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    • Dag 125

      Tea time

      6. januar, England ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      This morning started with another included breakfast and then going back to the room for a while to rest. We're feeling a bit better today but still are on the road to recovery (which is rapidly shrinking...

      We only ventured out once today, for our last afternoon tea! It was a bit of a walk away, so we got to enjoy some more of London's scenery. The cafe was near the famous Baker St from Sherlock Holmes, so we gave it a quick look on the way to our lunch/dinner.

      We went to a nice place called the Potting Shed, which while not being in an actual shed, was under street level, which was a bit novel for us!

      The afternoon tea itself was good! While their little sandwiches were a bit of a letdown, the scones, cakes, and of course, tea was really good!

      After leisurely eating, we took an equally leisurely stroll through Regent's Park before getting back to our room to continue our recovery!

      Step count: 10.9k
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    • Dag 1

      Mijn theevolk

      31. mars 2023, England ⋅ 🌧 12 °C


      Hier ben ik weer. De eerste overstap is een feit! Aangezien die 5,5 uur duurde, hebben we London gecitytript op 5 uur.
      Voor jullie hier een overzicht van wat je allemaal op 5 uur tijd kunt doen in Londen:

      - door het wondermooie Buckingham palace park wandelen
      - een random gratis museum waarbij ze 2D kunst omzetten in 3D kunst bezoeken
      - 5 keer bijna worden omvergelopen door Londenaars met paraplu’s
      - selfie bij de Big Ben trekken
      - eekhorens spotten
      - wannabe flamingo’s spotten
      - Een thee met melk bestellen zonder gejudged te worden (eindelijk)

      Nu zitten we echt op een superdeluxecoole trein richting the highlands waar we een fancy ooglap kregen.

      Kusjes en zie jullie morgen in Schotland
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    • Dag 12

      The Trozzo Wedding

      14. september 2023, England ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Today is WEDDING DAY for Adam and Berta (and little Emi too). They got married at the Chelsea Town Hall this morning with both parents and two friends as witnesses. After the ceremony they all had a wedding breakfast before heading to the afternoon high tea at the Renaissance Hotel at St Pancras.

      We caught up with Trozzo relatives we haven't seen for nearly 10 years. We caught up with Enzo's sister Rita, Rita's long time friend Carmen was there too. We chatted for hours and they were so surprised to Daniel as he was 11years old when they saw him last.

      The Renaissance Hotel is an amazing hotel, it was previously the original rail station for St Pancras but is now a beautiful up market hotel. We had a very lovely high tea with yummy scones, sandwiches, cakes and tea/coffee. So full, not sure how we are going to fit in dinner???? But I am sure we will find a way.
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    • Dag 7

      Paddington at Portobello Road

      3. mai 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      This is especially for the Grandchildren who are Paddington fans - but on the other hand, who doesn’t love Paddington?

      We were able to identify a few of Paddington’s favourite places on Portobello road. I hope you enjoy them.Les mer

    • Dag 6

      Towers and Bridges

      2. mai 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Today started with phone calls - again - but this time they were welcome :)
      We had a lovely FaceTime with Laura in Perth, then Beebs and all the kids on their way home from swimming lessons, then finally Darcy (once he had woken up from his nap). And this was all following a call late(ish) last night from Beth (which I promptly fell asleep in the midst thereof).

      We had a relatively leisurely start, as our first destination was Tower Bridge which doesn’t open until 9.30am. The walk and tube saw us arriving right at opening time and we entered with no delay. There are many similarities between Tower Bridge and the Sydney Harbour Bridge (all steel construction, rivets, stonework on towers / pylons only for decoration). It only takes 60 seconds to fully open the Bridge which still happens quite regularly to allow for the passing of ships. The engineering is phenomenal.

      Next was our first tower for the day - the Tower of London which is very close by. This was a mixed experience. The most popular of the experiences here is to get up close and personal with the Crown Jewels. Although the place was very busy by now, the queue into the Crown Jewels building was very short. On entering we quickly realised why - most of the ‘good’ stuff has been removed to prepare it for use on Saturday at the Coronation. However, there were still two particularly beautiful and famous items on display - the crown that the Queen mother wore; and the small diamond crown that Queen Victoria wore and is most often depicted as wearing in statues, paintings and films and which she wore most often during her long widowhood.
      On the bright side of this experience, Loss didn’t have to suffer large, close-packed crowds (see previous entries).

      In spite of this, the rest of London Tower was extremely interesting. The details of the imprisonments, tortures and executions that took place here is astonishing.
      Also, to be walking around inside a building that William The Conquerer built shortly after invading England in 1066 is mind blowing for someone coming from Oz.

      Our next tower was the Monument to the Great Fire of London of 1666. The monument closes for an hour between 1 and 2pm each day and our timing saw us arriving right in this period so we allowed ourselves the luxury of a half hour lunch break before experiencing the Monument - a good thing too - as an energy boost was definitely helpful as we climbed the seemingly-never-ending spiral staircase to the top. (Just checking now, my watch (and legs) registered we climbed 53 flights in total today).
      However it was worth the effort as the views were excellent from the viewing platform at the top.

      Next (at Loriene’s insistence) was a short visit to the nearby ‘tailor’s district’, specifically to the Charles Tyrwhitt shop. We’ve been ordering online custom business shirts from them for many years but weren’t brave enough to order pants without trying them on.
      This I duly did, worked out exact size and fit and will order online ‘when the price is right’ as they often have special discount deals for their overseas customers throughout the year.

      It was now mid afternoon so we tubed it back to the British Museum for a second crack at getting through the Biblically relevant displays. By the time we were kicked out again at 5pm we had made significant further progress - but it will need a third visit tomorrow to finish it. We have been photographing every single exhibit (in order) that is described in the guide book we have been using. I expect it will be a valuable resource to use in the future.

      A 15 minute walk back to our ‘home’, with yet another grocery stop on the way saw us through the door at a very respectable 6pm. I did offer to head out to Harrods but it seems it is preferred to visit there tomorrow ‘when we will have more time’. Gulp.

      Tomorrow is our last day in London. Apart from finishing the British museum, we have covered all our ‘must do’ items (except Harrods 😳). There are a couple of other things we have in mind to do in addition if time permits.
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    • Dag 3

      Error Code: 404

      5. mai, England ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Vi bor på værelse 404, og det vækker minder. Fordi det virker sgu ikke rigtig. Vores aircondition er enten på 100% styrke, eller 5%. Bruseren i badet driller og håndvasken er rædselsfuld. Men vi sover trods alt godt i sengen.

      Musicalen i går aftes, var fremragende. Utroligt smukt, flot og imponerende. Vores pladser var dog meget små, men det gik. Musikken var rørende og bevægende, og man kom nærmest til at knibe en lille tåre. Det gjorde Johanna faktisk. Jeg brugte desværre en del mental krudt på at forsøge at abstrahere fra den snakkende familie bagved, og damen foran os, som sad og skrev på messenger, med fuld lysstyrke på telefonen. Jeg forstår ikke altid mennesker. Håber de skammer sig, men det gør de helt sikkert ikke. Alt i alt var det heldigvis en oplevelse vi sent kommer til at glemme 👏

      Dagen begyndte med en velbetalt latte hos Costa's, og en gåtur til Leadenhall Market. Men da vi besøgte det en søndag, var der lukket overalt. Alligevel var det smukt, og vi kunne genkende indtil flere scener fra diverse film vi har set.

      Nu var det tid til at fylde maven op, så direktøren guidede os igennem endnu et sæt af metroer, indtil vi endte på Camden Market. Som jo selvfølgelig var prop fyldt med mennesker. Men der var også prop fyldt med madboder, og det er jo ikke så skidt endda. Især når man er sulten. Vi delte en ret med nudler og paneret kylling. Nam nam.

      Så var det tid til at brænde kalorierne af, så vi gik en frisk gåtur mod Kings Cross station, hvor vi gerne ville besøge deres berømte Harry Potter butik. Efter at have stået i en mindre kø, fik vi lov at udforske den enormt dyre og flotte butik. Her kunne Johanna købe en souvenir med hjem, og jeg kunne svede lidt over den overfyldte butik. Men sjovt var det.

      Nu stod vi uden de store planer, og det betyder jo kun én ting her i England. Find en pub. Da familien Jensen besøgte London sidst, boede vi nær Kings Cross, og derfor vidste vi at der lå en hyggelig pub rundt om hjørnet. Klokken var 15:00 da vi satte os i den hyggelige gård, og efter en Fish'n Chips, og indtil flere genstande, ringede de med klokken inde i baren. Nu var klokken blevet 22:30 😱 ad.

      Så var det tid til at komme hjem. Men Metroen var lukket, og det ville tage over en time at gå hjem. Det var vi ikke i stand til, og vi turde faktisk heller ikke. Så vi fandt en af de ikoniske Black Caps, og bad ham køre os til hotellet. Det tog 10-12 minutters tid, og kostede 200 kr. Worth every penny. Nu var vi hjemme i sikkerhed, og vi er begge ret sikre på at vi ikke skal have mere at drikke på den her ferie 😅
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    • Dag 47

      Have arrived London.

      7. juni, England ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      What a quaint little hotel room.
      Check out this fridge?
      And plenty laid on for us all for free. Water, beer, cucumber sandwiches, chippies, jam and more. And it’s pretty central, just around the corner from Kings Cross station.
      Let the London exploring begin.
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    • Dag 2

      Chapel street market just down the road

      5. september 2023, England ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      32 steps up a steep stairwell to get into our accommodation and then… another 20 stairs to the upstairs bedrooms. What a mission carrying our bags up. Narrow stairwells aren’t easy to manoeuvre. Lots of laughs. Not the best accommodation in London that’s for sure.Les mer

    • Dag 21


      22. august 2023, England ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Going to a music festival in one of London's beautiful parks was the perfect ending to our trip with the cakes ❤️. We lingered a little at Linde & Flo's place to discover the big city. We visited some of the many free museums, spent hours inside bookshops, strolled alongside the Thames riverbank and ate lots of street food.Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Redemption for breakfast this morning

      6. september 2023, England ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Up early and been out for a walk in the cool. Brekkie is on its way. Headed into ‘town’, well trying to find a TK Max to purchase a new bag for me as mine has started coming apart at the seams! Australian product!!!
      Anyhow, Louise went off with her mate Mimi, and the rest of us got on the bus. after getting on a bus (we are using City Tracker) and getting off at the ‘right’ stop, started walking towards Oxford Str. turns out we were going back to where we came from 😆. And did I mention it was bloody hot at 9am? I mean 25 deg hot….
      Finally got back on the bus and went back to where we originally got dropped off from. Did lots of walking thru lovely shops, but not purchases cos we have to keep our bags under 20kg for the other flights within europe. Lunch at a lovely airconditioned pub, then down to Liberty to look at all the beautiful things.Credit cards were twitching but managed to stay firmly in their place.
      Dinner out a Trullo, goregous italian restuarant that Louises friends son is the Head Chef. Food was glorious…shame our ‘kitty’ currency card decided to shit itself and blocked. So out came the mastercard and sorting that out tomorrow.
      A very very hot day, got to 34 and of course we are not used to that. Feet swelling, sweat pouring…. Paris tomorrow and another hot hot day to come.
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