit next to Annie and Sarah, while also securing a single seat and allowing myself some space to sleep. The only way I was going to make it through the trip was by popping a phenergen and hope that it knocked me out. I waited as long as I could to take it to see if I could fall asleep on my own. The answer was that I couldn't. By 11, I decided it was time, and it knocked me out cold. I barely woke up until our 3a.m, 30 minute stop. When we stopped here, we all boarded the bus to get back on the road, but the bus was broken down. We sat around for another 15 minutes or so before Shef took me and a few others out again for another J to survive the final part of the journey. While we were out there, we saw the bus starting to move, and a bit of panic ensued. In the end, it was just people trying to push start the bus. Although it was funny to hear about Sarah panicking inside the bus, thinking a bunch of us were about to be left behind. We eventually had to help them push start the bus and we seemed to make the difference as when we joined the bus got going and was able to finish the journey, with me sleeping most of the way home.Baca lagi

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