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    • Dag 34

      From the Harbour Bridge to Botany Bay

      30 mei 2023, Engeland ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      We started off in shorts and T-shirts in Edinburgh and finished rugged up against an arctic chill in Whitby.

      Today entailed a fair bit of driving as we commenced our home run towards London.

      We left Edinburgh on a beautiful morning again, checking out of our apartment and heading just around the corner to pick up some fresh fruit. Thankfully we did, as it was at that moment we realised we had left our entire bag of food and kitchen accoutrements back in the apartment. A quick retrace to collect the abandoned bag then off for a fairly long drive firstly to Newcastle on Tyne. Enroute we crossed the border back into England at Coldstream having had a wonderful time in Scotland over the past few days.

      The only point of interest in Newcastle on Tyne was to observe the bridge which crosses the river Tyne (obviously). It is essentially a mini Sydney Harbour Bridge, having been built at the same time and as a prototype for the much more ambitious Sydney version.
      After having driven over it and then turned off to find a vantage point, we noted that the Newcastle version’s proportions looked a little more ‘squashed’, and the upkeep was somewhat lacking.
      We found a spot to pull over a little further along for some lunch, then continued on our way south to Whitby.
      I didn’t really know what to expect in Whitby, apart from the fact that it was where Capt. James Cook did much of his maritime training before then joining the Royal Navy and moving to London. When we arrived, we found the town absolutely packed with people. Alas, England’s school holidays have just started!

      Before heading to our accommodation, we found some parking near the James Cook museum and did a tour. It turns out that the museum is housed within the very house that James Cook lived in during his early maritime training here and he would have spent about 9 years living in the attic area of the house. The displays and records were very interesting and we noted that although there was obviously material on his 1770 voyage to the east coast of Australia, they took a much more ‘global’ view of Cook’s voyages and achievements than the ‘Australia-centric’ material we are used to seeing. The Endeavour on which he sailed was also designed and built here in Whitby.
      Having finished our tour of the museum, we found our accommodation just a 100m away up one of the narrow, cobblestone streets of the old city area. No parking was to be had here, so we returned to the car, retrieved our gear and wheeled our bags up to the accommodation.

      As Whitby is somewhat famous for its seafood we decided we should have a proper seafood meal this evening and lined up for the most in-demand restaurant in the town. After waiting in the chilly lineup chatting to some other English people for about 30 minutes, we got a table and enjoyed an excellent meal - Seafood chowder, Crab Sandwiches and Halibut fish and chips (and mushy peas which is pretty much always the only extra offered).
      We decided we needed to go for a walk after this large meal but as we emerged from the restaurant, there was a really cold wind blowing up the harbour. We braved this stiff breeze and headed up to the Cook memorial and the Whalebone Arch.
      On the way there we decided that, as we had been in the UK for just over a month now and HADN’T had an icecream yet, we really should do this also. So along with all the other locals, we strode along in the freezing evening with our ice-cream cones trying to finish them before the icy wind melted them prematurely.

      We climbed the hill to the monument, snapped a few photos with shivering hands and then retreated back to the warmth and comfort of our quaint little B&B room.
      It promises to be a lazy start tomorrow, as breakfast doesn’t commence being served until 9am!
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    • Dag 7

      Whitby 🏖

      24 september 2023, Engeland ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      ... in Whitby angekommen haben wir den Rest des Tages ganz gemütlich verbracht und einfach das Blau genossen 🌊 unser Ausflug nach Whitby begann mit einer wunderbaren Aussicht auf das Meer, zwei sehr leckeren Scones und dem ersten leckeren Kaffee, den ich, seit wir in England sind, getrunken habe! ☕️ Danach haben wir den Hafen und den Strand von Whitby erkundet, der wunderschön und gemütlich ist, doch seht selbst 🏖 Die Promenade ist voller Spielhallen und Essensstände. Julian hat hier sogar zum ersten Mal einen frischen Donut gegessen. Fazit: Sehr, sehr lecker! 🍩
      Außerdem haben wir gelernt, dass es in Whitby mindestens 7 verschiedene Arten von Möwen gibt, die jedoch alle nicht gefüttert werden dürfen, was hier auf zahlreichen Schildern und sogar auf den Essensverpackungen, z.B. auf den Fish & Chips, aufgedruckt wurde 😅
      Auf der Heimfahrt mit unserem Mietwagen (zum Glück sind wir das Ding bald wieder los 😂) durften wir feststellen, dass sich mitten auf den englischen Bundesstraßen/Autobahnen Wendestellen, und noch besser, Bushaltestellen befinden 😂 da muss man schnell mal eine Vollbremsung auf freier Fahrt hinlegen 🚘
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    • Dag 73

      Whitby & Saltburn

      13 juni, Engeland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Bit of a slower day as we have been feeling a little bit flat (possibly a hangover from being unwell a couple of weeks back). So we visited the Whitby Abbey on the hill and made sure to sample a crab sandwich and smoked kippers before leaving.

      We stopped in at Saltburn and walked up and down the pier. There was a gaggle of surfers braving the cold to catch a ride - definitely wetsuit weather. We wanted to catch the funicular up the hill, but unfortunately it was under repair so we had to put our legs to work instead. The view was pretty cool, with flat farmland going right up to the 90 degree drop straight down into the North sea.

      After we'd had enough wandering around, we made the short hop over to Newcastle and chilled out for the evening.
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    • Dag 35

      Our favourite York(!)

      31 mei 2023, Engeland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      It goes without saying that Darcy is our favourite York - but the city of York is pretty special too ;)

      We had our laziest start ever this morning, made some WhatsApp calls back home and wandered down to breakfast at 9.30am. We checked out immediately after breakfast, took all our bags back to the car (about 10 minutes walk along the cobblestoned streets) and then did a little more exploring of Whitby.
      The crowds were building again but were tolerable. The weather was not as cold as yesterday but there was a solid overcast.
      Loss and I went exploring separately for a bit (I was interested to see lots of people fishing for crabs off the wharf using collapsible nets with some bait secured in the base), then met up and had a look through the Museum of Jet which provided some interesting background to its use.
      It is no longer permissible to mine the material and the jewellery shops are supplied with their raw materials by locals who literally scour the beaches for bits that have been washed up on shore.
      Queen Victoria wore a lot of Whitby Jet jewellery during her 40 year long period of mourning after the death of her beloved Albert. This meant that Jet became the choice of Victorian women for mourning purposes but has more recently become a regular jewellery choice alongside any other precious or semi-precious gemstone.
      Another claim to fame for Whitby is its 7thC Abbey. Its decaying form and dramatic setting, sprawling graveyard and church surrounded by swooping bats - along with Jet being used as mourning jewellery inspired the author Bram Stoker to write the novel ‘Dracula’ in 1897 after having visited the town.
      We climbed the 199 steps up from the old town to the Abbey, took in the view and then returned to our car to commence our drive to York.

      The scenery changed dramatically as soon as we left the coast, and we saw on a hillside a very strangely shaped building which was part of a facility signposted as ‘RAF Flyingdales’. This turns out to be something ‘that provides a continuous ballistic missile early warning service to the UK and US governments, ensuring a surprise missile attack could not succeed. The RADAR is capable of tracking objects including satellites and debris, 3000 miles into space.’

      We found our accommodation in York without any issues and both the quality and location of the apartment are excellent - in a very quiet little nook but very central to the heart of York.
      Once we unloaded ALL our luggage this time (it was time to reorganise the luggage properly and start getting it ‘airline ready’ again) we had a bit of late lunch then headed off to start exploring by foot. We headed across the river, got ourselves onto the old city walls and began circumnavigating the city. The walls are not complete which meant getting back down to street level a few times to find the next section of wall.
      We were keen to have a look at the York Minster which is an iconic building but also has some significance as far as Bible history and prophecy is concerned (see the photos).
      We were also keen to have a bit of a look inside.
      Paid tours had finished for the day but we were invited in to the Evensong service which was about to commence. Not quite sure how it happened, but next minute we find ourselves seated up near the altar and the 40 minute service got underway.
      Being the third most important church in the Church of England, it was very much a ‘high CofE’ service and very foreign to us in so many ways.
      Never-the-less we got a good appreciation for the architecture and acoustics with the pipe organ and choir in full voice.
      Following this, we continued our tour of the walls of the city, bought some groceries for dinner and arrived back at our apartment just before 8pm.
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    • Dag 11

      Whitby - Ballerman

      21 juli 2022, Engeland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Ok, das ist etwas übertrieben. Aber der Ort bzw. im neueren ‚West Cliff Quartier‘ hats viel BlingBling, Spielhöllen, Touristen-Bootsfahrten, IceCream-, HotDog-Stände etc.… Aber der Reihe nach: Wir parken in der Nähe von Whitby Abbey, einer stattlichen Klosterruine auf dem Hügel. Zuerst kochen wir uns eine Mahlzeit - es ist schliesslich schon Nachmittag. Über Treppen vorbei an einem grossen Friedhof gehts runter nach ‚Old Town‘ - ein sehr hübsches, altes Quartier mit Blick auf die Hafenmole und die beiden Leuchttürme! Wir laufen über einen Holzsteg und -brücke bis ganz raus zu den zwei Leuchtfeuer, die den Hafeneingang markieren & haben einen tollen Blick auf die Steilküste, den Hafen und die Stadt! So viel laufen gibt Durst! Wir schnappen uns was Hochprozentiges und Rahel kriegt bei Ihrem Drink eine Show geboten 🤩 genüsslich schlürfend beobachten wir die Ruder-Teams, die in 2er, 4er, 6er Booten in der Hafenanlage rauf- und runter rudern 😎Meer informatie

    • Dag 12


      22 juli 2022, Engeland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Dass wir hier gar nicht hätten übernachten dürfen, sehen wir erst auf dem Rückweg von der Morgenrunde auf dem Schildchen… üblicherweise ist die Info am Parking-Kasten angeschrieben… hier für einmal nicht, nur einmal bei der Einfahrt … haben trotzdem sehr gut & ruhig geschlafen 😎Meer informatie

    • Dag 29


      25 mei 2023, Engeland ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Suzie - What a beautiful little place!! From the Abbey ruins to the 199 Steps, to the cobblestone streets filled with stops selling Whitby jet, fudge, fish and chips, ice creams, charming coffee shops and an exact replica of the HMS Endeavour, this village has everything!! I'm so happy to be here!

      I will be back!
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    • Dag 101

      Down to the beach!

      26 september 2017, Engeland ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Finally late this afternoon the fog cleared just long enough for us to see the beach! And what a surprise! All these coloured little beach huts lined up. It's a way down the cliff to the water- we walked but it can also be accessed via a lift. By the time we walked along the beach a little to the peer, the fog had set in again with the wind! Cold!!Meer informatie

    • Dag 12

      Cleveland Way zum Zmorge

      22 juli 2022, Engeland ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Der Cleveland Way ist ein nationaler Trail, dem wir nun schon ein paarmal begegnet sind. Ein Wegstück führt genau an unserem Übernachtungsplätzli bei der Abbey vorbei. Wir haben uns vorgenommen, früh aufzustehen und die Küste im Morgenlicht zu geniessen. Um 5:55 klingelt der Wecker. Schnell hören wir: heute - erstmals in diesen Ferien! - rägelets. Und tatsächlich: Als wir die Türen öffnen, sieht es mehr aus wir Herbstwetter: Nebel, Nieselregen, trüb … egal. Wir holen die Regenjacke und ☂️ raus und los gehts… schöne Stimmung! Alles ist noch ganz still… wir geniessen den Moment. Zurück beim Parkplatz springt 🐕 plötzlich los... vorne huscht eilig etwas davon … ein Fasan! Nayra ist so irritiert, dass sie einfach stehen bleibt 😅 (Frühstück gibts heute Variante ‚einfach‘ im Bus. Ich versuche ein ‚Porridge‘ zum Aufgiessen… Geschmack gut, sehr matschige Konsistenz…. Optik: Naja 😅)Meer informatie

    • Dag 20


      28 september 2023, Engeland ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Ich kann lange nicht einschlafen und bleibe morgens bis zum Checkout liegen, weil ich es kann :D

      Danach geht es in die Whitby Abby.
      Ein altes Kloster in das ich mich tatsächlich ein bisschen verliebe. Was muss das früher für ein mächtiges Gebäude gewesen sein, hoch auf dem Berg in einer sehr belebten Küstenstadt.

      Im Tourishop wandern dann gegen meinen Willen zwei Keksdosen in mein Gepäck.

      Weiter geht es an den Strand und durch die belebten Fußgängerzonen in derer ich mich in einer tollen Kunstgalerie verliere und durch die Läden schlender.

      Ein bisschen Reisesentimentalität kommt hier auf. Berührt doch der Norden mein Herz mehr als jede Karibikinsel dieser Welt.

      Es folgen drei insgesamt 6 Stunden lange Busfahrten mit einem Zwischenstopp in Scarborough, wo ich auch nochmal an der Strandpromenade entlange schlender und im Cafe sitze.

      Ich liebe Busfahrern, ich sitze im Doppeldecker ganz oben und vorne.
      Schaue aus dem Fenster, futter aus Langeweile, mache ein Nickerchen, und betreibe ein bisschen Shopping auf Ebay Kleinanzeigen ( Deko und Bücher damit der Urlaub zuhause weiter gehen kann)

      Ich checke in sehr gemütliches Airbnb ein, wo ich die heiße Dusche genieße und danach mal wieder nicht schlafen kann.
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    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    Whitby, Strēoneshalh, ویتبای, ウィットビー, 휘트비, Vitbis, Уитби

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