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    • Day 68

      London run

      August 23, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      https://www.strava.com/activities/9703151592/sh…J3aWR0aCI6MTAwMiwiaGVpZ2h0IjoxODc3LCJpbWFnZV93aWR0aCI6bnVsbCwiaW1hZ2VfaGVpZ2h0IjpudWxsLCJ1bmlxdWVfaWQiOm51bGwsInN0YXRpY192aWRlb191cmwiOm51bGwsImR1cmF0aW9uIjpudWxsfQ.K28xRJsGphO2wBtJxNSk83yM8FjVnp9XV0p_q1yddjM&hl=en-USRead more

    • Day 67

      Back where we started

      August 22, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      After nine weeks on the road, we are back where we started in London. We travelled 15,000 kilometres in our little roadster, and we had no issues - it was super reliable. I will be feeling sad when we part company with this great little car tomorrow, but I will have lots of great memories.Read more

    • Day 1

      Touristischi Sache und grossartigi Show

      April 20 in England ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Nachem feine Ässe simmer mitem Underground zum Picadilly Circle gange. Mitem London Marathon wo das Wucheendi isch, händ gfühli 3000000000 anderi Mänsche di gliich Idee ghaa 😜
      Grad es Lime Velo gmieted, damit mir de Buckingham Palast und en Teil vom Hyde Park händ chönne in Rekordzyt bewältige. 15 Pfund und öppe zwänzg Minute später hämmer s'Velo wieder parkiert und sind z'Fuess wiiter.
      M&M's World (mit aastah!!!), Hard Rock Cafe (mit Souvenierglas) China Town, feini Dounuts (ohni Loch!?!), Minigolf (Swingers, de Oliver hät gunne) und denn go Ramen Znacht ässe. Jetzt simmer ready für CHOIR OF MEN!
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    • Day 70

      London run

      August 25, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      https://www.strava.com/activities/9716258648/sh…J3aWR0aCI6MTAwMiwiaGVpZ2h0IjoxODc3LCJpbWFnZV93aWR0aCI6bnVsbCwiaW1hZ2VfaGVpZ2h0IjpudWxsLCJ1bmlxdWVfaWQiOm51bGwsInN0YXRpY192aWRlb191cmwiOm51bGwsImR1cmF0aW9uIjpudWxsfQ.zXLDUrP4UxZX5ge9U4OgTVbRnCDhhSd51W2JTkMTZnU&hl=en-USRead more

    • Day 18

      Chelsea FC Stamford Bridge

      August 30, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Ein Haken auf der Bucketlist hab ich mir dann Abends selber noch gesetzt.

      Einmal Fussball auf der Insel live sehen.

      Zufällig, drei Haltestellen weiter fand das Carabao Cup (Ligacup) von Chelsea FC London gegen den Bahnlinienrivalen AFC Wimbledon statt.

      Cooles Erlebnis
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    • Day 2

      Der perfekte London-Spaziergang

      January 10, 2018 in England ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Eine wirklich schöne Strecke, auf der auch immer etwas los ist, befindet sich zwischen Tate Modern und der Lambeth Bridge. Kaum eine Stadt hat bessere Straßenmusikanten als London und auch sonst sind die Menschen wirklich kreativ. Auf meinem Spaziergang begegne ich einem Seifenblasen-Mann der jedes Kind glücklich macht, einem Sandkünstler, der gerade ein Gesicht im Sand modelliert und komme am London Eye vorbei. Außerdem gibt es eine tolle Sicht auf den Big Ben und das Parlament.
      Mehr London-Tipps gibt's im Blogpost: http://www.lilies-diary.com/die-5x5-insider-tip…
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    • Day 1

      Angekommen im Hotel - The Lodge

      May 29, 2018 in England ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Nachdem wir fleißig umgestiegen sind, kommen wir um 10:30 Uhr am Hotel an. Der erste Eindruck ist schon mal gut. Die Lobby ansprechend und die Gegend auch gut. Anscheinend gibt es in der Umgebung einige 'neighbourhoods', in die man nur per Code/Schlüsselkarte,... hineinkommt.

      Wie erwartet ist unser Zimmer noch nicht bezugsfertig. Aber das ist nicht weiter schlimm, weil wir unseren Koffer im Hotel lassen können. Damit können wir unbeschwert und Sightseeing starten.

      Nur leider zieht es sich gerade zu und beginnt zu tröpfeln. Mal sehen, vielleicht suchen wir uns auch gleich eine Indoor-Besichtigung.
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    • Day 10

      Palaces, pasties and more pubs

      June 15, 2019 in England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Hello from London.
      We’ve had an interesting week. Last Thursday we drove in tandem from the Northern parts of Wales down
      to Pembrokeshire on the west coast of Wales. For 3 days we rented a holiday cottage near the town of Cardigan, (as in the sweater. ). The cottage had a personal hot tub which we all enjoyed and there was a pool for the kids. Our first day in the area we hiked part of the Pembrokeshire coastal path. ( thanks Cathy and Doug for the very useful guide) It was very muddy and slippery in parts from, evidently, record rainfall this month. The hiking was scenic and a bit more challenging than the gang was expecting. We were rewarded for our efforts with a pub lunch in the very picturesque sea side town, Tenby.
      We spent our second day exploring the locale near our cottage including visiting a working flour mill that is still using a water wheel powered by the local river. Kaleb loves to bake and he really enjoyed seeing the workings of the mill with the very old grinding stones. We also visited a prehistoric burial site with the same rocks as in stonehenge. Unfortunately , the weather in Wales continued cool and damp but we managed to enjoy ourselves between showers. Mike and Tara ventured to the southern town of St,David’s for a day trip.
      On Sunday we dropped off the rental cars- much to our drivers’ (Mike and Ryan) relief- enough narrow roads and left-hand driving. We took a bus into London. It was more excitement than we wanted as our bus broke down on the M4 and the traffic was horrendous. But we finally crawled into London and Helen welcomed us aboard her lovely home.
      We’ve spent the past three days seeing different parts of London. Since the boys were first-timers, they did the hop on hop off bus for a day seeing the usual palaces, churches but mostly lots of London traffic. Mike, Tara and I wandered through Chelsea and NottingHill. It was very rainy yesterday so our choices were a bit limited. The London jail museum was a hit with lots of torture devices to play with! We’ve had the full London experience with lots of bus rides, packed tube stations and boat rides along the Thames. The family is spread between a 2 bedroom Air b and b and bunking in with Helen. Last night we headed to the Soho district to take in a musical theatre production, Matilda. We all thoroughly enjoyed the evening. A great show and always a memorable experience to see live theatre especially a good musical. A first for the kids but hopefully not their last.
      Today we all hit the British Museum to check out things like the rosetta stone and the Elgin marbles, the Egyptian exhibit and even a head from Easter Island. Mike and I split off to the Portrait Gallery while the rest of the Parrys did the Harry Potter tour. Tonight the adults are out for dinner and the kids will stay in with a movie.
      Tomorrow we head to Stanstead to fly to France for the next week of our trip.

      Mason says the best part of the trip so far has been the big castle and the Musical; Kaleb says climbing Snowdon and Matilda and the flour mill; Rogan says Snowdon, Matilda , the coast trail and all pubs ( 1 through 20)

      That’s it for now. More from France
      Tata for now.
      Heather xx
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    • Day 2

      Leaving for Heathrow

      October 13, 2019 in England ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      It was great spending the evening with Jessica, Chris, Toby and Lorna last night. Thanks and apologies to Toby and Lorna for the early start.

      At least it’s dry and still. The underground is surprisingly busy for 7:15 on a Sunday morning. We were expecting a carriage to ourselves but there were very few seats free and it filled as we travelled closer to Earls Court. We guess they were travelling to a half marathon as someone had a number on their shirt saying that. Lots of trainers! Bun tells me I mustn’t take a picture down the carriage 😞Read more

    • Day 3

      Old Town Praha

      January 16, 2017 in England ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

      Our first full day in Prague, it was recommended to us by an American at our hostel breakfast to do the free walking tour of Old Town. If any of you know my traveling style it is first and foremost to do the walking and/or bus tour to get a broad overview of the history, points of interests, and must-sees of whatever town you are visiting, so this was right up my alley. We bundled up cuz it's snowing weather and took off in search of tour guides. Since neither Fatin or I know Czech, nor do we really know what is considered "Old Town", it was quite funny trying to navigate the streets via the map app on my phone, trying to figure out where and what we were doing. We loved wandering around though and came across some amazing mixes of Baroque styled architecture, a bit of Art Nouveau, and some Medieval gates thrown in there for good measure. And we found our tour guide...Pistis was his name, the Israeli-now-Prague-resident.

      Pistis had a great story. He was living and working in the UK, then met a girl from Prague he really liked. He came to visit her one weekend in Prague, but it was turned out to be awful. They couldn't communicate very well, it was awkward, he had a dreadful time, so he was happy to be back on a plane headed home to the UK. Oh, but wait! When he landed in London, the airport security detained him, questioned him, wanted to know why an Israeli was coming to the UK from Prague, etc., etc. They kept him overnight, by which in the morning they decided his work visa was no longer valid and they sent him back to Prague. He's been in Prague ever since for the past four years and it has become a city he loves. He passes his passion and love for Prague on to the tourists he meets everyday as he gives his tours.

      Pistis says Prague is magic and I am quite inclined to believe him. The name means "doorway" and maybe this place is a doorway, into another place or time or world. Who knows! I will tell you it is a lovely city, safe, clean and beautiful. There is a rich history here that many do not know, but I can guarantee once you find out, you'll see how it's connected to your history somehow.
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