United States
Lancaster County

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    • Day 24

      „Sound of Freedom“

      September 16, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Heute widmeten wir unsere Aufmerksamkeit einem sehr ernsten Thema: „Kinderhandel“!
      Kein „normaler“ Kinobesuch, welcher von Leichtigkeit, Glück und Freude geprägt ist. Dieser Film liegt einem eher schwer im Magen aber ist so unglaublich wichtig. Unserer Meinung nach, sollte man sich diesen Film absolut nicht entgehen lassen.
      „Sound of Freedom“ ist eine US-amerikanische Filmbiografie über das Wirken des US-amerikanischen Menschenrechtsaktivisten Tim Ballard, der mit seiner Organisation „Operation Underground Railroad“ (O.U.R.) Menschenhandel bekämpft. Der Film zeigt eine WAHRE Geschichte, die sich genau so abgespielt hat!! Tim Ballard, stand und steht im engen Kontakt mit dem Schauspieler James Caviezel, der ihn im Film verkörpert.
      Am 8. November soll er auch in deutsche Kinos kommen. Vielleicht erinnert ihr euch an unsere Worte, wenn ihr dann auf das Kinoplakat blickt und scheut euch nicht vor der Wahrheit, die in diesem Film gezeigt wird. Schaut ihn euch an, er hat so unglaublich viel Mehrwert, auch wenn einem das im Film behandelte Thema durchgehend Tränen in die Augen treibt. Die Filmemacher, schaffen es trotzdem, das zuvor gezeigte in eine so wichtige und vor allem hoffnungsbringende Message zu verwandeln. Es lohnt sich so sehr diesen Film anzuschauen. Bitte scheut euch nicht vor den Tränen und der Wut die dieser Film hervorbringen kann. Ihr werdet nicht die einzigen im Saal sein!

      Hier gibt es noch nähere, sehr interessante Infos zum Film:


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    • Day 25

      Sonntag: „Halb zehn in Charlotte“ 💒

      September 17, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Sunday is churchday und deshalb ging es für uns heute morgen zur bekannten „Elevation Church“ in Charlotte. Bei unserer Ankunft regnete es in strömen aber es dauerte nicht lange, bis einem auf dem Weg von Parkplatz zu Gebäude, zahlreiche „Elevation Regenschirme“ entgegengestreckt wurden. Im trockenen angekommen, blickte man in herzlich strahlende Gesichter. „Good Morning“, „Welcome“…
      Zu unserer Enttäuschung, war der Gottesdienstraum, welcher nicht so riesig ist, schon voll und wir wurden im Foyer vor großen Bildschirmen platziert. Im Saal, wurden die Leute zusammengerückt und so hatten ein paar Menschen vom Foyer noch das Glück, doch noch nach drinnen gerufen zu werden. Dies durchschauten wir schnell und kramten den „Wir kommen von soweit her - Trick heraus“😂.
      Aaron nutzte die Chance und sprach eine Mitarbeiterin an: „Excuse me, we are from Germany so it is our first time here today…“. „Ooh from Germany, give me a second i will bring you inside!“ Na geht doch, zack waren wir drin und da ging es auch schon los. Wir waren so überwältigt davon, wie Gottes Geist den Raum in null komma nix zum platzen brachte. Der Lobpreis und die Predigt waren der Hammer. Die Menschen sprangen auf, jubelten „Praise the Lord“, „Halleluja“, „Thank you Jesus“. Den Mitarbeitern mangelte es absolut nicht an einem dienenden Herzen und Nächstenliebe sowie an Geistlichkeit. Überall wurde füreinander gebetet. Das war so wunderschön mit anzusehen. Als der Gottesdienst zu ende war und wir wieder zurück ins Foyer kamen, war auch schon das Taufbecken bereit und jeder, der jetzt, hier und heute, sein Leben Jesus übergeben wollte, konnte sich taufen lassen. Das war so überwältigend schön mit anzusehen, wie sich so viele Menschen für das neue Gewand, welches Gott für jeden einzelnen von uns bereit hält, entschieden haben.

      Hier noch ein aktuellerer Song der Band dieser Church, welcher uns sehr gefällt:

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    • Day 2

      Von Charlotte nach Myrtle Beach, SC

      May 7, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Unser Trip führt uns zuerst an den Atlantik. Auf dem Weg dahin haben wir eine kurze Rundfahrt in dem Carolina Sandhill National Forrest gemacht. Ein Riesiges Sandgebiet mitten in der Pampa. Dort wachsen Pinien mit extra langen Nadeln und es gibt Teiche und etwas Sumpf.Read more

    • Day 8

      Monroe / North Carolina

      May 12, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Zum ersten Mal wieder aktiv.
      Meine Freundin gestaltet gerade ihren Garten um und ich darf helfen.
      Aber es ist sooooooooooooo warm.

      Aktuell sind es um 12:00 31 Grad laut Internet und ab 14:00 Uhr soll es 35 Grad sein. 😓😌😁

      Mein Gesicht ist schon rot geworden,da ich vergessen habe mich ein zu Cremen
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    • Day 20

      a lovely warm welcome

      September 8, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Yesterday I left the hustle and bustle of New York behind with a big smile on my face knowing that I was heading to see some of my dearest friends, heading for some good old fashion southern hospitality and one of my favorite parts of the world.

      I flew in to Charlotte with a big smile on my face and got an awesome welcome from Lauren but first from little Grayson, who, having never met me before, came straight up to me and said hello uncle Stewart and gave me a big hug. (I am under no illusions that he was well trained for this, but without promoting when we were walking to the car he asked if he could hold uncle Stewart's hand... Awwww).

      Lauren and Clay's new house is nothing short of spectacular and the pooch (Connor) , seemed very excited to see me...I like to think he remembers me from my last visit.

      Super exciting day today...got my laundry done, played with Connor, dried my laundry, played with Connor, unpacked, played with Connor, thought about taking a walk...realised it was 36 degrees...played with Connor, read my book in the sun for an hour....yup, played with Connor....God I miss having a dog lol
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    • Day 87

      adventures in babysitting

      November 14, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      So as most of you know, due to unforeseen circumstances I'm headed home tomorrow (hopefully for a very short temporary hiatus on the travel) but I thought I would share one last thing before that.

      On Friday I babysat young master Grayson for the whole day (just turned three in case you're wondering) and I thought I should provide a daily report to Lauren and clay in the way their preschool does...I maybe added a few more details than they usually do...

      Non school report-ish

      8-9.15 movie (kung foo panda), he's chill and relaxed laying on my belly drinking Apple juice...maybe this will be the easiest day ever

      9.15-9.45 aaaaaand nope... Bored now time for playing with toys, attempts to push towards educational number and drawing toys only last so long and is back to tiger vs alligator fights and another Apple juice

      9.45 - uh oh!! Is the shout as G looks down to where a fountain of pee springs fourth! maybe too much Apple juice!! fastest I've moved in weeks, lifting him up in one arm and rushing to the bathroom, alas I'm too late...bath time, clean clothes and back to drawing pictures in the chalk board...

      10.15 - pee in potty...seriously how he had any left after what he did earlier I have no idea but manages a rather large pee

      10.15-10.45 puzzles, 4 done, all by him...totes proud of himself...I totally guided him and should get some credit

      10.45 cartoons, another kung foo panda movie

      11 lunch, i know it's early but he was insistent he was hungry and wanted to eat noodles to become Dragon warrior...maybe too many cartoons, ate noodles with chicken and veg, tomatoes and Apple sauce...he ate it all, I had his left over grilled cheese from last night, not that anyone cares

      11.40 after a bit of stroppyness agrees to sit on toilet to try and poop....pees again...G is possibly half fire hydrant

      11.45 story, apples on top by Dr zues...he enjoyed it, I'm not sure what the message was and how I feel about it...

      12 in bed with pull up on, pacifier in and blanket over him with minimal winning....expecting him to kick off any minute it cannot have been that easy

      12.25 still in bed but partying with and talking to his toys and seems wide awake...hmm

      12.30 another story and hope for a nap...dosent seem interested bit staying in bed

      1.08 I beat the undertaker at wrestlemania and the steak is broken!!! Woohoo...oops this should be on this report

      1.20 in what I can only consider a protest at being left in bed G has filed up his pull up with a load worthy of any full grown African elephant, the smell is something I may never recover from after cleaning him off in the tub he was very insistent he wanted the shower on...seemed a bit odd and didn't think he would normally but who knows so after several clarification questions he was convinced and so was I...it was on for all of 1.5 seconds before the freak out came

      1.30 dried and in his third outfit change of the day it's back to the cartoons so I can have the pleasure of cleaning up...I may have flashbacks afterwards...G wasn't convinced when I put the jetsons on but seemed to agree with my logic that when he stopped pooping his pants he would get to choose , another Apple juice

      2.35 another massive pee...am I over watering...is that a thing...I only give drinks when he asks

      2.40-3.35 turtle helmet fitted, safety straps on time to ride the radio flyer to the park (I totally pushed the whole way, kid is laaaaaazy on the peddling). We had a little trouble when we first got to the park when Grayson climbed up to the top slide and didn't stop and come back when he was told to...freaked me the f out until I figured out he was basically an expert at this climbing frame! Next up was G's Spider-Man audition, one boost onto the climbing wall and hold on while he climbed, next time climbed up himself with me standing close guard, the next 25 tonnes of climbing the wall and down the slide were a blur as he seemed to be trying to get quicker every time!

      3.30 cartoons

      4.12 he's peeing again!!!!!! Seriously!!!

      16.40 asked very nicely for a banana, when I said yes he started running for the kitchen...socks...hard wood floor...he slapped the floor pretty hard but only scared himself and only bashed his hand....salt into the wound...no bananas let....he had some orange pieces and the fruit cup from his dinner yesterday

      4.53...Getting pretty ancy for a smoke at this point and pretty sure I can still smell the poop from earlier...it may be burned into my nostrils...it may just be me, i haven't showered today...wait this isn't my diary....

      5.01...we learn that we should sit properly on our chairs when we slide off and onto the floor scaring ourselves again... Apparently G Has been saving up accidents for just before mummy and daddy get home...

      17.03 daddy is on his way back to the train station, we better go get him...
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    • Day 8

      Meilen/ km

      May 12, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Bis jetzt bin ich 1419 Meilen gefahren
      Das sind 2282 Kilometer

      Und es geht noch ein ganzes Stück weiter. 😉

      Die beiden dickeren grünen Striche musste ich selber zeichnen, da die App es nicht aufgezeichnet hat.Read more

    • Day 11–12

      Sharonview Farm, Monroe, NC

      January 1 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 45 °F

      We arrived toward the end of the day, but still enough time for a tour of the mushroom farm. They grow mushrooms in logs in the forest. Only shitake were in season, but we picked and purchased a couple of pounds. They also sold us a half dozen fresh eggs.

      The next morning was a gorgeous day. Sunny and crisp. We lingered, drinking coffee and enjoying the pleasant vibe. They were such nice, warm people. The place exudes positivity and resourcefulness.

      It seems I did not manage to get a photo of a mushroom on the mushroom farm. But I did get that moldy old Cadillac.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Lancaster County, مقاطعة لانكستر, Ланкастър, লেঙ্কস্টের কাউন্টি, Kantono Lancaster, Condado de Lancaster, Lancaster konderria, شهرستان لانکستر، کارولینای جنوبی, Comté de Lancaster, Lancaster megye, Լանկաստեր շրջան, Contea di Lancaster, ランカスター郡, Lancaster Kūn, Hrabstwo Lancaster, لینکسٹر کاؤنٹی، ساؤتھ کیرولائنا, Comitatul Lancaster, Ланкастер, Округ Ланкастер, لنکاسٹر کاؤنٹی، جنوبی کیرولائنا, Quận Lancaster, Condado han Lancaster, 蘭開斯特縣

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