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Manhattan Church of the Nazarene

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    • Dag 5

      Brooklyn Bridge, China Town, Wall St uvm

      6. juli 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Nachdem wir vor zwei Tagen in der Nacht über die Brooklyn Bridge gegangen sind, sind wir es heute nochmal am Tag und von der Manhattan-Seite aus nach Brooklyn. Die Brücke wirkte am Tag noch gigantischer und schöner als bei Nacht. Wir sind dann auch noch ein bisschen durch Brooklyn gegangen und haben dort was gegessen.

      Mit der Metro sind wir wieder nach Manhattan gefahren und sind durch China Town und Little Italy gegangen. Das war verrückt dort! Man hatte das Gefühl, man sei nicht mehr in den USA.

      Weil wir zu einer etwas entfernteren Metro-Station wollten, die uns direkt ohne umsteigen zur Wall Street fährt, mussten wir noch ein ganzen Stück zu Fuß gehen. Und da hatten wir Glück, wir sind an einem Kosmetik- und Schuhgeschäft vorbei gekommen, die in Kürze ihre Filiale schließen werden und jede Menge Rabatte hatten, dort haben wir direkt zugeschlagen.

      Ich habe mir die Wall Street anders vorgestellt, da ich dachte sie wäre prunkvoller. Aber da trübte mal wieder der Schein der Filmwelt. Aber natürlich sind wir noch zum Bullen und hoffen, nun reich zu werden. Haha!

      Zum Schluss haben wir noch einen Stopp am Trump Tower gemacht, den wir uns von außen angesehen haben.
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    • Dag 15

      The MET

      28. november 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      We spent the afternoon at the MET - we saw the Michelangelo and David Hockney exhibits and then just hung out amongst the impressionists. I never tire of looking at a Degas, Van Gogh or Renoir. I have included my favourite paintings in this post.Les mer

    • Dag 15

      Photos from Museum of Natural History

      28. november 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 4 °C

      So many exhibits to see - we only covered about a third of them! The taxidermy was of an amazingly high standard. Much of the work was done, or overseen, by Carl Akeley. Frank Chapman, a director of the museum, sent teams of taxidermists and artists into the natural habitat to ensure the dioramas were a true reflection and in my opinion this has been achieved.Les mer

    • Dag 14

      A Day at the Museum(s)

      27. november 2017, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      Today we are again very fortunate to have good weather, so headed off about 9.30, up Central Park West past the famous Dakota Building - where John Lennon lived until his death (he was killed outside the building) - to our first stop, the American Museum of Natural History. Here we spent a couple of hours going through many of the exhibits, including the African mammals, Asian mammals, Dinosaurs, the Primate display, Birds of New York, Wildlife of NewYork, Pacific Island exhibition and American Indian Exhibit.

      We then headed across Central Park to the East Side. In the Park we passed the Delacorte Theatre (where Shakespeare in the Park is performed), Turtle Pond, the Great Lawn, a statue of Hamilton, and the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir. With all the beautiful autumn leaves, the Park is just spectacular at the moment.

      Once across the Park, we then headed to the Guggenheim Museum where we saw an exhibit on "Art and China after 1989: Theatre of the World". It was a collection of paintings, experimental film and video, installation and performance art - not really my thing, but we gave it a go. We were also fortunate to see the Thannhauser Collection, which included paintings by Cezanne, Picasso, Kandinsky, Monet and more. We also saw the Brancusi collection of sculpture.

      After the Guggenheim we headed to the MET, located close by, and on the way saw some dog walkers that were walking between 8 and 10 dogs. We also met a local lady who was walking her 7 month old French Bulldog called Marlowe, who was very friendly but overwhelmed by the large groups of dogs being walked en masse.

      At the MET we saw the Michelangelo and David Hockney exhibits, as well as the 19th century painters such as Van Gogh, Degas, Monet, Manet, Picasso, Renoir, Cezanne, Gaugin, Matisse and others. It is amazing to see so many wonderful paintings under one roof. We also saw a number of Rodin’s sculptures.

      After that we were a bit over museums and so we started the long walk (36 blocks) back to our apartment, via the Magnolia Bakery, for a well earned cup of tea!

      Tonight we had dinner with the Greens at Cafe Balthazar in SOHO. We had a lovely evening and, after a delicious dinner, we headed off to the Empire State Building to view the city at night. The city lights are great but it was extremely cold out on the observation deck on the 86th level. We said our good-byes to the Greens - who are leaving NY on Wednesday - but we will meet up with them again in San Francisco next Monday.

      We then walked the 10 blocks home past the Lord & Taylor Christmas Windows. We also recorded the highest step count of the holiday (so far) of 28,104steps, which equates to over 20 kilometres - no wonder we are all knackered.
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    • Dag 4

      Gossip Girl-Tour uvm

      5. juli 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Wir lieben beide die Serie Gossip Girl, die wir bevor wir nach New York geflogen sind, nochmal komplett geguckt haben. Also haben wir natürlich auch die Gossip Girl-Tour durch New York gemacht, auf der wir viele Schauplätze der Serie gesehen haben, während wir durch New York gefahren sind. An vielen Schauplätzen konnten wir auch aussteigen um Fotos zu machen. Gestartet sind wir am Hotel von Serena van der Woodsen. An der Constance Billard School war unsere erste Fotoattraktion, gefolgt vom Metropolitan Museum of Art. In die Fußstapfen von Blair Waldorf und Serena konnten wir am Grand Army Placa treten, dort machen sie in der Serie ein Photoshooting und wir taten es ihnen gleich. Als nächstes kamen das Hotel von Chuck Bass, dort konnten wir auch in die Lobby gehen, und Henri Bendel, dass Lieblingskaufhaus von Blair. Die Tour endete Grand Central Terminal, in dem die erste Szene der Serie gedreht wurde.

      Bevor es anfing zu dämmern sind wir zum Empire State Building und haben uns dort den Sonnenuntergang angeschaut und anschließend New York bei Nacht genossen. Es war fantastisch zu sehen, wie nach und nach die Stadt durch die Lichter erleuchtet wird. Die Aussicht war wunderbar!

      Wir haben direkt die Chance genutzt und haben uns den Time Square bei Nacht angeschaut, so kamen die Leuchtreklame noch besser zur Geltung.
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    • Dag 12

      Brooklyn Heights Photos

      25. november 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      We really enjoyed this part of Brooklyn. We met some friendly locals over lunch who recommended a Pizza and Calzone Restaurant in Cobble Hill, which one of them had been going to since she was a kid. We will try to get there during the week. They also recommended an Italian place on 46th street, which is only a couple of blocks from our apartment. I haven’t put captions on these photos as they were all taken in Brooklyn Heights.Les mer

    • Dag 12

      Brooklyn Heights - a well kept secret

      25. november 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      We decided on a slow start to the day, and finally left our digs around 11 am. We fought through the crowds of Time Square, where we entered the subway system to head Downtown. We decided to get a 7-day unlimited metro card, as it will be cheaper than individual tickets every time we decide to take the subway. We are becoming quite proficient at navigating around the place. As it is a Saturday the red line doesn’t travel to Brooklyn, so we got off near the Town Hall in lower Manhattan and made our way to the Brooklyn Bridge with thousands of other people. I think it was particularly busy as it is a ‘holiday’ weekend, but we are learning to push our way through and maintain our ground amongst the throng (and we still seem to be more polite and considerate than most).

      As we made our way across the bridge the crowds thinned out slightly, which made the walk more enjoyable. On the Brooklyn side we headed towards DUMBO, and made our way to the Manhattan Bridge and then walked along the shore of the East River towards and then under the Brooklyn Bridge. We then did a self-guide walking tour of Brooklyn Heights. What a beautiful area, the architecture is lovely and it is so peaceful and quiet compared to the craziness of Manhattan. If we ever had the chance to live in NY, I think I would opt for Brooklyn Heights as it is a quick subway ride across Manhattan.

      On our way back from Brooklyn we stopped at Union Square and Broadway to locate a shoe store Angus was interested in called Flight Club. We found the store and I was impressed with the sheer number of runners on display - it was pretty crazy in there. They had some special runners in a glass case - I think the most expensive I saw was US$9,750, and they weren’t even that nice in my opinion. Angus tried on a number of styles before he found ones he liked and were a comfortable fit, so we had a satisfied customer. A couple doors down from Flight Club was another store that was very much to Angus’s taste - Forbidden Planet - full of comics, Star Wars, Simpsons, Marvel etc paraphernalia. Again, I think Angus was a little overwhelmed by the sheer size and range of things.

      We then headed back onto the subway up to Grand Central Terminus (which also has a Xmas market that I will visit later this week). We did walk through their fresh food market which was amazing - so much choice - filled with fresh produce and a range of other food stuffs. We then made our way over to 6th Avenue to the Whole Foods Supermarket to pick a few things, so that we could have dinner in tonight - very relaxing and good for the budget!

      Tonight we had Provolone, Prosciutto & Peas ravioli with a Napoli sauce, salad and baguette, accompanied by a Californian red (which I thought was pretty ordinary). We had also picked up some delicious cookies from Ben’s Cookies - so we sampled them tonight with a cuppa - very nice.

      Tomorrow we plan to head to Chelsea.
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    • Dag 11

      Start spreading the news.......

      24. november 2017, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

      We left gorgeous Washington this morning, and had a short flight to the Big Apple. I sat next to an interesting women. She is an interior designer, who only has a few clients and who has lived in Italy for the past 17 years and really hates everything Trump stands for, and she can’t believe he was elected and that he is still in office. She was extremely passionate and wishes she could move all her family to Italy - unfortunately, their work keeps them in DC. Our taxi ride into Midtown was uneventful, and didn’t take too long. We then settled into our apartment, which will be home for the next 8 days. We did a quick shop at our local Wholefoods grocery store, and had a quick look at the Christmas Market at Bryant Park. We even did a load of washing!

      We had reservations at Bubby’s restaurant in Chelsea for dinner, and decided the walk there and back would be good for us. It took us about an hour to get there, mainly due to all the crowds around Midtown - once we fought through the throng it was an easier walk. We had a lovely dinner. I had baked beef ribs with mash and broccoli, and the boys had southern fried chicken with carrots and mash or fries. There was a really nice ambiance at Bubby’s, and the service was excellent. We even shared a piece of their famous pie (sour cherry) which was yum. We then walked back to the hotel via Times Square. We were all a bit tuckered out from the travelling today. Tomorrow, we will possibly head over to Brooklyn.
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    • Dag 3

      Rockefeller Center, Flatiron uvm

      4. juli 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Heute ist der US-amerikanische Nationalfeiertag, an dem wir als erstes auf das Rockefeller Center gingen. Der Ausblick war atemberaubend zu sehen, wie sich der Central Park vor einem erstreckt und direkt daneben die Hochhäuser in die Höhe ragen. Auf der anderen Seite sieht man zum einen das Empire State Building und dahinter erstrecken sich die Wolkenkratzer der Downtown.

      Wir sind danach ein bisschen durch die Stadt gelaufen und haben verschiedene Sehenswürdigkeiten angeschaut. Dabei war das Flatiron Building, mit seiner unverkennbaren Form, der Columbus Circle, das Chrysler Building, einer der schönsten Wolkenkratzer der Stadt und der Madison Square Garden.

      Danach ging es zur Public Library. Dort saßen wir erst eine Zeit lang auf der Treppe und haben kurz eine Pause gemacht. Die Bücherei war sehr schön und auch riesig, sodass man sich dort leicht auch verlaufen kann, was wir auch geschafft haben, haha.

      Am Abend gingen wir zum Hudson River, denn dort gab es zum Unabhängigkeitstag ein großes Feuerwerk und es war das schönste, spektakulärste und riesigste Feuerwerk, welches ist bislang gesehen habe.

      Anstatt zum Hotel zu fahren, sind wir nach Brooklyn gefahren und sind von dort über die Brooklyn Bridge zurück nach Manhattan gegangen, so konnten wir auch die Wolkenkratzer, die für den Feiertag teilweise in den Nationalfarben beleuchtet waren, auch bei Nacht sehen.
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    • Dag 2

      Times Square, Madame Tussaud's uvm

      3. juli 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Als erstes gingen wir an diesem Tag zum Times Square, das war so toll. Überall leuchtet und es war so viel zu sehen, dass man gar nicht wusste, wo man als erstes hinschauen sollte. Wir haben uns dann einen Platz auf einer Bank gesucht und dort ein bisschen gesessen und gequatscht.

      Am Time Square ist auch das Madame Tussaud’s, in dem viele verschiedene Stars waren, mit denen wir Fotos gemacht haben.

      Wir sind zum Schluss noch an der Radio City Music Hall vorbei zur St. Patricks Cathedral gegangen. Die Kirche sieht von außen und innen sehr beeindruckend aus.
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