United States
Shoal Creek Township

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    • Day 21

      Zurück zur Route 66

      July 21 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Nachdem wir nun einige Tage abseits der Motherroad waren, sind wir wieder gen Westen unterwegs. Mittlerweile haben wir uns ein Zelt bei Aldi und zwei dünne Schlafsäcke sowie bei Walmart gute Luftmatratzen gekauft. Super! Die Campingplätze sind sehr großzügig und wir genießen das abendliche Draußensein ohne Klimaanlage sehr. Im Vergleich zu den Wohnmobilen oder -anhängern hier, sind unsere Spielzeug. Alles ist ein wenig größer!😅
      Große Probleme habe ich mit dem Plastikmüll. Alles ist nochmal und nochmal verpackt. Unzählige Tüten beim Einkauf, Wegschmeißartikel zum Frühstück im Hotel, Berge von Verpackungen und wir haben Wattestäbchen ohne Plastik...Irgendetwas stimmt hier nicht....
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    • Day 48


      July 27, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      Hitze, Hitze und nochmals Hitze. Jetzt haben wir hier die Temperaturen wie in 🇩🇪. Deshalb stehen wir sehr früh auf um bis Mittag das meiste gefahren zu sein Nachmittags wird die Hitze unerträglich und der Wetterbericht meldet noch steigende Temperaturen, bis über 40 Grad.
      Ansonsten ist es schon ein wenig verrückt. War vor 100 Jahren bestimmt eine wahnsinniges Abenteuer. Ohne Infrastruktur, ohne befestigte Straßen.
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    • Day 50


      May 27, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Die Sonne steht auf, wir tun es ebenso. Wir freuen uns auf die Sonne, die Landschaft und einfach etwas zu erleben miteinander.
      Hinaus gings aus dem Stätdchen Miami. Es folgten einige heruntergekommene Ortschaften. Auch deren Einwohner sahen so aus. Abfallberge und Müll vor ihren Häusern. Besser gesagt Hütten. Wie kann man so leben und wie sieht es erst drinnen aus, fragten wir uns.
      Genau bei so Hütten griffen uns 7 Hunde unvermittelt an. Bei so vielen kläffenden und zähnefletschenen Kötern verliert man die Übersicht, welcher dir an die Wade will. Der Grösste von allen bis mir noch in den Schuh. Zum Glück war dort die Sohle noch etwas dicker, so verpassten seine Zähne meine Ferse. So hat mein Bikeschuh auch noch ein Andenken erhalten.
      Wir liessen uns den Tag durch dieses negative Erlebnis nicht vermiesen. Schöne alte Teile, Brücken und Häuser der guten alten Route 66 schauten wir uns an.
      Wir verliessen heute Oklahoma, waren kurzzeitig in Kansas und sind nun in Missouri angelangt.
      Im Hotel angekommen wollte ich die Pneus von hinten nach vorne wechseln, dabei stellte ich einen beginnenden Lagerschaden an Connys Hinterrad fest. Auch frisches Fett an die Lagerschalen und Kugeln half nichts.
      Dies macht uns schon ein bisschen Bauchweh. Morgen ist Samstag, da hat der örtliche Bikeladen erst um 10.00 Uhr geöffnet und ob er gerade die richtige Nabe vorrätig hat, ist alles andere als fraglich.
      Und die Zeit um nach Chicago zu gelangen, läuft uns auch langsam davon.
      Aber wie sagt Conny immer, eine Türe wird sich dann schon auftun.
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    • Day 19

      Day 18 Joplin, Missouri - Springfield, M

      June 13, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 54 °F

      Day 18 Joplin, MO - Springfield, MO
      Miles - 74
      How many turtles rescued from the road - 1
      How many men were out on the riding lawn mowers - 6
      How many turkey farms we passed - 4

      It was a short night since we got to bed well after midnight. Virginia loaned her Camry out to Vela and Neil so they could go do laundry someplace in Joplin. Virginia came out to help us load up. She could see the confusion and organization that was going on by the van as folks brought their luggage to Glenn. We were only given a 15 minute slot for folk to bring their luggage down and when we would leave for breakfast. That's not enough time. So I had sent out another text message indicating that Glenn would be out by the Van as early as 6am.

      Note: I do not have time to "proof read" these blogs, so please forgive me for any grammatical errors. Glenn normally makes the corrections and stuff, but I've given him a pass and he doesn't have time either.
      Oh, I forgot to mention the night before when we had made a Walmart run at midnight and had eaten out with Evie and Virginia, Glenn had a horrible reaction to the food we ate - diarrhea really bad. Blood. We think there might have been some shell fish oil that must have gotten mixed up with the salmon. Not a good thing.

      I think we left in good amount of time. We headed to a local mom and pop's restaurant, just down the road a few miles. The cyclists did not cycle there. So Glenn had to reconfigure the van for the extra folks we would carry.

      At Granny Shaffer's restaurant we enjoyed a good breakfast. Evie had made me some Elderberry syrup, so I ordered pancakes. I also shared the syrup with the other tables. I had called ahead and talked with Shannon so she was ready for us. Neil had a conversation with a table of 6 men. These men meet together every week. Here is what was posted on his website about these men. neiltomba

      These men get together every week for breakfast. Today I had the honor of joining them - we had just met, in the parking lot, walking through the door.
      What struck me was their sincerity that they have for one another. This wasn’t a Bible Study, or a prayer group or anything necessarily spiritual. They get together, simply to talk.
      Once again, I was given an opportunity and a tangible example to show you (and myself) how valuable conversations are.
      Thanks for your continued prayers and encouragement. What kind of conversations have you had lately?

      And as we were leaving the restaurant, 2 men walked out and said "Hey, you forgot to wait for the offering. They hugged Neil's neck and said "hey, we took up an offering and this is for you". 220.00. Way to go God! Neil was moved and appreciative.

      Then Shannon and another gal that worked there came out and asked Neil some pointed questions, much so Neil has been curious in getting to know other people's story. We gave them a t-shirt and I took a photo of them.

      Once on the road, we were wondering through some back streets and country roads. We noticed worn down houses and some perfectly manicured homes and yard. Some hometown folks of Route 66. I really loved the drive today.

      We pulled over at the Drive-in Theatre of Route 66. Still working. And as we took some photos, Glenn was back in the van engaging with a gal who was in her upper 60's all decked out in her rain gear and luggage and was taking photos also. Neil had a conversation with Karen for 10 to 15 minutes. She is a bus driver, I think a school bus driver, from Lombard, Illinois heading to San Diego. I got her information so I could follow her on FB. Interesting story.

      We continued down the road and there were several 'drone s hots' and other challenging moments. The cyclists did travel on some gravel roads. This is not good. And we got lost. No we didn't get lost, we just took a wrong turn. But that's ok.

      We stopped in the shade for a picnic lunch. Not much choices in fast food places, since we hadn't gone through any towns in quite a while. Chrstine needed to use the toilet but didn't want to go behind the trees, so a farmer/rancher drove by on this isolated farm road and we stopped him. Asked if he could take the ladies up to his farm house to use the bathroom. Sure enough. we got into the double cab red pick up truck and headed to his farm house. He first forwarned his wife. They have been married over 60 years. 2 adult kids and 1/2. dozen g'kids. He was into cattle. We gave them our card and hopefully they'll follow us on FB or Instagram. But I don't think they get on Social Media too much.

      We returned to the crew. And the bicyclists left. I grabbed something really quick and ate my lunch in the Van as we headed towards Springfield. It was hot and it was dusty.

      We continued on to an Antique store where the ladies stopped to use the rest room and Neil had a conversation. I gave my Elderberry syrup away to the owner, cause I didn't want it to spill in the van and get all messy. I lady said she would enjoy it. Thanks Evie.

      AT this point, stress was high. Folks were/are discourage. We need rest. Neil had to get his bike repaired. While bouncing along on the road, I googled a shop that could do his repair. One location in Springfield really didn't seem to know what they were doing, so we chose another location. We loaded up and headed to Springfield. There Neil was able to get his bike repaired. Neil had a conversation with the bike store owner.

      We settled into this cute historic Best Western hotel on Route 66. Our rooms are out behind the back and plenty of room to park. These are the things we look for since driving the support van and needing extra parking room.

      We all piled into the Van and Pathfinder to head off to supper. One place was not open so we found an authentic Mexican restaurant. Glenn and I shared some nachos.

      I was in bed by 9pm, but then I realized that I didn't get the recipe for Virginia's stay so I called up the hotel and they forwarded to me. I finished yesterday's blog or at least I started it and then I'm finishing today's (yesterday), whatever day it is. I woke up at 3:30am to get caught up on life. Second night in a row, that I fell asleep on the toilet.

      People have asked me, Don't you have plenty of time while putt putting across the USA to do other stuff. Not really. Example, like on Day 18, we were helping navigate a bit. Then when they call and have Glenn to "hold back", that is involved. And imagine driving slowing and bouncing down the road and listening to the Walkie Talkie. And the request to find a bicycle shop in Springfield that was good for Neil's repair. We had in and out phone coverage. Mostly out. And finally getting internet service to connect. Calling. Getting disconnected. And then figuring out the route. Discussing it with Neil, by way of Wes on the Walkie Talking. So, no, I don't have time to get caught up on reading. How I remember those hot days in New Mexico going straight as an arrow.

      The trip was been fantastic. I've learned a lot. I have been stretched. One thing I struggle with is just time to process stuff. Time to get caught up on life. We have not turned on the TV to watch the news. (I have not missed the news) I hear there was flooding in the mid-west, but never read anything about it, however today, we could see the effects of the flooding. We have talked with folks who are having their farmland and businesses effected and might even loose them. Even now, I need to remind Glenn to fill up with gas or that we might need to run to Walmart and get some more food supplies, however we probably have enough in the orange What-a-Burger bags we carry the food, napkins and plates in. I woke up at 3:30 to finish yesterday blogs and now it 5:00am and I'm finished with Day 18! Good thing I take those daily photos, otherwise I wouldn't know what day we are into. Today, we're staying in cabins, so I have packed up my stuff in the back pack since I"m not sure if the couples will be able to stay together. And there will probably be no internet service where we'll be...so until a few more day from now...
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    • Day 19

      3 State Corner

      August 16, 2019 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      Here's the monument point where 3 states collide. Caught in a storm here so for the first time on with the wet weather gear as we leave Missouri, touch Oklahoma & enter Kansas.

    • Day 2

      Day 2: St Louis to Joplin

      February 27 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      I hit the road very early this morning to make it to my stops in St Louis before the traffic got too congested...but I could've left earlier 🤣.

      I've only just begun, but I'm disappointed that yesterday my heated gear jacket liner failed and today my chaps zipper blew out. I've ordered a new liner to pick up in Oklahoma City tomorrow and duct taped my zippers closed 🤞. I'm also disappointed that none of my Ride To Eat restaurants have been open. I was really looking forward to a cup of coffee at the Cow Bird Creamery and Sweets 😞.

      But there was a humongous Amoco sign to admire and only a couple of semis tried to squish me, so not a bad day.

      I have learned that--similar to when wearing a gas mask--a full-faced helmet makes it very difficult to sneeze and cough at the same time 😳. My friend who gave this crud to me--don't hate yourself--went to the doc, who said its just a chest cold. If I'm still fighting it on 1 March, I'll visit an Urgent Care. Until then, TheraFlu and Tylenol shall suffice.

      Now, it's a Chick-fil-A salad, followed by bed.

      [PS: I added the pics of yesterday's Ride To Eat stops to yesterday's post.]

      So long [for now], and thanks for all the fish! ✌️

      HD Dealership Challenge: 8 (total 15)
      RTE-X-USA: 4 points (total 9)
      MCGTTX 2024 Stops: 0 (total 0 of 50)
      10 Rides for 2024: x (total 0 of 10)
      IBA Lap Around the 48 Stops: 0 (total 0 of 9)
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Township of Shoal Creek, Shoal Creek Township

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