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Nelson's Column

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    • Day 18


      June 23, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Very long trip to get there our flight was delayed, moods were low, our Airbnb was terrible but the next day has to be better. We went to Hamilton and it was great! I'm no longer sick so mood was good. Next day we spent the day with another Aussie Chels our tour guide and had a few drinks. Then it was time to say goodbye to prue :(Read more

    • Day 1

      London Hop on Hop off Tour

      July 25, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Tower Bridge
      Tower of London
      Big Ben
      Waterloo Bridge
      London Eye
      Westminster Abbey
      Buckingham Palace
      Hyde Park
      National Gallery
      Palace of Westminster
      Kensington Palace
      Wellington Arch
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    • Day 3

      To the royals!

      August 12, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      We started our day quite slowly, knowing that we would be fit enough to complete the (all-too) ambitious program I had originally planned.
      Taking our time, we took the bus (a double decker, of course) to Trafalgar Square, with the plan to walk along the various palaces of the area (Buckingham namely), and of course the famous parks in the heart of the city.Read more

    • Day 1


      July 16, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Zuerst bin von Basel nach London geflogen. Der Flug kostete 26,79 SFr. Ich ging in mein Hotel Selina Camden. Ich war 2 Nächte in diesem Hotel. Es kostete mich 110 SFr. Tag 1: Sightseeing Bus Night= 32,30 SFr.
      Tag 2: Madame Tussauds London = 36,75 SFr. Im Madame Tussauds hat es mir sehr gefallen weil man viele Künstler aus Wachs sehen konnte und es lustig war.
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    • Day 15


      October 1, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      KATRINA - Abbey had the first Fish and chips and Patrick had the Sausages.
      And cards while we watch the Wallabies.
      KATRINA - London is amazing... Samantha you would LOVE IT!
      DAVID - Jude checking out the lobsters in the background!
      DAVID - Morning Louise, not yet. We're still in London, we are packing now and will head to the airport in a few hours.
      KATRINA - Mum that is beautiful ❤️❤️❤️ we just got on the plane about to fly out to Dublin
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    • Day 4

      Day 4 - London

      October 16, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      …up and at ‘em. Both of us had decent sleeps, again, and headed out just after 9. The HoHo is not allowed to drive by Buckingham Palace so we didn’t see it yesterday and I felt very strongly that I couldn’t visit London without seeing the palace soooo we walked there. Lovely walk down the Mall towards the gates, passing St James Gardens. After a few pics, we walked alongside the Green Park and then over to Hyde Park where we saw the Princess Diana Memorial Fountain - nice enough but rather understated we thought. We had a 2 day pass for the HoHo so hopped back on and went clear across to the other side. Took us almost 2 hours to go maybe 8km and good thing we left when we did cuz we were hoping to catch the Jack the Ripper tour which took us by the locations where 5 women were brutally murdered between August 31st and November 9, 1888. Our guide was extremely animated and knowledgeable and aside from the subject matter, it was a very interesting tour. Quick bite to eat and then back on the HoHo for a spectacular night tour around the city, again with a very knowledgeable and animated guide. Figured we hadn’t done enough walking, haha, and regular hoho stops running around 6:00pm, so walked back to the flat in Kings Cross, guessing about another 4km for the day. Neither one of us put on our map my run to keep track.Read more

    • Day 25–30


      February 24 in England ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      The last leg of our journey was travelling back to London to meet up with some old friends and to kick back and relax.
      We went to Harry Potter World and explored the film sets for a few hours 🪄🧙‍♂️
      Afterwards, we made our way to the restaurant 1890 by Gordon Rasmey, where we ate the most expensive meal of our lives 😂
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    • Day 5


      August 6, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Svolta la solita routine, prendiamo l'autobus per Londra. Vediamo da fuori alcuni dei monumenti più famosi, come il Big Ben, le classiche cabine telefoniche rosse, saliamo sulla London Eye ed entriamo nel Tate Modern. Per la prima volta osservo uno scoiattolo in un parco. Poco prima di rientrare ci fermiamo ad ascoltare un ragazzo cantare, noi italiani ci facciamo riconoscere applaudendo.Read more

    • Day 11

      London, United Kingdom

      September 13, 2016 in England ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      From Ireland we flew to London where we spent three nights. It was nice relaxing and not doing any of the tourist things in the city which we've done previously. This time we focused our trip around visiting several friends we have living there which was a lot of fun! We went out to local pubs and restaurants and even got to catch a football match. We had great seats a few rows behind the goal in Fulham's supporter section. They were losing 0-1 most of the match until they tied it in the final minutes of stoppage time. Great game and great atmosphere in a 100+ year old stadium.Read more

    • Day 64

      Cultural London

      October 28, 2017 in England ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      ... wir waren in zwei Kunstgalerien - das wird den Titel jawohl rechtfertigen können!
      Anders als bei meiner letzten Fahrt nach London (am Mittwoch...), stand ich dieses Mal auf der Hinfahrt. Der Zug ist echt schnell, also hat mir das nichts ausgemacht. Unsere erste Station in London war die 'Royal Academy of Art', das schicke Gebäude, was man auf dem ersten Bild sehen kann. Wir haben eine Ausstellung von Jasper Johns' Werken besucht. Ich hab wahrscheinlich zu gut wie kein Werk verstanden, aber ich konnte auf jeden Fall die Farben genießen und das Können bewundern.
      Nach einem kleinen Mittagessen waren wir dann in der National Portrait Gallery und haben uns vor allem die Tudor Gemälde angeguckt. Ich hatte echt Glück, weil ich in Mike einen genialen Tourguide hatte, der umsonst war und wirklich alles wusste! Leider war die 'Luther-Ausstellung' ziemlich enttäuschend: zwei Bilder, eine Texttafel und ein Zeitstrahl, der nach den Thesen Luthers Namen nicht wieder aufgreift... Dafür war die britische Geschichte, die Mike mir erklärt hat interessant.
      Zugegebenermaßen hört hier der kulturelle Teil auch schon wieder auf. Nach einem Mocktail (also ohne Alkohol), haben wir den Covent Garden besucht und sind einfach durch ein paar Stadtteile, Läden und Straßen gelaufen. In dem Prozess hab ich auch das Theater von 'The Cursed Child' gesehen, der Himmel war so schön, dass ich das nicht nicht hier mit aufführen konnte.
      Als quasi letzte Station waren wir dann bei Selfridges. Da sind wir mit dem Bus hingefahren, was bedeutet, dass ich heute das erste Mal in einem echten Londoner Bus gefahren bin! Aufregend! Der Himmel war echt beeindruckend auf dem Weg dahin. Ähnlich beeindruckend, aber deutlich abstoßender war dann die Weihnachts (!) Deko in dem großen Laden. Auf der Dachterrasse, aber drinnen, haben wir dann Pizza gegessen. Vicki hat angemerkt, dass ich zu müde bin um vernünftig meine Pizza zu schneiden. Das erwähne ich nur, weil es dann mehr Sinn ergibt, dass ich die ganze Zugstrecke zurück geschlafen habe, bis ich von Vicki kurz vor unserem Stop geweckt wurde. Danach bin ich nur zum Auto getorkelt, aus dem Auto in mein Zimmer getorkelt und habe diesen unglaublich spannenden Post geschrieben, bevor ich jetzt gleich schlafen werde. Ich bin echt kaputt. Also gute Nacht! (Sorry für alles, was ich geschrieben habe!)
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