United States
Mariposa Town Historic District

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    • Day 25

      Day 25 - Never Underestimate The Planet

      May 16, 2019 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

      Woke up early feeling more than a bit excited about what the day had in store for us. I was aware that we had had heavy rainfall over night & the peaks of Yosemite had received a large dump of snowfall.

      We got ourselves ready & walked a few doors down to an old fashioned American Diner called the Sugar Pine Cafe. We sat down in a booth & ordered our breakfast. I ordered scrambled eggs with bacon & sausage, English muffins & cheese grits. Jackie ordered French Toast, eggs & sausage patty. This was washed down with unlimited coffee.

      Having placed our order we then realised that our biking buddies, Doug & Russ, were sat at the counter with their breakfast. We gave them a wave. Our breakfast arrived & was delicious. Cheese grits are a bit of an acquired taste, basically macaroni cheese, but polenta instead of macaroni. It came in a bowl as a stodge.

      By the time we had finished, customers were queuing outside to get in. Jackie counted out her shekels & went to the till to pay or bill of over $30. The waitress informed her that our cheque had been taken care of......by Doug & Russ. We were blown away by their kindness & went over to thank & say goodbye to them.

      We went back to our Lodge & got ourselves ready for the day. We headed north on California 140 (scenic route) & by god was it. The sun was out & we followed the Merced River through Stanislaus National Forest, El Portal & to the entrance to Yosemite National Park, where my Pass was accepted through the Fast track lane.

      As we followed the road towards Tunnel View & Valley View, the scenery was spellbinding. We kept stopping for a photo only to realise that the next stop was an even better view. Our 1st stop & walk was to the foot of Bridalveil Falls. The trail was just 0.4 miles, but it was so worth it. I wasn’t really prepared, protective clothing wise & got soaked. It is at this time of year that the waterfalls are at their most powerful & the spray is unavoidable.

      Drenched, we returned to the car & meandered on, repeatedly stopping for photos of the amazing granite monoliths of El Capitan, Leaning Tower, Cathedral Spires, Three Brothers, Glacier Point, Half Dome, Sentinel Dome, Taft Point etc etc. Eventually we arrived at Yosemite Village Visitor Center.

      We visited the Visitor Center, Museum & Ansel Adams Gallery, then headed to the Lower Yosemite Falls Trail for more sodden selfies. We then returned to an information tent, where I had it confirmed what I already suspected, Tioga Road & Glacier Point were still closed due to snow. Sadly these are some of the Yosemite highlights (a good excuse to come back another time).

      I enquired as to what they suggested for a couple of mile hike & it they suggested either the Mist Trail to Vernal Fall or the flat easy trail to Mirror Lake & requested we use the shuttle bus. Jackie chose the Mirror Lake Trail, so we located the Free Shuttle Bus to stop 17 (Mirror Lake). On the bus, there was an excited buzz that bears had been seen between in the vicinity of where we were going.

      It was approximately 1 mile there & 1 mile back. We set off at a hot pace on the on the wooded path route as opposed to the road. Unfortunately the heavens suddenly opened & we were drenched. We waded through the puddles & up & down the slippery path until we arrived at Mirror Lake (or pond as it should be called).

      Unfortunately, Mirror Lake was more like ‘Shattered Mirror Lake’. The pounding rain was preventing the water provide a reflection. We bravely posed for photo & I took a reciprocal photo. I then enquired whether it was worth continuing around the lake or whether it was best to go back the way we had come.

      The couple I asked mentioned that the route required some scrambling up rocks, I turned to inform Jackie, only to discover that she was doing her impression of a Sussex Veteran walking champion suffering for a severe bout of earwax. I had no choice, but to chase her back down the trail to the bus stop .

      We were saturated & had to squeeze ourselves on to the bus back to our car. Jackie had now decided that she was not going on any further trails today. She was happy to see Yosemite from the car. I started to head out of the park & stopped for photos of more amazing views.

      The most notable was El Capitan, where other visitors pointed out a tiny speck that was an orange tent / bed thing suspended over 3/4s of the way up the sheer rock face. The thought of being in that made my bum go funny!
      By now the sun was back out, but Jackie had had enough of getting wet. We started to drive out of the Park but I decided to take an alternative scenic route California 120 northbound to get back to our Lodge. Almost immediately the road started rising sharply & signs were flashing ‘ Be Sure to have Chains with you’. Surely it couldn’t be that bad!!

      Soon our ‘Scenic Route’ was in mist with slush on the roads & our car dashboard display started flashing an alarm that it was freezing conditions. Bizarrely the USB power stopped, we had no WiFi or phone service & it started to snow quite heavily.

      I pigheadedly ploughed on, quite literally, but eventually we started to head downhill & out of the National Park. The journey continued through heavy rain & cloud. My alternative scenic route had taken us on a journey about 100 miles out of our way. & we got back to our Lodge in Mariposa about an hour and a half after we should’ve done. Basically, I f**ked up, but I’m not admitting that to Jackie.

      When we arrived back at our Lodge just after 1815 hrs, we got sorted & ended up in the local pizza house. We shared a 12” pizza & a pitcher of beer, which caused a few head to turn. We bought a box of wine & retired to our room.

      FITBIT = 20,683 steps / 9.6 miles.

      Song of the Day - Breakfast In America by Supertramp.

      Bonus Song of the Day :-

      Waterfall by The Stone Roses
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    • Day 26

      Hier halten wir an! Mariposa!

      October 5, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Was für ein niedlicher Ort. Genau richtig um sich eine neue Frisur verpassen zu lassen, die Augenbrauen zurecht zu biegen, einen Mittagssnack zu sich zu nehmen und etwas Blödsinn zu machen. Großartig!

    • Day 6


      July 5, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Heute standen wir um 4:30 auf und machten uns auf den Weg zum Nationalpark Yosemite. Es war sehr schön und ruhig dann spazierten wir noch an einen See der Eis kalt war dann standen wir noch vor einer Felswand da brauchte man 3-5 Tage für die ganze Wand außerdem sahen wir noch eine Klapper Schlange 2 Hirsche und ein Reh.Read more

    • Day 4

      Mariposa: Startpunkt für Yosemite 😍

      August 12, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Nun sind wir weg von der Kalifornischen Westküste auf Richtung Nationalparks. Der Weg von dort aus war wie man ihn sich aus amerikanischen Roadmovies vorstellt. Endlose Highways gesäumt von Mandel- und Pistazienbäumchen. Erster Park wird Yosemite sein. Wir starten morgen hier von Mariposa aus. Hatten eine Einweisung im Tourist Office von einer Luxemburgerin die Deutsch sprach 🤣. Die Wahl fällt schwer, was zuerst entdecken? Die Wasserfälle oder den Park ansich? Lasst euch überraschen ….Read more

    • Day 7

      Tag 7 Teil 1 San Francisco/ Mariposa

      April 17 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Wir reisen ab aus San Francisco und fahren Richtung Mariposa. Über die Bay Bridge und dann zum Yosemite-Nationalpark nach Mariposa Grove, wo die größten Bäume der Welt stehen. Auf dem Weg dorthin sind wir an vielen Mandelbäumen vorbei gefahren, dann wieder Niemandsland. Man hatte das Gefühl, man fährt durch den Harz, nur kaputte BäumeRead more

    • Day 7

      Tag 8 Teil 2 Yosemite Park

      April 17 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Wir haben uns auf den Weg gemacht zu den größten Bäumen der Welt. Schon sehr beeindruckend. Der Weg dahin waren 3 km mit 150 Höhenmetern. Gut für Po und Beine! Drumherum waren viele Bäume verkohlt. Einem Brand im Jahre 2021. Die Sequoia Gigantes konnten mittels Alufolie gerettet werden.Read more

    • Day 20

      20. Tag - Back to the nature

      October 31, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Nachdem wir heute ausgeschlafen haben fuhren wir eine Stunde weiter in einen etwas größeren Ort in dem wir bei Denny's gefrühstückt haben.
      Pappsatt und bereit für den Tag ging es weiter Richtung Yosemite Nationalpark.
      Der Highway 120, der Tiogapass, ist laut Internet ab November gesperrt und wenn man Google glauben wollte war er das auch schon.
      Da wir erst den 31.10. haben und der Pass nach Aussage des Hotels auf sein sollten, fuhren wir trotzdem in die Richtung. Das Risiko, noch einen riesigen Umweg fahren zu müssen nahmen wir somit in Kauf.
      Und endlich kam ein Schild "Tiogapass open".
      Somit bestand unsere Fahrtzeit heute aus nur 4 1/2 Stunden und nicht aus über 7 Stunden.
      Durch den Nationalpark fuhren wir entlang der Berge, der Bäume, die sich im Herbst schön verfärben und an einigen Seen vorbei. An manchen Stellen kam ein Schild "Bären kreuzen", aber unser Wunsch einen echten Bären zu sehen wurde noch nicht erfüllt.
      Unser Hotel für die nächsten Tage ist eine sehr urige Unterkunft, die ins Bild der Natur hier passt.
      Gleichzeitig werden wir hier auch vom Netz genommen, da Wlan 9 Euro für 12 Stunden kosten soll. So werden wir die nächsten 3 Tage ohne Handyabhängigkeit genießen können.
      Am Abend fuhren wir in den nächsten etwas größeren Ort Mariposa, 40 Minuten entfernt.
      Dort liefen viele verkleidete Kinder mit ihren teilweise auch verkleideten Eltern durch die Straßen und feierten Halloween. Ein sehr schönes Bild hier in Amerika. Sogar in Hotels, Tankstellen und Shops konnten die Kinder Süßigkeiten ergattern.
      Um noch einmal Wlan nutzen zu können gab es heute Abend Burger von Burgerking zum Abendessen bevor es zurück in unser Hotel geht.
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    • Day 24

      Day 24 - (I Left my RV) in San Francisco

      May 15, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Woke up at 6.00am for the next chapter of our travels.

      We showered, breakfasted, then I packed my rucksack. Next we set about cleaning the RV from top to bottom & chucking away gallons of salad dressing, cereal, cheese, milk, bread etc etc. The final job was to deal with poop pipe, which I bravely did on my own.

      It was going smoothly, albeit our neighbour offered me some ‘really’ useful advice about securing the pipe into the hole. Bit late now! I then turned on the tap to wash the pipe, but I had underestimated the power of the water pressure & suddenly my water hose was spraying water everywhere like an angry cobra, including at my neighbours caravan. Thank god he was on the other side. By the time, I had wrestled the water pipe into submission, I was saturated. Things were not going as planned.

      At 09.15am, we set out on our final drive in the RV. It was an hour & a half of purgatory, driving on Highway 580 in the the rain in a slow moving procession of vehicles. Anyway at 10.50am, we arrived at our final destination, the CruiseAmerica base in Newark, San Francisco.

      We arrived with a spotless RV & I noted that we had driven exactly 3,700 miles. We were dressed smartly & we handed our paperwork to the the check-in guy. He gave the van the once over & said it was absolutely fine. We even pointed out the broken plastic caused by Jackie’s head & he said it didn’t matter. We went into the office, signed off with them & received our $500 deposit in full. No mention of the little dink we had back in St. Louis. We are yet to hear thing about it, hopefully he was lost the bit of paper with our details!!

      First mission complete. Now to get a car rental. We decided Oakland International Airport some 20 miles away was probably our best bet. I spoke with the taxi drivers at CruiseAmerica & the quoted me $60 to the airport or $25 to the local railway station. Good old Uber got us a taxi 4 minutes later for just $31.

      The Uber taxi driver was Fijian and liked the Royal Family. He told us all about Prince Harry’s recent visit & whilst driving showed us on his phone photos of his friend in the British Army. We chatted along with him & persuaded him to drop us off at the Enterprise Car Rental office (it does 5% discount for Blue Light Card holders).

      When we entered the office it was chaos, so we let people go ahead of us until it was quieter. I explained our situation to him that I was looking to hire a car for a 60 day road trip across America to New York. Julian the manager started to look up what it would cost & showed us the ridiculous price of over $6,000. It was a fixed price & as we knew one way drop offs cost a fortune. He didn’t have any relocations. This was not going well, so we told him to serve another customer.

      In the meantime we spoke to his dappy colleague, who was interested in our intended trip. She mentioned that it might be worth going halfway & hiring a car for 30 days then hiring another. She mentioned this to Julian, who looked on his computer & asked where we would want to drop off a car in 30 days. How could I say where we were, probably somewhere in Texas. I think Julian was having a bad day, because he just gave up & said “You can have a car for 30 day for $1,000 & I don’t care where you drop it off”. I queried this & he said “Yes, just give them my name”.

      A customer who had come in & was listening piped “Wow that’s a good deal, it’s showing as $1,400 without the one-way fee”. She was married to an Englishman & was interested in our travels. I took Julian’s business card as insurance, in fact we not sure how insured we are as we turned down all of theirs. Anyway, as a result of our negotiations, we became the proud owners of a royal blue Nissan Sentra, not quite what Jackie had in mind. Still it was a bargain!

      Then in the drizzle, we followed the tail-lights out of the city, moving in a river of red, along Highway 580 & stopping in so we non-descript place for a McDonalds & to take stock. We felt like vagabonds with no place to go, so we got on Booking.com & sorted ourselves out with 2 nights in a motel in Mariposa.

      The journey through Manteca, Modesta & Merced was dull & tedious, traffic jam followed by traffic jam. Eventually we turned off towards Yosemite National Park & Mariposa, where there road weaved through rolling wheat fields. Conscious of the insurance situation we were lucky enough to get a Highway Patrolman to follow us all the way into Mariposa.

      Mariposa turns out to be a lovely little old fashioned town with a high street full of bars & restaurants. We checked into the Americas Best Value Inn Mariposa Lodge, our home for the next 2 nights. We immediately popped down to the local off-licence & purchased a drop of wine & beer, plus pork scratchings & dill pickle crisps. Outside there were a couple of hillbillies that were filthy, totally out it on some spice like drug. Not a good advert, but they seemed harmless enough.

      Returning we sat on out veranda & got talking to bikers, Doug & Russ. We spent over an hour chatting about places we should visit & routes we should take. They had just come out of Yosemite NP & were able to give us advice on what to visit, current weather conditions etc. Whilst sat there a bright red hummingbird hovered just in front of us. It was a lovely end to the day.

      FITBIT = 8,881 steps / 4.12 miles.

      Song of the Day - Vagabonds by New Model Army
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    • Day 11

      it's time for cabrio :)

      May 17, 2016 in the United States ⋅ 🌫 14 °C

      750.000 Einwohner vermutlich eher mehr, eine Westöstliche Diva - 43 Hügel, eine Stadt mir hoch rangierenden Stadtkulturen und Straßenleben in diversen ethnischen Vierteln. San Francisco hat mit eine Palette von Plätzen, Parks, Perspektiven, Cafe, Eckkneipen Yuppies und Hippies, Obdachlose, Banker und Spaßvögeln, Obdachlose , Straßen Artisten und vielen Touristen, Restaurants , Shops und vielem mehr echt viel zu bieten. Doch it was time to say good bye. Man sagt von SFO ihr einziger Nachteil sei, dass man sich schwer von ihr trennen kann.
      Es war eine schöne Zeit hier, doch wir haben noch viel zu erkunden, also haben wir unseren bereits liebgewonnen Jeep am Flughafen gegen ein sexy Cabrio getauscht, um mit ihm unsere Reise fortzusetzen. Am Flughafen angekommen haben wir die Autos getauscht. Wir mussten etwas warten, da nicht genügend Mustangs vorrätig waren, doch das warten hat sich gelohnt , seht und entscheidet unten selbst.

      Unser erstes Ziel war Stanford. Dario und ich haben erstmal das Verdeckt runtergefahren, die Musik laut gedreht die Klimasitze getestet und unser Zielort eingegeben. Die Freude an dem Fahrzeug kann man uns immer noch im Gesicht ablesen. Ein Wahnsinn !

      Bei 31 Grad und keiner Wolke am Himmel, haben wir also die Ärmel hochgekrempelt und sind nach Stanford gefahren. Dabei gab's natürlich eine hübsche T- Shirt Bräune.
      Stanford ist kein Ort an dem man studieren sollte und das meine ich nicht wegen den 80.000€ Beitragsgebühren , sondern wegen der unglaublichen Schönheit. Palmen, Brunnen, Cafes, Rosengärten , ja sogar eine Kirche hat diese Uni. Wirkte sehr paradiesisch , schon fast einladend um Urlaub zu machen. Wer will denn hier lernen , wenn man solche Bedingungen hat? Es wirkte viel mehr wie ein Hotel am Mittelmeer als eine Universität.
      Nach dem wir glaubten hier schon was besonderes gesehen zu haben, sind wir weiter zum Headquarter von Google im Silicon Valley. Unerlaubt haben wir uns einen Parkplatz ergattert und unerlaubt haben wir uns die coolen Bikes von Google genommen, um eine Runde um den Campus zu drehen. Einen Frisör, einen koreanischen Sushiladen, eine Eisdiele , viele Liegestühle und noch mehr gab es bei Google für die Mitarbeiter - es wirkte ebenso wenig nach Arbeit wie Stanford nach Uni.

      Nächster Stop, ganz wichtig, Sonnencreme kaufen, die Sonne hatte keine Gnade. Natürlich mussten wir in einen Walmart halten. Dario war ganz aufgeregt und musste Regal für Regal durchlaufen, um auch jeden Artikel genau untersuchen zu können.
      Der Einkauf wurde letzten Endes logischerweise mehr als nur eine Sonnencreme.
      Aber Hauptsache mein Brüderchen ist glücklich geworden :)

      Auf dem Weg nach Mariposa bzw zum Yosimite National Park haben wir das gute Wetter , das Cabrio und gute Musik auf unserer Seite gehabt.
      Dies war unter anderem ein Stimmungsmacher


      Die Straßen in den USA sind echt verwirrend. 7 Spuren Autobahn in eine Richtung, 4 way stops, den riesen amerikanischen Trucks und rechts überholen ist erlaubt. Sogar das Navi ist verwirrt gewesen.
      Aber wir haben es gemeistert :)

      Kurz vor Yosimite fing der Sonnenuntergang über den Weiden an und wir mussten ein paar Stops einlegen, um zu genießen !
      Endlich in unserem Hotel angekommen sind wir natürlich gleich essen gegangen diesmal etwas besser als sonst, wie ich finde hat es sicher aber gelohnt. wofür hat man schließlich Urlaub. ^^
      Aber für evtl nachfragen, es war kein Sternerestaurant.

      Heute gibt's endlich mal eigene Betten für uns - nicht dass wir uns nicht gerne Eins teilen, aber das ist auch mal wieder schön !

      p.S. ja wir lesen eure Kommentare und freuen uns auch darüber :)

      Übrigens ist es echt ärgerlich ein Auto mit so viel PS zu haben und offiziell nicht mehr als 120 km/h fahren zu dürfen :(
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    • Day 5

      San Francisco - Mariposa

      July 4, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Heute fuhren 3 Stunden von San Francisco nach Mariposa.Mariposa ist eine sehr kleine Stadt ungefähr so gross wie Bätterkinden,hier ist es 35 Grad Celsius
      Also extrem heiß.

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    Mariposa Town Historic District

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