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    • Day 14

      National Gallery

      May 14, 2024 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      I’m very fond of paintings. Mostly the impressionists so I always hunt around for viewing museums. Today took me to the National Gallery, not the portrait gallery or Modern 2, which I’m saving for another day. Made up of two buildings connected below grade, the 5-story building is old on the outside and beautiful on the inside.

      Sauret, Monet,Poisson, amongst many others. I really enjoyed the art created by Scottish artists with Scottish themes. Men in kilts, dancing girls, wild scenes of the highlands, only in Scotland images.

      I also discovered a new trick. With my headphone in one ear, I could listen presentations on YouTube about the art, while I was looking at it in person. Also, the Audio Description (for visually impaired folks), provided by the museum, was another new (to me) way to look at the paintings.

      And it was free!!
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    • Day 3

      Gladstone's Land

      June 17, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Gladstone's Land ist das älteste erhaltene Wohngebäude Edinburghs. Es wurde vom National Trust liebevoll restauriert und nimmt mich mit auf eine Zeitreise. Jedes der drei Stockwerke repräsentiert eine andere Epoche des Hauses und super freundliche und motivierte Freiwillige erklären und berichten.
      Ich beginne im "Boarding House" (eine Art Gastarbeiter-Hostel) von Mary Wilson im Jahr 1911.
      Es folgt ein Stoffhandel aus dem Jahr 1766 und schließlich der Gemischtwarenhandel aus dem frühen 17. Jahrhundert.
      Das Haus bietet einige interessante Informationen. Ich entdecke abschließbare Teekästen - weil Tee damals sehr wertvoll war - und vollkommen isolierte Gewürztresore, die den Inhalt vor Feuchtigkeit und Ratten schützen sollte. Im Zement des Gebäudes sieht man eingearbeitete Schalen von Austern. Die Muscheln waren damals beinahe eine Plage an der Küste, ihr Fleisch galt als Arme-Leute-Essen und die Schalen wurden als Baumaterial verwertet.
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    • Day 12

      tag 12 drimsynie - edinburgh

      June 22, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      🚘 120 meilen / 193 kilometer
      👣 21'300 schritte

      unsere letzte fahrt mit jane ging heute über einen pass durchs grüne nach edinburgh.
      für den frühstückshalt legten wir einen stopp im but&ben ein. hübsches café mit leckeren speisen und fabelhaftem kaffe.
      hier lernten wir 2 sehr nette damen kennen, mama und tochter. die tochter lebt bereits 22 jahre hier in schottland, ihre mutter kommt sie mindestens 1x jährlich immer noch besuchen, trotz ihren bereits 85 jahren. fanden es richtig schön, dass ihre tochter ihr das immer noch ermöglicht! viele tipps haben wir erhalten, die wir uns bestimmt für unsere nächste schottlandreise merken werden.
      alle die in ca. 6 wochen nach schottland reisen, erkundigt euch unbedingt welchen mückenspray ihr kaufen müsst, sie meinte die schlimme zeit der midges kommt erst mit der 2. brut, die wird dann erwartet🤣
      sie hat uns auch gesagt, dass wir ultimativ viel glück mit dem wetter hätten. normal sei das nicht. wir mussten schmunzeln, denn dasselbe hörten wir schon 2018&2022 in irland und 2019 in niederlande/dänemark. wir ziehen wohl einfach das schöne wetter an🤷‍♀️🤣

      gestärkt ging es dann weiter nach edinburgh. es stand ein trauriger moment bevor, die reise geht nun ohne jane weiter.
      jane war eine sehr treue und zuverlässige begleiterin, dank ihr haben wir bestimmt auch sachen gesehen die sonst gar nicht möglich gewesen wären. DANKE JANE🙏❤️

      neues transportmittel ist nun das tram.
      ÖV fahren nervt mit sack und pack ja schon etwas. das nerven wurde aber schnell vom staunen abgelöst. OMG what a city😱😍 wir waren schon nur von der sicht auf die stadt vom tram aus geflasht.
      bevor diese erkundet wird geht es jetzt zuerst aber in die unterkunft.
      hoppla was haben wir dann hier gebucht😅😍 eine richtig geile wohnung, unser kleiner palast für die nächsten tage.
      frisch machen und ab in die stadt.

      hier hat es einige menschen mehr auf den strassen als in glasgow, wir fühlen uns aber sehr wohl hier und sauber ist es auch.
      irgendwie ist man anfangs etwas überfordert, es hat so viele schöne dinge anzuschauen, man weiss gar nicht wo man zuerst hinsehen soll.
      wir können es einfach nur nochmal sagen, diese stadt ist wahnsinn, überall diese wunderschönen bauten.

      lecker abendessen gabs im paolozzi. italienische küche✌️ richtig richtig geile pizza! das personal ist sehr freundlich und zuvorkommend, das ambiente auch sehr nice.

      nach dem essen gabs nochmal einige schritte durch die stadt und etwas live musik durfte natürlich auch nicht fehlen.
      ultimativer unterschied zu dublin: hier ist viel weniger party angesagt. hier sind die leute einfach zum geniessen in den pubs (stand donnerstagabend).
      auf dem rückweg zur unterkunft wurden wir von einem wunderschönen sonnenuntergang begleitet.

      total erledigt gings dann ins bett, morgen gibt es nochmal einiges zu sehen 😊
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    • Day 4

      Edinburgh Day 4

      September 23, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      The highlight of our day was walking through the Royal Botonic Garden. Of course, the fall blooms found me right away. There are so many familiar plants, with a similar climate as the Northwerst. After a rainy walk home, Stan and I went to the National Museum of Scotland. Starting in the basement, we found Scotland used to be near the south pole. I learned Scotland is moving north at the rate of fingernail growth and will end up at the North Pole!!! The museum helps to understand the various waves of "invaders" that affected Scot Culture, beginning with the Romans and Vikings.

      We had dinner at a Spanish Tapas place, lots of fun small plates. I also finished a wee weaving on my wee loom.
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    • Day 2


      September 11, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      We arrived! We didn't expect the room to be ready at Nira Caledonia, our hotel, and it wasn't. So, we explored a bit at the Waters of Leath Walkway and had lunch. After lunch we did a hop on hop off bus tour of the city. We hopped off at the university district and tool a short walk to the Vennel View point for a view of the castle. and stopped in this great pub for dinner. and an cool dessert shop for a chocolate dipping experience! Dinner was haggis for me and fish and chips for Sharon.Read more

    • Day 5

      Dean Village

      June 25, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Nach Dean Village zu gehen, war ein Tipp aus dem Hotel: es würde dort aussehen, wie in Hogwarts. J.K. Rowling hätte sich hier die Inspiration bei ihrem Edinburgh-Aufenthalt geholt. Pitoresk und einen Besuch wert auf jeden Fall - mitten in der Stadt gelegen.Read more

    • Day 4

      Giardini botanici reali

      August 15, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Dopo aver finito il tour abbiamo cercato la fermata degli autobus per dirigerci ai giardini botanici.
      Quando siamo arrivate abbiamo pranzato al sacco con un'ape che ci girava attorno 🤣 alla fine è entrata nella confezione di un tramezzino di una ragazza infatti lei continuava a fissare la confezione perché doveva buttarla, ma l'ape aveva deciso di fare casuccia lì dentro 😂 alla fine ci è riuscita 😂
      Dopo pranzo io e Arianna ci siamo prese un caffè che è stato messo in una tazza di carta simil Starbucks con un tappo che era poggiato ma che non si chiudeva effettivamente, infatti sia io che Arianna ci siamo sporcate di caffè a un certo punto 😂
      I giardini in ogni caso sono belli e ben curati, era pieno di giardinieri che curavano il verde per renderlo ben presentabile
      Alla fine abbiamo avuto seri problemi ad uscire, c'erano tante porte che portavano a un cancello chiuso e, come sempre, era accanto a noi e non ce ne eravamo rese conto 😂
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    • Day 4

      Inverleith park

      August 15, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Proprio accanto ai giardini botanici c'è questo parchetto molto più piccolino ma altrettanto grazioso:
      Partiamo dall'entrata che aveva il cancello aperto e dall'altro lato era aperta 😂
      Era un posto perfetto per fare sport, c'erano dei campetti di calcio, di tennis e per il golf
      Ci ho fatto un sacco di foto ed era molto rilassante 😁
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    • Day 4

      Dean village

      August 15, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Raggiungere il Dean village è stato un parto, stavo quasi per piangere dalla disperazione 😭
      Era TUTTO in salita, TUTTO! E infatti le gambe non me le sentivo più e ancora adesso non me le sento più 😭
      La fatica è valsa la pena? Sì, anche se il villaggio è minuscolo, roba di fare solo la foto 😂
      Si dice che questo villaggio abbia ispirato la Rowling per creare Hogsmeade
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    • Day 58

      Edinburgh Day 2

      August 15, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Today I went to grab breakfast with Nik and David and I just got a little cinnamon bun. You know, again, when people said the UK is expensive (deja vu from Switzerland), I didn’t think it would be true but it’s ‘spenny’ as hellll! Like everything is literally double the price as back at home, it’s kinda crazy. But I try to put my mind aside from that fact cuz I’m on vacation anyways! After the cinnamon bun, we walked over to Calton Hill which is much smaller compared to Arthur’s Seat. The view was still very nice though, and there were some monument thingies at the top! We hung around there for a while, and then took a very very lengthy walk down towards Leith which is kind of like the seaside area of Edinburgh. The streets were lined with lots of cute shops, café’s, and restaurants. We walked along the shoreline for a while until we found the beach, which was a bit of a sad beach, but was still water! Interestingly, a lot of that area was quite industrial, which was very different than the old town part of Edinburgh that I’d been used to seeing. After that, we took a bus back to the old town, and went to grab some lunch at a japanese restaurant. I got japanese curry because suddenly im obsessed with the dish. It was delicious. Then, we went back to the hostel to rest up for a bit. I went to meet Caimen and Ryan in the lounge for a little while. After, me, Caimen, and Nik went to go watch the highly acclaimed Fringe show “A Young Man Dressed As A Gorilla Dressed As An Old Man Sits Rocking In A Rocking Chair For Fifty-Six Minutes And Then Leaves… 14” that we’d heard about when talking to one of the hostel workers in the kitchen. It only happens once every 2 years. This honestly was the beating heart of the Edinburgh trip, and became what I was most excited for ever since I’d heard about it. It was just so mysterious. We’d got there and the line was long, we came 15 minutes early too! But unfortunately we didn’t make the cut, only about a quarter of the line made it in. I was devastated. But I couldn’t let that bring me down. We went to an Irish pub to watch an Irish comedy show instead which was good. Then we went back to the hostel where I ate some more of my spaghetti and we had some pre’s before going out to another another comedy show with our little group. We bravely sat in the very front row this time which is so intimidating because they’ll always pick on you in the front. We went to a bar and then a club and then the night ended with nachos. What a way to end Edinburgh!Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    New Town, Ciutat Nova dEdimburg, Ciudad nueva de Edimburgo, Edinburgheko Hiri Berria, Baile Ùr Dhùn Èideann, העיר החדשה של אדינבורו, エディンバラ新市街, Cidade Nova de Edimburgo, Новый город, New Toun, 愛丁堡新城

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