August - October 2023
Travelling to Dubai, Italy, France and Singapore Read more
  • 25footprints
  • 7countries
  • 51days
  • 206photos
  • 30videos
  • 39.5kkilometers
  • 35.1kkilometers
  • Day 46

    Days 44 and 45

    October 3, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    Day 44
    Day 2 of Battlefields tour.

    Photos - 1 and 2- after attending a short rememberance ceremony at the Menin Gates we had dinner with our guide at a really nice hotel in Ypres, Belgium called the Depot. Volunteers conduct this service which includes playing the last post at 8pm 365 nights a year in appreciation of all those who served - an incredible comittment
    Photo 3 - Tyne Cot - largest Commonwealth war cemetery in the world
    Photo 4 - letter advising parents their son is deceased
    Photo 5 - remains of caterpillar mine crater - one of a series of mines that were placed along the German front line by tunnelling

    Day 45
    The tour of The Catacombs in Paris is approximately 2 km long and deep underground. It contains the bones of over 6 million people. There's 140 steps to go down and 112 to get out. The height dips to 5' 11" in some places. It's a bit freaky down there quite macabre and a bit eerie. Thankfully reasonably well lit !!

    Photos 6 and 7- Catacomb's tunnels
    Photos 8 - 10 - bones

    Last night in Paris heading for Singapore via Dubai tomorrow night.
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  • Day 48

    Day 46 and 47

    October 5, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

    Day 46 - our last day in Paris. We visited Musee d l'orangie which houses 8 of the great water lillies compositions by Monet. They are each in egg shaped rooms and are 2 metres tall and between 6 and 17 metres in length, making a total of approximately 100 metres. Fancy dragging John through an art gallery on his last day. We then went to St Germain area of Paris to a recommended cafe with a very limited menu. We had to stand in line and wait as there were only about 10 small tables. The waitress spoke to us in the line and said they were running out of food so she told us what was left in case we didnt want to stay. We left Paris that night for Dubai.

    Dat 47 - arrived in a Dubai late after having to circle for a while then boarded the plane for Singapore. Its hot in the plane and we are told we will be leaving 40 minutes late, which surprised the airline stewardess. Eventually got going 1 hour late. But then got to a beautiful hotel in Singapore at midnight.

    Photo 1 and Video 1 - Monet's water lillies
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  • Day 50

    Day 48 and 49

    October 7, 2023 in Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

    Day 48 - Second last day of our trip - now in Singapore to break-up the trip home. We went over to the Marina Bay area, where there is a light show each night.

    Photo 1 and 2 - views from the hotel room
    Video 1 - Marina Bay complex - includes casino and huge high end shopping mall

    Day 49 - trip to Gardens by the Bay - 101 hectares of gardens including the Cloud Forest which is home to the worlds tallest indoor waterfalls and a lush mountain clad with plants from around the world. Also saw the Flower Dome which is the largest greenhouse in the world.

    Photos 3 - 9 Cloud Forest
    Video 2 - Cloud Forest
    Photos 10, 11 - Flower Dome
    Photo 12 - Complimentary high tea (smoko) at the hotel
    Photo 13 - Qantas lounge, ready to come home

    Many thanks to all of you who have followed along. Hope the posts havent been too long-winded but they are a record for us.

    Should be in Brisbane about 6.35am tomorrow (Monday) morning.
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  • Day 52

    Brisbane airport

    October 9, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    Woohoo just landed back in Oz !! Even though this has been the trip of a lifetime for us it's always great to be home. We really got lucky with the weather just one partly rainy day. Cheers everyone