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    • Day 28

      Manchester locally

      July 12, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      No trips today just getting out and about in local Manchester.

      The girls went to Elizabeth Gaskell house which is an old Victorian property where Gail volunteers. Elizabeth was the owner and became a famous English writer. Regarded as ‘one of the greatest female novelists of all time’ Elizabeth Gaskell was born in 1810 and lived at 84 Plymouth Grove in Manchester with her family from 1850 until her death in 1865. Elizabeth welcomed guests such as Charles Dickens and Charlotte Bronte to her House and mixed with a cross section of Victorian society from the poor of the workhouse to the likes of Florence Nightingale and Charles Darwin.

      Alan and I visited the Imperial War Museum which had a focus on how Manchester coped during the war.

      Everything is quite local to their house which is on the river. You can see the Manchester United stadium not far away. If you have a lazy US$6 billion, they are for sale.

      Further down from the museum is the Coronation Street set and filming studio. Yes, it is still in production!

      Alan took me to The Britons Protection pub. It was the scene of a violent local political rally in 1904 where 15 demonstrators died. I was pleased to see my ancestor's whiskey on sale although I had a beer.

      We passed the Midland hotel walking back into town. In the entrance was a 1939 Rolls Royce. This was the hotel where monsieur’s Charles Rolls and Henry Royce met for afternoon tea and decided to try their hand at building cars.

      A quick stop at the state library and we then rendezvoused with the girls at Sam’s Chop House for a late lunch.

      We had to back track to find a misplaced umbrella which became another excuse for another drop.

      Home on a tram and relaxed to plan tomorrow. We will be on the move again.
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    • Day 17


      July 14 in England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Da simma. Erfolgreich das Auto abgegeben. Endgültig gefahrene Distanzen: 2119 km in Frankreich, 760 Meilen (1216 km) in England/Wales 😁 jetzt sind wir gut im Hotel in Manchester angekommen und machen für heute Fußball Abend im Hotelzimmer. Dieses Manchester ist nicht schöner geworden seit ich das letzte Mal hier war. Aber Benni ist schon sehr aufgeregt wegen seiner Stadiontour morgen 🤗 auf dem 2. Foto ist übrigens Benni der sich nach dem aussteigen aus der Straßenbahn in einem Pub den Matchball vom Wimbledon Finale anschaut 😂Read more

    • Day 29

      Manchester - Family History Day 1

      January 5, 2020 in England ⋅ ☁️ 46 °F

      Today was dedicated to finding family headstones. With good planning it turned out to be easier than anticipated. Dottie and Adel have good memories of locations and combined with maps and the internet the headstones were easily located. At Southern Cemetery area U-2141 Isabella Occelston is my g-g-grandmother. John Weedall and Isabella Weedall are my g-grandparents.
      At Saint Winfreds church are the markers for Grandpa George and Grandma Clare (Clara). These are the people that I knew as a child.

      Also made another new friend Jennie Roberts. She is a member of the church and grew up in Manchester on Crown Street. Her family owned Massey Chip Shop. Visited with her and had a cup of tea. She had extra memories of the area and the town. Another wonderful connection to Manchester.

      Monday I’m heading to the Manchester library to hunt old maps and photos of the places the family lived.

      Finished the evening with Sunday Roast.
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    • Day 27

      Chatsworth day trip

      July 11, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      We are heading out to drive to Chatsworth. It will be a fairly long drive, maybe an hour or so. The new Kia EV6 is fully charged and off we go.

      The countryside is lush and green, you can’t help but be impressed by all the stonewall fences.

      From the moment you enter the estate grounds it is jaw dropping how beautiful and grand this piece of history is and we couldn’t wait to look inside.

      Chatsworth House was home to the Dukes & Duchess’s Devonshire family and has been passed down through 16 generations. They are all at rest buried in a nearby village at the St Peter’s church. The property came into the family after being purchased by Sir William Cavendish for £600 in 1549, who then began building on the grounds.

      Kings and Queens visited here, and, in that era, it was all about decadence and wealth that was on display to all that visited. It is just an amazing place to visit.

      For the Pride & Prejudice fans this mansion featured in the movie and tv series.

      There are over 25 rooms in the stately home including the Painted Hall, State Rooms, Sculpture Gallery as you walk through discovering its art, history and all about the family.

      The ceiling art defies belief. In every room there are staff to tell you the story of the family.

      Each Duke wanted to make it bigger and grander than the previous generations, leaving their mark on one of Derbyshire’s finest country houses.

      There were just so many stunning pictures to be taken it will be hard to settle in the top 10.

      We spent several hours walking through and then we covered the grounds too. The weather has been a bit unkind today, but it didn’t dampen our experience.

      The emperor water fountain works on gravity and the fountain steps are amazing.

      Before we headed back to Manchester, we had to stop at the Devonshire Arms for a locally brewed pint.

      Gail cooked up a home cooked feast and we settled in watching episodes of Pride & Prejudice so we could say “we were there today”.
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    • Day 108

      Manchester: The end but the start

      June 14 in England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      📌 A flight from Poland to Manchester! The end of our travels to get to the UK, but the start of our next adventure. It had been an unbelievable journey so far, we had learnt and seen so much that we won't forget. Both keen to get some routine and to stop being a tourist for a while seemed like a nice change on the horizon.

      📌 We travelled on a packed train from the airport to Hebden bridge where we met a woman who was also heading to Hebden bridge, she was super stressed and so grateful we helped her with the trains and times. Our first impressions of the UK were going well, the northerners were already loving a chat with us ☺️

      📌 We met Emily at Hebden bridge station, and we were welcomed to a very quaint and cool town. It was nice to be in the comfort of someone's home, particularly with a furry friend named Brunswick.
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    • Day 17–22

      Birthday Week

      July 1 in England ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      📌 My birthday week started with some cheese and wine in Hebden bridge at a cosy wine bar which was then followed by Coldplay at Glastonbury. The rest of the weekend also involved drinks whilst watching England escape sudden death in the euros with a 95th minute goal.

      📌 Chloe made a cake for my birthday, a first for her and a special gesture considering she has no idea how to bake ☺️ We enjoyed a chana masala and a relaxing evening, nothing to crazy as I was working.

      📌 On the Wednesday we headed into Manchester where we tried an incredible combination of Indian Street food and a brewery, excellent find 👌 We ofcourse had headed in for another gig, this time Avril Lavigne supported by Simple Plan. It was held at Castlefield bowl which was a small but great gig location. Simple plan were good as usual but Avril was mental, an incredible show of nostalgia. Chloe was up on shoulders for skater boi! 🤘

      📌 Saturday we headed back into Manchester for a suprise date Chloe had planned. We started at an early dinner at Sparrows, a central European restaurant serving German pasta (Spatz), pierogi and Pelmeni. It was set in old industrial rooms under a bridge. We then headed to a bar to catch some of the Euros (Eng vs Swiss). We finished the night at a comedy club which was 50/50, some acts were good others were average. Overall a great night and delicious food!
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    • Day 4

      Day 4 MANUTD => Old Trafford

      April 21, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Today is our 4th day in Manchester. We visited the Old Trafford Stadium today. But starting from the beginning:
      Today I realised, that it is no exception, that busses never arrive on time. Yesterday I came to school with a delay of 16 minutes. Albeit my bus should've arrived 19 minutes earlier, at 8.57. Today I wanted to take even an earlier bus, estimated arrival time was set to 8.45, our school starts at 9 o' clock. But as I stood on the bus station and waited for some minutes, another bus arrived. As he drove in the same direction, I took him. I thaught this could be my first day without a delay. But then we stood at the highway, for 10 minutes without moving in any direction, as I am while driving back home this evening and writing my daily blog. And I arrived with a 2 min delay at our school, I really felt ashamed, as I am swiss. I'm never late normally. Tomorrow I'll take an even earlier bus. School was not that interesting, my teacher told me to "shut up", because I talked with Timon in Swissgerman.
      Then we had lunchbreak until 1 pm, we went to tesco and bought sandwiches and a limited galactic edition coke. It was ok, but normal coke is better. In the afternoon we drove to the Old Trafford Stadium of Manchester United and had a very interesting tour there. But unluckily we had to put all metallic stuff out of our pockets and I had a swiss army knive with me. I just put it on this screening table as I would do in Switzerland. The security said that he will leave it there and I can collect it later. After about 10 minutes inside the museum there comes a security guard to me and says we need to talk. I didn't even know why first, but then he told me that this knives are illegal in the UK and that he has to take my personal information. They've sent it to the police now and my knife is getting destroyed. Altough I legally bought it from Victorinox in Switzerland and legally travelled with it through the swiss airport. The knife was really expensive, so I'm very upset now..
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    • Day 9

      Theater of Dreams - Old Trafford

      August 21, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Ein must seen Stadion ist das Old Trafford von Manchester United, das Theatre of Dreams.

      74000 Zuschauer passen bei einem Spiel rein. Es kommt einem viel kompakter vor wie andere Stadien dieser Dimension.

      Integriert ist ein schönes Museum und natürlich der Megastore.

      Die Tour war wirklich top und neben den Möglichkeiten auf der Tribüne Platz zu nehmen und durch die zum Teil alterwürdigen Katakomben zu gehen, durfte man in die ManU Kabine, in den Spielertunnel mit Einlaufmusik, die etwas andere Auswechselbank (Wunsch von Sir Alex Ferguson) und in den Interviewraum in dem Mourinho sein Unwesen trieb.

      Wirklich ne Mega Stadion Tour mit tollen Guides (einer davon Kevin, der sich sehr um uns kümmerte inklusive Familienbild)
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    • Day 272


      October 3, 2019 in England ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Gestern sind Andy und ich am Abend von Basel nach Manchester geflogen. Um ca. 0:30 sind wir dann im Bahnhof Piccadilly angekommen und da kommt uns auch schon Sämi entgegen. Er ist mit dem Zug von London angereist. Wir freuen uns sehr, ihn wieder zu sehen. Bis zum Sonntagabend verbringen wir die Zeit mit ihm in Manchester. Heute musste er hier noch arbeiten. Andy und ich haben das grosse Museum angeschaut.Read more

    • Day 2

      🇬🇧 1era Parada Manchester

      April 4, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Despues de un vuelo de más de 10 hrs y pesado por la cantidad de niños llorones por fin llegué a Manchester, eran alrededor de las 9 de la mañana y tenía 8 horas para conocer parte de la ciudad... Tomé mis maletas y esperé un tren que en media hora me llevó al Centro exactamente a la estación de Picadelly, fue fácil y creo que pagué como 5 euros por ambos trayectos

      ... El día fue muy lindo, fresco pero con un rico sol que se veía que la gente lo disfrutaba.

      Caminé por todo lo marcado del primer cuadro de la ciudad, jardines, plazas, edificios, típica ciudad inglesa, después de comer tomé el bus gratuito para ver lo que me pudo haber hecho falta en mi walking tour... Estaba cansada, entonces decidí ir al aeropuerto para poder documentar con tiempo y no tener ningún contratiempo...

      Siguiente parada Copenhage!!!
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    City and Borough of Salford, Salford, SLF

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