Herb & Martha Discover America

April 2018 - June 2024
I am a recently retired nurse and my husband and I have just sold our house and we are going to full-time RV until we get tired of it.
There is so much of this country that I haven't seen. Herb has seen a lot more of it, but it was 50 yrs ago.
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Currently traveling
  • 44footprints
  • 1countries
  • 2,234days
  • 335photos
  • 2videos
  • 9.5kmiles
  • 4.8kmiles
  • Day 147

    Sedate Adventures During Shoulder Rehab.

    September 14, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    Wow! It's been awhile, huh? We've been ensconced at the Albuquerque KOA since July 22—Herb had his rotator cuff surgery on Aug. 17. The surgery went well and he's 4 wks. out now and rehab is going extremely well. He is [mostly] pain-free.

    My daughter, Sarah Eishen, turned 50 last Thurs. and she and husband Jeff with the assistance of Marissa Eishen, Jeff's cousin and Sarah’s daughter-of-the-heart, put together a massive party with a live band, bartender, and tons of food, plus a massive cake. There were about 50 guests (not counting the 6 dogs and 2 cat/dogs—cats that think they’re dogs). Since Herb was still in the midst of his rehab, we didn’t want to miss more than one session and since he couldn’t drive we loaded our stuff for the weekend and the dogs into the car and drove to San Diego for the party. The dogs boarded with Sarah—a dicey prospect since her group of dogs: the ones she owns, the new greyhound 4-mo old puppy she just acquired, the boarders and the day care dogs, have all had giardia diarrhea going from one to another. We stayed at the Inn at Miramar Marine Corps Air Station and couldn’t keep the dogs there. So far my dogs don’t have it.

    However, the party was a great success and a good time was had by all. Jeff put together a wonderful video of her life [so far]: <https://goo.gl/fqp8NS&gt;. She has had so many physical accomplishments: doing the Susan G Komen 100 mile bike race, finished a marathon, ran many half-marathons, in addition to stand-up paddle-boarding that it’s hard to remember that she has had MS since 1998!

    We did break free for one afternoon to go down to Pacific Beach to take some pictures, which I have included.

    As I write this, we are stopped for the night in Scottsdale. Tomorrow we head back to Albuquerque. But not for long. We plan to leave Sept 26 for a few days in El Paso, then we’ll be in Fredericksburg, TX for a month, before heading further South for the winter. It’s been eating at us to have this wonderful new Class A RV that has yet to get on the road! Watching the constant flow of RVs coming in and out of the KOA really makes us want to hit the road again!
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  • Day 158

    "Lucy" Travels to Ft Bliss RV Park

    September 25, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

    We saw the PA on Tues., Sept 24 and he gave us the all-clear to hit the road with some restrictions and a list of exercises. We had our last family dinner of 2018. Kerry and Vince’s living arrangements have changed and Kerry and the boys are moving back with her mother; Vince is going to rent a room from Jesse.

    We had left our vociferous Tonkinese cat with Vince in May since he had not tolerated travel in the Class C. But we needed to take him back—we thought he would do better in the Class A with so much more room, and so far he has—or he’s afraid to raise too much of a fuss or we’ll make him go back with all those other cats (7 at last count, I believe).

    We left Albuquerque the morning of Sept. 26 and drove the 4 or so hours to El Paso. We checked in the Ft Bliss RV Park and settled down for a few days. The new RV drove well and we have decided to call her Lucy. It’s a comfortable home, and well-built. They used top materials and good design—but the workmanship is deplorable! We still have things that need fixing. The vacuum toilet still leaks even after it’s been back to La Mesa RV twice. The problem is intermittent which makes it hard to find. Then, when we left the KOA in ABQ, the power step wouldn’t retract. After talking to the Fleetwood company, repairs will be done October 18 at Ancira RV in Alvarado, TX. Amazingly, they have they’re own RV park next to the maintenance facility for people like us who live in their rigs.

    As many of you know (or may not) I am from El Paso. I lived here from 1945-1965, then moved back with husband #2, 1976-1983. I was pretty much of a nonentity in high school; I can only imagine how I might have been bullied if I had been in high school in the age of social media, but I wasn’t and I turned into a self-sufficient woman. Since the advent of Facebook, I have reconnected with more than a few old classmates. Friday night we had dinner with a few of those classmates, and it was wonderful! We’re in our seventies and we have nothing to prove to anybody!

    Tomorrow we leave El Paso and drive to Fredericksburg, TX where we will stay for a month. We will be there for Oktoberfest and Burges HS classes of ’63 and ’64 are having a mini-reunion in conjunction with Oktoberfest on Oct. 6.7.8, so I should have some good pics!
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  • Day 167

    Luckenbach, TX

    October 4, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

    We got here October 1 for a month-long stay and one of the must-do things was to go to Luckenbach, TX.

    Luckenbach was originally established as a community trading post and the German settlers and the Comanche Indians entered into a peace treaty, which was one of only a few that was never broken. By the 1960s it was almost a ghost town. A newspaper advertisement offering "town—pop. 3— for sale" led Hondo Crouch, a rancher and Texas folklorist, to buy Luckenbach for $30,000 in 1970, in partnership with Kathy Morgan and actor Guich Koock. Crouch used the town's rights as a municipality to govern the dance hall as he saw fit.

    It entered the 1970s zeitgeist as an icon of country music the summer of 1973 when Jerry Jeff Walker recorded the live album, "Viva Terlingua" at the Luckenbach dance hall--the album became an outlaw country classic.

    In 1977, after Crouch's death in 1976, Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson further vaulted Luckenbach into the national spotlight with the #1 country and #25 Pop charting song "Luckenbach, Texas (Back to the Basics of Love)." It has since become a part of every country music fan’s bucket list.

    It’s a fun place on a very low-key scale. The buildings date back 150 yrs or more and there’s lots of music. Here are some of the pictures…
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  • Day 168

    Oktoberfest, Fredricksburg, TX

    October 5, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 84 °F

    We arrived in Fredricksburg, TX, October 1, got set up in our new spot in Fredricksburg RV Park (we’ll be here for the whole month),. We decided on this spot because Les Fenter and Tim Stanley concocted a very informal mini-reunion of those who graduated from Burges High School, El Paso, TX any year from ’62-’67.

    We ended up with some 20 so who showed up and we all seemed to have had a good time. We combined our gathering with Oktoberfest which is a BIG DEAL in this town that was the center of German immigration starting in 1846. https://tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles…

    They really do Oktoberfest big here. Lots of German peasant dresses and generations of handed-down lederhosen, and beer, LOTS and LOTS OF BEER! Not to mention wonderful weinerschnitzel, Jägerschnitzel, sauerbraten, bratwurst, http://www.visitfredericksburgtx.com/events/38t…

    Fredricksburg, and Central Texas in general, has become a hot bed of wineries. There are 17 on a small stretch of US 290 between Fredricksburg and Johnson City. Sunday, we took a little winery tour with another couple. Earl Bean and I both graduated from Burges HS in 1963 and he and his wife, Annette, and Herb and I had a really lovely time. We had wine tasting of some very nice wines and we saw some gorgeous scenery! I’ve never been to Europe, and it’s likely I never will unless Herb wins the lottery, but the scenery looked like I imagine Tuscany must.
    My chosen blog site gives me pretty must unlimited space for writing, but only 10 pictures, I have a series of posts with just pictures. Stay tuned!
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  • Day 168

    A few Burges High School Grads

    October 5, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 84 °F

    This was a VERY informal gathering of Burges High School, El Paso, TX, graduates from various years in the 1960s. (Making us official geezers!) I didn't actually get pictures of everybody who was there, and for that I apologize--notable arrivals who didn't get pictured are Mary Lewis Hensley and Katie Lewis O'Toole. Here are the pictures I did get:Read more

  • Day 197

    Lubbock, TX, Airpark RV Park

    November 3, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

    As my normal Facebook followers are aware, we have had recurrent problems with our vacuum toilet leaking in our new 2018 Fleetwood Southwind. It has been investigated no fewer than 5 times in the last couple of months. This time we left Fredricksburg RV Park on Tuesday for a 7:30 am appt. Wed morning at the REV Technical Center (Fleetwood manufacturer’s service center) just south of Ft Worth, we planned to stay for at least three days, because whenever we leave the facility, it starts leaking again within 48 hrs.

    Once again, they could not find anything, so we planned to drive to Lubbock Friday morning, but Friday morning it leaked again so Herb ran over to the service center(they have an electric/water campground next to the facility) to get the supervisor to come look. He thought it might be due to a valve or possibly the shower, so they took it back in and replaced the valve and caulked the shower. They got done by 1 pm but it was a long 6-hr drive to Lubbock.

    We had trouble finding a campground in Lubbock—none had any vacancies, but we lucked into a new RV park near the airport. It was so new that we were the first ones to stay here! It will be good I think when they get finished with it. The owner came out and helped us get set up.

    Herb’s oldest friend in the whole world lives here and since today, Nov. 3rd, is Herb’s 72nd birthday, we will allow Joe and family the honor of buying him dinner here!!

    We will head to Albuquerque on Monday. We had originally planned to go to Corpus Christi after Fredricksburg then on to Florida for the winter, but decided that since we had no intention of ever owning another house, we need to get rid of the stuff we left in storage that is costing nearly $300/mo. So we will spend a couple of weeks arranging that, then head west for the winter. San Diego RV parks are exorbitantly priced, but we found a reasonably priced one in Hemet, an hours’ drive to San Diego. We’ll be there until middle of February—Herb has medical appts in ABQ in March.
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  • Day 270

    Semi-Hibernation in Hemet, CA

    January 15, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 48 °F

    Wow! It’s been way too long since I’ve posted anything. I just looked at Finding Penguins and realized my last post was two and a half months ago today, when we were in Lubbock! I apologize for the neglect.

    We headed to Albuquerque from Lubbock and spent the better part of two weeks getting rid of the vestiges of the stuff we had in storage. We realized for the money we were spending to store the stuff in a POD, we could easily replace the stuff many times over.

    After that was completed, we changed our plans about direction. Having gone back to ABQ, it wasn’t logical to go back through Texas and then on to Florida, so we rearranged our plans and headed for Southern California. San Diego RV parks are outrageously expensive, so we found an RV resort in Hemet, CA.

    The park is called Golden Villages Palms and they have over 1000 spaces, three swimming pools, eight pickle ball courts, three sand volley ball courts, a fully equipped fitness center, two dog parks, and a mail center. It’s nicely clean and shady and a full social calendar. We try to go to water aerobics on Mon-Wed-Fri and do weight training on Tues-Thurs-Sat, and we never miss “Yappy Hour” at the dog park. Dogs frolic and owners drink wine (dog treats and wine provided by the park) and talk about life and dogs and being on the road. I’m guessing 60% of the winter clientele are Canadian Snowbirds, most of the others, like us, are full-timers fleeing winter.

    A short time after we arrived here it became obvious that Fonzie was in extremis, so we took him to a very kind vet and Fonzie crossed the Rainbow Bridge as we held him.

    Touly was with us in the room when Fonzied passed and he grieved for a while, but extra love and a couple of trips to Dog Beach in Del Mar helped. There's a white and buff Shih Tzu here that he checks out whenever he comes to the dog park that is across from or campsite.

    The first month here was a flurry of holiday stuff. Thanksgiving at Sarah’s and I prepared a Prime Rib Roast for Christmas Eve dinner at Sarah’s.

    We did do a side trip to the Natural History Museum of LA County. (Doesn’t hold a candle to The Field Museum in Chicago, but we’ll keep that to ourselves!)
    We have tickets to  the Aquarium in LA—we’re trying to get there this week, so more pics then.

    Here are the Natural History Museum pics.
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  • Day 277

    Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach, CA

    January 22, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 64 °F

    Jan 22, 2019 The Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach, CA

    Well, hello again! I guess it time to update y’all with our journeys and various side trips. After the Christmas rush, we rested a couple of weeks, enjoying the Inland Empire and its mild winter. We had a few days of rain and some frosty mornings, but more days than not we were able to participate in water aerobics. We went out to several restaurants in the area, visited and shopped in San Diego—we even took Touly down to the off-leash dog beach in Del Mar. We also had group luncheons in San Marcos at The Old Spaghetti Factory for the legendary Browned Butter Mizithra Spaghetti with a few of the old Kaiser Pediatric night shift from the late ‘80s-‘90s and the extended family in San Diego just before we left.
    The one thing we did do, was to go over to Long Beach to see the Aquarium of the Pacific. It’s a nice one, thoughtfully arranged. We were surprised to find the 88 mile trip from Hemet to Long Beach only took us an hour and a half (Waze routed us through city streets to get around some traffic tie ups in Riverside). For those no familiar with LA traffic, that is nothing less than PHENOMENAL!.
    Here are some of the pic from that excursion.
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