Hội trường Thống Nhất

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    • Day 55

      🇻🇳 Ho Chi Minh City - VIETNAM

      April 1, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      Après plusieurs jours d'absence nous revoici !

      On en a profité pour se reposer mais aussi visiter 2 régions :

      - Can Tho, dans le delta du Mékong (pour ceux qui suivent, nous avions déjà fait du bateau sur ce fleuve pour passer de la Thaïlande au Laos, et on le retrouve ici, au Vietnam pour se jeter à la mer !). La région du delta est magnifique, très sauvage et ici, ils n'ont vraiment pas l'habitude des touristes, on se sentait un peu observé de partout mais sans malveillance, juste de la curiosité ☺️
      Nous avons fait un marché flottant, des mini voiturettes électriques avec des gosses de 7 ans mais c'était génial ! Puis la visite d'une ferme de cacao où nous avons rencontré un couple de français qui ont accepté de racheter notre moto pour eux faire le trajet inverse du nôtre ! La fin d'une aventure laisse place à une nouvelle pour Suzanne la bécane !

      - Ho Chi Minh City, la plus grande ville du Vietnam, très contrastée entre des zones très poussiéreuses avec des marchés et des poulets en liberté et 1km plus loin de gigantesque gratte ciel et des rues très propre ! On ne s'est pas ennuyés ici non plus, énormément de restaurants, de bars, de lieux à visiter (musée de la guerre du Vietnam notamment que nous avons fait !), et des parcs sublimes !

      Bref, c'est la fin du Vietnam, nous allons demain au Cambodge pour une dizaine de jours avant de rejoindre la Thaïlande ! Pour le moment : GIGA COUP DE COEUR ! Ce pays est incroyable de par sa nourriture, sa diversité de paysage, ses gens très accueillants, à l'écoute, qui t'aident avec la moto gratuitement même s'ils ne parlent parfois pas 1 mot anglais, bref une claque c'était incroyable !

      La suite des aventures sera plus rurale et malheureusement beaucoup plus pauvre mais ça va être tout aussi incroyable !

      Biz à tout le monde ✌️

      (PS: je suis tatoué maintenant ! J'ai douillé mais trop content !)
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    • Day 11

      Day 10-12

      June 17 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Day 10

      After a beautiful sunset last night I thought it would be a great idea to hand wash my clothes and hang them out to dry over night, however, when we woke up in the morning i discovered it had been raining all night long and my clothes were more wet then when I put them outside! Very annoying but I plan to wash them once we get to Vietnam as I’m running out of clothes!

      Having a quick breakfast we said goodbye to this beautiful island and climbed onto the speedboat to head back to the mainland but due to the storm it was VERY bumpy and it was honestly dreadful. Flying out of our seats every few minutes was not ideal and it definitely didn’t do wonders for my back! Grateful to be off the boat we climbed onto the pier and as we did it started absolutely POURING. I managed to grab the captain who had an umbrella and charm him into escorting me to get my bag off the boat! However I had to make the 100 metre dash to the van and still got soaked so not sure it was worth it!

      Drying off in the bus we headed towards Chambok village where we would have our first home stay experience. Arriving in the middle of nowhere where with no phone signal and no cars the bus dropped us off and we wondered to our families house. A tin house of stilts with no running water with beds on the floor and a mosquito net to cover yourself with was what we were greeted with. In 38°c we weren’t too happy about the lack of air con but we did have one small fan which we took turns to sit in front of! Sitting back and enjoying our time like a local we watched the children playing badminton and they were all very excited to see us.

      A local guide took us on a tour around the village stopping every now and then to show us plants that the local village used for different natural remedies which was really interesting to see as they don’t use any western medicine here. Although we weren’t entirely convinced when the guide said “sometimes works sometimes not 50/50 chance of surviving”!

      Hiding from the heat we watched the sun go down and had a locally cooked meal which gave me “the fear” we have nicknamed it! I then sat with some of the local ladies who taught me how to make bamboo bracelets and rings for a very small price which was really fun but very fiddly - I don’t think I could make a living off it!
      We played some cards until we retreated to our “beds” to get an ealry night. I can’t say I slept well with cows and chickens wondering freely below us making a lot of noise but it was actually a really fun experience and fun to live like a local for one night- but only one!

      Day 11

      Waving goodbye to our lovely host family at 5am we climbed into the bus and the air con was very welcomed by all of us as we settled in to head towards the Vietnam border! It was a very long travel day today with 5 hours to the border and then another 3 hours to our hostel in ho chi manh city.

      The border took us about 2 hours which was a pain as we had to queue in the heat with our bags and after a few people had visa problems we finally all made it through and could make the final journey to ho chi manh city!!

      Having the nicest shower ever once we got in we quickly got ready and headed downstairs in our hostel to have a locally cooked dinner. This was very nice with lots of different dishes to try and the diverse flavours were amazing. We then met the 5 people who are joining our group and went out for a few drinks with them before heading home for the night.

      Day 12

      This morning was our first full day in Vietnam! We had a free morning so the girls and I headed into the centre to see the pink church- which in fact is very pink! Unfortunately we couldn’t go inside but it was still worth seeing the outside!

      We then headed to a market to pick up a few souvenirs and it was pretty overwhelming! Hundreds of tiny stalls crammed into a building with all of the stall owners putting things in your face grabbing you to try bring you into their stall so we definitely had to stand out ground! But we did get to pick up a few bits before heading back to meet the rest of the group.

      Then the main activity of today- the cu chi tunnels which the Vietnamese soldiers used during the war. This war was due to northern Vietnam wanting to reunite the country under a communist rule but southern Vietnam fought back allied by the US but northern Vietnam eventually won and Vietnam was united as a communist country. Their secret weapon- the tunnels! These are tiny, you have to crouch and at points crawl through and these have been widened for tourists! I managed to go 50/100 metres before I headed up as it is seriously claustrophobic and the heat is stifling.

      The tunnels allowed Vietnam soldiers to gain advantages on the US soldiers as they could sneak up on them and also lay many traps which looked absolutely lethal! To this day you can’t go off the path in the jungle as they suspect there are many traps still left that have not been found!

      Our guide was excellent taking us around and showing us original traps and tunnel entrances. It was really interesting I thoroughly enjoyed it despite the heat! One of my favourite activities so far!

      We then headed back to grab a quick sandwich from 7/11 before boarding our overnight train to Nha Trang which will take us around 10 hours. We are in second class so there are only 4 of us per cabin rather than 6 if it was 3rd class and we have aircon and a small bed each. I’m feeling pretty optimistic about tonight although as the hours tick by I might change my mind!
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    • Day 11

      Ho Chi Minh City

      May 15 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Und schon wieder ein Tag vorbei. Heute den ganzen Tag Sonnenschein bis ca. 1630h dann fegte ein Gewitter über die Stadt. Dauerte noch so lange aber um 2000h wars vorbei.
      Besuchte heute das Hauptpostamt,
      den Unabhängikeitspalast u.a wurde hier der "Vertrag von Paris 1973" (Friedens Vertrag, dass sich die IDA zurückzieht) vorbereitet. Dann den "Behn Than Market". Da muss man schon starke Nerven haben - jeder aber auch jeder will etwas verlaufen !!. Am Abend (nach dem Gewitter) ging ich in die "Ninh Bin" walking Street. Musste migotztüri 64 Jahre alt werden um so etwas zu sehen. Das kann man gar nicht erklären - man muss es sehen. (s. Video). Dann am Schluss brachte mich ein Rollertaxi zum Hotel. (Hier gibt es auch Taxis auf Rollern). Ich durfte gar nicht schauen und ich war noch ohne Helm - der Witzbold als Fahrer meinte: Er habe keinen zweiten - kein Problem!!!
      (Fahrpreis 50000 VND). Zuerst wollte er 100000 habe gesagt - nein - dann fuhr er mir nach und machte das Angebot von 50000 (1.90 CHF) was ich dann angenommen habe.

      Jeder in Vietnam muss schauen, dass er irgendwie Geld verdient. Darum gibt es so viele Taxis oder Strassenküchen oder was auffällt sind die vielen Angestellte in Restaurants. Ein Kokosnuss Verkäufer (oder -in) gibts nicht nur gleich um die Ecke sondern in der nächsten Ecke schon wieder u.s.w.u.s f. Und die Losverkäufer siehst man sicher in jeder Strasse einmal.
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    • Day 364

      Ho Chi Minh City

      September 23, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Dad and I spent the day walking around the city and visiting the sites. We started at the war museum, which was fascinating. The exhibit covered three floors and the outside, which was a little much in my opinion but still fascinating. There were sections on the machines, the countries involved, the countries against it, agent orange, and so much more. It was honestly incredible to experience.

      I had been told by some other travellers that the museum is better to do than the tour, and they were right. I didn't learn anything in the tour that I didn't in the museum but so much more in the museum than tour.

      The city is manic, I am very glad we are not picking up bikes here, I would not enjoy riding through this city. We found a market style place with a load of stalls for lunch as we wandered through the city. After getting highly confused on how to withdraw money from atms, we found our way back to the hostel.

      Dad then took a trip across town to see an old government building while I waited with the bags. We then caught a taxi to the train station for our night train.

      The train is pretty basic. Not awful though, we grabbed some snacks before setting off.
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    • Day 10

      Saigon: Sights

      March 21 in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Wirklich viel interessant Kulturelles gibt es hier nicht zu sehen.

      Das alte Postamt ist auch mehr ein touristisches Foto-Motiv als in seiner ursprünglichen Funktion, wobei man dort immer noch Briefmarken kaufen und Pakete versenden kann.

      Der Wiedervereinigungspalast von 1975 erinnert stark an DDR, und soll auch nur den Sieg des kommunistischen Nordens über den Süden demonstrieren. Die Oper und die Kathedrale sind nur von außen zu sehen.
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    • Day 111


      May 3, 2017 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Am nächsten Tag haben wir uns das Kriegsopfermuseum angesehen. Darin wurden die Folgen des Vietnamkrieges bzw. des American War gezeigt. Das Museum ist in mehrere Teile aufgeteilt. Zuerst gab es Informationen über die Hintergründe des Krieges. In den nächsten Räumen wurden Bilder von Kriegsfotografen ausgestellt und im letzten Raum gab es noch eine Ausstellung über Agent Orange Opfer und dessen Nachwirkungen. Zudem gibt es einen großen Außenbereich mit Panzer, Jets und einem Nachbau der Tiger Cages von Con Son Island. Das Museum vermittelte uns viele heftige Eindrücke über den Krieg, allerdings fehlten uns etwas die Struktur und Informationen. 

      Für den nächsten Tag hatten wir uns den Independence Palace ausgesucht, der ehemalige Regierungssitz von Südvietnam. Dort waren alle Räume zugänglich inkl. Arbeitszimmer, Schlafzimmer und Bunker des Präsidenten. Wodurch wir einen guten Einblick in den Alltag eines Präsidenten bekamen (zumindest soviel wie Wohnsitz und arbeitsort aussagen können), so ähnlich stellen wir uns auch das weiße Haus vor. Da nach dem Sieg nur wenig im Haus verändert wurde, fühlte es sich gleichzeitig an wie eine Reise in eine andere Zeit. Am Abend ging es dann mit unserer ersten Sleepingbusfahrt weiter nach Dalat.
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    • Day 20

      Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)

      March 29, 2019 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Quick tour with visit to Reunification Palace, the Post Office (designed by Gustav Eiffel), Notre Dame Cathedral (closed for reconstruction), Opera House, Ho Chi Minh statue and Town Hall.
      13 million people, 7 million motorbikes.Read more

    • Day 4

      Ho Chi Min Day 4

      May 14, 2019 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      את היום התחלתי בסיור בסייגון- מרכז העיר. מי שהעבירה לי את הסיור הייתה טאו, סטונדטית ויאטנמית שרוצה לעבוד על האנגלית שלה ואני זכיתי לסיור על אופנוע חינם בעיר.
      עהרנו בהרבה מקומות מרשימים שנבנו ע"י הצרפתים- קתדרלת נוטרדם, משרד הדואר (המאוד גדול ומרשים), בית האופרה וארמון העצמאות. מעבר לזה היו לטאו הרבה סיפורים מעניינים על ויאטנם והיא הכירה לי מקומות פחות מתויירים, למשל בניין דירות ישן שהפכו לבניין מסעדות.
      לאחר הסיור המעניין המשכתי להסתובב לבד במרכז העיר, בעיקר במוזיאון המלחמה ובשוק המקומי.
      בערב יצאנו לערב במה פתוחה בבר מקומי ולאחר מכן שכרנו חדר קריוקי עתיר תקלות, היה קטעים 🍻
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Hội trường Thống Nhất, Hoi truong Thong Nhat

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