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    • Dag 21

      Kusadasi, Turkey. Happy Thanksgiving

      23. november 2023, Tyrkiet ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      With most guests on board hailing from the USA, I'm greeted rambunctiously today with "Happy Thanksgiving!". It's lovely, but I a) didn't know it was thanksgiving, and b) didn't know it was a greeting like happy birthday; and c) I'm too tired to explain that in Australia, we are abundantly grateful, but Thanksgiving is an American holiday.

      None the less. I'm taught my reason to be thankful over breakfast. I enjoy a piece of bacon. I'm hungry. Food hasn't settled well the last few days and I've not eaten enough. I don't chew a piece of bacon properly. I soon realise I'm actually not able to swallow it, and it's stuck in my throat. I can't breathe. I stand up, no concept of time though it's been a bit since last breath, and point to onlookers at my throat, panic setting in. Miraculously, the bacon dislodges and I'm both immensely relieved and extremely humiliated. My throat is swollen. Bruised. The idea of breakfast is pretty much abandoned.

      I rest most of the morning (you've got to love that part of cruising - the capacity to rest!), and we arrive at Kusadasi sometime around 2pm.

      Too fatigued to book an excursion (I am dissapointed not to have seen Ephesus - The temple of Artemis (See images from good old Googley), I did explore the old markets (bazaar!), and ponder the world in a beautiful turkish Cafe. I watched as some young women chatted over a game of backgammon, sipping their turkish coffee.

      I enjoyed mine too, with a side of beautifully cooked spinach and cheese gozleme. The most beautiful moment arose when I paid the bill. The lovely restauranteur spoke English well and asked where I was from. I tried to thank him in turkish, but the word wouldn't stick in my tired brain. Teşekkürler. He kindly said you can say tea? You can say sugar? Say them together, like tea and sugar. That's how it sounds. I thanked him and his wife for the beautiful food.

      He then said most Australians come here in April. The realisation of where I was sunk in. I said of course. Anzac day. Gallipoli. Tears had already sprung to my eyes as the significance of where I was overwhelmed me. I composed myself and promised him I would return to Kusadasi in April sometime soon. He said to me in his thick accent. You have a beautiful heart. I can feel it. Don't ever lose that as it's special. I was moved beyond words and marvelled at the beauty in life that sometimes comes not from incredible landscapes or architecture. But from the connection we have with others.

      I returned to the ship and on this thanksgiving day. I'm overwhelmingly thankful.
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    • Dag 30

      A quick trip to Asia

      3. oktober 2023, Tyrkiet ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Today began in Turkey. We docked super early at Kusadasi and made our way to the ruins of the ancient city of Ephesus which was built in the neolithic period and came to full glory under the Roman empire. This site was stunning, considering the site is only 17% excavated it truly felt like we were walking through a city. Here we saw the lavish Library of Celsus, a gigantic 25,000 seat amphitheatre, and the well-preserved Hadrian Temple.

      After our tour of this ancient city we headed to a Turkish rug consignment warehouse that specializes in silk rugs. We were shown how silk is extracted as well as how they actually weave the designs into the rugs. This was very cool, and I now understand why they are so beautiful and expensive (I'm selling a kidney if someone needs one).

      After a bit more walking around Turkey we headed back into the ship before we started sail for Patmos.

      On Patmos we visited a beach and enjoyed a leisurely stroll through the township before relaxing with a coffee and watching the world pass by.

      The night ended with a very impressive cabaret show on the cruise ship and a 'Greek bbq' for dinner

      Step count: around 19k

      PS. On our short trip we did try Turkish coffee (it's just Greek coffee), Turkish delight, lions milk and haggling.
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    • Dag 12

      Back To The Big Smoke

      18. december 2023, Tyrkiet ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      It was nice to visit the tiny village of Sirince before the next few big city days (Istanbul, Rome & Barcelona).
      Woodfire heaters, narrow streets, traditional coffee and little old ladies selling their handmade produce all added to the charm.Læs mere

    • Dag 8

      Go West

      14. december 2023, Tyrkiet ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Ok, it's a bit hard to jazz up a transit day. The highlight was the touch and go at Istanbul. The approach was all over the place, he overshot the runway, hit the tarmac and took off again! I was worried that another failed approach would see us diverted to another airport. The poor old woman in front of us literally pooped her pants. No photo sorry.Læs mere

    • Dag 64

      Apollontempel und Kusadasi

      4. april, Tyrkiet ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Auf dem weiteren Weg nach Norden steuerten wir eine Sehenswürdigkeit an, deren Geschichte in allen Quellen so verwirrend beschrieben ist, dass ich aus Angst, Fehlinformationen zu verbreiten, lieber nichts darüber schreibe. Aber sehen wollte ich sie! Nur so viel: der Apollontempel von Didyma war einer der größten der Antike und das sieht man ihm noch heute an. In der ADAC-Karte steht geschrieben, er war das bedeutendste Heiligtum an der kleinasiatischen Ägäisküste. Er sollte zu Ehren des Apollo so gigantisch werden, dass er trotz einer fast 500 Jahre währenden Bauzeit nicht fertig wurde. Die Säulen sind gut 20 m hoch. Schlussendlich wird er von den Ausmaßen nur vom Heratempel im Heraion von Samos und dem Tempel der Artemis in Ephesos überboten.
      Der Abstecher nach Didim lohnte sich auf alle Fälle, denn außer der monumentalen Größe besticht dieser Tempel durch die Vielzahl und akkurate Ausführung der Details, die so ein Steinmetz erstmal fertig bringen muss.
      Anschließend suchten wir uns in der belebten Stadt Kusadasi einen abgelegenen Ort zum Übernachten, liefen zu Festung, Hafen und in die Altstadt. Dass dabei für Rosi aus der geplanten Lederjacke sogar zwei solch gute Stücke geworden sind, war natürlich um so erfreulicher.
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    • Dag 3

      Måndag 15/5 Kusadasi

      15. maj 2023, Tyrkiet ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Samtidigt med frukosten backade kaptenen lugnt in i Kusadasi hamn i Turkiet. Kusadasi är en halvö i Turkiet och dess främsta inkomstkällor är turister och honung. Turister såg vi inga större mängder av och honungen lyste med sin frånvaro. Däremot saluförde många av affärerna Locum - kanske mer känt som ’Turkish delight’. Mjuk söt godismassa smaksatt med t.ex pistagenötter, en av mina favoriter, skuren i kuber och sedan rikligt pudrad med florsocker. Det blev inget inköp denna gång.

      Efter Pias genomgång i går har vi bestämt att satsa på utflykter på Korsika och Menorca. På övriga ställen tänker vi promenera tillsammans med Pia som verkar ha varit överallt.

      Kusadasi är rent och trevligt frånsett alla propåer man får från affärsidkare längs gator och gränder. Vi drack nypressad granatäpplejuice vid ett gatustånd, vacker juice men inte speciellt god. Inte sur men sträv. Vi besökte också en moské där imamen hade en familjerådgivning med en familj där ( givetvis!) män och kvinnor satt på olika sidor. En spartansk moské långt från de mer praktfulla i Istanbul.

      Lunch på båten och sedan tillbringades eftermiddagen i solstolar i skuggan på pool-däck. Lite slummer, lite bokläsning och lite författande dvs detta.

      Detta läggs ut först på tisdag eftersom de europeiska reglerna som innebär att kostnaden för sms’a mm är lika mycket oavsett land inte gäller I Turkiet utan här är det betydligt dyrare.

      Det verkar vara problem i Santorini för varken Henrik eller jag har välkomnats av någon mobiloperatör.

      Först när vi på torsdagen använde våra gratisminuter för internet via satellit kunde vi skicka denna plus fler inlägg.
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    • Dag 6

      Kusadasi and Patmos

      26. juli 2022, Tyrkiet ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Up at sunrise to the sight of Kusadasi, Turkey. The buildings at the top of the hill are painted in rainbow order. The city is so pretty bathing in the sun's glow.

      Once a year in the winter time, they hold camel wrestling competitions. They do it in the winter is because it is the camel mating season. This is a sort of ritual to fight for a girl but also to get family and friends together.

      Pine Trees fill the hills and they are not native to the land.

      70% of Turkey's money comes from agriculture. Pomegranates, peaches, olives, etc.

      Since archeologists don't know what the buildings looked like in the past they first have to sort and try and match pieces that go together.

      If they have fixed and vaccinated the cats, they clip their ear.

      There were only 2 entrances to Ephasus and I walked on one where Paul, Mary the Virgin, and many other biblical characters walked.

      Got to see the Library of Celsus one of the tallest ruins still in tact today.

      Greek Roman Theater. The Greeks built it, the Roman's expanded it. 20,000 people can fit in the theater.

      Cleopatra and Mark Antony walked the streets I walked.

      Only 10% of Ephasus has been excavated.

      Half a mile of silk in one silk worm ball
      Over 1 million knots in one rug that are all hand tied.

      The girls work in 30 minutes stints with 45 minute breaks. They work a total of 3 hours a day. Men don't have enough patience to make a rug.

      4 months to make small section of wool rug.

      The dust stays on top and no dents ever form. And the carpets are easy to clean.

      Patmos: Monastery was built in 10 AD. There is a murder wall at the only entrance. They would pour hot oil from above on intruders. No one ever overtook the monastery.  It was built with no plan and is 5 levels built on for 900 years. The Greek Orthodox still use it. 14 Monks live at the Monestary and that isn't enough to take care of the place.

      Greek and Russia have the same religion just a different language.

      The windmills were used to make flour.

      Patmos does not have agricultural exports due to lack of fresh water and the island is mostly rocks and hills. The people of Patmos have to pick up their water supply every week or so and every building has to have a reserve for water.

      There is only one high school in Patmos.
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    • Dag 21

      Day 18 Biblelands trip

      1. oktober 2019, Tyrkiet ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Day 18 We plan to visit the sites of the 7 churches of Asia minor now called Anatolia) mentioned in Revelation, so on the bus we read Rev1.
      First we drove to SARDIS.. Rev 3 "To the angel in the church at Sardis write.. You have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up and strengthen the things that remain.... the one who conquers will be clothed in white.. and I will never blot out his name from the book of life"
      Some very impressive gymnasium and synagogue ruins, and the Temple of Artemis. (In other news.. the yummiest dried figs I've ever tasted😍).. This was clearly a wealthy community, gold mining and the origin of the coin was in this area..but perhaps it was all for show as is suggested in Rev 3.
      PHILADELPHIA... Rev 3 "To the angel in the church in Philadelphia write.. You have kept my word and have not denied my name..I will keep you from the hour of trial.. hold fast..I will write on them a new name.."
      Not a lot remains of the early church here, a modern city is built on the site. All that's left of the original city are a few ruins, but we saw 2 huge sides of a massive arch from St John's church built in the 6th century AD. The rest of the stones have been repurposed to build the modern city 😢 We sampled some delicious local sultana grapes

      We then drove to Hierapolis.. (mentioned in Colossians 4:12.. Laodicea, Hierapolus and Colossae) This is an extensive ruin site, with the best preserved theatre in Turkey, where 95% of the seats are original. It's occasionally used today for performances. Right near here is Pamakkule..2 types of thermal springs.. The most well known are the White formations because of the calcium carbonate in the hot water(34°)(there is another pool with sulphur that is a hot spring 30°all year round) We walked on the White formations and waded in the warm pools
      Next we drove to LAODICEA Rev 3 "To the angel in the church of Laodicea write.. you are neither hot nor cold.. You are luke warm..I am about to spew you out.. you say you are rich and have need of nothing...you are blind.. put salve on your eyes so you can see.. Repent.."
      Here, instead of grapes there are fields of cotton, as this area is known for its textiles. Also in Bible times for its medical Centre.. particularly its eye salve. From here we can see the hot springs of Pamakkule and there are also mountains here with cold water from the snow.. they had everything they would've wanted here..a fertile area..perhaps this is why they were coasting along, in need of nothing, not thinking they needed God..neither hot nor cold, but luke warm. An analogy they would have well understood, along with the blindness/eye salve analogy
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    • Dag 48

      Big day out in Kusadasi Turkey

      28. september 2023, Tyrkiet ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Big day out to Ephesus to the last known home of the Virgin Mary high in the hills, drank the holy spring water, walked the ruins of the Ancient City of Ephesus, visited the Ephesus Archeological Museum, got to watch beautiful Turkish Carpets being hand woven (some taking 6 to 9 months with over 1 million stitches) and enjoyed a delicious lunch of Turkish delicacies. Returned to walk through a small section of the Kusadasi Grand Bazaar and browse through the Fake Genuine merchandise (how it is advertised 😄).Læs mere

    • Dag 1.653


      15. juli 2023, Tyrkiet ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      6. Tag im Golf von Kusadasi
      Der Name Kasadasi leitet sich von den türkischen Wörtern kus (Vogel) und ada (Insel) ab, da die Insel, vom Meer aus gesehen, die Form eines Vogelkopfes hat. Das Römische Reich nahm die Küste im 2. Jahrhundert v. Chr. ein und machte sie in den Anfangsjahren des Christentums zu seiner Provinzhauptstadt.
      Kasadasi ist ein grosser Ferienort.
      Da unternehmen Andy, Liz und Christian einen Ausflug zu den archäologischen Stätte von Ephesus und zum Haus der Mutter Maria.
      Die antike Stadt Ephesus ist reich an griechischer und römischer Geschichte und beherbergt viele historische Stätten, wie den Tempel der Artemis, ein Amphitheater und eine Bibliothek.
      Das Haus der Mutter Maria nahe der antiken Stadt Ephesos ist ein restauriertes byzantinisches Kirchen- oder Klostergebäude, das von Pilgern als zeitweiliger Wohnort und mögliches Sterbehaus Marias, der Mutter Jesu, betrachtet wird.
      Das Schiff wird um 15:00 Uhr weiterfahren nach Istanbul.
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