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Viajantes neste local
    • Dia 8

      Hop-on-hop-off- Grass Market

      8 de maio, Escócia ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      Shhhh, don’t tell! We doubled up on Jim and Donna’s hip on bus tickets today. We caught the bus at 9:45, rode the whole loop, then back around and off at the Grass Market.
      The Grass Market used to be for the sale (and purchase) of any animal that eats grass. Good name I think. It was a good place for lunch and a walk around. Nearby was another street claiming to be the inspiration for J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter.Leia mais

    • Dia 2

      Queen of the South

      7 de maio, Escócia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Our flight arrived in Manchester later than expected, then we had delays collecting our hire car (but we did get an upgrade!), so we didn't set off north until nearly midday.

      Traffic was heavy on the motorway, until we reached the rolling hills between the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales National Parks, then and onto Gretna Green, just over the border.

      After a visit to the famous Blacksmiths Shop, where runaway couples from England have wed since 1754, we headed towards Dumfries for the night.

      Dumfries is nicknamed Queen of the South, which is also the name of their soccer team in the Scottish leagues. It was the birthplace and childhood home of JM Barrie (author of Peter Pan), resting place of Robbie Burns, Scotland's National Poet, and, less famously, home of Alex Graham, creator of the Fred Basset cartoon.

      We walked through the historical centre, along the River Nith and had dinner at a local pub , before walking back to our hotel to watch the Eurovision song contest semi final.
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    • Dia 5

      Sunday Roast

      5 de maio, Escócia ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Edinburgh, and all of the UK for that matter, have many restaurants that feature a Sunday Roast. Roast beef, rustic vegetables, gravy and a Yorkshire pudding (the roll/pastry thing). My mom who grew up in Manchester would frequently cook a roast beef with vegetables and it is truly a home cooked meal for me. Now we search them out each Sunday.

      Today was extra nice as we ate with my cousin Shirley and her husband Lee. They met us in Edinburgh for the afternoon. Sunday roast was extra special with family.
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    • Dia 4

      Musselburgh - Fishermens Festival

      4 de maio, Escócia ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

      The ocean is closer to Edinburgh than we expected. 20 minutes on the bus and we were in the small beachside town of Musselburgh. We picked today to visit as it’s their annual Fishermen’s Festival. It was small beach village at its best. The people were warm and the gathering was happy. The local vendors were creative and many used items they found on the sea shore. For geologic reasons the sea shells on the beach are unbroken and you can scoop them up by the bucket full.Leia mais

    • Dia 27

      Goodbye Camper Van

      3 de outubro de 2023, Escócia ⋅ 🌬 14 °C

      We returned the camper this morning. It was a great 15 days, but Randy is definitely ready to sit back and let someone else do the driving. This may be a long post as I will cover our last few days out. We had a great night in Fort William, and before leaving the area, we checked out Neptune Staircase, which is a set of eight locks. We wandered along the tow path and watched a small cruise ship finish the last of the locks. We also saw some really cool small tour boats that take around 10 to 12 people out to the islands. Paddle boards, kayaks, and one even had sailing dingys. We spoke to the captain, and it sounds like a cool adventure trip. After that, we headed to The Ben Nevis Visitor Center and Trail Head. Very informative displays and lots of serious climbers getting ready to head out. There were a variety of climbs from a three or four hour slightly challenging hike to full-on rock climbing and multi day climbs. There is also ice climbing, and the photos were amazing. We took a 30-minute hike just to say we did and chatted with a few people coming down from the first summit. Very beautiful stop. We then headed to Glencoe. The roads were better, two lanes for the most part, but the scenery was still so beautiful. This area of the Highlands felt more welcoming. So lush and green, still lots of drama but a little softer. Glencoe Village was small and so cute. We wandered around and found the MacDonald Memorial. Even though the massacre took place in 1692, we found references to it several times. We stopped at the village store, and the owner said that they still didn't welcome the Campbell's, but there was only one MacDonald left in town. We found an amazing place to park for the night, outside of town, but still in the valley. It was a parking lot for a forest walk, and although just off the road, it felt very secluded. There were about 12 other campers there. We went on a fabulous forest walk and came out at a country inn with the best ever pub. Boots, it was called, and there seemed to be more dogs than people. They were having music that night, but I was too chicken to walk through the woods after dark. We met a lovely couple who were in the same car park who gave us all kinds of information on the area. They were staying for music, but they had a flashlight and a dog to get them home safe. We went back to the camper before dark and had a quiet Saturday night. We weren't sure where we were heading Sunday, so we just started driving. We drove along Loch Lomond, and the sun came out. It's probably the best weather we have had in our time in Scotland. We checked out Luss, and it was very pretty, but it was too early to stop, and we couldn't find a good place to park. We ended up driving all the way to Falkirk, which was going to be our last stop before turning the camper in. We are a day early. We paid for overnight parking at the Falkirk Wheel. This is a pretty amazing piece of technology that uses gravity to lift boats who are traveling the canal system. I believe they said the wheel replaced 11 locks. We watched a narrowboat come down the wheel, and later, a group of paddleboarders went up the wheel and headed down the canal. Very cool. We took a walk along the towpath and found a small pub called Lock 16. It was very old and very quaint. We sat on tiny stools and watched the locals enjoy their Sunday afternoon visiting. Back at the car park, we met a really nice couple from BC who are taking a gap year and shipped their custom-built van from Halifax to Liverpool. They have a year to see as much as they can. The next morning, we experienced our first real challenge with the camper. When Randy tried to start it, nothing happened. The battery was dead. It was strange, though, because the battery monitor was showing it had power. Challenge two was my sim card hasn't been working for calls or texts, just data. I sent an email to Bunk Campers, and we waited for a response. While we were waiting we went to the visitors center to charge my phone and Randy met a lovely couple who lent us their phone. After a number of attempts, we finally connected, and the rental company said they would send someone to give us a boost. I also tried unsuccessfully to get the issues with my sim card fixed. What a frustrating waste of time that was. The couple who lent us their phone insisted on waiting until the camper was running, so we had a lovely visit. They had just completed the NC 500 in their large motorhome and were heading to the Lake District in England. Once we were back running thanks to Kenny from Bunk Campers, we stopped at The Kelpies. These huge metal sculptures honor the role horses played in the development of the area. They are very beautiful and they along with the Falkirk Wheel draw hordes of visitors to the area. We found a lovely county park to spend our last night out and really enjoyed the facilities. For the first time in a week we have had electricity. We definitely wanted it after experiencing battery issues. There was a working farm in the park, so we had a beautiful walk through the fields. Unfortunately, the hairy coos weren't around, but there were lots of sheep to provide entertainment. We cobbled together dinner from all our leftovers and played a few games of cards. All in all, we have really enjoyed our campervan and the freedom it has given us. We had plenty of space, and if anything, we would have gone smaller because of the crazy roads.Leia mais

    • Dia 90

      Loch Fada

      30 de julho de 2023, Escócia ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Der Empfang gestern auf Skye war nicht gerade ein guter Start. Die Unhöflichkeit gewisser Menschen hier hat uns gleich mit voller Wucht getroffen 🤨
      Dafür wurden wir heute morgen mit einem wunderschönen Sonnenaufgang am Loch Fada belohnt ♥️ Im Hintergrund sieht man den Old Man of Storr.
      Der Platz gehörte und fast ganz alleine…..nur ein paar Midges waren auch schon früh wach 😅
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    • Dia 16

      Hangin' with the hipsters

      19 de junho de 2022, Escócia ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Eine Stadt! Nach fast 2 Wochen menschenleerer Highlands ist das sehr erfrischend. Nach dem wunderbaren Aufenthalt im Tummel Inn und einem ebenfalls grandiosen Frühstück mit Eggs Benedict und Avocado also nach Edinburgh. Unsere coole Unterkunft ist ein kleines Studio-Flat im Hipster-Stadtteil Leith. Bekannt aus Trainspotting, da wars noch no-go-area jetzt gentrifiziert mit coolen Restaurants, alten Hafenpubs und schicken Lofts für die jungen Kreativen. Da halten wir natürlich locker mit und mischen uns unters Volk. Lecker Streefood gibt's auf alle Fälle, morgen wird dann mal die Innenstadt mit dem Bus erkundet. Wetter übrigens ziemlich gut, strahlend blauer Himmel, so solls sein. So long guys...Leia mais

    • Dia 15

      The Queen is amused

      18 de junho de 2022, Escócia ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Wow, immer noch Sonne. Wenn auch leicht abgekühlt, und windig. Wir saugen trotzdem jeden Strahl auf, ob am Queens View oder beim Mittagskaffee. Das gebuchte Hotel in Pitlochry erscheint uns ziemlich dreckig und abgerockt, so dass wir einfach mal ein richtig smartes Landhotel am Loch Tummel buchen. Trüffelschwein Andrea sei Dank, "eat, drink, sleep", so schnell waren wir uns selten einig. Sehr britisch mit Kamin, Bibliothek mit fetten Ledermöbeln, feinem Dinner und wunderschönem Zimmer mit kamingeheiztem Bad mit freistehender Badewanne. Amazing! Aber natürlich angemessen für seine Lordschaft und Gattin. Der Abend klingt dann bei Whisky an der Bar aus. A la votre...Leia mais

    • Dia 12


      15 de junho de 2022, Escócia ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Was soll man sagen? Not my cup of tea. Dauerregen, da vergeht mir die Lust aufs Wandern. Ausserdem hab ich Knie. Andrea war tapfer unterwegs und hat die Sehenswürdigkeiten abgelaufen, Neist Point Lighthouse und Fairy Pools (ziemlich viel Wasser, war eher ein reissender Fluss als ein stiller Pool). Zwischendurch Seafood und viele Meilen zurückgelegtLeia mais

    • Dia 10

      Full scottish breakfast

      13 de junho de 2022, Escócia ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Ein Traum, das eiweißreiche Frühstück in Schottland. Dabei können wir alles wählen, Speck, Würstchen, Blutwurst, Bohnen.. Alles was man sich so wünscht. Von Nutella, Müsli, Avocado, Obst, Käse, Wurst, Yoghurt...keine Rede. Wir kommen klar, bei der nächsten Unterkunft wird alles besser. Die Fahrt nach Skye verläuft dank Fest-und-flauschig Podcast entspannt, unterbrochen von Begegnungen mit Schafen, Highland-Rindern und Japanern. Zwischendrin ein aus den üblichen Filmen bekanntes Schloß, die 10 Pfund Eintritt ham wa uns jespart und sind hinten rum rein. Pfui! In der Talisker Destillerie schon auf Skye trinken wir erstmal einen Flight mit 3erlei Whisky. Lecker, Flasche wird gekauft. Danach die obergeile Granatenunterkunft mit Superblick bei Alan und Alex. BOMBE! Dann was essen, wegen der großen Zahl von Japanern und vor allem Amis ist das montags ein Problem. Wir müssen im Pub warten bis endlich ein Tisch frei wird.. Frechheit! Wir trinken gutes Ale... Und warten! 3 Bier later wird dann was frei, war die Warterei wenixtens nix umsonst..Cheers!Leia mais

    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Scotland, Schottland, Skos, Escòcia, Skotlando, Escocia, Skotlanti, Ecosse, Alba, Scozia, Caledonia, Škotija, Schotland, Skottland, Escócia, Шотландия, 苏格兰

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