United States
Malu ‘Ulu o Lele Park

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    • Day 1

      Day 1

      August 18, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Was first to the airport. Standard.

      Jo did all the bookings and as I was handed my boarding pass I noted MY NAME WAS SPELT WRONG.
      genuine panic. Don’t fuck with US customs.
      It was Hflaedyge instead of Hlaefdyge. Now granted they are both ridiculous and no one will noice unless they LOOK but I’m scared a electronic device is gonna pick up on it when I scan them both.

      Got through Aus customs and had dinner. McDonalds. Delicious.
      Just general waiting until it was time to board.

      I was sitting separate from everyone (traveling with Jo, Pierce and Kate) cause jo and pierce upgraded themselves and Kate booked separately.

      Worst sleep. Was on the left side of the plane which I’ve learnt doesn’t work out as well for me.
      I watched a few episodes of friends but hat was it. Not a large variety of inflight entertainment.

      Breakfast was edible but was having a trouble with the mental barrier after suspecting it was powder eggs.
      I ate it all tho. 👍🏼

      Honolulu is very neat from the aerial view. Organised and crisp.

      Once we landed we had to taxi for a wee bit.

      And so began customs 😂
      My photo is fucking ridiculous.
      Took me so much longer than everyone to get through. Kate thought I’d been taken away to be interviewed 😂
      No one picked up on the spelling mistake though 😬😬
      So many comments and questions about my hair. 🙄🙄

      Bag system not organized - at bag was off the carousel on the floor - then had to hand it over for transfers - put on the floor in a group. Not enough space between groups for my liking.

      We tried 3 lines before we found the right line for TSA - shocking signage. Everyone was raging ha.

      Had to walk 2 by 2 past a sniffer dog. Randomly fluffy breed for a sniffer dog.

      Then through normal customs and onto our next plane.
      We were delayed 20 mins on the runway but the flight was only 20 mins so that was fab.

      We got on a shuttle bus to get to our hotel.
      Fucking humid as crap.

      The island wasn’t as pretty as I expected - very brown when we were flying in and the sea part was just a very flat horizon.
      I do like the mountains though.

      Got to the hotel, checked in got dressed quick and order and Uber to take us to the bachelorette party.
      When we got there the flower crown making was pretty much done but the lady leading it made us little basic ones so we were included 🤗
      Next was a hula lesson.
      Had some really trouble coordinating myself.
      Pretty sure it all got filmed which is major upsetting cause i looked and felt ridiculous.

      Afterwards we all caught a bus to the the Old Lahaina luau for dinner and a show.
      We got a complimentary fresh flower Lay* and sat
      At our table.
      Me and Jo went for a walk around the area looking at local crafts and stuff and then found the pig pit where they had buried a pig under layers.
      Thy did a quick educational piece and revealed it.
      I didn’t like the buffet to my great sadness. Very fish orientated but it had a few good stuff.
      I was starting to crash majorly. We were sitting opposite the America friends - I like them. They are funny.
      The show was good - insane hip isolations by the ladies.
      It was a show of history and legend but unfortunately I just couldn’t concentrate. CRASHING.

      We went home via Uber - great driver - she insisted we have a sing along - belted our “let it go”
      Nailed it.

      Got home at Pierce realized how big our microwave is. It fits 7 separate bowls.

      We tried powdered coffee cream.
      Don’t need to have it again..

      We then had a random 2 hour d&m. Not too deep but real good chat.

      It’s somehow already 1am.

      I’ve had a great day.
      Wedding is tomorrow yay!
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    • Day 18

      Lahaina - Stadtbummel

      August 14, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Da die Uscholdschen Männer heute einen Rundflug über die Insel machen beschließen wir Susanne einzupacken und die ehemalige Hauptstadt Hawaiis Lahaina zu erkunden.

      Wir parken unser Auto Shaw/Ecke Front Street und zahlen 7$ für bis zu 5 Stunden.
      Gleich gegenüber der Straße laufen wir stadteinwärts an der Kamehameha III. Grundschule vorbei (interessant wie die Klassenzimmer hier angeordnet sind) bevor wir zum größten Baum der USA kommen. Direkt auf dem Gelände des 'old Fort' und vor dem Old Courthouse steht ein riesiger Banjanbaum, dessen Luftwurzeln auch schon mehrfach zu neuen Stämmen im Boden wurzeln. Der Baum ist ca. 16 Meter hoch und in jede Richtung vom Stamm mindestens 30 Meter breit. Dies gibt ein wunderschönes laubenartiges Dach unter dem viele Bänke stehen.

      Hier gibt's später am Tag auch wieder ein Shave-Eis.
      Wir besichtigen noch die kleine Ausstellung im Old Courthouse und laufen an dem Geburtsstein der Könige vorbei bevor wir die Front Street weiter schlendern und auch mal in das ein oder andere Geschäft schauen.

      Wir finden auch ein kleines Café bei dem wir leckeren Kaffee trinken und Bananabread dazu essen.

      Auf dem Weg zum Auto gehen wir an der Phalanx aufgefahrener 'School Busses' 🚍 vorbei da die Schule gleich aus ist.
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    • Day 206

      Lahaina und Strände

      November 5, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Nachdem ich gestern mal einen Tag Pause eingelegt hatte und den ganzen Tag nur Netflix geschaut habe, ging es heute dann weiter mit der Erkundung der Insel.
      Nach dem Frühstück haben wir (Saskia, Nina und ich) uns wieder mit dem Mietwagen auf den Weg gemacht. In Kahului haben wir noch Steffi eingesammelt und sind dann nach Lahaina gefahren, dem Hauptort auf der Westseite der Insel, der auch die Partyhauptstadt Mauis ist.
      Dort sind wir durch die vielen kleinen Läden gebummelt, wo es über Bade- und Surfkleidung, Souvenirs und T-Shirts alles gab, was man als Tourist so brauchen könnte. Natürlich mussten wir uns auch das Ananaseis gönnen, mega lecker!
      Danach sind wir weiter nach Norden zum Kaanapali Beach, wo wir auch eine Schildkröte am Strand gesehen haben. Wir waren dort kurz baden, um uns von dem schwülen Wetter zu erholen. Da der Strand dort relativ felsig war, sind wir jedoch relativ schnell weiter nach Norden gefahren.
      Am Kapalua Beach haben wir dann den Tag ausklingen lassen und uns den Sonnenuntergang angeschaut. Es war eine schöne kleine Bucht dort mit relativ ruhigem Wasser, ein schönes Plätzchen zum Entspannen.
      Im Dunkeln haben wir Steffi wieder bei ihrem Hostel abgesetzt, waren bei Walmart zum Großeinkauf und sind zurück zum Hostel gefahren. Dort gab es noch eine Kleinigkeit zu Essen auf der Terrasse, bevor wir uns aufs Zimmer zurückgezogen haben. Fast täglich kommen und gehen neue Leute, mal sind wir nur zu fünft und mal zu Zehnt im Zimmer. Ich kann zum Glück ganz gut schlafen, aber die andauernde Hitze ist schon anstrengend.
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    • Day 1

      Checked into Coconut Condo in Lahain

      June 10, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      We could see forever over the ocean as we drove along the coast. We could feel the humidity more than most other visits because it was warmer today (about 83 degrees was the high). Then we arrived at the lovely, bright Coconut Condo to check in for our stay. The air conditioner in our room felt great after the Hawaiian humidity!

      Nick took a nap while Jack and I took a short walk around downtown Lahaina and Front Street. There’s lots of fruit ripening in the trees here! We debated whether to get shaved ice at Ululani’s, but decided to defer until later since we’ll be going to dinner soon.

      We stopped by the old Lahaina Courthouse. The giant Banyan tree in front of it is amazing!
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    • Day 1

      Strange Brew

      June 10, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      We wound down our first night in Maui by watching the extremely silly, yet still funny, “Strange Brew”. Actually we watched the first hour and got tired from the long day… We’ll watch the rest tomorrow night!Read more

    • Day 2

      As Good As It Gets

      June 11, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      After dinner, we returned to the Coconut Condos, finished watching Strange Brew, and then watched the first 90 minutes of As Good As It Gets, laughing all the way through! I had forgotten how funny Jack Nicholson was in that movie! Nick and Jack hadn’t seen it before, so it was a treat to share it with them.Read more

    • Day 7

      Tommy Bahama Restaurant

      June 16, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      We drive to Wailea today to see a side of Maui the boys had not yet seen. When we got there, we stopped at Tommy Bahama Restaurant at the Shops at Wailea. It was a good meal - not awesome, but okay - of fish tacos and gigantic burgers.

      Then we headed to a nearby beach…
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    • Day 1

      Down the Hatch for dinner!

      June 10, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Nick ordered the Captain’s Catch and sipped some fine water, Jack got the Dinosaur Burger, and I went for the Spicy Caesar Salad! Yumm! https://www.dthmaui.com/dth-lunch-dinner-menu

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Malu ‘Ulu o Lele Park, Malu 'Ulu o Lele Park

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