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Governor Alfred E Smith Houses

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    • Dag 3

      Brooklyn Bridge

      26. mars 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Die Brooklyn Bridge (ursprünglich New York and Brooklyn Bridge) in New York City ist eine kombinierte Hänge- und Schrägseilbrücke und eine der ältesten Hängebrücken dieser Bauart in den USA. Sie überspannt den East River und verbindet die Stadtteile Manhattan und Brooklyn miteinander. Die Brücke hat heute sechs Fahrstreifen sowie in der Ebene darüber einen breiten Fuß- und Radweg. Zum Zeitpunkt ihrer Fertigstellung 1883 war die Brooklyn Bridge die längste Hängebrücke der Welt; sie übertraf alle zuvor errichteten in ihrer Länge um mehr als 50 Prozent. Für die Stadt New York wurde die Brooklyn Bridge schnell zu einem neuen Wahrzeichen.Les mer

    • Dag 2

      Brooklyn Bridge

      7. mars 2020, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Die Brooklyn Bridge ist eine kombinierte Hänge- und Schrägseilbrücke und eine der ältesten Hängebrücken dieser Bauart in den USA. Sie überspannt den East River und verbindet die Stadtteile Manhattan und Brooklyn miteinander. Am Tag ihrer Eröffnung, dem 24. Mai 1883, überquerten bereits 1.800 Fahrzeuge und 150.300 Menschen die neue Brücke. Pro Fahrzeug mussten fünf Cent, pro Fußgänger ein Cent bezahlt werden.Um die skeptische New Yorker Bevölkerung von der Stabilität des Bauwerks zu überzeugen, soll zuvor der Zirkus Barnum, der sein Winterquartier in Brooklyn hatte, mit 21 Elefanten zur Belastungsprobe über die Brücke geschickt worden sein.Les mer

    • Dag 3

      NYC day 2

      10. september 2022, Forente stater ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      Impressions of the 2nd day

    • Dag 121

      New York

      16. desember 2018, Forente stater ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

      Pour notre première journée à la Grosse Pomme, on décide de prendre le train de banlieue et de se rendre sur l'île de Manhattan. On arrive donc à Grand Central en fin d'avant-midi, cette magnifique gare en plein New York. On marche ensuite jusqu'à Times Square. Ça fait déjà quelques fois qu'on vient mais ça reste toujours aussi impressionnant de voir toutes ces lumières et écrans géants. D'ailleurs on dirait que d'une fois a l'autre il y en a toujours plus! En chemin on s'était pris une pointe de pizza, question de se faire une expérience typique de la ville! Et question de continuer sur notre lancée, on s'en va ensuite manger un succulent gâteau au fromage!

      Le ventre bien rempli, on marche ensuite plus longtemps pour descendre la 5e avenue et se rendre jusqu'à Central Park. On trouve un marché de Noël extérieur où on se balade avant d'aller marcher dans le parc par la suite. C'est une journée douce avec un peu de soleil et environ 8 degrés au thermomètre. C'est une bonne journée pour marcher, à condition d'être un peu habillé! On marche ensuite vers le nord de l'île et on se ramasse à Bryant Park où il y a là encore un marché extérieur mais aussi une patinoire et un gigantesque sapin de Noël! Nous avons manqué celui de Rockefeller Center alors au moins on peut admirer celui-là! La journée a passé vite et on s'en retourne déjà prendre le train. On arrive en courant dans le train, comme s'il nous attendait pour partir!

      De retour chez Sylvie et Mike, nous soupons et passons une soirée tranquille. Sylvie s'est blessée au dos alors le lendemain, elle reste à la maison et nous aussi! On a décidé de soigner un peu notre rhume (ben oui maudit!), mais on a aussi du ménage et de la préparation à faire sur le camper avant notre retour. On ne veut pas tout se tapper ça au froid à Québec alors on en profite pendant que c'est un peu plus clément! Donc on passe pas mal la journée entre le salon et le camper. En fin d'après-midi, Sylvie et Nicolas écoutent un bon film de Noël (le sapin a des boules) pendant que Amanda et Jess vont magasiner des vêtements. On mange ensuite un festin chinois et on se met au lit tôt car on veut partir le plus tôt possible lendemain. La route est longue jusqu'à Québec...
      Les mer

    • Dag 2


      3. mai 2022, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Day 2 - Realisation

      We started the day with some breakfast at a nearby place. My first impression of New York therefore was eating a bagel and sipping coffee while being able to watch a homeless man dancing in the middle of the street through the window. Matt informed me that I should get used to stuff like that since Brooklyn was kinda sketchy. The answer to my question whether there were any places in New York that he wouldn't consider to be shady was a simple 'nope.' So here I was, on another continent that I've never been to before, in a country that I've seen and heard so much about yet never experienced, in one of the most - if not THE most - famous cities in the world. With only a vague idea of the things I wanted to see and experience. I realised that I lacked cash, that I had no idea about the metro system, yet alone a map of either the metro or the city, that I needed a SIM card and had no idea where to get one and that I would have to navigate a place with as many inhabitants as my entire country has without a connection to the internet. It was a little scary, I'll admit, and Matt's constant warnings about me having to be careful here didn't exactly help with that, but mostly I was thrilled by all the new impressions rushing in on me. We took a walk through Prospect Park before heading back to his apartment so that I could download a map of the metro and get my Sightseeing Pass to save money on entry fees. I walked outside and all I knew was where the metro was and that I was supposed to get on one that would take me to Manhattan. I got off at a station called DeKalb Av and made my way to Brooklyn Bridge. There, I got my first view of Manhattan and damn, was it stunning. This was the moment I finally realised where I was and what I was doing, how crazy all of this actually was. Two weeks ago, I would have never seen myself going to the States any time soon. And I realised how I haven't been this excited and happy about doing anything as much as I was about this for a very long time. The land of the free. In my case, freedom from mundane everyday life and a break from my problems. A short escape. A bit of an adventure. And man, I was going to enjoy this and make the most out of it. After crossing into Manhattan, I was surrounded by skyscrapers. It caused a beautiful sensation of feeling awfully small and as just a tiny part of something way bigger. I headed to the One World Trade Center. After waiting in line for some time, I started talking to a guy at the security check. His name was Lukass, he's a 27 year old guy from Latvia who's staying with his boyfriend's brother in Jersey. We explored the observation tower together, with breathtaking views all around us, shared a beer, exchanged numbers and decided to spend the rest of the day together. After a short walk across Wall Street, we decided to go on a boat cruise together, however, fucking up the times the boats are leaving we found ourselves stranded on Times Square instead. From there, we explored the city to our foodie-heart's content, eating some hot dogs and burgers and ended up at an American bar that's almost so cliché you could film movie scenes there. We decided to go on a little bar hopping tour until Matt would be ready to walk the High Line Park with me, almost ended up buying weed because the entire city smells like it but decided against it. Lukass and I were getting along splendidly. We even share our birthday. Matt joined us eventually at a pub in Manhattan and we ended up playing Never Have I Ever. Since it was happy hour, we kinda stuck there though and never made it to High Line Park. We had typical drunk conversations about life that I won't go into detail here. Then we went to a beer store because Matt wanted to convince us two European people that Americans actually DO have good beer. It is yet to see whether they actually do. Short update: Yes, they actually do. As long as you know which ones to buy, at least. We ate some cheap but amazing Indian food in what looked like a small grocery store which Matt frequents relatively often. Next to it was a weed store and this time, we decided to go for it. We were there for like half an hour, discussing laws regarding drugs with the cashier of the store. I smoked some of my joint and to my surprise got high from just a few puffs, although very subtly so. Matt guided us to the metro where we had to say goodbye to Lukass and then made sure we'd make it home. We tried watching a movie again but this time both of us were too tired to even get it started.Les mer

    • Dag 18

      Brooklyn Bridge (NYC)

      15. august 2018, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Als nächstes geht es zu Fuß über die Brooklynbridge, eine echte Herausforderung bei 34 Grad und keinerlei Schatten, aber was soll’s, von jammern ist ja bekanntlich noch nie etwas besser geworden, also Zähne zusammenbeißen und los geht’s. 😜Les mer

    • Dag 4

      First NY Metro experiance

      11. mai 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      We successfully navigated ourselves to the correct line and even got off at the correct stop thanks to David’s memories of how the system works. First stop, a walk up the Brooklyn Bridge

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