Vatican City
Vatican City

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    • Day 44

      Up high, down low

      October 17, 2023 in Vatican City ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Today started nice and early at around 5:30am so we could get up and walk the hour trek to the Vatican, we also made a detour to see the Trevi fountain and the Pantheon before the big crowds moved in.

      We met up with our tour group and ventured into the smallest (and wealthiest) country. Once inside, we made our way through the very impressive museum, the Raphael rooms, the hall of maps, tapestry gallery, the Belvedere Courtyard before heading to the Sistine Chapel where we enjoyed Michelangelo’s spectacular paintings.

      Next was the tour of St. Peter’s Basilica, Europe's biggest church which was so very impressive and excessive.

      We walked home, enjoyed some lunch before heading out on our next adventure.

      We joined our next tour where we discovered 3 of Rome's most significant archeological sites, the Capuchin Crypts, the Catacombs of St. Callixtus and the Appian Way.

      The Capuchin crypt was made up of the bones of 4000 monks, which was very strange. Afterwards, the tour look us to the catacombs which once housed up to 500,000 bodies, it was insanely large and incomprehensible, it was a maze of empty crypts and creepy drawings.

      The tour ended by dropping us back off in town where we wandered around some other sites such as the massive Monument to Victor Emmanuel II before grabbing some food from the shops before a calm night in.

      Step count: 28.8k
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    • Day 4

      Last day in Rome :(

      January 17 in Vatican City ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Our last day roaming rome :( we started off by going to the Spanish Steps which had…wait for it…a bunch of steps. Then we made our way over to the Trevi Fountain which was absolutely gorgeous. We also witnessed a proposal which went successfully so yay for them! At that point the fountain was my absolute favourite thing about Rome (soon defeated by something else…) Afterwards we headed to the Piazza Navona which was also beautiful! Big square with lots of shops and cobblestone. Thennnn we headed off to the smallest country in the world! Vatican City was absolutely spectacular. We headed to the Sistine Chapel and wowzers. To say it was jaw dropping would be an understatement. I suddenly have a new appreciation for art and Michelangelo. Unfortunately we couldn’t take photos inside but wow it quickly became my favourite. Then we headed to St Peter’s Basillica which was HUGE. To see Peter’s grave and see La Pieta (also Michelangelo!) in person was incredible. At that point it was pretty gloomy and getting late so we headed back to the air bnb for some rest before Gregory’s Jazz Club! We got there a bit early so we just had some drinks at the bar. One aperol spritz and I was in happy land. We experienced the best hospitality we’ve had so far, and met some nice people from the UK! The show started pretty late so we only stuck around for a little bit. It was a jazz trio with trumpet, drums, and bass! These Rome guys can PLAY. As much as we wanted to stick around we had to call it a night because of an early start the next morning. We walked back to the air bnb but unfortunately for us we accidentally detoured and accidentally got some gelato and accidentally ate it but ah well, these things happen. As soon as we were back zzzzzzRead more

    • Day 121

      Vatican City & Rome

      July 20, 2022 in Vatican City ⋅ ☀️ 93 °F

      Miles: 8.4 Steps: 19927
      Flights stairs: 20

      We got up early and headed to the Vatican Museum to see the Sistine Chapel. It’s been a must see for awhile. The series of Museums is overwhelming - reminded me of the Louve. Just too much to see there. It was an amazing complex tho, and to finally see the ceiling in the chapel was incredible. I actually shot one video before I found out it was not allowed - so not too many pics, but still amazing.

      After hours wandering the museums we headed back to our room to cool down (surprised the museum was not air conditioned, actually) and take a rest. We went back out later hoping it would cool down some for our visit to the Roman Forum and Palentine Hill, but not so lucky. The heat here is definitely taking away from our experience - at times you just want to get thru things as fast as possible just to get back to the coolness.

      The heatwave here is real - we read today that 1900 people have died in Europe from the heat. Mostly Portugal, France, UK and Spain as they don’t really have any air conditioning. And I’m really glad we had already gotten thru those places because very true, we had no air conditioning there and even at reasonable temps it was pretty unbearable in our rooms. Scary situation. If we didn’t have air here in Rome. I don’t know what we’d be doing.

      Seeing the ruins was really amazing - so odd to wander around and know you’re seeing things over 2000 years old.
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    • Day 123


      September 9, 2022 in Vatican City ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      After numerous trips to Rome , I finally made it to the Vatican.
      Here is some pics of it, including a sneaky photo of the Sistine Chapel , in the 2nd and 3rd pic. You are welcome. You not allowed to take photos so here is an exclusive view of it just for uuuu. Then there is some sneaky 0.5s outside in the plazaaaa.
      And finally, because of our clear day of rebelling , we may have put our tootsies in the fountain for a cool down 🤫🫶🏼
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    • Day 2

      La cité du Vatican

      April 8 in Vatican City ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Hier était la première vraie journée à Rome. On avait décidé de faire le Vatican mais sans billet réservé…A ne plus refaire, 4h de file d’attente : 8h-12h mais ça en valait le coup ! En attendant on a pris un petit déjeuner dans la file. Site gigantesque, mais beaucoup trop de monde, impossible d’apprécier l’endroit. Je conseil d’y aller à la période de Novembre. Mais le plafond de la Chapelle Sixtine en vaut la peinte ainsi que les nombreux musées !! Malheureusement on a pas pu visiter la basilique saint-pierre à cause de la foule et sans billet… Mais le place est très impressionnante et très blanche !!Read more

    • Day 33

      Das kleinste Land der Welt

      June 1, 2023 in Vatican City ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Nur ein Katzensprung trennte uns heute noch von dem kleinsten Land der Welt. Doch bevor wir den Vatikan besuchten, mussten wir einen Zwischenstopp beim Tierarzt einlegen und für unseren kleinen Teddy Tabletten gegen Magen-Darm-Beschwerden besorgen. Gesagt, getan und nach einem kurzen Spaziergang durch das Jugendstilviertel Prati, gab es für ihn noch heiliges Wasser im Vatikan 😉. Wir staunten beim Anblick der größten Kirche auf einem der größten Plätze der Welt. Abends schlenderten wir am Tiber entlang, vorbei an der Engelsburg, ins hippe Trastevere für eine anständige Pizza mit Ambiente.Read more

    • Day 5

      Somewhere speeding through the night

      October 27, 2023 in Vatican City ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      I'm not going to sugarcoat it. The Rome train station was a nightmare. We also got on the wrong subway to the Vatican, which was a nice day once we arrived even though the actual dome of St. Peters was closed! We did visit the museums including the Sistine Chapel where pictures weren't allowed so you'll just have to visit it yourself. Sorry Megan, no angels for you!Read more

    • Day 5


      December 5, 2019 in Vatican City ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Kurz vor den vatikanischen Museen verstellten uns offiziell aussehende Uniformierte den Weg mit der Behauptung die Wartezeit betrüge 1 Stunde und boten uns in 5 Minuten entfernten Office Skip-the-line-Tickets. Dabei gab es in Wirklichkeit gar keine Warteschlange! D.h. wenn wir deren Angebot angenommen hätten, hätte es länger gedauert und mindestens 10 € pro Person mehr gekostet!!Read more

    • Day 31

      Vatikan-Museen und Sixtinische Kapelle

      June 6, 2022 in Vatican City ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Heute so richtig als Tourist an einer Führung teilgenommen!
      Bin begeistert: so eine reiche Kunstsammlung. Der Vatikan hat im Laufe der Zeit so einiges aus altrömischer Zeit gesammelt und auch restauriert!Read more

    • Day 55

      Unverhofft kommt oft

      June 4, 2023 in Vatican City ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Vorbei an Sicherheits-Checks strömen wir in die Menschenmenge und plötzlich ist der da: Der Papst!!! Ungeplant erreichen wir den Petersplatz pünktlich zum Angelusgebet am Sonntag um 12:00 Uhr. Ein Jubel geht durch die Menge. Vom Fenster seines Arbeitszimmers aus grüßt Papst Franziskus zum Ende des Gebets die Pilger aus aller Welt. Bevor der Andrang zu groß wird, reihen wir uns in die Schlange zum Petersdom ein. Mamor, Gold, Ebenholz - nur wenige Kirchen sind so prunkvoll wie dieser Dom. Beeindruckend! Im vorderen Teil startet die Sonntagsmesse und wir entschließen uns spontan daran teilzunehmen. Danach haben wir dann auch wieder genug von Weihrauchgeruch. Nach einer Picknickpause auf dem Petersplatz versuchen wir den einzigen Bankautomaten der Welt auf Latein zu besichtigen, werden aber von der Schweizergarde aufgehalten.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Vatican City, Vatikanstadt, Ciudad del Vaticano, Vatican, Città del Vaticano, Vatikanas, Ватикан, Vatikanstaden

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