United Kingdom
Carlisle District

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    • Day 25

      Second walking day - no rain!

      September 23, 2019 in England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Just relaxing and washing before dinner. Had a great Indian meal last night, and we plan to get back there tonight as from now on probably less choice in very small villages. We did our walk today, and have finally officially walked to Carlisle!! We were taxied back to Burgh by Sands to begin, and started later - about 11.15 - as the prediction was for better weather later in the morning and into the afternoon. As always the predictions were a little off, and the morning was fine, but so also is the afternoon, and at 4.30 it is still even sunny, so we had a good 13 km walk.

      It was basically flat, though we did go up and down the river banks now and then, and there was a lot of walking through mud and boggy ground, and through fields avoiding the bogs and cow pads, so it was quite hard work some of the time. We are following the Hadrian’s Wall pathway signs which are black and white rather discreet acorns, not nearly as obvious as our Camino yellow arrows and scallop shells, or the red and white signs in France. We are training our brains and eyes to notice them...one mistake today took us down a particularly boggy path till we finally reached a field with a chained and padlocked gate and had to turn back. So we are getting vigilant!

      But it was beautiful scenery, cows and fields and along the river into Carlisle. Tomorrow we finally leave this small city (small enough that we feel we now know it quite intimately!) and head off into smaller towns and villages for the next 6 days of walking, then we have 2 days walking through Newcastle upon Tyne where we finish.

      This morning I did a really risky thing - I bought new walking shoes!! Amr suggested it, and it did seem the only solution to my rain sodden shoes, which were still wet this morning, and which were obviously no longer waterproof and would be wet the whole 10 days. I last used them in 2014 on the Coast to Coast and I think they have sat disintegrating in my cupboard since then. So I have to report that the risk paid off - got some great shoes on sale - £80 reduced to £40 - and I wore them all day and they were so comfortable and coped with the mud and puddles...phew...they are now truly worn in and no longer look pristine! Tomorrow and for the rest of our walking days rain is predicted...we know that this won’t necessarily mean that we walk in rain, but I am happy to have proper shoes that have a chance of keeping my feet dry.

      Tomorrow is a 17 km walk (which probably means a bit longer), and I hope Carole and John won’t find it too long. They kayak and cycle but aren’t as intrepid walkers as we are. But today and yesterday were a good mild introduction to longer walks I hope.
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    • Day 3

      A journey of delays. Tomorrow we start

      September 10, 2024 in England ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

      Well we have finally made it to the start line after a rather tricky journey over.
      Started with Gisborne but didn't matter as we overnighted with Phil and Kate.
      Then a stressful ride to airport in an unreliable VW only making it to the airport with 4 hours to spare. Talk about cutting it fine.
      2 hours late leaving Auckland which gave us 30 minutes to change terminals in Singapore and board. Fortunately this flight also left late due to them waiting for an engineer to strap a cello to a seat.
      Some trepidation at Heathrow wondering if our bags made it so quite a relief to see them.
      Train to Carlisle for 2 nights to recuperate. Unfortunately Maree not feeling great but hopefully improving.
      Train to St Bees for a start tomorrow. Collected our stones which we carry from Irish sea to North Sea.
      St Bees very pretty. Just hope the weather holds. 22km tomorrow with a camp in pub garden.
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    • Day 26

      We have finally left Carlisle!

      September 24, 2019 in England ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Today we left Carlisle for the last time! And we are now out in the countryside - we walked to a small village called Walton, but were picked up there and are staying at a very beautiful guest house at Brampton nearby. The walk today was about 20 kms.

      So we set out early, that is straight after breakfast. Quite a lot of rain was predicted but we have realised you never know exactly when, and how heavy it will be etc...so when we started it was cloudy but fine, and stayed that way for quite a few hours. It was beautiful walking along the river and again through fields with cattle or sheep. Still quite muddy and boggy in parts, and quite hard work.

      So all was well till finally the rain did start. We sheltered under a thick tree and hoped the squall would pass, as it looked bright around the edges! And that paid off, it did calm down and we walked on, in rain gear but not in a downpour.

      Then finally, when we were seriously close to our destination it teemed. We found a shelter - they have these - a place with refreshments - chocolate, chips, drinks, even ice creams, with an honesty box to leave the money. We didn’t need the food as we had lunch from last night’s Band B, but we needed the shelter and we could sit and eat our lunch and watch the rain. We almost called the taxi that was to pick us up at Walton from there, as this time it really looked set in rain, but it finally did ease and we decided to set off again. And were happy we did as it was a beautiful section and it was barely raining.

      When we got to Walton we found a bus shelter as it did start to seriously rain again and called the taxi...it was funny, as after a while a car pulled up by the bus shelter and we waved and started to get in ( we weren’t actually in, but obviously approaching) and the woman looked surprised and laughed and said she was just posting a letter, not picking us up!! Finally our ride did come and we came to this amazing gorgeous place. I would take a photo except it is raining and I’m not going out in it! But will try in the morning before we leave.

      The very gracious hostess said to leave any wet things and she put them in the drying room, and we were shown to our rooms. Now sitting in a cosy living room with a fire, having tea and wine! Dinner is here, we have just chosen from a menu. There is a sweet blond 17 month old called Archie who wanders in now and then - very good, doesn’t touch the tea things, just checks us out and peeps behind chairs. I think his grandmother is our hostess, and the daughter appears now and then ...I think they are busy making dinners. Several other cars of people have also arrived. Very comfortable!!
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    • Day 27

      Day 4 of walking - now at Gilsland

      September 25, 2019 in England ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      We left our beautiful hotel this morning and sadly I forgot to take a photo before we went...it was such a lovely place and worth of recording! Dinner there last was great, also breakfast. So they drove us back to Walton where we resumed our walk.

      Of course rain predicted all day, or showers etc, but we had none!! I never put any rain gear on, and occasionally there was the odd drop, but never enough even make you damp. So that was lovely, and I think I see rain on the window now that we are safely ensconced in tonight’s B and B.

      Today we walked 14.3 kms. It is hard to describe today’s walk specifically as it was more of the beautiful rolling countryside looking like a picture postcard. Sheep and cows, green hills. But we did come upon real Roman ruins, and a length of the Wall! And now we will be seeing quite a lot of Roman rubble as Amr would say. Also we crossed a fast flowing river, which has black water from peat, which once had a Hadrian bridge over it. We keep being told there is some strenuous walking coming up...climbing up and down rocks, but today was relatively easy. We did cheat now and then by walking along the road when the official path went parallel but in a field that was muddy and boggy after yesterday’s rain. They are quiet country roads, and the sloshing in mud isn’t fun!

      We are now at a village called Gilsland at a very nice modern B and B. Amr and I are in a room in the annex above the garage - just lovely, spacious, with washing machine and dryer!!! So you can imagine that is heaven for Amr! We go up the road for dinner at the local pub, where we had a beer when we arrived as the village, as the B and B people never want us till 4 pm. We booked to have dinner at 6.30...it seems that quite a lot of people eat there and the bar lady recommended to book...looks a good menu so here’s hoping.
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    • Day 2

      Op weg naar the Lake district

      June 10, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Vandaag vanaf de haven van Newcastle op ons gemak, met een kleine pauze, naar the Lake district gereden. Inmiddels staan we met heel veel andere mensen en heel veel horzels op een ‘wildkampeer’camping. Het weer is echt uitstekend en het is hier prachtig. Morgen gaan we proberen om de Scafell Pike te bedwingen, dat moet goed komen.Read more

    • Day 28

      Day 5 completed, now at Twice Brewed

      September 26, 2019 in England ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      A successful funny day. We walked almost 18 kms- and these are fairly tough kms. The path is signed, with the very discreet acorns, and sometimes a signpost with Hadrian’s Wall path engraved in very old wood, almost rotten and falling apart...but it is very easy to go off track. So it is better than the Coast to Coast experience, but not without a bit of stress, and today I have to say that at the last 2 miles we admitted defeat and descended to the road visible beneath us and walked the last 800 metres or so to our destination!

      But we had fun. Set off at about 9.15 - cloudy, no rain - and all went well. More of the beautiful countryside that we have been accustomed to. We did make a small mistake quite early, but easily got back on track and walked along another section of Wall, and up quite a climb of stone steps, with a stunning view at the top. The trouble is that you follow along fine, then go over a stile or a gate to the next field and you really have no indication where to go. There is no definite track, just grass with no direction, and it is easy to pick the wrong way. And these are HUGE fields, many acres, and there aren’t so many people that you can follow along. Sometimes it is obvious and you can see a stile or gate or signpost in the distance, but not always.

      So we muddled along, mostly on track, and avoiding as much mud and bog as we could, loving the scenery and views, and the Roman bits that are there. Quite a lot of wall - more than I had expected - and all quite amazing. Every now and then it rained slightly - enough to put on coats, but never lasted long, and was sometimes even sunny.

      By the end, when we knew we were close we just couldn’t find the right way. We had followed some bad advice to follow an easy low track rather than the high one which would have been correct. She had said it would all lead to the right place...but it didn’t, for us anyway, and we muddled along high in the hills, but not as high as the wall, and finally gave up and descended to the road. That was in itself extremely difficult as it was uneven with tufts of long grass and holes, and when we reached the bottom of course we had to cross a seriously boggy patch. Later looking at the map we found that that area was called the East Bog! However we made it to the road, and found our accommodation right on that road, except that we approached it from the other direction. So in a way we had taken a short cut! Anyway, it was an adventure and our B and B tonight is another lovely place and we stay here for 2 nights, as tomorrow is a sort of rest day. Not really, as the plan is to do a 15 km walk round a lot of Roman ruins and museums near here that are not on the trail. But we are sort of free to do what we like in our own time.

      So tonight we went for dinner at the pub down the road, the Twice Brewed Inn. Good food and atmosphere, and we’ll go there again tomorrow night. The other end of this village is called Once Brewed! Crazy! Anyway, all good.
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    • Day 2

      Von Canterbury nach Gretna

      July 19, 2024 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Als ich heute morgen mit Andreas den Frühstücksraum der Oakside Lodge betrat, saß dort schon das Double von Queen Elizabeth. Bei Tageslicht betrachtet war die Dame doch wesentllich jünger als von mir angenommen, was die Anwesenheit von drei Teenies am Frühstückstisch bestätigte.
      Nach einem "full English breakfast" starteten wir zuversichtich in einen herrlichen Sommertag. Uns war klar, dass die Fahrt bis an die schottische Grenze lang werden würde, aber dass wir uns buchstäblich durch den Verkehr wühlen mussten, hatten wir nicht erwartet. Zum Glück fuhren wir mit weit geöffnetem Fenster und hinten hochgerollter Plane, sodass wir vom herrlichen Wetter etwas mitbekamen. Der Blick auf die kahlen Berge der Yorkshire Dales im Abendlicht, auf denen wie weiße Punkte Schafe weideten, entschädigte für die lange Fahrt.
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    • Day 21

      Tag 21: Troutbeck to Dalston

      July 6, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Es war eine gute Entscheidung gestern einen eher ruhigen Tag zu machen. Heute morgen hab ich auch länger geschlafen und bin erst um 10 Uhr aufgebrochen. Auf den ersten Kilometer warteten noch ein paar Höhenmeter auf mich, aber ich bin dann recht schnell zum Ullswater runter gefahren. Der See ist wirklich sehr schön und die Straße dran lang hat mich sehr an den Edersee erinnert und würde mit dem Motorrad sicherlich viel Spaß machen. Mit wenig Höhenmeter am Wasser entlang bin ich relativ schnell in Pooley Bridge, der nördlichen Spitze des Sees. Von dort aus mache ich mich auf den Weg nach Penrith und weiter bis kurz vor Carlisle und damit der schottischen Grenze. Die Fahrt nach Carlisle gestaltet sich sehr flach und ich erreiche recht schnell mein Ziel, einen Campingplatz etwas außerhalb vom Ort. Heute scheint auch primär die Sonne weshalb ich zum ersten Mal seit London die Sonnencreme wieder benötige.

      Morgen möchte ich mir die Stadt etwas anschauen, da diese 2000 Jahre alt ist. Und dann geht's weiter nach Schottland rein.

      Ich war nun insgesamt eine Woche im Lake District unterwegs und muss wirklich sagen, dass es eine sehr schöne Gegend ist. Mit dem Fahrrad ist diese bergige Landschaft auch zu schaffen, wobei ich rückblickend wirklich viel schieben musste. Wie auch die andern Leute gezeigt haben, ist es doch eher etwas für Wanderer. Ich komme auf jeden Fall nochmal auf das Lake District zurück.
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    • Day 27

      Carlisle, UK

      January 3, 2020 in England ⋅ ⛅ 45 °F

      Train from Morpeth west to Carlisle. This area is generally the northern border of Britain and Scotland. The Romans built a wall across this part of the country to keep the Barbarians (The Scots) from moving south. The wall is called Hadrians wall. Parts of it still exist. This photo though is Carlisle Cathedral. A beautiful example of construction that has stood 800+ years. Hadrians Wall and history tomorrow.Read more

    • Day 19

      Bye bye Schottland

      June 17, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      4.45 Uhr Tagwache und dann ca. 260 Meilen bis nach Glasgow gefahren, dort unseren BMW abgegeben und mit dem Zug nach Carlisle gefahren. Heute Abend keine Chance ein vernünftiges Restaurant zu finden und zuletzt im Nandoo's gelandet, wo der Wein in Cans daher kommt😡.Read more

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