reiste i 9 land Les mer
  • Dag 6

    Final thoughts, tips and tricks

    14. mars 2017, Island ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

    We absolutely loved our visit to Iceland, and I have no doubt we'll be back again! There are so many hidden magical places here, and everyone seems to have brilliant stories, hints and secrets to share about their visit. One thing we also found was that it is mighty expensive! On the way home I jotted down a few pointers to make the most of your trip (and save some pennies!)

    - If you're going to buy a jumper, buy it on the first day. You'll probably end up wearing it the whole time. The Nordic store seemed a lot cheaper than some other places.
    - Pick up a copy of the Reykjavík grapevine newspaper - they tend to have it in the airport and at hostels. It has some nice articles for tourists as well as a guide to what's going on around the country.
    - If you plan to drink alcohol either bring a bottle with you or pick something up at the airport before you leave.
    - To save a few pennies, you can bring your own drinks into swimming pools, both the public ones and the tourist ones like the blue lagoon as long as they are in plastic bottles.
    - If you are planning to visit the Blue Lagoon and you care about your hair, either tie it up and try desperately not to get it wet or bring a really good shampoo and conditioner. Three washes later and its still feeling a bit like straw.
    - At the Blue Lagoon the free face mask sells in the shop for a hefty amount, so slather yourself in it whilst you're there!
    - If you're planning on travelling round the ring road, book your accommodation in advance. We were travelling in low season and trying to book somewhere at a reasonable price on the night with sketchy 3G wasn't so much fun
    - We planned our trip by putting stars on google maps, and use different markers for places to eat, see and stay. Download the maps so you've always got your map when the signal gets sketchy.
    - Don't do the tours, rent a car and explore off the beaten track. Wherever you seen a looped square symbol on a road sign, theres's probably something amazing. Our favourite moments were at some of the lesser known spots down winding side roads.
    - Make sure you get a four wheel drive and if you have a choice, choose one with the most ground clearance. If you can afford it then one with heated seats is very nice to have. I got soaked on multiple occasions from waterfalls, rain, and by the sea whilst standing on icebergs. Without the heated seats and a nice warm car getting wet would have sucked. It was definitely an enabler for getting up close to waterfalls and icebergs! If you can afford a proper off-road truck, do it.
    - Bring a usb car charger for your mobile / camera / go pro. One which has a radio/Bluetooth adapter will let you play your own music if the car doesn't have it already.
    - Eating out can very quickly get very expensive. If you want to maximise the time exploring and save some pennies, stock up on snacks and drinks at a supermarket. Pizza breads and Skyr were my top picks. Bring a flask to fill up with coffee in the morning and a water bottle.
    - The fish here is delicious! For a cheap way of enjoying it, you can often find fish soup on them menu and you can always ask for more bread.
    - You can claim the tax back on any goods you buy at the airport. You need to ask for a special receipt when you buy the item, and you fill out a form to drop in at the airport on the way home.
    Les mer

  • Dag 5

    Day 5 - Blue Lagoon

    13. mars 2017, Island ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

    Running out of time, we were back i the car for the 4 hour drive back West to visit the Blue Lagoon. We'd been warned it was a bit of a tourist trap, but still worth a visit. The rumours weren't wrong and queueing up with hundreds of other tourists didn't feel quite so serene. The place was lit of beautifully, and though not as warm as the Secret Lagoon it was strange floating in warm water whilst surrounded by the wind whipping sleet and rain across the pool. The best part of our visit was after most people had left - once again the clouds floated away and leaving the sky glittering with stars.Les mer

  • Dag 5

    Day 5 - Svartifoss

    13. mars 2017, Island ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

    We thought we might not have time to visit Svartifoss as it was a little hike from the road. A quick google told us we could probably make it in an hour round trip - challenge on! A speedy 30 minute trek took us to the church-organ-like waterfall. Standing at the bottom surrounded by hexagonal black lava columns felt like being in a theatre.Les mer

  • Dag 5

    Day 5 - Svínafellsjökull Glacier

    13. mars 2017, Island ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

    After not reaching the glacier at Jokulsaron we thought we might have a bit more luck at Svínafellsjökull which looked closer to the road. This time we got much closer, but still not close enough! We scrambled along the mountain and stopped for a cup of coffee, sat on a rock overlooking huge turquoise and black striped icebergs and glacier. The rocks round here were dotted with minerals and Scott found found a few awesome rocks and crystals. Realising time wasn't on our side, we headed back in towards Reykjavik.Les mer

  • Dag 5

    Day 5 - Fjallsárlón Glacial Lagoon

    13. mars 2017, Island ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Fjallsárlón is just a little further west than Jokulsaron and whilst it isn't quite as grand it was still worth a visit. It is an isolated glacial lagoon and you can see Iceland's tallest volcano behind it. The Öræfajökull glacier, looms above the lagoon and reaches down to the water where icebergs break off and drift serenely around before melting.Les mer

  • Dag 5

    Day 5 - Diamond Beach

    13. mars 2017, Island ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

    We thought we'd seen the best of the icebergs in Jökulsárlón, but then we headed down to the black sandy beach at the mouth of the lagoon. It was covered in chunks of icebergs was absolutely incredible. Here you could watch the glistening turquoise icebergs float out to sea, and wander round the different shapes, sizes and textures of the icebergs that had been beached. One of the best moments here was clambering up onto an iceberg on the edge of the sea and getting completely soaked as a huge wave came in!Les mer

  • Dag 5

    Day 5 - Jökulsárlón

    13. mars 2017, Island ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    We stopped the night near Hofn before heading back to Jökulsárlón in the morning. Seeing it in the morning sunshine was stunning. We walked along the shore of the lagoon in the hope of reaching the glacier, but it was further away than we thought and we got distracted by a group of seals waking up and coming to say hello.Les mer

  • Dag 4

    Day 4 - Jökulsárlón at night

    12. mars 2017, Island ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Scott thought that visiting Jökulsárlón at night might just be a little bit magical, he was right. The weather turned, it was soon pitch black, and we had no idea what kind of landscape we were driving through as we followed the reflective markers along the sides of the ring road. We arrived at the glacier lagoon just after 9pm, and it was surreal. The serene darkness was punctuated with the odd crack as an iceberg split apart, followed by gentle waves lapping the shore as it fell into the water, and a small sparkling light where the newly exposed ice caught the moonlight. Yet again we couldn't believe our luck that the torrents of rain we'd driven through completely disappeared and the clouds parted to reveal a full moon. The photos we took here were taken on a long exposure in the dark and we were surprised to see blue skies.Les mer

  • Dag 4

    Day 4 - Fjaðrárgljúfur

    12. mars 2017, Island ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    We were a little undecided about whether to visit Fjaðrárgljúfur, but we decided to take the short detour and head there anyway. A little off the beaten track, there was barely anyone else there visiting the 100m deep and 2km long, winding cavern created by a glacier during the ice age.
    The photos don't quite do it justice. We had lots of chances to test our nerve tiptoeing along the narrow fingers that stick out into the cavern. Sitting on the edges of the cliff, feet dangling above the Fjaðrá river hundreds of metres below was a little surreal.
    Les mer

  • Dag 4

    Day 4 - Reynisfjara Beach

    12. mars 2017, Island ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    From the Dryholaey peninsula, you can see Reynisfjara Beach, a black sand beach that was ranked as one of the ten most beautiful non-tropical beaches in the world. Legend says that the stacks of basalt rock originated when two trolls dragged a three-masted ship to land unsuccessfully and when daylight broke they became needles of rock.Les mer

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