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Le 10 migliori mete di viaggio Fergana
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    • Giorno 160


      7 agosto 2023, Uzbekistan ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Gestern war ich nochmal zum Frühstück eingeladen dann ging es zum Tanken und an der Grenze stellte ich auch ein Leck am Tank fest, der Grenzübertritt hat ein wenig gedauert sodass ich erst abends in Kokand am Autobazar angekommen bin.
      In kokand musste ich einen kleinen Stopp einlegen da der kühler sich versuchte wieder in Einzelteile zu zerlegen ein "master" hat mir den Kleber entfernt geschweißt und zusätzlich noch 4 Stangen angeschweißt, nicht gerade perfekt aber es sollte halten. Ein netter Taxifahrer hat mir dann noch ein wenig die Stadt gezeigt, bis wir Backpacker aus Dresden getroffen haben die eine Fahrgelegenheit gesucht haben. Also hat mich der Taxifahrer zurück gebracht und die Beiden in die Nächste Stadt gefahren. Ich bin noch bis zum Tuyabuguz Reservoir gefahren.
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    • Giorno 15


      5 settembre 2023, Uzbekistan ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Torniamo per pranzo al Agor cafè unico posto accettabile in zona , ormai siamo di casa ci riconoscono e ci trovano subito un posto. Il locale è pienissimo vanno a mangiare torte di 1000 strati e pizza, noi non ci facciamo attirare e continuano con la cucina uzbeca. Recuperiamo un taxi e ci facciamo portare a Rishton la città delle ceramiche verdi e blu, ci sistemiamo dentro una casa laboratorio di ceramica da generazioni, contrattiamo il prezzo ma non mollano, sarà la nostra sosta più costosa di tutta la vacanza e le camere sono anche vecchiotte. Per cena girovaghiamo come fantasmi alla ricerca di qualcosa di commestibile . Ci si stringe lo stomaco a vedere certi posti, fino a quando uno spiraglio di luce ci illumina un piccolo baracchino gestito da tre fratelli davvero giovani preparano profumatissimi polli arrosto, chiediamo di appoggiarci in un tavolino dietro il loro baracchino e come per magia ci portano piatti tovagliolini pane pomodori e cipolla, peperoncino e salsa al pomodoro buonissima. Ordiniamo 2 polli e mezzo e ce li sbraniamo . Ci facciamo intenerire dal ragazzino più grande sembra abbia 15 anni , ci dice che al mattino studia e alla sera lavoro, lo guardiamo un po' ipnotizzati Al facciamo una master class di ceramica usiamo il tornio e dipingiamo io mi sento un po' Demi MooreLeggi altro

    • Giorno 13


      3 settembre 2023, Uzbekistan ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Sveglia ore 1 di mattina , taxi per la stazione dei treni, partita a carte nella nostra saletta vip e poi partiamo con un treno dentro delle cuccette , che ricorderemo per sempre. scendiamo a Tashkent e alle 6,22 riprendiamo un altro treno direzione Margilon nella Valle di Fergana , saliamo e un 'ansia ci assale , è di nuovo un treno con cuccette ,aiuto , aspettiamo le lenzuola e le federe che sono talmente bianche ed immacolate , chiuse dentro dei sacchetti di plastica che ci sentiamo a casa, ci buttiamo sulle brande e dormiamo ininterrottamente fino a destinazione, dobbiamo metterci due sveglie per evitare di perdere l'arrivo . Raggiungiamo in taxi il nostro albergo, è dentro una bellissima casa coloniale fatta costruire dai russi e acquistata successivamente da un produttore di sete riadattandola ad albergo, la colazione nel patio sui tavolini tipici è molto gradevole. il giorno dopo ci immergiamo completamente nel famoso mercato di Margilon e ci facciamo trasportare dai colori, dagli odori, dai rumori . Sembra di essere in un teatro . Individuiamo il nostro ristorante che più street food non si può e mangiamoLeggi altro

    • Giorno 13

      Margilon Valle di Fergana

      3 settembre 2023, Uzbekistan ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Per la sera troviamo un ristorante molto bello a Fergana , Tractor, sembra un ristorante occidentale, mangiamo un buonissimo stinco con purè. Visitiamo la fabbrica di sete più famosa di tutta l'Uzbekistan , vediamo sia il procedimento dei lavori manuali sia di quelli meccanizzati. Il rumore delle macchine è assordante, la sicurezza non sembra essere la priorità, immedesimarsi nella vita quotidiana di queste donne che si occupano di far andare i macchinari è molto triste , hanno ancora tanti traguardi da raggiungere.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 192

      First day in Uzbekistan

      18 settembre 2019, Uzbekistan ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Can you feel at home at several places at once? Or maybe home really IS where the heart is? I had no trouble adapting to the life back home and enjoyed being in my family home a lot. At the same time, moving back into Hans felt familiar and right as well.
      Having underestimated the time it gets dark here, we drove much longer than we usually do after crossing the border yesterday. But the Fergana valley is heavily populated and we needed to find a place to sleep. We reached our destination around 8pm in pitch black, had a quick snack and went to bed.
      Hence, settling in was left to this morning. Still accustomed to a different time zone, we got up around 8am, with the sun shining on our roof and a flock of sheep passing by our campsite next to a small canal. Curious people walk or cycle past, most of them just nodding or waving hello, some asking where we're from but none of them intruding. Just after breakfast, a man and his son walk up, a bit more interested than the others. We converse with hand and feet and a few words in Russian and I gift two pens and a notebook to the little boy. Turns out, we had just met our neighbours, living just 100m down the road. We're invited for tea, but knowing that we need to move on, we decline gently.
      It's time to get Hans organised after all! Thankfully we didn't bring back as many items as we took home, so everything finds its place quickly and Hans's tidyness is restored. Just as we're about to finish our neighbour's wife comes over. She gifts us grapes and dried apricots from the garden and smiles broadly. How I wish I could communicate at least a little bit more... Our heartfelt "spasiba" and "thank you"s must have made their way through despite of the language difficulties though. And so we part ways.
      While we were planning to take the shortest route to Samarkand, we need to get money and a sim card. Coincidentally the next opportunity to do so, presents itself next to a silk factory. Well, we don't want to miss it, especially since we're travelling on the silk road and Uzbekistan is the world's third largest silk producer. The detour is totally worth it. We get money & a simcard, super fresh veggies and fruit at the local market and the tour through the factory is super interesting as well. Every step of the production is handcraft and super impressive. And our Russian speaking guide is doing such a good job that we even understand his explanations (there are English, French and German speaking guides, too, but he was free and eager to show us around).
      To top off our already super exciting and successful day, we're then invited for tea by the owner of the house where we parked Hans. There are only so many times you can say no and so we agree. Quite an interesting household! We're asked to sit down in the entrance area, where we're served a Fanta like drink immediately by one of his daughters or daughter-in-laws. Tiny quails are kept in cages made out of pumpkin skin that hang high just underneath the ceiling. Their chirping could definitely act as an alarm system! During the course of the conversation our host explains he sells them at the Fergana market.
      As we're drinking the Fanta, we're offered kefir as well. Wary of our horsemilk experience, we're reluctant but there is no saying no. The kefir is homemade from milk that the goat in the courtyard is providing. And it is delicious! Pleased that we like it, our host asks us to take the whole jar (made a beautiful sauce for our dumplings at dinner!) and a loaf of bread on top of that. We finish a few cups of tea, talk about this and that (interrupted with frequent glances towards the birds at the ceiling whenever we get lost in translation) and then bid farewell. There is not much of the day left and we want to cover a bit more ground. An hour later, we find our second campspot in Uzbekistan and take a deep breath. We're on the road again. And people are simply wonderfully friendly.
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    • Giorno 2

      Margilon silk factory, Uzbekistan

      15 luglio 2019, Uzbekistan ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Area famous for silk for a very long time. The first pic shows unraveling the cocoons and spinning the silk. Up to 500 meters of silk is obtained from each cocoon. Next is the dye room, showing some of the sources for the natural dyes. Next is carpet making. 4th and 5th are of the traditional hand looms. Last are Soviet era mechanical looms.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 2

      Khan's Palace, Xoqand

      15 luglio 2019, Uzbekistan ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

      Palace of the ruler of "Kokand" kingdom, built in the 1860s. The kingdom existed for over 1,000 years and was active in the silk road trade.
      First is the building itself; then the main courtyard (one of 7 courtyards in the palace, as 7 is a sacred number in Islam). Next are several rooms, leading up to the main throne room. There are 118 rooms, another Koranic number.
      This is the Fergana valley, one of the more fertile areas of central Asia. Craftsman here were famous for their woodworking skills, as can be seen in the workmanship here.
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    • Giorno 15


      5 settembre 2023, Uzbekistan ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Ci invitano dentro ben due matrimoni, uno più tranquillo e uno sfarzosissimo le decorazioni sono tutte fatte con fiori finti

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