United Kingdom
Fenchurch Street Railway Station

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    • Day 10

      Thames at night and the left confirmed.

      November 12, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      A delightful evening with an English pub meal at The Traitor's Gate and a cruise on the river Thames. I really wanted a full english roast with yorkies, though the set menu did not offer such traditional fare. I settled for battered cod and mushy peas. It was okay. I've had better.

      The greatest let down was the offer of lotus biscoff cheesecake. Yes please I say! Only to have the delightful waitress explain they've run out and only have salted caramel. I stifle my tears and refuse the calorie hit if it's not lotus biscoff. I settle for a chocolate brownie. The convict jokes continue as I request it to go (I'm a slow eater and we'll all miss our cruise if we wait for me). They apologise as they hand me the takeaway box without a spoon, explaining they have no disposable spoons. I steal a stainless spoon quietly from the table, wink, and explain to my tour group. It's okay! I'm Australian! It's what the Brits expect. We were colonised for such crimes. Though also. How do I eat a brownie with ice cream to go without a spoon?

      I also learn from the lovely David, our tour guide, why driving on the left is the RIGHT way. It dates back to Roman times. When crossing a bridge or narrow passing. To ensure your right side is free to draw your sword.

      So there. Evidence. I'll peer review it later.

      Onwards to Brussels.
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    • Day 24

      Getting to London

      August 15, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      We were both apprehensive about today, but it worked out nicely. There was great potential for disaster which thankfully did not eventuate. I am feeling grateful 🙏
      * We navigated our way into London Heathrow under Murgatroyd's guidance - and we can't thank her enough.
      * We returned the car to Hertz with all windscreen wipers intact and no dings or scratches - phew!
      * We got ourselves and our luggage onto the correct train and to our hotel without Jeremy to guide us. (I convinced Ian not to spend £98 on a taxi, and that we were capable of taking the tube 🤞)
      * The hotel looks lovely! I was worried that we'd be stuck in some awful room for 5 days.

      To celebrate our relief, we had a fancy dinner in our hotel. I had salmon for £18 plus dessert. It was delicious. Our hotel has a mini fridge and kettle, but no cooking for me 🙂. We'll be back to M&S sandwiches tomorrow, but I'm sure I'll stretch our buffet breakfast to include a snack for later. (I'll have to remember my capacious handbag 🤫)

      Our hotel is Novotel Tower Bridge and we are directly opposite the Tower of London. It's in a very convenient spot. We had a stroll around the immediate vicinity and already saw lots of interesting things. I was intrigued by the ruins of a Roman wall which they've preserved and built around.

      London is teeming with people! Peaceful it is not, and I was worried that we might undo our de-stressing in beautiful countryside of the last few weeks. But I think it is going to be fun. I just have to remember that I need to take things at my own pace. There is no point rushing around like a crazy person and getting home knackered.
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    • Day 22

      The White Tower

      October 14, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Early start with Miranda, our blue badge tour guide, for a tour of The Tower of London. Forecast, 🌧 but we didn't care. The White Tower, as it is known, was built in 1078 by William the Conquer after the Battle of Hastings. Saw the impressive Crown Jewels 👑 no photos allowed. The Cullinan Diamond discovered 1905 in South Africa is the largest ever found in the world 🌎 A whopping 3106 carrots. Spilt into two pieces, one piece into the Royal Spectra and the other into the Imperial Crown. Despite all of that, I loved the Raven birds that live at the Tower, much bigger than I thought. We saw Henry V111 armour, imperial gifts, weapons, and too much more to mention.Read more

    • (An-)Reise mit Hindernissen

      March 29, 2024 in England ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Ganz unspektakulär begann die Reise mit einer entspannten Fahrt nach FRA am Donnerstag Nachmittag, gebucht waren wir auf BA nach London City, Abflug 20:10 Uhr. Das Terminal 2 war beinahe menschenleer, kurz zum Schalter, obwohl wir nur Handgepäck dabei hatten (was bei BA übrigens stolze 23kg wiegen dürfte), denn ich konnte zu Hause nicht einchecken, Bordkarten bekommen und bald bald saßen wir am Gate.

      Es wurde 20 Uhr, es wurde 20 Uhr 30, dann 21 Uhr.... endlich boarding und mit dem Bus zur Vorfeldposition - wo unsere Reise dann auch endete.

      Die kleine Embraer stand vor unserer Nase, nur, die Bustüren blieben zu.

      Nach lauter werdendem Murren in der Menge erbarmte sich der Busfahrer, uns mitzuteilen, daß wir wohl heute nicht mehr fliegen und er uns zurück zum Gate bringt. Gerüchteweise wegen "very windy" in London. Na super.

      Kurz vor 22 Uhr also fanden wir uns verlassen vor dem Flughafengebäude wieder, immerhin gab's ne SMS von BA, man habe uns auf die Maschine am nächsten Vormittag umgebucht.

      Wat nu?

      Hotels gibt's ja genügend rund um FRA, also checkten wir für die Nacht im Holiday Inn ein und ich kämpfte mich telefonisch durch die englische Hotline des gebuchten Hotels, wenn a dann drücken sie 2, wenn x dann... ich hätte schreien können. Irgendwann endlich wurde ich doch mit einem Menschen verbunden und die nette Dame sorgte dafür, daß unsere bereits bezahlte Reservierung nicht gecancelled wird, wenn wir erst am nächsten Mittag ankämen. Puh.

      Freitag morgen dann same procedure as yesterday, allerdings hob dieses mal der Flieger tatsächlich - fast pünktlich gegen halb 11 - auch ab.

      Ich hatte extra den kleinen City-Airport gebucht, da man ab dort am schnellsten in die Stadt käme und unser Hotel war so gewählt, daß wir die Haltestelle der DLR (Dockland Railway) in fußläufiger Entfernung gehabt hätten.

      Oyster Card war per Post rechtzeitig angekommen, also ab in die Stadt. Rolltreppe - war da nicht ein Schild - nur aus dem Augenwinkel gesehen, Stefan war schon oben auf der Platform - was stand da? Ende vom Lied - die Linie war in der Zeit vom 27.03. - 01.04. außer Betrieb. London, ich mag dich jetzt schon!

      Viele Alternativen gab es nun nicht, also fuhren wir mit der einzig möglichen anderen Linie wie empfohlen ein paar Stationen bis "Canning town" und versuchten, uns ab dort per tube weiterzukämpfen. Informationen katastrophal bis nicht vorhanden, so dauerte es eine ganze Zeit, bis wir herausgefunden hatten, wie wir weiterkommen. Ab hier gibt es nur eine einzige Linie, die spuckte uns schließlich an "London Bridge" aus; Fußweg zum Hotel ab hier eine Meile. Auch wenn es nur Handgepäck war - es nervte. Mit Köfferchen und Rucksack durch die Menschenmengen, mitten über die Towerbridge, für deren Schönheit wir gerade kein Auge hatten. Am Ende waren wir irgendwann am Nachmittag im Hotel angekommen, und unsere Laune nicht die allerbeste.
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    • Day 4

      Tea Time!

      July 20, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      We decided to do a formal British afternoon tea and it was an interesting experience that we really enjoyed. It was not cheap but we were very well taken care. Also found out I like tea with cream in it. Go Dairy!Read more

    • Day 20

      Ales and a big walk

      October 12, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Meet up with Des, Maria & Charlie. Lovely lunch of traditional London meat pies. ( I had fish 🐟 🥧 - yummy) at The Barrow Boy and Banker. An old bank pub that still has its original fittings. A walk through the Borough Market, a bit like our Vic Market, but on a grand scale and a lot better, was very crowded. Next stop Leicester Square and Convent Garden 💐 Finished the day with a ale at The Dickens Inn at Katharine Doc. Thanks to our tour guides " The Wellers"Read more

    • Day 3

      Hotel breakfast

      June 14, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

      Bangers and beans to start the day. The coffee was surprisingly good. Joe also had toast and marmite 🤢

      We all hardly slept. The time adjustment and shit air conditioning were a brutal combo.

      Syd’s dad checked in at midnight CA time. “Hey Dad, why are you up?” “Because smart good-looking people don’t need much sleep.”
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    • Day 19

      Westminster Abbey and a walk around.

      October 11, 2024 in England ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Our air bnb is fabulous. Two underground railways next to us but no noise. A "stones throw" from the Tower of London, we decided to explore the neighbourhood and then went to Westminster Abbey. There are 30 British Monarchs entombed in Westminster Abbey. I really wanted to see Edward the Confessor (King). His tomb is of limits to the public. However, if you wanted to say a prayer 🙏 you could enter with a priest into the area where the tomb is. So off we went up the stairs, placed on seats right in front of the Edward the Confessors 1066 tomb. Over to my left was King Henry 111 tomb. There was only 4 other people in this area. It was incredible, and even more incredible, we didn't burst into flames 🔥
      We also saw Mary Queen of Scots and Elizabeth 1 tombs and so much more. Lovely little chapel, the Phx Chamber, oldest part of Westminster. Back on the tube, a quick pint and home 🏡
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    • Day 5

      London Eye und Modern Tate

      August 1, 2024 in England ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Heute standen zwei Ziele auf dem Programm. Das London Eye und die Modern Tate Gallery.
      Mit den Thames Clippers, einem Fährtaxi, ging es über die Themse nach Westminster, wo das London Eye - das sehr sehr große Riesenrad (135 m) in der Nähe ist. Zum Glück hatte Bärbel für uns Fast Track gebucht und so waren wir in ca. 5 min im Riesenrad. Es war eine tolle Aussicht, diesmal auf die City West.
      Weiter ging es zur Tate Modern, nur eine Meile östlich an der Themse. Ein sehr großes Industriegebäude voller Kunst. Wir haben uns die aktuelle kostenlose Ausstellung angeschaut, das war schon sehr viel. Viel Tolles und viel Schrott - wie immer in solchen Galerien.
      Wir schlenderten durch das schwüle South Bank und waren froh, wieder im Hotel zu sein. Heute aßen wir im Natural Kitchen, dem Restaurant des Hotels.
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    • Day 5

      Garden 120

      April 28, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Dann wollte ich nochmal zur St. Pauls aber heute war der Eintritt 23£ 😟 dann hab ich den Versuch gemacht zum Garden 120, dort ist eine tolle Aussicht versprochen. Auf Umwegen hab ich es dann endlich geschafft. Danach war ich aber zu platt für die Soho Tour.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Fenchurch Street Railway Station, FST

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