United States
Center City

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    • Day 4


      August 6 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      Today was another long driving day. Just over 7 hours so we weren't expecting to do much. But in the end, even with all the driving, we ended up with more than 16,540 steps and lots of fun memories.

      We drove into Philly during rush hour which was a grand adventure on it's own. The first stop had to be the Rocky Stairs at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. We got all our photo ops (some at the top, some at the bottom with the Rocky statue, and some running up the stairs) so we can for sure say... we did it!!!

      Before we headed to our hotel, we decided to make a quick stop at the "Love" sign, another iconic Philly landmark. But... when you type in "Love SIgn in Phili", what they don't tell you is... there are 2. One is at the University and the other is in "Love Park". Not knowing this ourselves we asked google and then trustfully followed it's instructions which lead us to the Love sign at the university. It ended up being a happy/lucky accident. We got to take some pictures at the love sign and then we really enjoyed walking through the buildings that make up the university in the heart of downtown Phili. The buildings and ambiance were so cool. Very colonial looking feeling to the buildings. It was really great to see another university and how they really embraced that theme. We were so happy we were able to wander around there and get that experience.

      But then we had to find the real Love statue. We again asked Google to take us to the right Love statue so more driving around downtime Phili for me until we found the park. We managed to find a spot on the street to park and we walked over to the park and got our photo op. Then we wandered around a bit before we figured it was time to head back to the van and find our hotel.

      The hotel doesn't have parking but there is a parking garage near by. So we parked in what we figured was the closest to our hotel, gathered up our stuff and went to check in. Only... we couldn't find the entrance. After a little confusion, we did get it sorted but it did cause a few tense moments.

      The room was lovely but we really needed some supper. So... what do you get for supper on your first night in Phili?? Why, Phili Cheese steaks of course. We walked over to a nearby shop that ended up making the best cheesesteaks and pizza, but nowhere to sit. So we decided to wander over to a "nearby" park and eat. But when we got there, the park was closed down because of a Chinese festival. So we walked a bunch more blocks down to Washington Park (which was the park for Independance Hall).

      We sat on some benches and ate our cheese steaks, and then we walked the many many blocks through downtown Phili back to our hotel. We never felt scared, lots of people around.

      So Phili started off great and we hadn't even seen the liberty bell yet. That would have to come tomorrow.

      So to bed with thoughts of bells and of course New York floating through our heads. Wednesday was going to be a good day.

      More tomorrow.

      Final Stats:
      Step Counter For the Day : 16,540
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    • Day 6

      Pause im Hard Rock Café Philly

      April 17 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Wenige Straßenecken vom Geburtsort Amerikas - der Independence Hall - entfernt genießen wir Apple Pie with Ice Creme und Cappuccino. Jeden Moment genießen, jede Stimmung einsaugen, auch wenn Karl eigentlich keine Lust auf Hard Rock hat 😉😋.
      Hätten wir die Pause nicht gemacht, hätte uns der Regen nicht erwischt ... aber hätte, hätte ... wir bereuen nichts 😂
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    • Day 30

      Day 30

      September 3, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Woke up 7ish. Strange night's sleep but fine. Still pouring outside but weather forecast promising great improvement.

      Tea & biscuits in bed. Opened curtains and watched grey skies lighten bit by bit. Couldn't even see the towers next door.

      Confirmed tour for this afternoon and complained that wifi rubbish. Not particularly helpful but said wouldn't charge us.

      Set off for walk 9.30ish. Went towards Rocky Steps (Philadelphia museum of art) but totally inaccessible because of Made in America concert on 12 - 12 today. Main stage covers the steps!

      Back towards Delaware river via Chinatown. All a bit grotty and quite uninteresting.

      Stopped at Victoria pub (Liverpool flags on wall🙁) had local Slyfox beer which was very nice and bubble & squeak/mac cheese. Very nice.

      Went to waterfront and expected it to be really busy as holiday weekend but it wasn't. Atmosphere didn't quite work. Lots of ships snd submarine there but not exciting. Lacks something.

      Wandered back to meeting point for walking tour @ 2.30. About 10 in group so quite manageable. Guide took us round major historic monuments of great importance to US. Liberty Bell, Ben Franklin's house, First US bank, Constitution Centre, Independence Hall, Elfreth's Alley. Full 2 hours after big walk this morning.

      Ended at Campos bar for free beer. Chatted to lady on tour here for business conference. Staying at Loews near us.

      Decided to share cheesesteak - so famous locally. Very tasty - chopped and griddled with onions & peppers. $10ish and another beer. Had to wait quite a while - didn't understand why because 2 cooks working v hard.

      Went for Phlash bus home. Didn't come so got different one towards home. Think it should have been $5 but we put 4 into machine and driver accepted that.

      Quick stop at hotel then out to 'oldest' pub in town - McGillens. Went yesterday and way too loud but tried it. Awful. Only 6pm but music blasting and place cold. Moved on to different bar. Much calmer and tried beer made with citrus and tonic water so was supposed to taste like g & t. It did rather! Quite pleasant.
      Then to Finn Mc Coos where we went last night. Had steak rolls & tacos. Tacos mighty spicy but tasty.

      Couple of beers then home 9.30.

      Drank rest of wine from last night.
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    • Day 30

      Day 31

      September 3, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Very sad that trip nearly over 🙁Final packing & check out. Complained that they charged us $18 for wifi - charge immediately cancelled.

      Left bags and out to Liberty Observation Deck. Got there just before it opened at 10am so very quiet. Good views of city and buildings.

      Quite a few vagrants on the streets and parks - almost all are black. Don't seem to bother anyone. Also the city where we have seen the most seriously overweight people. I have been generally quite surprised at the small number of overweight people in the US but this place is different!

      Wandered back towards Rocky steps. Still much clearing up going on so couldn't get near.

      Had awful coffee in. Logan Square watching kids playing in the fountain. Lovely hot day.

      Went to Devon for lunch. Lovely seat looking onto street and park. Had couple of beers, lobster bisque/clam chowder & crab/club sandwich. OK but felt like a cafe and service too quick. Prices also reflect cafe rather than restaurant but it was bank holiday lunchtime and very busy. Not cheap but ok.

      Left there 1.30 - very full and still hours to kill. Sat in couple of parks then went to find beer garden - big place but shut!

      Went to Irish bar next to McGillins - grotty back yard and plastic glasses then to Bru across the street. Heaven! Huge choice of beer and the England v Slovakia World Cup qualifier on tv. Sat at bar and enjoyed victory.

      Back to hotel 5ish. Driver waiting for us. Checked in fine and sat in lounge drinking gin & red wine and eating guacamole (which wasn't very nice really but the girl on the desk told us to get in there before it finished at 6pm!)

      Had some soup & snacks then called to board at 8ish.

      Glass of fizz, red wine, steak/panko prawns. Very nice.

      Settled down and slept 3 hours ish. Breakfast yoghurt & fruit. Andy had sausage quiche that he wasn't keen on.

      Landed 8.15ish but airbridge malfunction so took half an hour to fix.

      Bags off fairly quick. Home 9.30am. Dull and raining 😢
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    • Day 84

      Woche 8 in Philadelphia

      November 7, 2015 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Diese Woche habe ich mehrmals leckeres Abendessen gekocht bekommen, selber Seife gegossen, das Philadelphia Museum of Art besucht und auf dem Konzert der Plain White T's getanzt :)

      Soviel zur Kurzzusammenfassung.
      Montag hat mich ein italienischer Freund zu Pasta mit Pesto eingeladen. Dienstag hab ich mit deutschen Freunden Lachs mit Rosmarinkartoffeln gekocht. Und Mittwoch hat mir ein Amerikaner Bruschetta und selbstgemachte Pizza serviert.
      Am Mittwoch war ich außerdem im Art Museum. Das ist das, wo die Rocky Filme gedreht wurden. Jetzt habe ich es auch mal von innen gesehen :D
      Am Donnerstag war ich abends bei einem Meeting vom Drexel German Club, wo mein Team beim Quizzo einen 25$ Gutschein für eine "deutsche" Bar gewonnen hat :)
      Freitag war ich mit einer Freundin spontan auf einem Konzert von den Plain White T's (übersetzt in etwa sowas wie: einfach nur weiße T-Shirts). Das hat sich richtig gelonht. Hat mir sehr gefallen. Auch wegen den beiden Vorbands aus Santa Barbara und New Jersey/ Philadelphia :)
      Ja und heute sitze ich im Bus nach New York. Dort treffe ich mich mit meiner lieben Kommilitonin und Freundin Nicky, die nebenher bei Lufthansa als Flugbegleiterin fliegt und deshalb für eine Nacht dort ist. Ich freu mich riesig drauf jemand von zu Hause zu sehen!
      Und wenn ich morgen nicht allzu spät zurück bin, möchte ich noch zu einer Parade zum Veteran's Day.
      Das Wetter war einfach Wahnsinn diese Woche! Sonnenschein und T-Shirt Temperaturen. Am Freitag saß ich im 23:00 Uhr noch kurzärmelig draußen...

      Die Woche war wieder gefüllt mit vielen schönen Momenten und ich kann es kaum glauben, dass ein Großteil meines USA Trips schon wieder rum ist. Trotz dem, dass ihr mir alle sehr fehlt bin ich nämlich wirklich gern hier. Demletzt hat mich jemand gefragt, ob mir Philadelphia schon auf die Nerven geht. Dann hab ich gesagt, dass ich es mir eher jeden Tag ein bisschen besser gefällt, weil es sich nicht mehr so fremd anfühlt. Also freue ich mich momentan noch ein bisschen mehr hier zu sein, aber je näher die Heimreise rückt, desto mehr werd ich mich sicher suf daheim freuen.

      - unser leckeres Lachsgericht
      - das imposante Philadelphia Museum of Art
      - Gemälde-Serie: Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Winter
      - Bruschetta mit viiiieeel Parmesan
      - Plain White T's
      - Cali Fries bei 20 Grad Anfang November
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Center City, Centro de Filadelfia

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