United States

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    • Day 5

      Travel woes with a happy ending.

      April 5, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      It seemed too good to be true, and then at nine this morning, we learned that son and family were .delayed for at least three hours. Three hours later, their flight was canceled. Nothing to do but keep our fingers crossed.

      For our morning fun, we walked to a great park about five blocks from our house. Then across the river to the amazing Austin Public library. Ben and I wondered if red cities go as all out with their libraries as blue cities.

      We had lunch at La Santa Barbacha food truck. Some of the most delicious Mexican food I’ve ever had. Topped off with a few games of corn hole.

      Then we got the good news that the whole crew of 6 was en route to Austin. By 5:30 we were all at the park and the cousins were running and jumping nonstop. It’s so great to have us all together. Lots of half finished conversations and interruptions, we got to Lucy’s Fried Chicken just in time to get in our order before the kitchen closed and ended the night with frozen bananas at Banarchy.
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    • Day 6

      Rainy day in Austin

      April 6, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      With 6 kids and 6 adults, even breakfast is a major operation. Hats off to JJ (age 8) and her dad (our resident chef) for a very nice one. Two of the kids had to work remotely, so the remaining 10 loaded up into two cars and headed for the Capitol. We got to see both the House and Senate in action. The House was getting ready for a marathon session to vote on some health care law with 400 amendments, each of which has to be voted on separately. The Senate was debating something that had to do with charter schools and public funding. Not a lot of inspiring rhetorical flourishes. But it was interesting. And the building itself is gorgeous.

      Next stop was to show the library to the cousins who hadn’t seen it. We had brought our lunch and ate it in the lobby. And then the kids all got to play on computers and read graphic novels.

      Last stop of the day was the Blanton Art Museum. It’s a beautiful building and I especially enjoyed the Latino rooms.

      I’ve probably said this already, but it’s so fun to see the grandkids playing together. They are really having a great time. And we’re all learning how to play the very complicated Forbidden Desert.

      Dinner soon at Easy Tiger.
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    • Day 7

      Second Rainy Day

      April 7, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Not exactly what we had in mind, but they need the rain so badly it is hard to even complain a little bit. We spent a big chunk of the day in the Texas History Museum, which focuses on Texas before statehood. Reading the information panels, it seemed like France, Britain and Spain were the puppet masters dictating everything from afar.

      For me the highlight of the museum was the hulk of the 17th century La Belle, a sunken ship that had been the last remaining ship of a French expedition, which had been sent to find the Mississippi River in the gulf. It overshot its mark, the captain was killed, and La Belle sank off the coast of what is now Texas. The ship was found and brought up in the 90s and it is a really fascinating exhibit. Lots and lots of artifacts, and the hull itself sits in the main hall.

      The kids were entertained for a few hours, enjoying the replica of the Alamo and a lot of gunslinging displays. It was still raining as we left, so we had to find a food truck court with covered seating. Food trucks are absolutely the best way to get good food in Austin when you’ve got a bunch of kids and don’t want to wait for hours for seating or make reservations weeks in advance. For lunch, we went to Briscuits, whose specialty is unsurprisingly, brisket on bisquits. Lots of non-brisket options too, and I can attest to their yumminess.

      After lunch, the annual trip to the great-grandparents’ grave, a visit to Joe’s childhood neighborhood, and then a quick stop at a used book store, where all the kids could choose two books each. We had a few hours of chilling back at the rental, which gave us all the energy to head for excellent pizza at Pinthouse Pizza. The more hardy in the group went on to Churro Co., but I took the easy out and headed back to the house with the excuse that baby Tommy needed to get to bed.
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    • Day 51


      October 3, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      After 3 hours sleep we caught a plane to Austin ,Texas to see Lachie.
      So wonderful to see him.
      He has a small place very near the University. We met a couple of his friends. I like Austin. It's hot but a dry heat- 36 today.Read more

    • Day 53

      Saying goodbye to Lachie

      October 5, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Our last day in Austin. The weather has cooled. We went out to the Central Market which is a big supermarket. So much variety. Not only were there about a dozen different kinds of mushrooms but there were mushroom kits growing them as well. Would have loved to have cooked a meal.
      Farewell Lachie❤️
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    • Day 11

      Day 11

      October 9, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      After a good sized breakfast at our hotel today, we easily entered the next freeway for our drive towards Austin. Unfortunately we were also heading in the wring direction for a while! But the freeways are easy to manage and we were not inconvenienced for long.

      We decided to visit Fredericksburg on the way, as it was promoted as a German town in the middle of Texas. I think we were expecting it to be like Solvang in California, but it wasn't quite the same! The town definitely did have its charms with parks and shops, and was certainly large, however it seemed to lack the same character as Solvang. My lunch ended up being McDonald's drive through!

      We are staying at a Super 8 here in Houston (the accommodation is so expensive!) but as the room wasn't ready yet, we walked down to a nearby diner for lunch. The weather was so hot! We also needed to visit a barber and bank and when we found two nearby we were happy (until we walked down to them and saw the barber was closed and the bank withdrawal didn't work). We have been having trouble withdrawing money from HSBC so we called them to resolve the problem before heading out again.

      As it was getting cooler, we walked to nearby Capitol Hill which we really liked, both inside and out. We walked downtown to see the Driskill hotel with it's elegant foyer, and the famous Voodoo Donut where we didn't want to risk coronary heart disease by buying anything there!

      We returned to our room for a shower and change of clothes before catching an Uber back downtown for dinner. We ended up going to a Sports Bar for a dinner of tacos before heading to a nearby venue to see the locals play shuffleboard and watch American Horror Story. We briefly saw a drag show at the pub next door before losing interest and going to a nearby bear bar for karaoke. Since the town wasn't exactly rocking, we took another Uber back for a not-too-late night.
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    • Day 7


      August 3, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      Am letzten Tag in den USA machten wir noch einen kleinen Roadtrip nach Austin, die Hauptstadt Texas'.
      Unterwegs hielten wir am Canyon Lake. Das einzig tollte daran war leider der Weg dort hin 🙈😅
      Unverdrossen setzten wir unsere Reise nach Austin fort. In der Landeshauptstadt angekommen, mussten wir uns zunächst stärken, bevor es ins Capitol ging. Übrigens das größte in den gesamten Vereinigten Staaten😉😁
      Auf dem Heimweg wollten wir noch an den Twin Springs vorbei, doch diese waren leider ausgetrocknet. 1 Stunde wandern für Nichts 🙈😅
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    • Day 3


      November 8, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C


      è un imprenditore sudafricano con cittadinanza canadese naturalizzato statunitense

      Tesla, Inc. (precedentemente Tesla Motors) è un'azienda statunitense con sede ad Austin in Texas, specializzata nella produzione di auto elettriche, pannelli fotovoltaici e sistemi di stoccaggio energetico.

      SPACE X
      Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, meglio nota come SpaceX
      è un'azienda aerospaziale statunitense con sede a Hawthorne (California), USA, fondata nel 2002 da Elon Musk con l'obiettivo di creare le tecnologie per ridurre i costi dell'accesso allo spazio e permettere la colonizzazione di Marte

      è una costellazione di satelliti attualmente in costruzione dal produttore privato aerospaziale americano SpaceX per l'accesso a internet satellitare globale in banda larga a bassa latenza. La costellazione sarà costituita da migliaia di satelliti miniaturizzati prodotti in massa, collocati in orbita terrestre bassa (LEO), che lavoreranno in sintonia con ricetrasmettitori terrestri. SpaceX è intenzionata, inoltre, alla commercializzazione di alcuni dei suoi satelliti per scopi militari, scientifici ed esplorativi
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    • Day 12

      Day 12

      October 10, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Before booking this trip, everyone said that Austin was the highlight of Texas. Well I'm sad to say that it didn't really meet our expectations today. Perhaps we were just unlucky, but nothing really thrilled us much in the City of the Violet Crown.

      Ted was feeling a bit dusty this morning after last night, so after having a so-so breakfast, I went back to the barber shop from yesterday. Unbeknownst to myself, I needed to book online first, but I only needed to wait just over half an hour before getting a buzz cut (perfect for this Texas weather).

      Our next stop was to the South Congress area which is known for hip boutiques, trendy lodging options and Austin-original eateries. It had an art deco feel to it, but in reality it didn't impress us that much. Our next stop was Barton Springs, a recreational outdoor swimming pool that is filled entirely with water from nearby natural springs. Well sadly for us, we seemed to arrive on the one day of the week when it was closed. :-(

      I then tried our next destination, Lady Bird Lake, which offers a pedestrian bridge with views of the city. Unfortunately, the two destinations our GPS sent us to didn't resemble any sort of pedestrian bridge - one was a power plant, and the other was some back road. Disheartened, we headed back to the area of our accommodation to have lunch.

      Even that proved to be a chore! We found a decent looking falafel restaurant and tried to park nearby (all the parking in Austin is expensive and metered). The meter machine did not want to take our money so we parked in a suburban street nearby. Despite double checking there were no "No Parking" signs, I still couldn't relax during lunch, wondering if our rental car was going to be towed away!

      After coming back to our room for a nap, Ted considered going for a swim in the hotel pool until he saw the state of it! We then walked back down to the bear bar for a beer, as well as another nearby venue called Cheer Up Charlies before Ted decided he would like to go to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. We found one a few suburbs away at a local shopping centre, and we remembered why we liked it so much. The area also had a beautiful view of the Austin skyline.

      After dinner we came back and packed up for our early departure tomorrow. It was a shame that Austin didn't live up to our expectations, but we still had some pleasant experiences.
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    • Day 4

      Onsdag d. 21.6.

      June 21, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

      Nætterne bliver gradvist bedre, uden det ligefrem er imponerende. Kl. 04.00 blev vi vækket af en galning, som råbte og skreg aggressivt på gangen udenfor vores værelse. Vi lå begge og ventede på et gunshot, som heldigvis aldrig kom. Puha…
      Hele formiddagen gik med tur til state capital bygningen, et stort lukket stadion (9. største i verden!), campus på University of Texas og til sidst på History of Texas museum.
      Universitet har 50.000 studerende og deres sportshold (Texas Longhorns) spiller i orange/brunt og hvidt. Disse farver bar de studerende i stor stil. I udkanten af campus fandt vi en butik som solgte alverdens fan merchandise. Der var et gigantisk udvalg. Lang større end jeg har set til NFL-hold og europæiske fodboldklubber. Vildt!
      Til aften gik vi i til centrum i ørkenvarme 39/50 grader. Chefen blev meget rød i hovedet og helt stille.
      Da vi skulle finde et spiseted, blev det som sædvanligt lidt svært. Vi var ved at opgive, da en kæk ung rickshaw fyr kom kørende, og spurgte om vi havde brug for hjælp. Vi afviste ham naturligvis, men han fik alligevel ovetalt os. Så kørte vi i Austins trafikerede gader med “99 luftballon” og “Take on me”brølende ud af højtalerne. Cykelstier? - nej nej. Cykelhjelm? nej nej. Dumdristig beslutning? Åh ja. Vi nåede heldigvis sikkert frem, og var en oplevelse rigere.
      Mexi-restuaranten var egentlig ganske fin, men undervejs eksploderede vejret i storm og regn. Møblerne og personalet blæste rundt, og træerne truede med at knække. Vi bevarede overblikket og drak en ekstra frozen margherita. Det betød at tiden gik, og vi gik hjem i tørvejr. Heldigt.

      Dagen starter som regel skyet. Ikke dårligt.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Austin, ኦስቲን፣ ቴክሳስ, أوستن, Ostin, Горад Осцін, Остин, অস্টিন, ᎠᏍᏘᏂ, Ώστιν, Aŭstino, آستین، تگزاس, 奧斯汀, אוסטין, ऑस्टिन, Օստին, AUS, オースティン, ოსტინი, 오스틴, Austinopolis, Ostinas, Ostina, ഓസ്റ്റിൻ, अस्तिन, ਆਸਟਿਨ, अस्टिन, آسٹن, 73301, आस्टिन्, Ostins, ஆஸ்டின், ออสติน, Остін, آسٹن، ٹیکساس, אסטין, 柯士甸

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