Fort Portal Municipality

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    • Giorno 322

      Fort Portal

      17 settembre 2023, Uganda ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Upps den footprint hab ich wohl vergessen hochzuladen 🤦🏿‍♀️ Das ist jetzt schon etwas her 😄

      Die Busfahrt von Kigali nach Kampala dauerte um einiges länger als angegeben. Anstelle der 9h fuhren wir 15h bis wir die Stadt erreichten. Leider hatte ich meine Sim verlegt und hatte auch kein Geld mehr in der Währung, sodass ich super hungrig kurz vor Mitternacht in Kampala ankam 🙈😄 Ich dachte schon, das sei jetzt der Moment in dem ich ausgeraubt werde, aber das Gegenteil war der Fall. Ein Boda Fahrer brachte mich zur Unterkunft, die ich noch vor Grenzübertritt gebucht hatte. Leider gab es keine genaue Adresse, sodass ca 10 weitere Boda Fahrer zu uns kamen und mir halfen, bis wir schließlich gemeinsam die Unterkunft fanden. Damit hatte ich wirklich nicht gerechnet, gerade weil ich um diese Uhrzeit mit meinen Rucksäcken wirklich ein leichtes Opfer gewesen wäre 😄 Ich schlief nur eine Nacht in Kampala und am nächsten Tag ging es in den westen Ugandas: Fort Portal. Die Busfahrt dauerte wieder um einiges länger als gedacht, sodass ich erst abends ankam. Den nächsten Tag nutzte ich um die Gegend fußläufig zu erkunden. Die Landschaft hier ist einfach atemberaubend. Fort Portal liegt in der Nähe von Bergen und ich lief an Bananenplantagen, Palmen und durch kleine Dörfer. Nebenbei versuchte ich noch ein Permit für das Chimpanzen Trekking zu bekommen, da das mein Hauptgrund war, nach Fort Portal zu kommen. Gegen 20Uhr hatte ich dann mein Permit für den nächsten Tag 😍
      Ich wurde um 6Uhr abgeholt und zum kibale Nationalpark gefahren. Um 8Uhr ging es dann endlich los. Wir fuhren etwas weiter in den Wald, da ich meinen Fahrer schon heimgeschickt hatte wurde ich netterweise von einem britischen Pärchen mitgenommen 😄 wir waren zu siebt in der Gruppe plus unseren Guide. Der Unterschied zwischen Gorilla und Chimpanzen Trekking ist, dass es bei dem Gorilla Trekking Personen gab, die zuvor versuchten die Familien ausfindig zu machen. Beim Chimpanzen Trekking läuft man durch Regenwald und sucht die Tiere. Nach einer guten Stunde hörten wir dann die Schreie der Chimpanzen 😍
      Die ersten Chimpanzen die wir sahen entspannten gerade auf dem Boden und nahmen wirklich relaxte und lustige Posen ein. Wir entdecken mehrere Chimpanzen, welche sich durch unsere Anwesnheit absolut nicht stören ließen. Wir suchten nach weiteren Chimpanzen, die in den Baumkronen umherschwangen 😊 Der Geräuschspegel war teilweise wirklich laut, da wohl gerade Paarungszeit ist und die Männchen sich um die Weibchen streiten 😁 Der Guide erklärte uns, dass der Geschlechtsakt ca 5-7Sek dauert und ein läufiges Weibchen sich ab und an mit ca 15 Männchen an einem Tag paar. Aus dem Grund werden Weibchen mit Babies mit Respekt behandelt, da die Männchen davon ausgehen, es seien ihre Kinder 😄 Clevere Natur 🤓 Sollte ein Weibchen einer anderen Familie dazustoßen, wird sie willkommen gehießen. Sollte sie ein Baby bekommen und die Familie befindet, dass dieses Kind nach einer anderen Familie riecht, wird es umgebracht 😱 grausame Natur 🙈
      Wir sahen am Ende auch Babies, welche überwiegend die Äste runterpurzelten beim Spielen oder beim Versuch zu klettern 😄
      Wir verbrachten ca 1:20h mit den Chimpanzen bevor wir den Rückweg antraten. Es war wirklich atemberaubend 😊 Verglichen mit meinem Orang-Utan und Gorilla Trek, fand ich den Chimpanzen Trek wirklich am besten, da sie so aktiv waren 😍 Laut Guide hatten wir aber auch Glück, gelegentlich sieht man die in freier Wildbahn lebenden Chimpanzen wohl nur in den Baumkronen und nicht am Boden 😍

      Wie immer war ich auch beim Rückweg mit Glück gesegnet, da innerhalb von 5min ein Boda kam und mich zurück nach Fort Portal fuhr :)
      Heute morgen bin ich dann zum Busterminal und fahre jetzt gerade wieder nach Kampala. Dort bleibe ich eine Nacht und schaue dann vielleicht nocheinmal bei meinen Freunden bei der NGO vorbei bevor ich dann endgültig Uganda verlasse und einen Bus nach Nairobi nehme 😄
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    • Giorno 52

      Red beans and a pickup truck

      22 febbraio 2016, Uganda ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Considering my excitement for the chimps themselves, I didn't elaborate on how this all came about. We knew that Kibale National Park was the place for chimp tracking. We also knew it was expensive. It's 150$ for the permit, entrance fee to the park, and they supply the guide. So kind of a package deal for chimp tracking. There's other parks in the country who offer "primate walks" for about 60-70$ on which you have roughly a 30% chance of seeing chimps. Jack and I discussed and decided I would be way too disappointed if I was to try another park and not see chimps, so we decided to bite the bullet and go big! A lot of tour companies offer something with the chimp tracking and crater lakes in a day, but those tours were 550$US for the two of us. One company did offer this crater lakes and chimp tour to us for 390$US, but that basically means you're paying 90$ for transportation there and around the lakes. We decided to do the crater lakes ourselves.

      We took a boda-boda (motorcycle taxi) out to where we thought we needed to go buy the tracking permit. This was at 630am, because since I'm a nervous wreck about making sure this happens and I'm convinced something will go wrong, I wanted to be at the park office as soon as it opened at 730am to reserve for the next morning. That's right, we were planning on doing the hike the next day, but I was determined to make it there before yesterday's group started, in case it was full today or something and I had to go another time. Who knows.

      The boda ride is an hour long in red dirt roads with speed bumps and potholes. We were covered, along with our bags, in a full layer of red dust once we arrived at the park's head office, only to be told the permits are sold at the headquarters, not the office, 10km back up the same road. I panicked. What if someone had woken up just as early and was at the right place just in time to buy out all the permits? Exhausted from the bike ride, we decided to go check in to our hotel before going back to the headquarters with this boda-boda.

      We chose the Primate Safari Lodge simply because it was the only lodge walking distance to the head office, which is where the chimp tracking walk starts from. It's actually right next door, but there isn't another option close enough to walk from. And of course, the idea of missing the hike simply because of ill planned transportation would make me cry.

      Turns out, the lodge was 14$US per PERSON to camp, not per tent like we thought. Picture this : super nice, fancy lodge, advertising private cottages with stone showers and hers and hers bathrobes, and a "full board" option or meals of 19$US each... EACH. That's more then our camp site price. And here we are, two girls hanging up a hammock tent under the not so well kept shelter because we don't have a rain cover. Granted, why would they upkeep their camp ground site, I don't think they've ever had campers... They didn't really know what to do with us. Of course we attempted to argue the price, but we weren't getting anywhere. So we made sure to get our 28 dollars' worth. Keep in mind - this is the most we've ever paid for a room in Uganda, and this wasn't a room! This was simply the permission to put our tent up. Getting back from our crater lakes walk yesterday, they let us use the empty room's shower. The cottage was gorgeous! I didn't want to leave. Part of me was angry we were sleeping two girls in one hammock when this cottage was going to be empty!

      Having seen the prices of the meals in the morning when we dropped our bags off, we knew groceries needed to be done. So after "checking into" our hotel (dropping our bags off in the office), our lovely boda-boda driver took us to the headquarters to buy our park permits which acted as reservations. The man must not have known about my anxiety, because we expressed what we want, 2 permits for tomorrow morning, and he looks down at his computer and starts typing... Something... And not saying anything... A good 5 minutes of torture later I break the silence and ask "is there still permits available? Are we good for tomorrow?" to which he replies ever so casually "oh yes yes, that's OK long time ago". Damn him! Making me sweat! So it's confirmed! I hike tomorrow! (well today).

      All that to say we managed to do it on our own! Insert blog from yesterday - we walked the lakes on our own. Then boda back to the Primate Lodge before dark to set up our luxurious accommodation for the night. I've never drank so many hot drinks in my life! Like I said, we wanted our 28 dollars worth... And hot drinks were included, buffet style. That night, I had a hot chocolate (my first since I've left) and 2 teas. Today, I had 2 coffees and 3 teas. Why not! We had bought a bunch of fruit and mini breads from the little towns along the lake, so we got them to supply us with bowls and cutlery to make a fruit salad. We bought Rolex from the town to have for diner (eggs rolled into chapati). We didn't order a thing from them for the 3 meals we were there, and I was never hungry! This wonderful American older couple took pitty on us I guess, they bought us lunch today! Never say no to free. They wanted to buy us each lunch, but the kitchen prepares the food ahead of time, so they only had the one plate, so we shared. Super appreciated.

      It was clear that the people who stay in this lodge have money. Most of them had their own guide following them in the country. Mostly an older crowd. I guess with the price of the permits, not very many backpackers do this... After our briefing at the park office, our chimp tracking guide goes "OK, everybody in your vehicles and we meet you at the trial". Jack and I look at her and respond "what vehicles?" so the lovely American couple who had their own guide for a week gave us a ride... Apparently tours are a big thing here... Lol.

      All that to say, we did it! We relaxed at the lodge after returning around 1130am (left at 8am), and hung up the hammock in the front lawn for Jack to read from. I don't think they've ever had guest quite like us, they didn't really know what to do with us... I asked to lay my clothes on a chair to dry, and they offered to put it in the dryer for me. I didn't think dryers existed here... We asked for a knife, they would bring a whole place setting. We made our way back to town today riding in the back of a pickup truck full of bags of red beans... Covered in dirt again on arrival. Jack was facing forward so had the outline of her sunglasses marked in dirt. Sexy.

      I get to sleep in a bed tonight. I don't have to calculate if my hip bone is digging into Jack's leg, or if I want to move my leg I have to ask Jack to roll over, or contemplating if it's really that important for me to have sensation and circulation in my right leg since I'll wake Jack up if I move... Two people in a hammock is not recommended... FYI.
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    • Giorno 9

      Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary & Fort Portal

      10 settembre 2021, Uganda ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Hoe kan het ook anders na 5 uurtjes loopt de wekker weer af en zitten we om 6u15 al aan het ontbijt. Moet zeggen het ontbijt is wel op de duur eentonig. Eitjes en fruit, het magalis iets anders zijn. We rijden richting Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary. Iets wat normaal niet op het programma staat wegens iets te omslachtig maar ik had dit 2 jaar geleden al gevraagd aan Beyond Borders dus ben super blij dat ons Yasmin en de drivers dit hebben kunnen fixen want dit is de enige plek in Oeganda om neushoorns te zien. Ze zijn hier ooit begonnen met 6 en zitten nu aan 32 neushoorns. Als we geluk hebben krijgen we er een tweetal te zien. En geloof het of niet maar na een 10tal minuutjes rijden en 15 minuutjes wandelen komen we op minder dan 10 meter oog in oog te staan met 10 neushoorns. Machtig! Na de middag is het een lange rit richting een stadje Fort Portal. We passeren nog theeplantages en verfrissen ons in het hotel voor we pizza's gaan eten. Ze zijn verrassend lekker. Hier geldt nog de avondklok vanaf 19u dus we worden een beetje snel buitengesmeten maar op straat steekt het zo nauw niet en is het best nog druk. We drinken er nog eentje of twee op het terras van het hotel voor we deze lange maar fijne dag weer afsluiten.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 50

      A record!

      20 febbraio 2016, Uganda ⋅ 🌙 -5 °C

      We hit a record! 24 people in a minibus that seats 14. Booya! I had my left cheek oh so uncomfortably sitting against the door and the right half on a seat, half in the air.

      The last couple days haven't been too much to write about... Elections day - the 18th - everything seemed closed. It continued on into Kasese where yesterday and this morning it seemed like nothing was open... We had difficulty finding a tour agency to help plan for Jack's hike on the Rwenzori mountains, which was our only true reason to stop in this town. Had ourselves a local diner while we watched the news about the elections with provisional results being reported.

      Sorry for the lack of excitement, not much has been going on. Still exploring everywhere, still enjoying the socialness of Ugandans. Made it to Fort Portal today for a better chance at finding a tour agency. Found out the pricing is absolutely ridiculous as usual... Uganda and Kenya, as we were warned, have very expensive package tours. Example - they were offering a combination package of a trek in the Kibale National Park and a lunch around the crater lakes. Their advertised price for the two of us was 550$US. As we continued to talk and made it clear we didn't have that kind of money, he offered it to us for 390$US. 160$ price drop in a heart beat, how much profit do they get!? You basically pay a ton of money for them to drive you around the different places that are accessible by local transport. It's basically just for convenience of being able to do it all in a shorter amount of time. Luckily for us, we have time! So we'll attempt this on our own.

      The most exciting part of Fort Portal is a restaurant called Duchesse. I had a club sandwich with fantastic homemade multi grain bread (they fry all their breads here so everything is so greasy!). Jack had herself an open faced sandwich with grilled eggplant, cheese and pesto. Fresh, non greasy foods are so so welcomed at this point. Who would have thought, I, the Queen of fast food, would be looking for fresh!

      Pictures are of the Tooro Palace and the Royal Tombs we visited. The King of the Tooro district was crowned at 3 years old... Must have been quite the responsibility! Lol. They are burried with their most important possessions such as spears, drums and serving jugs. When the president reviewed the Kings' involvement in the country, it was said he would take everything away from the Kings and remove their power all together, but decided to make them in charge of culture...

      The funny part was the caretaker for the tombs (guy in white shirt) looked like he was woken from a nap to bring us over. He was shirtless when he came out of his house, his daughters got him up. He was groggy. Hardly spoke English so his daughter who spoke ever so slightly more English accompanied us. They explained that just like being King, being the keeper of the burial grounds is past down from father to son and is an important role.

      If all goes well, I'll be making one of my dreams come true in 2 days... So stay tuned. Until then, I'll try to contain my excitement...
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    • Giorno 9

      Mpanga Market

      14 novembre 2021, Uganda ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Eine offene Markthalle mit viel Gewimmel und allen möglichen Sachen. Wer das mag, sollte es sich anschauen. Parkplätze gibt es direkt davor. Wir kauften Gemüse, Früchte und Popcorn. Wer sowas mag mindestens 7/10Leggi altro

    • Giorno 100

      Fort Portal: Sitz des Königs von Toro

      10 gennaio 2017, Uganda ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      Die letzte Station vor der Rückreise nach Kampala war Fort Portal, entstanden aus einem ehemaligen Militärstützpunkt am Fuß des über 5.000 Meter hohen Rwenzori-Gebriges. Nach kurzem Einchecken in unserm Gästehaus ging es auf Entdeckungstour rundum zu einer kleinen Tropfsteinhöhle mit tollem Dschungelwasserfall und Besichtigung der umliegenden Crater Lakes, entstanden aus alten Vulkankratern. Auch eine Besichtigung des (auch heute noch bewohnten) Königsitzes konnten wir noch ins Programm übernehmen. Parallel zum Präsidialsystem, bestehen nämlich auch heute noch die Königshäuser, die Uganda in 12 Herrschaftsbereiche unterteilt. Viele Einheimische fühlen sich dieser Unterteilung sogar eher zugehörig als einem der offiziellen Distrikte. So merkt man, dass die Ansichten und Meinungen, die ein König äußert, trotz fehlender exekutiver politischer Macht, durch die Entscheidungen seiner Untertanen (bspw. bei Wahlen) wiederum doch Einfluss nehmen kann. 
      Zum Abschluss dieses vielfältigen Tages saßen wir dann in sehr internationaler Gesellschaft mit köstlichen hausgemachten Speisen am großen Round table unseres Gästehauses. Im Nachhinein fanden wir sogar noch die explizite Empfehlung in meinem Reiseführer, dieses besondere Ritual nicht zu verpassen - also echt gut, dass wir mit dem Check-In gleich unseren Wunsch fürs gemeinsame Abendessen angemeldet hatten 😃 So erfuhren wir mehr über den Alltag eines Uni-Lehrerteams im Kongo, die Clienton-Foundation in Kampala, sowie über das langjährige Engagement eines holländischen Farmers unter ugandischen Kleinbauern. Am nächsten Morgen war es dann Zeit aufzubrechen zum Ausgangspunkt und Abschlussziel der (für mich) fast dreiwöchigen Reise zurück nach Kampala. Wir verabschiedeten unseren Guide Gershom und traten die 4-5 stündige Busreise an, sodass wir am Nachmittag im Haus in Bukoto ankamen.
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    • Giorno 118

      Fort Portal

      1 settembre 2017, Uganda ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      A short drive after our chimpanzee trek took us to a campground/lodge just outside of Fort Portal. We were going to do a few day trips from here, but since the camp was a little further out of town than expected, we decided to stay put (plus the rain and humidity made the idea of hiking unattractive).
      The best thing about this place was the farm-to-table food. The owners (a Ugandan woman and her German husband) had created a working farm alongside the accommodation. They raise different animals and have a huge vegetable garden that supplies the restaurant. We asked Miriam, the owner, if we could buy some fresh vegetables to take away with us. The next morning she took us around the garden and let us pick whatever we wanted and did not charge us anything. It was great to get freshly picked lettuce, eggplants, carrots, radishes and tomatoes. She also gave us a loaf of homemade bread. Our friend, MT, will be very excited that we are getting a serving of fresh veges at every meal! This is pretty much as far north as we will get on our drive through Africa and we now start heading southeast towards Kenya.
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