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    • Day 33


      June 25, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Die Fahrt nach Fairbanks am Donnerstag war ziemlich lang. Aufgrund der teils sehr kaputten Straßen und entsprechender Baumaßnahmen sind wir insgesamt 10 Stunden gefahren. Die Route war schön, aber nicht so spektakulär wie die bisherigen Strecken. Und auch unser erster Eindruck von Fairbanks war eher verhalten. Wir wollten eigentlich nur eine Nacht bleiben und dann weiter.
      Die erste Nacht haben wir eher außerhalb bei den Chena Hot Springs verbracht und sind morgens eine Runde schwimmen gegangen. Im Gegensatz zu den Hot Springs in Liard sind diese kommerzieller und nicht ganz so naturbelassen - aber trotzdem schön!
      Die nächsten zwei Nächte waren ein absoluter Glücksgriff. Wir konnten auf dem Parkplatz eines Outdoor-Hostels schlafen und einige super nette und interessante Leute kennenlernen. Die meisten sind ausgewandert, waren Langzeitreisende oder einfach extreme Outdoor-Fans. Hier haben wir auch gelernt, wie man sich in Alaska gerne fortbewegt oder an schöne Orte kommt: mit (den eigenen) Propeller- oder Wasserflugzeugen. Straßen gibt es vor allem im Norden kaum noch. Das Leben ist generell sehr von der Tierwelt, der Natur und vom bis zu 8 Monate langen Winter geprägt. Aber gerade ist Sommer und es wird nicht mehr (nichtmal im Ansatz) dunkel. Das wurde Samstag auch mit dem Midnight Sun Festival in der Stadt gefeiert. Das haben wir natürlich noch mitgenommen und sind dann heute Morgen nach zwei tollen Abenden mit vielen guten Tipps weitergefahren in Richtung Denali Nationalpark.
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    • Day 36

      Letzter Tag in Fairbanks

      September 30, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 2 °C

      Bei minus 7 Grad den Camper reinigen, das war schon heftig. An der Car Wash Station war eine Aussen Reinigung gar nicht möglich, also haben wir uns auf Innen beschränkt. Abgabe war problemlos trotz kaputter Windschutzscheibe und doch recht eingesautem Auto. Angekommen im Hotel ein Frühstück von Sunrise, dem besten Drive thru, nur wir waren ohne Auto in der Schlange. Es war noch ein schöner Abschluss in und von Fairbanks mit Walk durch den Pioneer Park.
      Morgen geht's nach Seattle.
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    • Day 44

      Dalton Highway 8, Ankunft Fairbanks

      June 30, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Schau mal wen wir unterwegs getroffen haben - Felan -
      In Fairbanks haben wir direkt eine Truck Waschanlage aufgesucht und Phoenix von dem Schlamm und Dreck zu befreien, das Quad gleich mit. Dann ging’s wieder ins Salman Bake Gartenrestaurant und dann ab ins Bett. Am nächsten Tag waren wir in einer Werkstatt um die Vorderreifen mit den Reifen 3 und 4 zu tauschen.Read more

    • Day 38

      Fairbanks und Prioneer Park (2)

      June 24, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Hier noch ein paar Impressionen aus Fairbanks und Pioneer Park. Hier dürfen RV‘s stehen für $ 12 pro Nacht. Es gibt Trinkwasser, sonst keinen Service. Die Häuser im Park sind zum Teil Originale!! Gegenüber war ein leckeres Restaurant „Salmon Bake“ Lachs auf dem Holzkohlengrill, Salat all you can eat, soft drinks, nur das Bier war nicht kostenlos.Read more

    • Day 36

      Fairbanks hat uns wieder

      June 22, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Auf dem Pioneer Park Parkplatz haben wir mal wieder Stopp gemacht. Wir warten bis zum Samstag, den 24.6. dann kommt Charlie mit Dawn aus Anchorage um am Sonntag gemeinsam gen Norden auf dem Dalton Highway zu fahren. Charlie hat einen Unimog aber der Aufbau ist ebenfalls von unicat (daher kennen wir uns, und bei ihm stand Phoenix fast ein Jahr im Garten!) Spaziergang durch den Pioneer Park.Read more

    • Day 13

      Wilderness Express to Denali

      August 25, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      We have boarded the Wilderness Express in Fairbanks bound this morning for Denali. This is a luxury train and we have a whole carriage to ourselves- a glass domed upper deck with bar and a dining car downstairs. Our carriage is the last so we have access to the back deck.

      Breakfast in the dining car is silver service as we travel through the taiga (little forest).We come to Nenana where 2 rivers meet; one flowing N-S and the other E-W. There are barges on the river and they supply the bush villages.

      We see Denali (Mt McKinley) from the distance. The highest mountain in North America, it is really clear. This is unusual as it is normally shrouded in cloud. It's more than 20,000 feet high.

      The train continues onwards the mountains past a coal mining area where there are visible scars on the landscape.
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    • Day 39

      Fairbanks, Alaska

      July 6, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Fairbanks is a very spread out city and quite flat, after arriving at Sven's Basecamp hostel it became apparent that we would need a car. We spent a week here in total and meet some great people. Tom and Ulli both from Germany became the heart and soul of the place and excelled in creating a camaraderie among all the guests. We all had dinners together and even got into a volleyball match. The 24hr daylight led to some late evenings with plenty of beer! Tom and Ulli let us ride along with them to do the Angel Rocks hike and also the Chena hot springs which was around 60c, Very HOT (esp on the hottest day so far) ! On one day it was so hot we had to go into the ice museum and ride the sled on ice. I have to reiterate that if anyone goes to Fairbanks then a stay a Sven's Basecamp is a must, this hostel truly is the most friendly, amazing place we've ever been to. A real family feel. Plus, they had sled dog puppies, if you needed another reason to go...Read more

    • Day 13

      Reis na Fairbanks

      September 4, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      'n Bussie het ons vanoggend kom oplaai en Fairbanks toe gebring. Ons bly in 'n kothuis teen die Cheena rivier. Daar het netnou 'n dooie boom (nie stomp nie) afgedryf verby ons huis so die rivier loop nogal sterk. Ons het 'n kar gaan huur en visitor centre toe gegaan. Daar is baie goeie uitstallings van vroëer lewe in Alaska. Ons het toe WalMart toe gegaan en kos gekry vir more se toer. Nou gaan ons lekker vroeg slaap, want more moet ons 05:00 al ry. Die hotel het 'n lys van gaste wat hulle moet wakker bel as mens die noorderligte kan sien, so hulle sal ons bel, maar dis dig bewolk en reën tans.Read more

    • Day 29

      Alaska Day 29 Fairbanks

      August 4, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      Starting the 5th week of our trip. After Fairbanks, everything will bring us closer to home. (Now about 3,000 miles away) 😅. Plan today was to do to the State Fair however we woke up to rain so will put that off for awhile. Off to the highly recommended Morris Cultural and Visitors Center. A great stop, much more than a visitor center. Tons of information, knowledgeable staff, excellent exhibits on the different native tribes of Alaska and an excellent movie on bears. Lots of art, sculptures in a very modern building. We spent a couple hours there.
      A stop for lunch at the Fudge Pot, weather has cleared so off to the Tanana Valley State Fair.
      What fun! A midway with all of the usual games and stuffed teddies to win. All kinds of food and tons of exhibits. We went to a "fahion show" which was hilarious. It was a sewing competition divided into age groups. The first 11 year old had made a skirt for her sister who was the model. (About 6). The judges went thru the whole routine, quarter turns, deliberation, and the final vote. The sister got the blue ribbon!! She was ecstatic, jumping up and down. 😂. Then they said, that was the only entry in this age group!!! 🤣🤣🤣. Hoping someone tells her that story when she is 21.
      Gave up on the fair and home for cocktail hour and a walk to a restaurant nearby for dinner. Excellent King crab cakes, maybe the best I have ever had. Alice had stroganoff and liked hers as well. Another good day.
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    • Day 30

      Alaska Day 30 Fairbanks

      August 5, 2019 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 59 °F

      Out this AM to get the tire air valves replaced and hub cap put back on. Done relatively easily before noon. And less than $50 ! Then to Starbucks for some planning time for the remainder of our trip. We have changed our minds several times and now again. We have heard many people talk about Valdez so have decided to go there next. But first we are going to do one more day in this area, going to some highly touted hot springs about 60 miles NE of Fairbanks. Should be fun. We splurged for a hotel room as well!! First night out of the RV. Then to Valdez about 700 miles south on the coast. After that Haines, maybe Skagway, and then wander home. Currently thinking we might go "the log way" down thru Jasper, Lake Louise and Banff. Will see how the timing goes. Nice to be able to make changes as we go.
      Our tourism choice for today was the Creamers Field - A Migratory waterfowl refuge. On first appearance it is a very large open space with some big birds in the fields. However lots more going on here. We stopped in the visitor center to check out what was going on. We were lucky enough to run into one of the fellows who leads the guided tours in the mornings - Bud. Bud wanted to go back out to check on the sandhill cranes, (the big birds), and invited us to go along. So we had our own personal tour of the entire place. Essentially there are open fields and forest that are a refuge for all types of waterfowl. Bud took us on a mile and a half walk through the fields and forest with a running commentary for an hour and a half! Very interesting! Lots about the types of waterfowl and wildlife but even more about the forest and the land, how the permafrost affects the ground, etc. We learned a lot and enjoyed it. We saw several dozen sandhill cranes, all at a distance. They just started to arrive last week. By the end of the month they will have about 4,000 cranes there for about a month. They plant fields just to feed them and have a festival as well. Who knew?
      A much needed grocery run and back to the RV for dinner in.
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