Verenigde Staten
James City County

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Reizigers in deze plaats
    • Dag 73

      Williamsburg (Ballenberg der USA)

      23 november 2023, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Nach über einem Monat ohne Camping im Norden war ich 3 Tage bei Regen in der Nähe von Williamsburg auf dem Camping, hatte viel Wäsche und meine Erkältung ausgestanden. Rechtzeitig zum Thanksgiving wurde das Wetter herrliche 16°C warm.
      Williamsburg war von 1699 bis 1780 die Hauptstadt der Kolonie Virginia und spielte eine bedeutende Rolle in der Amerikanischen Revolution. Colonial Williamsburg ist ein History-Museum, wo Schauspieler das tägliche Leben in der Kolonialzeit auf der Strasse, in Geschäften und Werkstätten darstellen.
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    • Dag 18

      Colonial Williamsburg

      21 september 2017, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Von Virginia Beach aus führte uns der Colonial Highway entlang mehrerer Stationen ins Landesinnere.
      Unsere erste Station war heute Colonial Williamsburg, ein lebendes Freilichtmuseum.
      Wie in einem offenen Geschichtsbuch leben die Menschen hier heute noch so wie vor 100 bis 200 Jahren.Meer informatie

    • Dag 8

      Colonial Williamsburg

      3 augustus 2017, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      La natura incredibile del territorio americano è sconosciuta a noi europei. Non ci rendiamo conto di quanto abbiamo perso del contatto primordiale con gli alberi e con la terra fino a quando non veniamo qui o in Africa. Gli italiani provarono a rimediare colonizzando l'Eritrea ma gli inglesi furono assai più capaci e lungimiranti.Meer informatie

    • Dag 8

      Im falschen Film?

      12 februari 2017, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Heute morgen sind wir entspannt, auf einem Campground nahe Dumfries bei 5 Grad Außentemperatur aufgewacht. Nach einem ausgiebigen Frühstück, mit Brot wo die Kauwerkzeuge nicht wirklich etwas zu tun haben, ging es dann auf der Interstate 95 in Richtung Richtung Süden durch Virginia. Als Ziel hatten wir uns Williamsburg gesetzt. Der Wettercheck per Handy, ließ mir allerdings Fragezeichen durch den Kopf rauschen. 27 Grad? Meinen die vielleicht Fahrenheit und nicht Celsius? Unsere Mittagspause, bzw. Raubtierfütterung wollten wir dann standesgemäß auf einem Supermarktparkplatz absolvieren. Wie die letzten Tage gewöhnt, Jacke an und raus aus dem fahrbaren Untersatz. Wir merkten sehr schnell, daß die Jacke nicht wirklich Sinn macht. Jetzt hatten wir bereits 17 Grad (Celsius). Da der normale Lüfter im Auto es nicht mehr schaffte, die Temperatur auf ein angenehmes Maß zu bringen, schalteten wir kurzerhand die Klimaanlage ein. Nach unserer Ankunft in Williamsburg traf uns dann allerdings der Schlag. 28 Grad und Sonne pur, unglaublich. 23 Grad Unterschied in knapp 4 Stunden mussten wir erst einmal verdauen.
      Williamsburg ist wohl eine der best erhaltenen historischen Städte von Amerika. Hier konnte man die Geschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts sehen, fühlen und auch anfassen. Alle Gebäude sind noch so, wie sie damals waren inklusive den Schaustellern, die einen im Post Office oder und in der Schmiede, der Tischlerei oder dem Krämerladen begrüßten. Eine kleine, wunderbare Stadt und wohl auch ein sehr beliebtes Ausflugsziel.Nach einigen Meilen zu Fuß durch den Ort ging es dann wieder zu einem Camp Ground und wir kamen auf die Idee Wäsche zu waschen, nur leider fehlte das Waschmittel. Also Ella in ihren Dienstwagen gesetzt und auf gings. Waschmittel war schnell gefunden und wir wollten noch ein Bier für den Abend kaufen, was Sonntags nicht so einfach ist, weil teilweise per Gesetz verboten. Man stelle sich eine Reihe eines deutschen "Durschnitts-Aldi´s" vor. Diese hat 4 Wände und vorn eine Schiebetür. Durch diese hindurchgeschritten, erwarten einen dann 2 Grad und umgrechnet der komplette Inhalt eines Tanks der Radeberger Brauerei. Ein freundlicher amerikanische Staatsbürger erzählte mir dann was vom guten deutschen Bier und wollte gar nicht mehr aufhören, was bei 2 Grad Temperatur nicht so wirklich Spaß macht. Egal, nicht erfroren und ein Bier haben wir auch kaufen dürfen. Jetzt läuft die Wäsche und bei uns läuft es endlich auch....
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    • Dag 19


      8 april 2018, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      We had a great day today in Williamsburg. After a good night's sleep but pretty average breakfast we drove to the visitor welcome centre and bought our tickets for the next three days. Williamsburg is a totally authentic revolutionary town with pretty streets, beautiful homes and lots of employees dressed up in character for the 1700s. For example we enjoyed talking to Caesar Hope the slave who was freed and became a barber. we also spoke to the shoemaker and really enjoyed going through the governor's palace.

      We had a soup and sandwich lunch at the Red Tavern and after lunch we walked up to the Arts Museum and were wowed by an address by a gentleman role-playing George Washington. It was very clear to us that the locals know their history very well and many questions were being asked including some by quite small children. Another highlight was going through the lawyers house he was called John Whyte. He assisted George Washington with the declaration of independence and many important people visited and stayed at his abode.
      Another highlight of today was that we saw lots of blue sky, felt the sunshine and many blossoms are now appearing. In the Main Street of Williamsburg the roads were closed off and there was a market with live music and stallholders which was very pleasant.
      Tonight we chose Kephi's Restaurant - greek and delicious. We also only had entrees, salad and dessert - no main course. Much more suitable quantities!
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    • Dag 54

      Day 54 - Happy Halloween!

      31 oktober 2016, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      It was an early goodbye to Melissa, Richard and Liam as Liam had an early Halloween Party at pre-school. Dressed in his Superman costume, we all said goodbye to each other. I've had a great time here and I've enjoyed getting to know them all a lot better. It won't be long before the whole family see each other again in sunny December in New Zealand and I can't wait.

      For Alice and I, we were hitting the road again. The East coast has involved visiting lots of cities and areas in close proximity to one another. We had the feeling that as we drove further south, the long drives between destinations were about to start again. One thing in common with the last few days was our first port of call. History! The location was the first successful attempt at settlement by the English at Jamestown in 1607. A whole thirteen years before the Mayflower arrived with religiously persecuted pilgrims aboard, the Jamestown fort was established purely for economic and international political reasons. The Spanish and the French had by this time already established various communities in parts of the continent and England was keen to ensure they weren't left out. The tobacco craze was in full swing in Europe and potential cash crops were to be scouted as part of the mission. I personally find this period of history fascinating and getting to walk around this recently rediscovered site was a joy. The story of Pocahontas and John Smith is adept to myth and it was touching to see the location of the recently rediscovered Church where they were married. Archaeology on this site is still ongoing and it is impressive to see how much has been recreated since its rediscovery in 1994. The adjoining museum is another good example of explaining both the history of the period and how archaeologists know what they do from the artefacts found. It is heartening to see conclusions based on evidence, a trend sadly lacking in 2016. As I briefly mentioned the other day in regards to Monticello, history may seem set in stone but our interpretations, revisions and therefore understanding of the past is constantly changing. This outpost of hope and promise for a band of opportunists is celebrated as it should be for it's epic tale of survival against the odds and the beginning of Anglo influence and commercial interest on another continent. However, what can't be forgotten are the confrontations and cycles of retribution with local tribes and the decision to import slaves to work in the labour intensive tobacco fields that sowed the seeds of future discontent that is still being felt today. With each archaeological find, a greater picture of local trading and the treatment of people of all races and classes is being discovered. Who said history was boring!

      We had spent so long at this site we realised we didn't have enough time to visit the other points of the historical triangle in the area, namely Yorktown and Williamsburg. Instead we headed straight to our hotel for the evening and rested for a short while. We then went to dinner at Second Street Bistro and the Halloween themed dressed staff reminded Alice and I that it was indeed Halloween. There was a competition to vote for the best dressed member of staff. There were the usual witches, pirates, angels and a catwoman. However the guy wearing a santa hat caught our attention. We were going to vote for him purely for the originality/laziness of his choice. When he served our food and explained he was 'every holiday man' with other parts of his outfit showing that thought was involved, he was guaranteed our vote. The food was excellent and I had my first steak since the trip began. Alice had an American classic, shrimp and grits, that she really enjoyed too. A good day and fine food.

      Song of the Day:
      Lovebug Starski - Amityville (it's Halloween people!)
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    • Dag 17

      Jamestown Settlement

      13 juni 2016, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      great museum, lots of interactivity and reacting, all staff dressed as it would have been at the time and performing activities that would have been done then, e.g. making canoes, netting, etc...
      ships, though replicas build in last 20-30 years are sail-worthy and are in use regularly for sailing trips (the 3rd was on actual trip when we visited).
      and everyone very friendly.
      - Susan Constant main ship (71 on board)
      - indian dwelling
      - canoe making in progress
      - Susan Constant passenger deck
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    • Dag 4

      Williamsburg, Virginia

      30 juli 2017, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Green Virginia con la famiglia mexicana degli Harrison che ospiterá me e i miei amici italo-tedeschi. Qui si parla di politica tutte le mattine, tutte le sere, la discussione politica e' nel DNA dei Virginians.Meer informatie

    • Dag 20

      Jamestown, Yorktown & Williamsburg again

      9 april 2018, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      It was raining and cooler again this morning ): so after breakfast, we decided to drive around the area. We took the Colonial Parkway, which is a very picturesque road through parkland on the way to Yorktown. Yorktown is the original landing area on the Chesapeake Bay. It was lovely driving through green, blossoming trees and under pretty bridges. All along the way, they have put signs to indicate what historical occurrences happened at each spot. Yorktown was pretty but the part we saw near to the sea and bridge did not seem real – just set up for tourists. After a look around, I had a caramel cappuccino at Ben & Jerry’s, which was okay but too sweet of course. Next, we drove down to Jamestown where the archaeological diggings and other historical evidence of various battles is located. This includes the areas mapped by John Smith who of course loved Pocohantas! We didn’t want to pay for further entrance fees as we still have our 3 day Williamsburg ones, so we chose to go on the scenic drive around Jamestown Island – very lovely. BTW we had an enjoyable conversation when purchasing stamps and posting cards at the shop in Jamestown. During the drive back to Williamsburg we stopped at The Carrot Cake restaurant and then went back to Colonial Williamsburg. We parked in a closer area today and walked in to see the home of Peyton Randolph. This was very interesting historically but both of us have no respect for him or his wife Betty, who had 27 slaves to run their households and demonstrated poor generosity when it came to giving any of them freedom. Apparently, Randolph was designated to be one of the Presidents – but died of a stroke beforehand. Choices and Consequences I say! The girl showing us around there was great and Craig asked her many questions which she duly answered in an informative and entertaining manner.
      Finally, we walked up to the Capitol and had our tour there. Once again we had an excellent presenter in the role and that was also extremely interesting. Back home for a rest as I am tired today.
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    • Dag 18

      Long drive to Williamsburg

      7 april 2018, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 3 °C

      This morning we packed said goodbye to Erica and Ian and sent off in our giant vehicle. Initially the countryside was lovely but once we got onto the motorways it proved to be much more challenging and busy. Nevertheless Craig was a hero as always and after 7 1/2 hours driving with A couple of stops we eventually checked in to our hotel Called the Spring Hill SUites by Marriot at Williamsburg. After a cheerful check-in, we had a rest in our room which is spacious with dirty carpets.
      For dinner tonight we went across the road to the recommended restaurant called food for thought. We shared Each course which included a tasty salad followed by scallops wrapped in bacon and an okay cream brulée. The Restaurant pub was very busy and there seems to be a lot of people here. Generally, we are finding that food seems More expensive than in Australia once you and the service tip.
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    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    James City County, مقاطعة جيمس سيتي, Джеймс Сити, জেমস সিটি কাউন্টি, Condado de James City, James City konderria, شهرستان جیمز سیتی، ویرجینیا, Comté de James City, James City megye, Contea di James City, ジェームズシティ郡, James City Kūn, Hrabstwo James City, جیمز سٹی کاؤنٹی, Comitatul James City, Джеймс-Сити, Округ Џејмс Сити, Kondado ng Lungsod ng James, Джеймс, جیمز سٹی کاؤنٹی، ورجینیا, Quận James City, Condado han James City, 詹姆斯市縣

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