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    • Giorno 62

      Mystery Island

      26 dicembre 2022, Vanuatu ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Die südlichste Insel 🏝️ im Staat Vanuatu ist Mystery Island. Die kleine Insel nur 1,5 Quadratkilometer und trägt den indigenen Namen Inyeug. Sie ist die Nebeninsel der Insel Aneityum, die nur 650 m entfernt ist.
      Beide Inseln gehören zur Provinz Tafea.
      Mystery Island ist bekannt für das einzigartige Korallenriff mit der prächtigen Unterwasserwelt sowie für die wunderschönen weißen Sandstrände. Die Insel ist unbewohnt. Bewohner der Aneityum,
      kommen jedoch zum Verkauf ihrer Waren auf die Insel oder zur Arbeit auf dem Flughafen der zu Aneityum gehört. Er wurde im zweiten Weltkrieg von den Amerikanern errichtet und besteht aus einer Graspiste, die fast die gesamte Länge der Insel einnimmt.
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    • Giorno 23

      Mystery Island, Vanuatu

      25 gennaio, Vanuatu ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

      Mystery Island (also known as Inyeug) is a small island located in the country’s south. The island is typically uninhabited, though residents of neighbouring Aneityum journey across on days that cruise ships visit.
      We took a tender boat to the island at 8:00 AM and found a nice shady spot with chairs.
      We enjoyed a day of swimming and snorkelling.
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    • Giorno 61

      🤩 Mystery Island🤩🎅🎄🎁

      26 dicembre 2023, Vanuatu ⋅ 🌬 26 °C

      Paradies pur mit 30 Grad warmen, mineralwasserklarem Wasser. Kann mich mal jemand kneifen? Das muss doch ein Traum sein...😄🤣 Ich hab den ganzen Tag gebadet und mir natürlich ordentlich den Pelz verbrannt...egal, das war es auf jedenfall wert.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 5

      Mystery Island

      3 gennaio 2023, Vanuatu ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Woke up with a killer headache so decided to chill onboard today.

      Played some trivia and decided to indulge for lunch with a cold seafood platter, pretty good value for $30.

      And dessert is chocolate cake with fudge frosting, jelly and cookies

      Played some more trivia, then after dinner caught the 70’s themed show Club VIP, which was a lot of fun and the costumes were amazing 🤩
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    • Giorno 7

      Islamd dayz & nights

      19 febbraio, Vanuatu ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      What an amazing day on Mystery island! You can easily walk around the entire perimeter of the island and there is a tiny little grass airstrip on the island that was used in WW2..

      We had a massage when we got there, $20 each for 30 minutes of being lathered in what felt like used cooking oil with a room full of strangers. We should have learnt from Fiji and bought our own oil with us... Oh well, next time. Mine was not bad, Deano reckons his masseuse also doubles as a brick layer on the mainland.
      We hired a cabana for the day and loved every minute of it. Mystery Island is just so pristine. Unoccupied and the water is the most aqua blue I've ever seen with so many fish swimming around.
      The weather really turned it on as well. Started off a little cloudy, but was a beautiful day.
      The cooking oil from the massage helped to burn us to a crisp too, another momento from our trip, lol.
      They were selling cooked lobsters on the island for a small fortune. $110 each. The comedian told us yesterday that years ago they used to sell them for $10 each, until dumb arses told the locals how much we pay for them. Boom... Inflation!

      Back to the ship and had a bite to eat and a nap before dinner and the show, Star water.
      Another great day!
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    • Giorno 7

      Windy Beach Time

      2 febbraio 2020, Vanuatu ⋅ 🌫 31 °C

      Another surprise addition to our itinerary was Mystery Island. A small, uninhabited island, just 1.5sq km in size, the most southern part of Vanuatu. It's uninhabited, allegedly, as the locals believe it to be haunted after dark. Instead, they travel from a larger neighboring island whenever a cruise ship is in town, to sell goods/tours/services to make a living.

      Everything happened at a snails pace this morning. My throat kills and kept me awake a lot but I'm hanging in there. Ryland slept in a little so we didn't get to breakfast until 9ish.. Everyone else was on the same schedule so there were delays getting tendered and we didn't set foot on Mystery Island til around 11am.

      Nat and I traveled here just under 3 years ago. That day it was two of us, first ashore on a still sunny morning. Today was a much different affair. You can walk around Mystery Island casually in about 45 minutes. In our circumstances, with our luggage and dual-towing little lordling around in his pram over sand-paths like overworked huskies, in strong winds, we may have met the evening spectres of local legend. It was also hard to find a tree without 4 people under it. Nat was quick to find the spiders though, I calmly noted a large white stowaway climbing down her dress. She was quick to ask him to disembark.

      You could easily call the location spider island. Every other tree has a giant network with tropical eight legged occupants the size of your hand. We eventually mushed our way around all the local salesmen and tour guides to a beach on the far side of the island, still packed, still very windy. Nonetheless we set up camp here under a palm tree to enjoy some family swimming. The water was perfect, though the winds made it very, very choppy and... full of seaweed, pulled up from the seabed.

      Ryland still loved his time here swimming with us in temperate turquoise waters. The weather remained windy and rotated from clouds, to sunshine, to some scattered showers which were actually warm and refreshing.

      I did take the opportunity to test out my snorkel here again for half hour or so, managing to reduce leakage. I was pleasantly surprised with the amount of fish I saw, just standing distance from the shore.. Angelfish, parrot fish, large white, and blue ones.. at least 20-30, from 15cm-1m in length. Way better viewing than Isle of Pines, much less quantity than Vila, but a few bigger ones.

      At this point, Nat had her fill with snorkeling and her burns, so we moved on to wander the market stalls on the island. I picked up a nice seashell that you can hear an echo within (sound of the sea). Ryland loved it as expected. I paid a couple dollars to hold some local lizards, which was fun. We tendered back relatively painlessly to be back aboard by 2.30pm, burn free!

      It was a low key afternoon, some lunch, a small snooze and a wander around decks. I was in awe of the larger vast island on our port side, named Aneityum (opposite Mystery Island) - sparse homes scattered the shore, but beyond, dense tropical jungle that stretched on for miles to the base of a looming mountain range. There was little to no signs of habitation beyond the shore, it looked almost untouched wilderness.

      Rylands late nap meant a few laps of the ship were required to get him to sleep. I decided I'd get some sleep after dinner to get up and watch Arsenal play live at midnight in the sports bar. Turns out it was a 1am kick off... and with the game goalless at half time at 1.50am right now (and FINISHED 0-0), I'm more than half regretting that decision. We're up at 8am tomorrow to do a tour on the Tchou Tchou train in Noumea.
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    • Giorno 68

      Eine Insel für uns alleine

      26 dicembre 2022, Vanuatu ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Wie bereits erwähnt ist Mystery Island nicht bewohnt. Hier stehen ganz viele kleine Hütten, die quasi nur bestückt werden, wenn Besucher kommen 😅

      Aber es ist einfach wunderschön. So stellt man sich die Südsee vor ... nur nicht mit ganz so vielen Deutschen 😄

      Falls ihr euch fragt, was mir da grünes vom Ohr baumelt in dem einen Bild ... das ist ein Blatt eines ganz bestimmten Strauchs. Dieser Strauch wird quasi als "Passport" für den Stamm verwendet, den wir eben besucht haben. Das bekommen/wissen nur Freunde. Und dann darf man es sich aber auch nur an das richtige Ohr hängen. Das Schema kennt ihr aber alle 😅 linkes Ohr verheiratet - rechtes Ohr Single. Es ist schon bemerkenswert, dass sich weltweit alle Völker sowas ausgedacht haben 🤣 nur jeder auf seine Art und Weise. War wohl ein wichtiges Thema damals 😋

      Nach dem Ausflug geht es auf jeden Fall nochmal zurück aufs Schiff und das genau zum richtigen Zeitpunkt. Über der Insel hat sich ein wenig was zusammen gebraut 🌦

      Aber danach kommt wieder die Sonne raus und es geht zurück auf die kleine Trauminsel. ABER ... denkt daran. Name ist immer noch Programm und einen Fakt über diese Gegend habe ich bis jetzt noch nicht erwähnt. Trauminsel trifft es wohl doch nicht so ganz 🙈 Auf Bild sechs sieht man es und ich finde es super, dass die Leute hier mit Humor an ihre Vergangenheit rangehen. Was hier als ein witziges Fotomotiv zwischen den Bäumen steht, war bis in die 80er Jahre noch völlig normal. Kannibalismus.... bis in die 1980er Jahre ... um das nochmal zu betonen. Das heißt, jede Person, die ich heute hier getroffen habe, die älter als 40 ist, hat zu fast 100% schon mal Menschenfleisch gegessen. Heftige Vorstellung. Es soll aber wohl süßlich schmecken ....

      Egal, jetzt sind sie wohl alle ganz nett, wurde heute sehr oft betont 😁

      Uns kann es heute also egal sein und somit wird die leider nur kurze verbliebene Zeit mit schwimmen genutzt. Aber das macht bekanntlich durstig und somit wird noch kurzerhand eine Kokosnuss gekauft 🥥😃 leider ohne Rum 🤣😋 da drin ist aber leider kaum Wasser. Dafür noch ganz viel Fruchtfleisch. Aber das ist so richtig wabbelig glitschig 🥴 ... absolut nicht meins 😅
      Aber der Strand ist traumhaft ☺️🌴.

      Es gibt allerdings wahnsinnig viele kleine Krebse in den Muscheln. Überall haben sich Muscheln bewegt 😆 Im ersten Moment etwas merkwürdig. Auch waren viele Seegurken im Wasser. Bei den Lebewesen weiß man einfach nicht, warum sie auf dieser Welt sind 🙈
      Aber dazu kann ich unseren aktuellen Edutainer mal befragen: Uli Kunz. Man kennt ihn in erster Linie als Terra X Moderator. Der begeistert uns schon seit einigen Wochen mit spannenden Vorträgen aus den unglaublichen Welten der Tiefe. Aber selbst er meint, dass sie wohl einfach den Meeresboden sauber halten, weil sie vieles essen und auch dem ein oder anderen Tier als Nahrung dienen. That's it 😄
      Ansonsten gibt es hier an für sich nichts, aber trotzdem wäre es super gewesen, hier einfach einen ganzen Tag entspannen zu können ... oder zwei 😋 aber mich fragt ja keiner 😄
      Also legen wir abends wieder ab und düsen zur nächsten Insel rüber.
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    • Giorno 62


      26 dicembre 2022, Vanuatu ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Unglaublich - Fast schon wie Robinson auf seiner Insel. Aber hier gibt es einen Flugplatz, bzw Rasenstreifen als Start- und Landebahn. Und natürlich Strand ohne Ende. Ichvhabe meine erste frische Kokosnuss getrungen UND gegessen. Das war richtig gut.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 21

      Mystery Island Vanuatu

      28 ottobre 2016, Vanuatu ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Cruise day 20

      A day on a deserted island 🏝in the Pacific. What more do you want.

      The island is 2.3km around, yes Isabel and I walked around the Island with our GPS watches to know exactly how big the island is. But it came at a price for me walking around and island in wet shorts = rash.

      This is really an island like you see in the movies with coconut 🌴 trees, never ending beaches and natures beauty everywhere.

      We spent most of the day snorkeling and sunbathing on the beach.

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    • Giorno 107

      Day 6 - Mystery Island, Vanuatu

      27 aprile 2017, Vanuatu ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Another day in port! And wow, the bluest water I have EVER seen. Mystery Island is just beautiful!! I don't even think that I'll be able to describe how great it is here. The sand is soft, the water is a crystal clear turquoise and there is marine life everywhere. The locals were also very friendly and wow, what an amazing place. We took a tender boat to shore again and immediately I went for a swim. We then met up with a group to do some stand up paddle boarding. We took a boat from Mystery Island to the main island and got set up with some boards. There was a lot of reef and weeds here so it wasn't as blue, but the island itself with the palm trees everywhere was pretty cool. We paddle boarded for about an hour and then went back to Mystery Island. I don't think Mom particularly enjoyed the paddle boarding, she found it difficult to get up, but she had fun just putting around. I liked just watching the water changing and observing the landscape as we went around. The wind started to pick up as we were going and getting back to our starting spot became a bit of a challenge. But, the boards were easy enough to balance on compared to what we have at the cabin and I had fun!

      When we got back to Mystery Island we went swimming again and spent a good solid hour or so in the water. The island is pretty small, it took us maybe 15 or 20 minutes to walk to from end to end. With a whole cruise of people the island started to feel pretty packed.. But out in the water it wasn't so bad and we had a great time! Mom brought goggles so I swam around just looking at everything. So many fish, I absolutely love these places we've been! Fantastic!

      When we decided it was time to return to the ship we went and ate some lunch and then I ran into Pods and Adrian at the pool. I swam again, and we wandered around for a bit as well. Shot some hoops and just relaxed! Then I went back to my bar to write and actually had some peace and quiet this time around because I hid in a corner. And because the two main culprits for distracting me thankfully didn't make an appearance ;)

      Then it was off to dinner with Mom and a new friend and was supposed to be an early bed time but ended up out late again... This time because of playing mini golf, some basketball, ping pong, and then a night cap!
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