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Riverside County

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Viajantes neste local
    • Dia 7

      Happy New Year!!

      1 de janeiro de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      .. und das mit einem außergewöhnlichen Feuerwerk! Die Landschaft in Arizona und in Californien ist einfach grandios. Die National Parks sind eben mit nichts zu vergleichen. Unsere ganz persönliche Silvester Feier stieg am Abend ganz alkoholfrei in Denny's Fast Food Restaurant mit Burgern und Fries. Herrlich.

      An der Stelle euch allen etwas verspätet noch ein aufregendes und klasse neues Jahr! Wir machen uns jetzt langsam wieder auf den Weg zurück nach Long Beach, wo wir in ein paar Tagen auf den Rest der Gruppe treffen werden.
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    • Dia 15

      Tag 15: Zweiter „Zero Day“ in Idyllwild

      8 de maio, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Wir brauchen noch einen Tag Erholung an diesem schönen Ort.
      Morgens schicken wir die „Bounce-Box“ mit unseren Habseligkeiten nach Big Bear Lake, unserem nächsten größeren Etappenort, den wir in ca. 6 Tagen erreichen.
      Dann beschäftigen wir uns mit dem Noro-Virus-Ausbruch unter den PCT-Hikern auf dieser Etappe und wie wir eine Infektion vermeiden. Seife und chemische Wasserentkeimung sind wohl abgesagt.
      Zwischendurch treffen wir unsere Trailfriends Squish und Stardust, die bereits zurück auf den Trail gehen, später dann noch Melina und Freundin, die für die letzte Etappe eine Übernachtung mehr gebraucht haben und sich mit leeren Handybatterien und ohne GPS im Bergwald verlaufen haben. 😱
      Wir genießen jetzt die Sonne auf unserer Terrasse bei wunderschöner, stimmungsvoller Hippie-Dippie-Live-Musik von nebenan.
      Das Leben ist schön. ☺️☺️
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    • Dia 41

      Wilde Nacht

      19 de abril de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Liebes Tagebuch. Das war eine ziemlich aufregende Nacht. Es hat sehr gestürmt, sodass ich mein Zelt abbauen musste, bevor es zusammen kracht. Also habe ich zum ersten Mal auf dem Trail Cowboy gecampt. Als ich dann in den Himmel geschaut habe, konnte ich einen wunderschönen Sternenhimmel betrachten. Das hat mir ein bisschen Geborgenheit gegeben.
      Um 5 bin ich irgendwann eingeschlafen. Beim Aufwachen war ich allein, denn ein Teil unserer Gruppe ist mitten in der Nacht losgezogen um über den Appache Peak zu gehen, solange der Schnee noch gefroren ist.
      Doch ganz allein war ich dann doch nicht, mich trennte nur ein Busch von einem Mann, der mir gestern schon sehr suspekt war. Er redete mit sich selbst, faselte von einer "bitch he wants to kill" und lachte völlig irre. Ich entschied mich dafür mich möglichst unauffällig zu verhalten, bis er gegangen ist.
      Das dauerte ungefähr eine Stunde. Dann machte ich mich völlig zerknittert an den Abstieg. Ein wunderschöner Bach, riesige bunte Schmetterlinge, windstille und die wärmende Sonne begleiteten mich. All das rappelte mich wieder auf. Unten angekommen brachte mich eine ganz liebe Trailangel Dame zurück nach Idyllwild, wo ich Niko wieder traf. Wir hatten uns viel zu erzählen, auch er hat so einiges als, mittlerweile Local von Idyllwild, erlebt...
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    • Dia 39

      Bumblebees in the ass

      17 de abril de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      Liebes Tagebuch, keine Lust mehr rum zu hängen und nichts zu tun. Wir wollen wieder zurück auf den Trail! Zum Glück gibt es gute Nachrichten für uns. Magpie wurde heute von Frau Doktor untersucht. Sie sagt er soll sich noch ein paar Tage schonen, aber dann kann er ohne Bedenken zurück auf den Trail. Wir sind sehr glücklich darüber.
      Ich (Phoenix) werde morgen schon mal etwas weiter wandern und schauen wie die Schneeverhältnisse dort oben auf dem Berg sind.
      Komisch ohne Magpie loszugehen.. Aber wir treffen uns ja bald wieder. Jetzt liege ich neben dem Kaminfeuer und träume von den nächsten Abenteuern.

      P.s. Heute habe ich das leckerste Müsli der Welt entdeckt. Es heißt Lucky Charms und Final Push hat es hoch angepriesen. Ich wurde nicht enttäuscht.
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    • Dia 58

      PCT 2023 - Day 48 - my last blog

      11 de junho de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      The one with the dinosaurs, the sea, a tennis match and a final farewell.

      📍 Location: Idyllwild to Laguna Beach.
      💰 Money: $10 for breakfast at The Red Kettle. Grilled chicken sandwich $18. Then I splurged on a gorgeous chicken Caesar salad with a glass of Chardonnay $48!
      🛌 Sleep: Not bad at all! I must have dropped off around 10.30 pm and didn’t wake up until gone 5am.


      🍳 7.25 am - I’m sitting in the Red Kettle Cafe eating oats made with water rather than milk (it’s rather gross if I’m honest). I add some “half and half” cream to it, and ask for some honey. Now that’s a bit better. The place is quiet and I scratch a little dogs ears who is on the table next to me (actually, he is in the floor, but you know what I mean!). He is wearing a harness that reads “emotional support”. Kathy (the owner of the Red Kettle) walks in and the little dog goes crazy with excitement and chasing his tail. His owner says “be patient little one and she will be here in a moment”. Kathy then comes over and the dog starts barking then waits patiently at her feet for a treat. It’s such a heart warming scene. This must be a regular occurrence. Kathy then gives the dogs owner a hug and then tootles back to work.

      The atmosphere is very different from the last time I was here. There are no hikers around, just locals and holiday makers.

      😇 What are the plans for today? I’ll hang around here for a little while and see if I can help with rides back to the trail, but I’m now thinking that my angel days may be over. The last PCT permit was issued on 31st May. So if people did start that late then I should still be seeing a few hikers come through but I know my chances of catching them are slim.

      ☕️ Sitting in the Red Kettle I make a deal with myself. I’ll drive to Paradise Valley Cafe and see if there are any hikers there and offer rides. If I see nobody at all then I’m going to take three days off which will just be for me. I’ll head to Newport Beach (2hrs from Idyllwild). I can stay there tonight and then make my way down the coast back to San Diego. It will be great to see the sea. “What do you think Angelica?” I say to the car! “Fancy a trip to the seaside?”.

      😢 9.30am - I’m at Paradise Valley Cafe and again there are no hikers here. When I arrived at 8am just a month ago it was rammed with hungry hiker trash! Now, the hiker box outside is nearly empty and the car park is full of motorbikes and nice looking cars. There are a few bounce boxes in the hallway but nothing like it was. I go inside and have a cup of tea and wait for about an hour before making the decision to move on. I thought I’d enjoy the solitude of being on my own, but today I’m feeling a bit melancholy.

      🐴 10.50 am - As I’m driving along I see a statue of a horse high up on the left. Where the interstate has been cut out of the hill, I now see more clearly that there is one horse on the left bank and three on the right. It’s very cleverly done as if they are jumping the interstate. I pull over to snap a terrible photo!

      🦖 Two minutes later I’m driving along and see a dinosaur on the hill! Bizarre! As I get nearer there are many more! It’s some sort of sculpture theme park, in the middle of nowhere! Again, I pull over to take a quick video and photos. This is a bit random!

      ⛴️ 12.35 pm - I’m now in what feels like a huge city. Newport Beach oozes money! I’m following a Porsche and a Lamborghini over takes me (noisily). To my right is the marina which is laden with expensive yachts and sail boats. I find a parking space on the main road and see a sign for “Park Mobile App”. Great! I have this app so that will work. Nope! The UK version is not compatible over here and I’m also unable to download any US only apps. I try to book via the website but that keeps giving me an error. I have a choice, get a fine, or move my car.

      💰 So, I’m back in the car and driving out of the city via the Pacific Coastal Highway. I see a sign for Crystal Cove / beach and decide “that will do”. I need to stretch my legs. I pay the $20 entrance fee which includes parking and access to the trails and beaches.

      🚌 There is a shuttle bus that takes you down to the beach where apparently there is a cafe. I have noodles in the van but I’m craving fresh fish which I’m sure will be available by the sea. I wait a few minutes at the little shuttle bus stop and a big old fashioned bus turns up. I’m the only one here (probably because it’s raining!). I say hi to the driver and then sit at the back of the bus listening to 1950’s piped music. It’s a pleasant 10 min ride to the beach and the sea looks inviting and peaceful. When I disembark, the beach is a far cry from inviting and peaceful! There are people everywhere. I can smell hot food in the air and instinctively follow my nose! “Sorry ma’am there is a two hour wait. Would you like me to put your name down?”. I shake my head and tell her I’ll find something else. The place was heaving (again, probably because it was drizzling). I take a stroll along the beach and come across an information board that explains more about Crystal Cove. The cove is where Hollywood filmed some rather famous movies. Herbie Rises Again, Beaches and Treasure Island to name a few. The sound of my stomach rumbling breaks me away from the beauty of the sea and the cove. I scour the area and see umbrellas up high on the coastal road. I start the climb and I can feel my achillies stretching but it feels good to do a little bit of exercise. I overtake two youngsters and say quietly to myself “you’ve still got it, Jukebox”

      🍔 Reaching the umbrellas, it turned out to be The Shake Shack where they mainly sold milkshakes, but also did grilled sandwiches and burgers. This place was rammed as well. I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich and salad with a hot tea, but there was nowhere to sit. So I found a rock! (Where’s my little chair when I need it!). The coastal highway is right behind me with cars zooming by and I’m on a rock looking out to sea, but not really feeling relaxed.

      🥾 There are too many people and I feel a bit suffocated. I scoff down my sarnie and then go for a walk. Hopefully that will clear my head a bit.

      🌊 I walked along the coastal path for about an hour and I’m starting to feel better. There is something therapeutic about the sea air and the sound of the waves against the shore. The sky has cleared and it’s now quite warm. My rain jacket is wrapped around my waist and I decide to double back to the little bus.

      👰‍♀️ There is a hen party waiting for the bus and they are trying to take a group photo. I offer to help and get them to do silly things like “dance like a chicken and all point to the bride”. They are a bit worse for wear and it’s only 3 pm. I hope they smile at the photos when they are sober tomorrow. 😂

      🎵 It’s the same driver and now we have Frank Sinatra “I’ve got the world on a string” playing. The driver is tapping the steering wheel in time to the music and I say “good tune, I know this one”. He nods and replies “you have good taste”.

      🍹 Sitting behind the hen party girls who are complaining about paying $1.50 for the bus ride to the car park I smile as I earwig their conversation. The hen can hardly see where she is going through the veil on her head and the others have collected cocktail umbrellas, which I assume is how many cocktails they have consumed, stuck in their hair. It’s entertaining to say the least.

      🚙 3.30 pm - I’m now back at the car. There is a strict no camping rule here so I can’t quietly park in the corner. The gates lock at 10 pm, so I need to look at an alternative. I have good service here so I try proper campgrounds first. Everywhere seems to be fully booked and I refuse to pay $60 at the campground that has spaces, with no showers and a pit toilet!!

      ☀️ Belting up, I push the start button and decide to see where the road takes me. As I leave the city of Newport Beach it’s not long before I arrive at Laguna Beach. This place seems more welcoming and I’m getting a good vibe. It more “Californian” if that makes sense? There are guys playing volleyball on the beach, people with roller skates and skateboards. Shops selling ice creams and surf boards. And then I see a sign…. Dana Point. Dana was my saviour on the trail so I see this as a positive move. Indicating right I find myself in a gorgeous free car park just above the ocean. There are a few RV’s here and it’s spacious. I park up and then go for a little walk to explore. Yep, I’ll stay here tonight.

      4.10 pm - 👋 I just get back to Angelica (van) when my phone goes ping. “Hey mum, it’s gone midnight here and I can’t sleep as it’s so hot”. I message Rachel back saying that I have 5g and did she fancy a chat on FaceTime? We spoke for around 45 mins and it was so lovely to see her and hear of tales of her job and home life. She’s doing brilliantly with her pull up challenge and is about 2cm away from her goal. Alfie was asleep next to her dreaming of something or other. His little fit were chasing something in his sleep. Oh… how I miss that gorgeous little dog.

      🍷 I’m aware that she has work tomorrow so I say goodnight. I’m now in a good place (mentally and physically). I set my bed up for the night and lay my Jim jams on my pillow. I lock up the car before heading back along the coast in search of a little bar when I can have a glass of wine and look at the sea (Shirley Valentine, eat your heart out!).

      🎾 7 pm - It feels good to stretch my legs and before I know it I’m in a quaint little area where an art market is happening. Music is playing from the various bars and I take my time as I walk, just soaking up the atmosphere. My tummy rumbles to remind me that I’ve not eaten since lunch time and then I spot a lovely looking bar/restaurant which is showing the tennis (Australian open). I take a seat at the bar so that I have a good view of the screen and order a big glass of cold Chardonnay and a chicken Caesar salad. I’m in heaven! Good food, excellent wine and tennis! Now I’m officially on holiday. Nick Kyrgios is a talented tennis player, even if he does have a stinky attitude. I made that glass of wine last until the end of the match and then walked the 2 miles back to the van. I’d already set up my bed so I was all set when I got back. I brushed my teeth, changed into my Jim jams and reflected on the day.

      💭 This last week has been perfect. It has given me time to decompress and have some solitude before I head home. I’ve had some ideas for the business which still need some work but I can see a future. For now, I can’t see me walking another long distance trail but I do see a campervan in the pipeline with lots of adventures.

      As I snuggle down into my quilt I bid you a goodnight. I’ve loved writing these blogs but now it feels right to end the journey here. Over the next couple of days I’ll continue to follow the Pacific Coastal Highway to San Diego. I’ll see some of you in the coming weeks on an AG walk and others I’ll see online. I’ve read every single comment on Facebook, YouTube and Find Penguins and I’m humbled that you all seemed to have enjoyed the adventure. The comments are heart warming. Thank you 🙏

      A big thank you to the AG walk leaders who have kept my business afloat for me whilst I’ve been away. Also thanks for the last few donations that have come in Davina & Alison - I enjoyed that chicken Caesar salad and wine with your funds 🙏.

      ❤️ Thanks you to my fantastic husband who has put up with my adventures on and off for over 22 years and a final thank you to my wonderful daughter Rachel. Rachel is an old head on young shoulders and has given me so much encouragement and support that she makes me incredibly proud. I’m looking forward to giving them both a huge hug and I’ll try not to cry at the airport. ❤️❤️

      Signing off for the last time.

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    • Dia 18

      Tag 15 und 16: Doppel-Zero in Idyllwild

      21 de abril, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Idyllwild ist ein kleiner Urlauberort am Fuße des Mount San Jacinto. Es gibt unzählige kleine Geschäfte, Cafés und Restaurants. Das wohl erstaunlichste ist, dass der Bürgermeister ein Hund namens Mayor Max ist.
      Unsere Pausentage begannen am Sonntagmorgen mit einem Frühstück im Red Kettle mit 12 anderen Wanderern und sogar einem Geburtstagskind. Es war schön sich auszutauschen, aber doch auch anstrengend mit so vielen Menschen. Einige kannte ich schon, aber einige auch nicht. Es ist sehr kraftraubend immer wieder zu erzählen, wer man ist und warum man hier ist.
      Gegen Mittag bezogen wir unsere Hütte, die insgesamt Platz für 8 Personen bot.
      Dann erkundeten wir die Stadt, schauten beim Ausrüstungsshop vorbei und tranken Kaffee während wir Pläne für die nächste Etappe schmiedeten.
      Abends haben Captain, unsere beiden Italiener und ich zusammen gekocht. Wir mussten ausnutzen, dass wir eine voll ausgestattet Küche zur Verfügung hatten.
      Am nächsten Tag haben wir uns auf die kommenden Meilen vorbereitet. Wir waren einkaufen, diskutieren die nicht so tolle Wettervorhersage und mögliche Ausstiegspunkte zurück ins Tal, falls das Wetter zu ungemütlich wird. Außerdem holte ich mir die nächste Erlaubnis für den kommenden Nationalpark, um dort übernachten zu dürfen.

      Leider waren die Pausentage gar nicht so erholsam für mich. Die vielen Menschen um mich rum raubten mir die Energie und die Zeit allein war begrenzt. Da ist mir mein Zelt als Rückzugsort doch manchmal lieber.
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    • Dia 16

      PCT 2023 - Day 14 - Solo night hike

      30 de abril de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      The one with the solo night hike, the snake and real food!

      📍 Location: MM 142.4 to Idyllwild

      🏔️ Elevation: 4792 ft
      🥾 I actually walked: 12 miles
      💰 Money: $43 at Paradise Cafe, $10 for hitch, hotel room £170, $25 for dinner.
      ⛑️ Health: Mentally I’m strong but physically I’m a bit beaten up and need some rest.

      ☀️ Weather: Again, in the 30’s but I have a plan!

      🍲 Food: Twix bar for breakfast, then at Paradise Cafe I had the biggest breakfast ever of hash browns, 3 eggs, sausage followed by biscuits and gravy with coffee for 2nd breakfast. Then I had cherry pie and ice cream for a snack. Tonight I had the biggest chicken caesar salad you’ve ever seen. I was a piggy but it felt so good!

      💤 Sleep: Fell asleep, exhausted around 7pm. Woke up at 2.30am.

      🐍 Snake count: 6! One slid right over my foot today! (See long version below)

      👨 People update: I have new people in my little book now. TJ from the US was so kind to me today and shouted me a cherry pie.

      Today I learned that waking up super early is my way of getting through this hot desert!


      🔦 3.40am - I woke up around 2.30am and snoozed until 3am. I then started packing up and was thankful that the only person around was a little way down the hill. By 3.40am I’m off!! My head torch is bright and the air is cool. This time I’m watching out for scorpions and tarantulas rather than snakes. I’ve got three miles to go before catching up with the rest of the gang. I’m feeling determined, although still a little bit weak. I have 12 miles to Paradise Cafe and civilisation, which means a shower and a hotel room. Proper food and the thought of a real bed is very motivating.

      🌙 4am - It’s very dark but my head torch is leading the way. It’s a bit surreal walking on my own in the dark but I don’t feel scared. Well, maybe a little bit scared when I start hearing the coyotes howling, but for the most part it’s very peaceful. The sky is lit up by a white streak which I assume is the Milky Way, and the stars are so bright. I’m loving this!

      💧 5.22am - I made it to Mary’s although there is no water here. I snap a photo. People are sleeping so I trudge on. I have about 2 litres left from yesterday so it should be fine. Paradise Cafe is just 6.5 miles ahead and I can do a good pace in the dark. Time to crack on! I eat a twix bar to keep me going and out electrolytes into my water.

      🦯 5.30am - These climbs are tough so I retrieve my tent pole from my pack and use that as a second walking pole to help me up the hills. Note to self: buy another walking pole when you get to town!

      The sky is turning pinky purple now and it’s stunning. I’m still out here on my own and I’ve not seen a soul all morning. It’s light enough for me to find my way without a head torch so I turn it off.

      🏕️ 6.03am - Found them! There is my tramily who are packing up and getting ready to hit the trail. They were all worried about me and DinkyDi runs over to me and gives me such a big hug. The royals are there as are Handyman, Kodak, Starfox and Jesse. It feels good to be reunited. I’ve walked 3.6 miles already and it’s only 6am.

      🥾 7.50 - DinkyDi will not leave my side. We’ve been walking for a while now and she noticed that I’m still a bit wobbly on my feet. She makes me stop every 10 minutes to drink water and have a rest. It’s a long slog and now the sun is starting to hit. “What’s that?” We see a 150 miles sign made of stones at the side of the trail. We high five each other and I can’t believe we’ve walked that far! For me, only 552 more miles to go! For everyone else it’s a lot more than that!

      🐍 8.20am - Ed, the sweary Scot would be proud of the colourful language I used when a frigging black snake literally came out of the bush at speed and slid over my right foot and into the other bush! WTF! I think my fear of snakes is now well and truly conquered!

      🍳 9.05 - Paradise Cafe baby. Thanks to Jane & Lucy for my biscuits and gravy. And Emma for my lovely huge eggs sausage and has brown breakfast. I’m now stuffed. The endless refill coffee is fab! I paid for DinkyDi’s breakfast to pay it forward.

      🚗 10.52am - A guy called “less is more” fits six people into his Subaru and takes us to the quaint town of Idyllwild. It’s a 20 min journey at $10 euros each.

      We all scatter when we get to town. Some are heading for the campsite, others have a room booked and are sharing. I’ve been on the go since crap o clock and my brain is a bit foggy. I click onto Booking.Com and find a cabin that is not too far away. I need a bed and a hot shower with some chill time by myself. All booked, although I can’t actually check in until 4pm.

      🫖 1308 - I’m wandering around town with some fellow hikers but I really don’t want to drink alcohol. I make my excuses and find a lovely little tea shop. I spot a face that I recognise and TJ calls me over to his table. He is in his late 60’s and is from the US. He is also a PCT hiker and I’ve leapfrogged him a few times on the trail. We chat and I add him to my little book of hikers. I order tea and a slice of warm cherry pie and ice cream. I went to pay but TJ has beaten me to it and had paid for my pie. Thanks 🙏 TJ.

      🛌 2pm - I risk checking into my cabin early and it all worked out. The cleaner was just finishing as I arrived. A big shout out to Bethany, Lou & Mark. This one was on you guys and it was pure heaven. Thank you so much. I have a big bed, a lovely hot shower, a little kettle and Netflix!!

      I sleep…. And then sleep some more!

      🍽️ 6pm - Dinner time! I walk back into town to meet up with the crowd. Catching up with people I’ve not seen for ages like Joey, Sarah and Steph. I stuff myself silly on a huge chicken Caesar salad and a Heineken zero. I get everyone to do a Mexican Wave for my YouTube video which was fun, then leave them all to enjoy a few more drinks as I head back to my cabin.

      Tomorrow is a much needed rest day and then we head out into the mountains for our first taste of snow!
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    • Dia 14

      Tag 14: Erster „Zero Day“ in Idyllwild

      7 de maio, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Wow, die letzten Tage waren lang und anstrengend, jetzt ist erst mal Erholung angesagt.
      Margit hat sich etwas am Fuß verletzt und wir wollen nicht riskieren, dass es schlimmer wird.
      Eine Massageeinheit mit Trailangel Mark trägt hoffentlich auch zur Genesung bei, sicherlich aber zur guten Laune.
      Abendessen beim Italiener.
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    • Dia 21

      Trail Angel und Devil Driver

      30 de março de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ ❄️ 0 °C

      Als wir am Morgen aufwachten wussten wir, dass wir die richtige Entscheidung getroffen hatten. Unser Zelt war vom Schnee bedeckt und es schneite und regnete immer wieder. Ein Blick auf den Berg des gestrigen Tages sagte, dass es da noch heftiger geschneit hatte. In der Ferne kamen schon die nächsten Sturmwolken auf uns zu. Zum Glück wollte unser Trail Angel gegen elf bei uns sein. Ein Blick auf die Dirt Road ließ uns etwas zweifeln. Da braucht man schon nen ordentlichen Truck. Naja. Sie meinte sie kennt die Gegend. Irgendwann kam von ihr eine Nachricht, dass sie aufgrund des Schnees doch nicht zu uns durchkommen würde und wir ihr entgegenkommen müssten. Kein Problem. Wir wollten hier nur raus. Ronan erging es ähnlich. Also Sachen einpacken uns los. Nach der ersten Kurve kamen wir an einer illegalen Shootingranch vorbei. Überall lag verschossene Munition, durchlöcherte Fässer , Bierdosen und Grümpel. America, fuck yeah! Nach einer halben Meilen sahen wir einen PKW über eine Hügelkuppe rumpeln. Sie wird doch nicht... doch!!! Da kam sie über die ausgewaschene Straße auf uns zugefahren. Mit einem breiten Grinsen stieg sie aus und begrüßte uns herzlich. Also rein ins Auto und hoffen, dass wir nicht stecken bleiben oder die Karre einfach zerbricht. An der ersten kniffligen Steigung stiegen wir noch aus, um das Auto leichter zu machen. Wir sahen zu, wie sie auf drei Rädern den Matschberg hochschlitterte. Irre. Danach gab sie einfach nur noch Gas und freute sich über das Grumpel und Gerutsche. Nebenbei erzählte sie, dass das Auto brandneu sei... das WAR es bis dahin wohl auch. Der Schlamm spritze bis wir das erste mal einen normalen Feldweg erreichten und dann irgendwann eine befestigte Straße. Unglaublich was manche Menschen auf sich nehmen um den Wanderern zu helfen. Immerhin hatte sie eine Anfahrt von 2 Stunden. Dann fuhr sie uns noch bis nach Idyllwild. Wir wollten sie noch auf ein Frühstück einladen, aber sie meinte sie müsste irgendwann mal zur Arbeit (oder in eine Autowaschanlage). Ebenso lehnte sie jede Form von Gegenleistung ab, weil es ihr einfach Spass machen würde. Was soll man sagen? DANKE LAURIE ❤️
      In Idlewyld tobte auch noch der Sturm aber in einem Cafe wärmten wir uns auf und drückten uns Burger und Bier ins Gesicht. Dann noch das schäbigste Motel buchen, Wäsche waschen, einkaufen und dann: das erste mal seit einer Woche DUSCHEN!!!
      Am Abend hieß es dann unsere Trail Family wiedersehen. Die waren auch gerade eingetrudelt und hatten durch ihren Vorsprung etwas mehr Glück mit dem Wetter. Wir trafen uns in der Brauerei und es gab natürlich viel zu erzählen.
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    • Dia 22

      Zero day

      31 de março de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Liebes Tagebuch, es tat so gut zwei Tage auszuruhen. Deshalb gibt es aber auch gar nicht so viel zu erzählen. Wir haben es uns gemütlich gemacht, noch ein bisschen Laundry gemacht , endlich endlich wieder Eier gegessen und uns abends mit unserer Trailfamily für Drinks und Pool in einer Bar getroffen. Das war sehr witzig, doch am Ende auch traurig weil wir uns von einigen erstmal verabschieden mussten. Wegen den Schneeverhältnissen mussten alle ihre eigenen Entscheidungen treffen wo und wie es weiter gehen soll. Wir haben uns dafür entschieden morgen weiter Richtung Norden zu hitchen. In der Hoffnung, dass die Verhältnisse dort besser sind. Wir werden sehen was dann passiert.
      P.s. kurzzeitig wurden wir noch von einem Erdbeben der Stärke 4 überrascht.
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    Riverside County, مقاطعة ريفيرسايد, Ривърсайд, রিভারসাইড কাউন্টি, Kantono Riverside, Condado de Riverside, Riversidei maakond, Riverside konderria, شهرستان ریورساید، کالیفرنیا, Comté de Riverside, ריברסייד, Riverside megye, Ռիվերսայդ շրջան, Contea di Riverside, リバーサイド郡, 리버사이드 군, Riverside Comitatus, Riverside, Riverside Kūn, Comtat de Riverside, Hrabstwo Riverside, رورسائڈ کاؤنٹی, Comitatul Riverside, Риверсайд, Округ Риверсајд, Ріверсайд, رورسائیڈ کاؤنٹی، کیلیفورنیا, Quận Riverside, Condado han Riverside, 河濱縣

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