Suối Hu

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Viaggiatori in questo posto
    • Giorno 81

      Day 81

      26 aprile, Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Sapa & Cat Cat Village

      After another much needed sleep, I ended up sleeping till past 10am which was much later than I had hoped to but I needed to. The plan was to meet up with Michelle from the Ha Giang Loop so I rushed to pack my bags to check out and then headed out. The plan was to rent a scooter and ride about so I walked to Mr Mung's Motorbike Rental, handed my passport over to a random lady on the side of the street and then voila, I had a scooter.

      Michelle couldn't really ride a scooter so I was her easy driver for the day. She hopped on the back and our roles were set out - she had to direct and I had to drive. Fortunately for her, once we were out of Sapa it was just a straight road. Fansipan is the tallest mountain in Vietnam, so was a fairly prominent feature in the landscape. Unfortunately you either had to pay a guide to take you up, or pay for the cable cart and both were fairly expensive. Instead we decided to take the road that went around Fansipan to try and get some good views. Just like any range of mountains, they were beautiful and there were some nice spots to stop off on the way. The whole way was downhill so I could pretty much not use the throttle the entire way down (unless I got impatient).

      Unfortunately the road was too big to do a full loop so when we got to the bottom of the long down slope, we turned around and headed back up. Our mission now was to find somewhere that sold food as I hadn't had any breakfast and it was now lunch time. You'd think this would be easy but most places on Google Maps didn't exist and most signs for restaurants seemed to be for decoration. We found a small place on the side of the road that I spotted on the way down and managed to order some food using Google Translate.

      We made our way back up the hill which for our little scooter proved harder than coming down. We stopped a couple times on the way up, once for a waterfall which we decided against after a group said it wasn't worth it, and then a little further up at a mystery set of stairs. We parked up, climbed the stairs and Google translated the sign: "Chineese Doctor Cemetary". I went to and turn around but Michelle said we might aswell keep going, so we hung out at a cemetery for a while. Hopefully it wasn't as disrespectful as it might have felt. A small while later, we left the cemetery and kept going.

      After trying to keep up with a motorcycle group and failing, we made our way back to Sapa. Having some more time in the day, we went to Cat Cat, a small H'mong village right next to Sapa. The road down was steep, busy, under construction, and for some reason, wet - meaning it was a not very nice drive down. We paid for entry, then parked up at the bottom of what we thought was a path up to a café. Unfortunately the café was one building over and this lead to an abandoned café fenced off to the main path. Luckily for us some kids showed us a way to get past the fence which seemed super dodgy looking but we went for it anyways.

      The village itself had a really weird vibe. It seemed like it was meant to be a local authentic village but had been exploited into becoming a tourist hub meaning the culture was now focused on selling "handmade" things to tourists and having things for tourists to see and do. Tourists were also dressed up in the local colourful clothing in a theme park gimmicky kind of way. It really felt inauthentic and I wasn't enjoying a fan. What certainly didn't help was the music playing out of speakers all over, making it feel like a D tier Disney. We didn't explore everything but there was some nice bridges, a nice waterfall, as well as some goats and sheep in a pen. Around sunset the theme park - I mean the village was closing so we made our way back out and up the terrible road.

      I dropped Michelle back at her homestay before I picked my bags up from mine and headed to my 2nd homestay in Sapa. I checked in for 2 nights as I still wasn't sure how long I wanted to stay for, then returned my bike to Mr Mung, and chilled for a bit at my new homestay. I met back up with Michelle in the evening at a restaurant that supposedly did decent Vegetarian food according to TripAdvisor. I enjoyed an okay Bun Cha before I headed back to the homestay. I had a shave and a shower then had an early night as I was still trying to recover from Ha Giang.
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    • Giorno 18

      sapa second day - bike and bike

      30 marzo 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      like yesterday it started with rain therefore we slow paced the morning.

      waiting in the lobby we started with green tea waiting on the rain to pass by.

      not far from the hotel we had our breakfast next to an open fire with a gorgeous view into the valley.

      first time hot top - I like!

      We skipped the hike - went the other direction - this time 1 bike only. gorgeous views.

      4.20 pickup with bus - night train Hanoi
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    • Giorno 50

      Coong Coffee & Homestay in SaPa

      3 marzo 2019, Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Das Hostel isch soo schöö gmacht, dassi dem gad en ganze Post widme mues.
      Das Hostel isch mit soo viel liebi designt, dassi inzwüsche scho über e wuche z SaPa bin.
      Das Hostel isch vu soo coole lüt gführt, dass mer die letzte Täg hauptsächlich Rommé spielend a dene diverse Chiller-Plätz vebroocht hend. 😀Leggi altro

    • Giorno 6

      Sa Pa Stone Church

      16 settembre 2015, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Sehr kleine aber wunderschöne Stadt❤️ Die Strassen sind ein wenig konfus, aber die Aussicht bzw die ganze Region ist unglaublich.
      Die Hmong s sind zu Anfang ein wenig gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber gute Verkäufer 😉 und super hübschLeggi altro

    • Giorno 5

      Cat cat village & more

      12 luglio 2019, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Also dafür dass der Tag so beschissen angefangen hat - hat er ziemlich gut geendet....

      Nachdem ich heute morgen komplett deprimiert erst einmal wieder ins Bett gefallen bin habe ich erfolgreich bis 12 Uhr geschlafen... Das tat ziemlich gut da die vergangen Nächte kurz und die Tage sehr lang waren...
      Um 12 hat mich aber mein schlechtes Gewissen geweckt, ganz naxh dem Motto "ich bin ja nicht zum Spaß hier".... Und dann gings erstmal an den Reiseführer und ins internet, (man will es nicht glauben aber ja die armen bergvolker im tiefsten Vietnam die wirklich nichts besitzen, aber ja genau diese besitzen WiFi) um zu recherchieren was man hier noch so alles tolles machen kann. Denn so organisiert wie ich bin habe ich trotzdem keinen Plan gehabt.
      Der Reiseführer gab so einiges her aber mama muya meine Gastgeberin wollte all diese Touren nur für teures Geld für mich machen... Das war mir zu blöd. "dann eben alleine" dachte ich mir. Und so habe ich dann 5 min später mit Rucksack und allem drum und dran mein homestay auf eigene Faust verlassen - into the jungle🌴🌳

      Eine ungefähre Route hatte ich aber wie und wo und wann dafür gab's kein Plan. Zunächst einmal musste ich mein Dorf namens "Thao Hong Deh" (das 5.dorf nach sapa) verlassen und dann den Fluss überqueren... Leichter gesagt als getan denn die brucke für die Überquerung ist sehr viel weiter nördlich als das Ende des Dorfes. Auf meinem Weg dorthin habe ich mich einfach durchegfrat und sogar eine vietnamesische tourguid gefunden an die ich mich einfach rangehängt habe.

      1.dorf: Ta van
      CA 30 min Weiter bis zum 2. Dorf: Lao chai.
      Dort wurde ich von vielen Kindern und Händlern umzingelt, angequatscht, bequatscht... Bis ich dann auch letztendlich irgendwas gekauft habe.

      Irgendwann hat sich dann einfach Mama chuh an mich gehängt. Zunächst wollte ich sie einfach nur los werden, weil das alleine laufen wirklich gut tat und angenehm war, später stellte sich aber heraus dass sie wirklich notwendig war.

      Wir kamen so zum nächsten Dorf- sehr unscheinbar mitten in den Reisfelder - namens yo linh ho. Bis dahin Noch alles easy.
      Die Wege klein und steil aber übersichtlich und absolut machbar. Auch mein 10kg schwerer Rucksack stellte kein Problem da.
      Als es aber dann zum Anstieg nach Cat cat village kam wurde es ein bisschen tricky.
      Wir sind quasi komplett im jungle gelaufen (alleine hätte ich den Weg nie gefunden) und nur auf kleinen trampelpfaden... Also ganz nach meinem Geschmack (aber mit all dem Gepäck und gedöns schon eine kleine Herausforderung)...
      Es war sehr abenteuerhaft aber ich fand es einfach nur geil 😍
      Dafür war das Ziel das Cat cat village (welches in all den Reiseführern so hoch geprisen wird) völlig überlaufen.
      Ich musste sogar Eintritt zahlen...
      Von dort gings weiter nach sapa. Für mich persönlich keine schöne Stadt da überall sehr viel Kitsch ist und alles nur auf Touristen ausgerichtet ist.
      Von hier nehme ich wieder den schlafbus der über Nacht fährt nach ha giang!
      ... Und hier sitze ich nun im Bus und habe sogar ein super nettes Mädchen kennen gelernt die auch alleine reist und auch deutsche ist. Wir werden morgen wahrscheinlich erstmal unseren Tag zusammen verbringen - also Jackpot.
      Allem in allem ein ziemlich erfolgreicher Tag 🌞😊
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    • Giorno 4

      Traditional Home

      14 aprile 2019, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      We had the opportunity to see into the home of a family on our trek. It was so very small, and they also use the top floor area as a store room for corn they dry to feed the pigs and chickens. Even got to see a jar of snakes!Leggi altro

    • Giorno 4

      Cat Cat Village

      14 aprile 2019, Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      In the afternoon we went on a trek with our guide and her 3 month old baby girl to the Cat Cat village of the Black H’mong near the bottom of a deep valley at the foot of Fansipan Peak. Black H’mong women are famous for making cloth from hemp and dying it a deep indigo blue. I even rubbed the indigo tree leaves in my hands! They wear long blouses decorated with batik flowers over short trousers and they wrap long scarves around their legs. We then went to the valley bottom to the foot of a stunning waterfall and the remains of a hydroelectric power station constructed during Vietnam’s French colonial times. Trekking distance was about 3.9 kms and took about 2 1/2 hours.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 42

      Sa Pa Trekking Tour Tag 2

      12 novembre 2018, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Tag 2 der Tour hat den ersten Teil noch getoppt: sind im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes über Stock und Stein, durch Bambuswälder, Reisterrassen und Flussbette gewandert. Unsere Hmong Frau hat uns gezeigt, wie man aus Farnen Herzen bastelt und uns auch einiges über die einzelnen Dörfer erzählt. Die Dörfer können untereinander schwer kommunizieren, alle sprechen ihre eigene Sprache; manche sprechen nicht mal vietnamesisch. Die Menschen leben nahezu isoliert von der Außenwelt, die meisten haben ihre Dörfer noch nie verlassen.
      Nachmittags sind wir dann aus Ta Van abgeholt worden und zurück nach Sa Pa gekommen. Wurden von Chi, der Leiterin des Hostels bekocht und hatten einen netten Abend mit zwei Portugiesinnen.
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    • Giorno 79

      Sapa Eden Hotel, Sapa

      15 marzo 2016, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Vi ankom tidligt om morgenen til Sapa, hvor vi blev hentet og kørt til vores hotel Sapa Eden Hotel. Her fik vi morgenmad, og så tog vi afsted på vandretur i bjergene de næste 5-6 timer. I starten var det meget tåget, hvilket kun blev tydeligere på billeder, men vejret klarede heldigvis op i løbet af dagen. Da vi kom hjem lå vi på værelset, hvor vi fik en lille morfar. Om aftenen spiste vi på hotellet, så film på værelset og faldt derefter tidligt i søvn, så vi var klar til dagen efter.
      På anden dagen var vi endnu en gang ude og vandre tidligt på dagen. Turen varede dog kun 4 timer, og vi var derfor tilbage ved frokost. Efter frokost besteg vi Fansipan, der er Vietnams højeste bjerg. Måden vi besteg bjerget på, var vha. verdens længste cable car (6 km). Undervejs gyngede vognen ret meget grundet en meget voldsom blæst. På toppen var udsigten helt fantastisk, og vejret var klart nok til at man kunne se alle de andre bjergtoppe. Om aftenen blev vi kørt til Lao Cai, hvor vi blev smidt på nattoget til Hanoi.
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    • Giorno 16

      The perfume pagoda - Vietnam

      4 aprile 2016, Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      So, I decided to go to the perfume pagoda after my friends described it to me as a "mystic" experience. According to them, the way to the park where you can climb to the temple, was an amazing experience. Needless to say, my expectations were very high (classic mistake #1). I booked a tour, and for starters it took us 3 hours to get to the pier where you catch the boat to the pagoda. The bus was full of vietnamesses, me and a French girl. Naturally, the guide didn't feel the need to speak English to us, and just did Vietnamese the whole way. Ergo, we didn't know what was going in the whole way. The driver stopped in three places, for 20 minutes at a time, where there was nothing else for us to do but to shop for something. ANNOYING. When we finally got to the pier, we waited around a bit more for other tours to join us so we could fill in boats. Our boat rower was an (apparently) nice old lady who politely introduced herself, and was particularly interested in knowing about me. So far, so good. She rowed for two minutes across the pier, where we stopped for another 20 or so minutes, again, purely a shopping stop. When we finally started our way up the river to the park that houses the temple, it was nice. The water is quiet, and the scenery is beautiful. There are mountains in the backdrop and rice fields. Ducks swim by. And the locals which overfill boats all say hello to the "whities" boats. Once we got to the pier, i could immediately see what this visit would be about. It's full of shops, shops, shops, shops everywhere. We had a decent lunch, and then our group got separated into two; the people who had paid for the cable cart to take them to the top of the mountain, and us, the people who chose to walk up. A piece of advice here: if you absolutely want to see this place, which i strongly recommend against, pay and get the cable cart up. The hike is tiring yes. But that's not the worst part. The one hour super steep climb up is between two rows of shops, a sea of people going down, people on microphones advertising what they sell, people trying to grab you and lure you in to their shops. And it's hot, and humid, and at no point can you see what I'm sure would otherwise be a gorgeous view. You finally get to the temple, which is embedded in a impresssive gigantic cave. And no matter how you got up there, this is a sight worth going up there for. The temple is crowded with people worshiping and bringing in offerings. And its decorated with flowers and candles. People rub their money in the sacred water that drips down the caves columns for good luck. It is nice.
      We row back to the minivans two hours late (and I'm certain I'll miss my next tour. Although this seems to not matter at all to our unhelpful guide) The way back is again pleasant. The views are beautiful.
      We get close and our rower demands her tip (many many tired). We all gave her around a dollar, but this couple had ran out of change so they gave her what they had left. Boy, was she mad. And she wasn't having it. She demanded more money, if not from them, from the rest of us. And she refused to row us back to then pier until she got more money. Needless to say, a very tense moment. To be faur to the couple, we were never advised that we should carry change for tip, and we had already paid quite a bit for a very disappointing tour. In sum, I'm glad I got to experience the river and seen the pagoda. Was it worth the 25 USD I paid for the tour? Would I do it again? Probably not.
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