Meat Packing District

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    • Päivä 1

      Ankunft in NY

      22. maaliskuuta 2018, Yhdysvallat ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

      Der Flug verlief besser als erwartet. Auch die 8 Stunden waren recht easy mit vielen Filmen, schlafen und essen zu überbrücken. Nervig war dann leider das lange Warten an den Zollschaltern (1,5 Std. Schlange stehen 😤). Wieder Fragen beantworten, Fingerabdrücke (von allen Fingern!) und Gesichtsfoto. Die Amis sind schon strange.... Aber danach sind wir von einem grandiosen Wetter empfangen worden. Im typischen, klapprigen Cab ging’s dann ins Hotel nach Soho. Wir haben ein Zimmer mit Blick auf das Empire State Building! Ein Traum! Morgen gehr‘s dann hoffentlich ohne großen Jetlag los, die City zu erkunden und viele, viele Fotos zu schießen, die ich dann gern mit Euch teile. Good Night!Lue lisää

    • Päivä 4

      Empire State Building - Times Square

      25. maaliskuuta 2018, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Heute Morgen sind wir extra früh aufgestanden, um auf das Empire State Building zu fahren. Und wir hatten Glück - kein Schlange stehen! Leider war das Wetter heute nicht so klasse. Trotzdem war der Blick auf die Skyline von NY ein einmaliges Erlebnis! Danach sind wir zum Flatiron Building gelaufen, ein Gebäude, das wohl jeder aus Filmen und Fotos kennt. Unbeschreiblich, wenn man plötzlich live davor steht.
      Dann sind wir zum Times Square gelaufen und waren komplett geflasht von dem Trubel, den riesigen Werbebannern, crazy people (Trump-Double, naked Cowboy...). Also das brauche ich nun nicht jeden Tag 😀, aber man sollte es mal gesehen und erlebt haben.
      Obwohl wir eigentlich schon ziemlich platt waren, sind wir noch einmal in unser Lieblingsviertel Soho gefahren. Im Nike Store hatte ich dann ein unglaubliches Erlebnis: Plötzlich stand vor mir eine Mitarbeiterin der Postbank aus Hameln! Wie kannten uns bisher nicht persönlich. Ich hab sie angesprochen und wir konnten es beide nicht fassen. Wir haben uns auf einen Café nächste Woche in der Postbank verabredet!
      Jetzt erholen wir uns gerade in unserem schönen Hotel bevor es dann heute Abend in ein Steak-Restaurant geht.
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    • Päivä 137

      Chelsea Market

      17. kesäkuuta 2017, Yhdysvallat ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      Un mercado de comida artesanal, en un viejo pero muy bien conservado edificio de las galletas Nabisco. Se dice que allí fueron inventadas las galletas Oreo. El lugar está muy bien decorado con un estilo vintage y retro, que combina perfectamente con los locales de comida del lugar. Sin duda, una buena forma de recuperar una área que en algún momento fue deprimida.

      David D.
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    • Päivä 6

      NYC - We love u!

      27. maaliskuuta 2018, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      Nach dem gestrigen Tag war ich zu platt, um noch zu schreiben. Heute bin ich eigentlich auch zu platt 😀, aber wir sind nach dem Essen schon früh im Hotel und so kann ich noch kurz über den gestrigen und heutigen Tag berichten. Wir haben alles soweit auf unserer To-Liste erledigt. Gestern früh sind wir mit der Fähre zur Liberty Statur gefahren (schöner Touri-Trip, den man machen MUSS, wenn man das erste Mal in NY ist)). Anschließend ging es dann zur Brooklyn Bridge. Diese Idee hatten gefühlt 💯 .000 andere Touris auch 😀. Ich möchte nicht wissen, was hier im Frühjahr und Sommer los ist. Aber es war trotzdem mega und ein tolles Gefühl auf dieser weltberühmten Brücke zu stehen, die man sonst nur von Fotos und Filmen kennt. Danach ging es dann nach Little Italy und Chinatown (hier sah man dann tatsächlich nur noch Asiaten).

      Heute Morgen sind wir dann zum Rockefeller Center gefahren und hätten Schlittschuhfahren können (ein Traum, den ich schon immer hatte!). Aber meine beiden Begleiter sagten No! Wohl aus Angst, ich könnte danach nicht mehr ganz so mobil sein 😂...

      Durch Zufall sind wir dann in eine ganz besondere Zeremonie geraten. Die komplette 5th Av. war abgesperrt und vor der St. Patrick Church versammelten sich immer mehr Polizisten. Entlang der gesamten 5 th Av. standen sie alle Spalier. Erst fuhren etwa 50 Polizisten mit ihren Motorrädern vorweg, danach folgte ein großer Feuerwehrwagen, auf dem der Sarg eines toten Feuerwehrmannes aufgebahrt war. Wie wir dann erfuhren, war dieser vor einigen Tagen bei einem Einsatz ums Leben gekommen. Dann hörte man über Lautsprecher eine Gospelsängerin, die aus der Kirche heraus das ,Ave Maria‘ sang. Da war es dann um mich geschehen. Ich habe angefangen zu weinen, so ergriffen war ich von dieser Zeremonie und auch beeindruckt. Hier scheinen Feuerwehrmänner noch die Wertschätzung und den Respekt zu bekommen, den sie auch verdienen. Und der Zusammenhalt unter den Kollegen scheint ein ganz besonderer zu sein. Nicht zu vergleichen mit Deutschland.

      Nach diesem ganz besonderen Erlebnis sind wir dann ins Metropolitan Museum of Natural History gegangen. Ganz ehrlich: Toll war der Eingangsbereich mit dem riesigen Dinoskelett und dem imposantem Saal. Der Rest war jetzt nicht so interessant- für uns zumindest. Wir sind dann noch einmal in den Central Park spazieren gewesen. Wir haben uns ja alle am ersten Tag schon in diesen wundervollen Park mit der schönen Manhattan Skyline verliebt. Lucas und ich uns in die vielen süßen Eichhörnchen, die so zahm sind, dass man sie oft sogar kurz streicheln kann.

      Heute Abend sind wir dann noch in Chelsea, im Meatpacking District spazieren gewesen. Wir haben viele unzählige schöne Cafés, stylische Restaurants, und Boutiquen entdeckt. Ein wunderschönes, kreatives Viertel mit umgebauten Fabrikbauten, in denen sich jetzt Gallerien, Lofts und coole Geschäftsräume befinden. Neben den Chelsea Market haben wir heute noch eine neue Food-Halle in einem ehemaligen Fabrikgebäude entdeckt: Gansevoort Market. Hier hat man die Wahl zwischen Burgern, Mexikanisch, Thai uvm. im coolen Ambiente.

      Morgen ist leider schon unser vorletzter Tag, wir fliegen Donnerstagmittag zurück 😞. Für Morgen haben wir noch das Guggenheim Museum auf den Plan und shoppen in Soho.
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    • Päivä 1

      New York

      6. elokuuta 2017, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Touchdown in New York JFK at 14:15 bang on time! We soon cleared US customs with the custom chap actually giving us a smile, which is quite unusual.

      A fairly long queue and we were whizzing our way into Manhattan to the Standard High Line Hotel in the Greenwich area of the city. Many thanks to my good mate Bruce Robertson for sorting this out for us. Bruce is the man who knows all the best hotels and locations - a real gent even if he is Scottish...cheers Bruce...even a room upgrade with views of the Hudson River.

      We then decided to shoot over to Soho House New York which is a members club I have joined in the UK but with worldwide membership. Here, much to Eva's dismay we found out that to partake of any alcoholic drink she had to be 21 years of age!

      Oh well the detox will do her good after her week away last week clubbing in Crete with her mates...how the other half live.

      A couple of beers and some iced water we moved on to grab a bite to eat and ended up over the road from the hotel at Sugar Factory. We only went in there because people were queuing to get in...apparently the rich and famous and now Eva go there. It is supposed to be the most Instagramed restaurant in the US...whatever that is.

      It seems to us that the only reason for it was that you can order these massive cocktails with dry ice in them and Haribo sweets...I can't see it lasting long myself. A couple of non alcoholic cocktails and we headed off to the German Beer Keller which consisted of some very drunk ladies who looked like they had just been dumped and people playing ping pong.

      Iced water was forthcoming for Eva who was buy now getting the hang of it.

      After so much excitement we called it a night and headed off to our rooms with me looking forward to ur shopping expedition the next day. drink she had to be 21 years of age!

      Oh well the detox will do her good after her week away last week clubbing in Crete with her mates...how the other half live.

      A couple of beers and some iced water we moved on to grab a bite to eat and ended up over the road from the hotel at Sugar ....We only went in there because people were queuing to get in...apparently the rich and famous and now Eva go there. It is supposed to be the most Instagramed restaurant in the US...whatever that is.

      It seems to us that the only reason was that you can order these massive cocktails with dry ice in them and Haribo sweets...I can't see it lasting long myself. A couple of non alcoholic cocktails and we headed off to the German Beer Keller which consisted of some very drunk ladies who looked like they had just been dumped and people playing ping pong.

      Iced water was forthcoming for Eva who was buy now getting the hang of it.

      After so much excitement we called it a night and headed off to our rooms with me looking forward to our shopping expedition the next day.
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    • Päivä 19

      Eva where are you?

      24. elokuuta 2017, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Last night the last thing Eva said to me was not to wake her up early.

      So I didn't. I had woken up at 03:00 and did a few phone calls to the UK and of course the usual emails. So I was kicking my heels early on after dozing off again and went for breakfast early. A few more calls over breakfast and the Apple Store was open two blocks away.

      As fate would have it we had been to the Apple Store on our earlier arrival to change the iPad. When I was there I looked at the new iPhone 7 plus as I just simply need a bigger screen the way my eyesight is heading. So I needed to buy Eva an iPhone following my swim in Heaven night club so she may as well have my 4 week old iPhone 6 and I get the bigger one. That is two iPhones now that I have fallen in water with during the past 6 months. I wish they would make a waterproof one.

      It took a while to sort it out but as usual the service at Apple was top notch.

      Oh well I may as well walk another block to Soho House and collect my new membership card that had arrived. The waiter had given my card to somebody else our last gist over two weeks ago. so I sat on the roof terrace by the pool with all the lovelies doing some work. Still no news from Eva, no texts or messenger messages....perhaps there was something wrong. So I sent a few messages to her over the next hour. Still no response. Perhaps there was something wrong? She was grumpy and tired last night I hope she is ok?

      I returned the hotel and range her room.

      'Dad where the f&?@ have you been?'

      'I have been messengering (if that is a word) you for ages?'

      'Dad you idiot I don't have a phone...remember.'

      'Ah yes...that is why I went to Apple to get you one'

      I laughed, she didn't. She had been up since 09:30 and knocked on my door three times getting rather concerned that I might have croaked it during the night. So she had been hanging around for 5 hours.

      Oh well at least she now had a new iPhone which I promptly set up and she was back in the civilised world.

      I rang the helicopter tour company and we could get on the next flight which was in 30 minutes time from near the Statten Island ferry terminal. We made it just in time and did the 15 minute flight to the Statue of Liberty, up the Hudson and back again to the heliport for the bargain basement price of $450...blimey! Still, it was worth doing it for Eva's New York visit.

      Unfortunately on the way to the 9/11 memorial pools we walked past a a few shops that just had to go in. Do these clothes shops put something in the ac units to make men go to sleep and loose the will to live? So that cost me too and of course her sister just had to have something even though she wasn't on the holiday.

      As Eva hadn't eaten all day we headed back to the hotel to get refreshed for going out.

      My clothes had arrived from Mexico so I now had my long trousers my T-shirts and a small plastic bag containing some women's knickers. All I can say is that I have no idea where they came from. That is my story and I am sticking to it.

      We left the hotel to the beer Keller next door for Eva to have a glass of water and then it was off to Fat Chick a couple of blocks away for Southern Fried Chicken.

      I said goodbye to Eva in the hotel elevator. She was in the 8th and I was on the 12th. I was a bit waylaid and went to check out the 18th floor where the club was located with views over to New Jersey and Manhattan. It was very nice but I decided to as always act my age and retired to bed.
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    • Päivä 20

      Another afternoon shopping

      25. elokuuta 2017, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Just when I thought it was safe I got dragged shopping again.

      We bought the last few things that Eva simply had to have. A couple of pairs of shoes, some jeans and a couple of other must have items.

      We then went back to The Standard Hotel and Eva went for a bit of a lay down after such a hectic expedition. I went and packed hoping that all of Fiona's clothes that she had bought and sent to the hotel would fit in my suitcase.

      Eva was still resting so I popped down the German Keller and cashed in my last free beer tokens on a couple of beers whilst talking to a guy called Tommy from Brooklyn about the area and how it had changed from being fairly run down to what is now one the trendiest parts of Manhattan, especially with google opening up their office there a couple of blocks away.

      When Eva surfaced we went for something to eat at Omai which is an excellent, small Vietnamese restaurant a couple of blocks away...and very reasonable at $50 for the two of us.

      Bedtime was relatively early on our last night before our Virgin Atlantic flights back to good old Blighty...I think we were partied out!
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    • Päivä 6

      Alla ricerca del tombino più antico

      17. kesäkuuta 2016, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Colazione al Magnolia Bakery e a vedere la casa di Carrie Bradshawe il palazzo di Friends ,passeggiata al Washington Square Parke a vedere la New York University e poi a vedere il tombino più antico di N.Y. Secondo le leggende metropolitane i canali di scarico al di sotto dei tombini portano al mondo degli alligatori .Com'è possibile ? Negli anni 50 i vacanzieri in ritorno dalla Florida usavano portarsi a casa per ricordo dei cuccioli di alligatori ,una volta cresciuti però ,i rettili venivano fatti sparire ,grazie allo sciacquone ,nella fognatura,dove si nutrivano di ratti e spazzatura di ogni genere e dove ,decenni dopo,continuerebbero a nuotare.Allora li salutiamo con un " See you later alligator!"
      Andiamo a passeggiare sulla High line per pranzare da Spotted Pig.
      Vediamo il Chelsea Hotele andiamo sulla piccola isola di Roosevelt Island.
      Serata a Times Square.
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    • Päivä 22

      Whitney Museum of American Art

      28. kesäkuuta 2015, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Mi piacciono molto tutti i musei di New York che ho visitato ma questo è forse il mio preferito: per la posizione, la vista e le opere di arte contemporanea che stupiscono ma senza esagerare.
      Me lo sono gustata ben bene in solitudine.Lue lisää

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