Tỉnh Quảng Ninh

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    • Dag 4

      Ha Long Bay

      28. marts, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Bij aankomst in Ha Long maken we gebruik van de mogelijkheid om in een watervliegtuig over de Ha Long Bay te vliegen. Helaas was het behoorlijk bewolkt, daardoor wat donkere foto's, maar toch een geweldige ervaring. Blij dat we dit gedaan hebben.Læs mere

    • Dag 4

      Ha Long Bay

      28. marts, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Na ons vlieg avontuur stapten we aan boord om te genieten van de prachtige omgeving. Ha Long Bay staat op de werelderfgoedlijst en dat is niet voor niets. Het gebied telt meer dan vierhonderd rots eilandjes. Prachtig om te zien ook al is het hier vaak bewolkt. Dit zorgt echter wel voor een bijzondere ietwat sinistere sfeer. Je kunt hier ook makkelijk verdwalen als je de weg niet weet. Jammer van al die troep in het water. We bezochten ook nog een strandje en 's avonds werden we verwend met een heerlijk diner.Læs mere

    • Dag 30

      Afslapning på vandet i Ha Long Bay🌊🪨

      5. april, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Så er vi tilbage fra nogle afslappende dage på vandet i Ha Long bugten, eller nærmere bestemt i Bai Tu Long bugten, som er en lidt mindre turistet del af området ⛵

      Her har vi sejlet rundt på et lille skib med bare 12 kahytter. Overalt i bugten stikker der store og små klippeformationer op, som er virkelig smukke at se på. Undervejs har vi haft mulighed for at hoppe i nogle kajakker, så vi også havde mulighed for at komme helt tæt på klipperne. På andendagen lagde vi til ved en lille strand, hvorfra man kunne komme ind til en grotte, der havde været beboet af de indfødte for 18-20.000 år siden 🛶

      Vi fik desuden mulighed for at besøge en flydende landsby, hvor de havde fiskefarme og dyrkede perleøsters 🦪

      Om bord på skibet blev der serveret en masse lækker fisk og skaldyr, og om aftenen drak vi cocktails og talte med de andre gæster 🍹🍸

      Vi havde to overnatninger på skibet, så der var også lidt tid til lidt afslapning med en bog eller en lille lur 📚😴

      Som det sidste inden vi sejlede tilbage til land, skulle vi ind og se en stor grotte, der lå skjult i en af de mange klippeøer.

      Nu er vi tilbage i Hanoi og venter på, at der bliver aften, så vi kan komme med nattoget mod midten af landet 🚂😁
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    • Dag 19

      Halong Bay

      27. april, Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Morgens bin ich zu Fuß in die Stadt. Bzw. an den Strand gelaufen. Mit schönem Leuchtturm.
      Mittags gings dann mit dem Boot in die Halongbucht, auch bekannt aus Filmen... Dort sind wir in eine Kalksteinhöhle. Alles sehr faszinierend. Es gab ein Loch in der Decke durch das die Sonne blitzen konnte.
      Das Wetter ist Heiß und die Luftfeuchtigkeit sehr hoch.🥵
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    • Dag 709

      Ha Lông

      14. juni, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      Gestern Nachmittag Ankunft in Ha Long. Bin in ein Hotel und hab nicht mehr viel unternommen. Hitze und Gegenwind haben mich bisschen müde gemacht. Heute versucht den Stadtberg zu besteigen. Schwieriges Unterfangen weil mich von denjenigen, die nicht gestikuliert haben, dass es nicht möglich wäre bzw gesperrt ist, mich jeder in eine andere Richtung geschickt hat. Zumindest habe ich dabei den Berg mindestens 1 1/2 mal umrundet. Man kommt wohl nicht hoch, obwohl das ein super Aussichtspunkt auf die Bucht wäre. Besuch auf dem Fischmarkt und nachmittags zum Riesenrad und Tempel gelaufen. Anscheinend ist das nicht vorgesehen, weil eine Seilbahn hochfährt und ich hätte Eintritt zahlen müssen. Über den Zaun geklettert und es hat geklappt. Geschwitzt heute wieder, wie schon lange nicht mehr.Læs mere

    • Dag 4

      Ha Long Long Ha Bays

      27. september 2019, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Ha Long Bay. I first read about this area a limestone karsts almost thirty years ago. Sea Kayak magazine ran a trip repo on the place. It was relatively empty then, it's pretty much packed now. Manh from Vietnam Real Tours booked us a trip to the lesser traveled Long Ha bay.

      This was the first cruise that Nancy and I had ever been on and I have to admit it was pretty plush. We participated in most of the activities. Kayaking, bicycling, swimming, and a cooking class. We skipped sunrise yoga in favor of staying in bed.

      We cycled to a small village on Cat Ba island for a wine tasting. Cat Ba translates to 'Women's Island' and is about 100x larger than nearby 'Man's Island'. The rice wine tasting was special in that it took several forms based on whatever was being pickled in the wine. Most of the concoctions were brewed with plants and herbs to be beneficial to women's health. Vitality, cancer prevention, smooth skin, youthful appearance. The men's concoctions were brewed with scorpion and snake and dedicated to stamina and fertility.

      Don and I took part in a cooking class/competition. Things were fine until he brought in a ringer from the audience to coach him on the finer points. Despite the shenanigans it all turned out to be delicious.
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    • Dag 27

      Abends an Bord

      9. marts 2020, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Der Sonnenuntergang paart sich mit aufkommendem Nebel zu einem sehr schönen Schauspiel. Ich chille mit den witzigen Belgiern und Mr. Morning bei Bier an Deck. Der Griesgram ist Geschichte, ich bekomme eine Flasche Wein geschenkt und wir haben viel Spaß beim Dinner. 🥳Læs mere

    • Dag 3

      Grateful, stairs and plastic...

      21. oktober 2022, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      After enjoying a delightful fusion of Western and Eastern breakfast options (Mum said she'll try the soup for breakfast the next day... Baby steps) the tour group climbed the stairs of their first Vietnamese bus, standing in the middle of the barely-big-enough-for-two-lanes road and blocking the infinite flow of motorbike riders on their way to work. The women are astonishing: they ride these scooter bikes in their most beautiful heels, all dressed up for another day of work in Vietnam.

      We met our Local tour guide for the next two days. James is the name he prefers for us westerners. His wit and absolute comfort speaking about anything from important political figures visiting the country, the great Vietnam war, the 4 holy animals to rice farming was just an absolute delight. And then he said something that encompassed the heart and trials of Vietnam: "You are helping our economy by visiting us in our country and hopefully you will go home and tell other people to come here. Thank you from my heart for choosing Vietnam."

      The humility and gratefulness this young tour guide displayed to our group of very vocal westerners seemed lost on the group. Within that one sentence he poured out his fellow countrymen's hopes, trials and realities.
      Before covid Vietnam welcomed 25 million tourists a year. "Now we are hoping to achieve the goal of 5 million, maybe 5.1 million" he says chuckling at his own joke. The average wage of a farmer during harvest months ( harvest only happens twice a year) is 150 USD. Equates to R2700.
      My thoughts immediately flashed back to the woman on the street desperately trying to sell me and my mum a pair of conical hats. Every time I politely refused she would negotiate her price downwards. Until eventually we walked away mildly irritated, oblivious to the need we just refused to address. This woman never stopped smiling, didn't even show a hint of disappointment during the entire exchange, never trying to make her reality our burden.

      As the neverending stream of very narrow buildings passed the windows of the small tour bus, the spaces between buildings appeared to grow, nature seemed to force itself in between the abandoned buildings, tiny shops and houses that look like they've been handed down for generations. Electrical lines bunched up in front of the busier sections weighing down the straw-like poles, "garbage trucks" (manned by women mostly) comprising of an oversized wheelbarrow. Not motorised.

      After 2 hours, we stopped at a tourist attraction that seemed to attract every single tour bus from Hanoi. Inside were a dozen or more workers, hunched over their latest embroidery project, meticulously hand sewing A3 sized pictures of life in Vietnam. The prices mirrored the target market, but the effort put into every single piece was obvious. Again a testimony of the work ethic the Vietnamese hold.
      Finally, after 4 hours we arrived at our destination. Halong Bay. From the bus we jumped onto a junk boat (smaller boat that takes you to the bigger boat). At first I couldn't see the resemblance to the photos I had seen. But as we got closer to the destination the captain chose, the massive and almost threatening lime stone structures stretched towards the sky, hawks flying perimeter around the tops. The sheer beauty of this display made the group stop their meal several times during lunch time to behold the majesty of it all. Smaller fishing boats were floating around the bigger tourist boats in the bay. The paths taken are strictly allocated by the government, James declared. Water levels can differ by up to 2 meters between high and low tide. Our first adventure brought us to a famous enclosed almost volcano like limestone giant that could be accessed by canoe through a peep hole at the bottom. The serenity of the surroundings stood in stark contrast to the plastic bags and caps spotted in several places in the water. If you kept looking up at the wall of green and limestone around you, however, you wouldn't have noticed anything wrong with this picture.

      Later on I had to climb what seems like Mount Everest to get to the most beautiful view of a large part of Halong Bay. The green engulfed me while I tried catching my breath every 20 steps I took up the stone stairs. The occasional conquerer of Mount Everest would give words of encouragement when seeing my face (tomato colour) and how my knees would periodically knock on in each other for mechanical support.
      Finally I made it. And yes it was worth it. Yes, I will be starting a strict exercise routine when back home. Yes, I did make a bee-line straight from the stairs into the mildly sketchy Halong bay water for a much deserved swim...
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    • Dag 57

      Halong Bay, 13th January 2023

      13. januar 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Blimey Moses the bed was hard last night. I had a double room to myself, two double beds to boot, but the mattress is a thick sheet on top of wood boards :(
      Still, it's cheap again (£7.00 per night) and I only have one more night here.
      Just when I was falling out of love with travelling, and growing to actively dislike most things about Vietnam, I ended up at Halong Bay on the North East coast of Vietnam.
      Open any guide book on Vietnam and this place comes up pretty often as one of the go-to's.
      The boat tour of the famous bay started off in gloomy, misty conditions. It didn't bode well. However the photos looked moody and a tiny bit spooky. As the day went on the mist cleared and the sun jolly well came out with it's hat on.
      We sailed around some of the rock formations in the bay, went kayaking or 'bamboo boating' around an enclosed lake through a hole in the rocks (photos) and explored a really impressive cave system. Lunch on the boat was damned good grub - as has been the case lately.
      After sailing on a bit further, we had a hike up one of the bigger rocks to a viewing platform. This is the photo opportunity spot that features in all the publicity material - for good reason.
      Last up was a stop at a cracking little beach, which some people had got the right info about swimming (but which I was told wasn't included).
      The sun was fully out now and the afternoon was hot and gorgeous.
      Thank you Halong Bay.
      I didn't feel I'd missed out on visiting Lan Ha Bay as I originally planned.
      Back to Halong city, sorted out my travel arrangements for tomorrow and the day. after, another tasty meal at the Vietnamese place across the road from my hotel, write this and turn in.
      Today was a good day.
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    • Dag 300

      Ha Long Bay Day 2

      16. januar 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Um 6 Uhr gibt es eine Taichi Stunde und Frühstück. Anschließend fahren wir mit einem kleinen Boot durch eine Höhle mit Stalaktiten in der Nähe der größten Insel Cat Ba. Danach macht sich das Schiff schon wieder auf den Rückweg, wir genießen unser Luxus Zimmer und sehen die vielen Felsen vorbeiziehen. Der Legende nach entstand die Bucht durch einen Drachen, der nahe am Meer in den Bergen lebte. Als er zur Küste lief, zog er mit seinem Schwanz tiefe Furchen in das Land, das vom Meer überflutet wurde, nachdem der Drache ins Wasser abgetaucht war.
      Nach dem Mittagessen geht es mit einem kleinen Boot zurück zum Hafen und von dort mit dem Bus nach Hanoi.
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    Tỉnh Quảng Ninh, Tinh Quang Ninh

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