Wings & Shakes

septiembre - noviembre 2016
Una aventura de 82 días de Mash and Malice Leer más
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  • Día 22

    Day 22 - Wild Wild West

    29 de septiembre de 2016, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    As we head East we are coming into contact with defining periods and events in Nineteenth Century American history.

    The notion of the Wild West captured the imagination of a nation. One of the most famous locales in this time is the town of Deadwood. I mainly know of this town in the years from 1876 via the TV Series and I could not wait to visit. It was both as tacky and as interesting as I had hoped. The TV series from what I understand is fairly accurate (with the usual dramatic license accepted) and this allowed for some memorable scenes to be replayed in my mind as we walked around the small town. Along the way, useful information boards helped fill in the history, or further cloud the myth that has grown with time. We then walked up to the Mount Moriah Cemetery where both Wild Bill Hickock and Calamity Jane are buried.

    I'm glad we had a quick visit here and it helped to break up the driving with a bit of history and walking. And tacky giftshop purchasing.

    The Wild West theme continued as we passed Sundance, the town that lent it's name to the outlaw Harry Longabaugh, better known as The Sundance Kid. It is also in this area that the extraordinary story of Hugh Glass played out. This 1823 story of survivial is behind the recent movie 'The Revenant'. All these events and places represent a defining time in history for this nation. This region is identified too by it's rugged terrain and history and yet that American hospitality is also ever present and welcoming.

    We arrived at our motel by the early evening in the town of Wall. This town is best known for the Wall Drugstore which has been the number one stop-over on the way to Mount Rushmore since 1931. It just so happens that's why we're in the neighbourhood. So, today outlaws, tomorrow Presidents...

    Song of the Day:
    Will Smith - Wild Wild West (obviously!)
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  • Día 23

    Day 23 - Make It Monumental!

    30 de septiembre de 2016, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    There was one objective today. To see Mount Rushmore. We had breakfast and then had a quick look around Wall before we were going to head off for the 90 minute car journey to get there. A friendly shop assistant asked us our plans today and she said today was the annual round up of bison at the Custer Park which is right next to the monument. She said at least 20 000 people would be there and advised not going. This was the first potential spanner in the works this trip as we had planned to get back on the road tomorrow in the opposite direction. We also had no idea what else we would do in Wall all day if we did not go. We went back to the motel for Internet access to check out this round up. The round up even made the local news. It did specify that it was mainly a morning event and we just decided to go anyway.

    Turned out fine in the end. We did not encounter any traffic going there or on the other side of the road. Mount Rushmore itself is impressively imposing and the visitor centre had the usual facts about the Presidents in front of us. I'll admit I didn't realise Theodore Roosevelt was one of them. After taking a few photos it began to drizzle and it felt like the right time to leave. On our descent, there is a small town called Keystone. It clearly existed to serve the building of Mount Rushmore and has a kitsch appeal with a long arcade on one side of the road with a saloon amongst other stores. Alice and I had a coffee a bit further up the road and then leisurely made our way back to Wall.

    We added some more excitement to the day by visiting Walmart on the way, ensuring we had snacks and supplies for the long drive tomorrow.

    When we got back we had an early dinner and an early night. We had hit the Wall! (I know, these puns are getting worse)

    Song of the Day:
    Presidents of the United States - Peaches
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  • Día 24

    Day 24 - Badlands to Flatlands

    1 de octubre de 2016, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    We had an early start as the journey was going to take at least eight hours today. And so when in a rush you end up talking to an incredibly friendly American at breakfast. Twenty four days in and the London attitude of head down, eat, no eye contact, walk, next objective is slowly being filtered out of my being. We exchanged pleasantries and Yellowstone stories and then it was time to leave.

    The Badlands National Park is accessible from Wall and we took the scenic route through the park before getting back onto the I90. The peculiar moonscape scenery is all around with a few tufts of grass atop stumpy hills and the occasional tree breaking up the vista. We have seen quite a few different types of mountains on this trip and again this place feels entirely different to what has gone before. A brief and enjoyable detour.

    Next up, the I90 for over five hundred miles of straight roads. We were gonna need more coffee!

    In that time we crossed a time zone and hit the 4 000 mile mark. We also saw lots and lots of corn fields. Once we reached Rochester, it was dark, not certain what the real time was, buzzing from caffeine and really hungry. We started driving at 9:45am and we reached Rochester by 8:45pm. We needed a lift.

    Luckily there was a chicken wing chain called Buffalo Wild Wings nearby. I had a mix of Buffalo Sauce (hot), Asian Zing and Teriyaki and Alice had the Bourbon Honey Mustard, Spicy Garlic and Buffalo Sauce (mild). The mild buffalo was actually my favourite as the hot was so hot I couldn't taste the sauce through my burnt tongue, lips and mouth in general. I'm glad I didn't go for the extreme hot! Alice could not choose a favourite although the hot buffalo was definitely at the bottom of her list. There was another buffalo sauce heat rating that we didn't choose, medium, which might be the one for combination of heat and taste. These wing meals are essentially practice before we reach Buffalo, yeah that's right, the home of Buffalo Wings. The Portland wings are definitely winning at the moment.

    Back at the motel, a bit of Saturday Night Live on TV and then it was time for bed.

    Song of the Day:
    Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Roadtrippin'
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  • Día 25

    Day 25 - Phil? Ned? BING!

    2 de octubre de 2016, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    We are just one day's worth of driving away from reaching a city where we can lay our hat for.... a whole three nights. Can't wait.

    We crossed two state lines today and apart from more corn fields the other observation of note was the increasing levels of traffic that we are going to have to get used to now that we are leaving the plains behind. The journey was also extended a touch by a detour. However, it was very much worth it.

    Woodstock, Illinois is an American town with a picture perfect town square. We arrived on a Sunday evening and locals were merrily milling about getting coffee, going to the cinema and partacking in other such wholesome activities. It felt like a movie set. Funny that because it is here that the majority of Groundhog Day was filmed. There are plaques dotted about marking where memorable scenes occurred and it took us a while to locate them all. This Easter Egg hunt for plaques was a fun way to stretch our legs and have a laugh. The town is a big aspect of the movie and also a pleasant place to relax and is well worth a visit.

    We got back in the car and it was another ninety minutes before we reached Chicago. Just outside the city, the drive was quite a challenge as the heavens suddenly opened on busy roads with endless major roadworks, combined with numerous toll booths each with different charges and gates opened. However, the rain stopped before reaching our airbnb and it was nice to be in homely surroundings. We quickly headed out for a fancy yet surprisingly cheap dinner at The Bristol and then it was time to head home, curl up on the sofa, and watch a movie. Groundhog Day no less! I'm glad I brought it with me.

    Song of the Day:
    Sonny & Cher - I Got You Babe (If you don't know why, watch Groundhog Day!)
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  • Día 26

    Day 26 - In the Windy City

    3 de octubre de 2016, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    It was time to explore a new city. What better way than on a river boat tour.

    The tour was specifically about the architecture of Chicago and as the guide explained 'our skyscrapers are our mountains'. The weather was overcast and we were told that this was actually perfect weather for the tour as it was neither too hot or too cold, it wasn't raining, and it wasn't sunny. The direct sunlight would just bounce off all the skyscrapers making it difficult to actually see anything. That was lucky! My knowledge of skyscrapers was less than limited and it was illuminating to hear about the city's history as told through the buildings that make it distinct as we made our way up the Chicago River. Ninety minutes later we were back to where we started, although hungrier. It was lunchtime.

    We had planned to have deep dish pizza whilst in Chicago and there was no time like the present. We ordered the classic and were informed that it would take up to fifty minutes to make. That's the best way of saying to a customer 'so, about that appetizer...' and we therefore went with bruschetta whilst waiting. When the deep dish did arrive it was mighty. It's basically a huge pie and it was as tasty as imagined. However, I would still go with a standard pizza over the deep dish if I was to choose a favourite. Sometimes you can have too much of a good thing. Definitely worth a try though.

    We then strolled through Millennium Park where you can take numerous photos of yourself via a large metallic bean sculpture. A bit further down from the bean there are two large walls with people's faces projected (from the inside) and every hour or so a fountain of water spurts out their mouths. Another interesting addition to the park. Alice and I didn't hang around waiting for the fountains and instead decided on a long walk to the United Centre. On the way, we made various detours to see streets and buildings that were used in various movies, including The Dark Knight and Road to Perdition.

    We got to the United Centre an hour later and it was time for the day's main event. The Chicago Bulls were playing the Milwaukee Bucks. We got to our seats and being a preseason game it was not a sell out but the atmosphere was still impressive. A large inflatable Benny the Bull was floating around the court as DJ Flipside did his best to get the crowd going by mixing a song every 10 seconds whilst dancing and smiling at the camera that was on him. Just before the game started the lights dipped and each player ran onto the court with the spotlight on him as he high-fived his team mates and the announcer continued to rouse the crowd. The national anthem followed and then it was time to begin. The Bulls stormed into an early lead and it looked like this was going to be a walk in the park. At the end of the first quarter somehow the Bucks were in front and they comfortably held on to that lead right through to the last quarter. In that time, the end of each quarter was a chance for various acts to perform, including dancing seniors, tumblers and drummers. Also each timeout called, led to a group of people running out on to the court, shooting free t-shirts into the crowd. Everyone went crazy! And this wasn't the peak. That was the parachute drop, whereby cannisters containing even more t-shirts were this time dropped from above with mini parachutes attached for the lucky recipient to catch. There was much excitement and having seen the prices of official merchandise (one t-shirt was $300!) I can see why. Back to the game and it wasn't until the final quarter that the Bulls pulled it back and with about three minutes to go it was level. Alice and I were really into the game by the last quarter and it was with the last two shots that the winner would be decided. The Bulls ended up missing their first penalty shot blowing their chance of winning. The crowd were gutted and started fleeing home. For a preseason game it looked like both sides really wanted to win. A great spectator sport and it would be nice to watch another game before we leave the States. On our way back we stopped off at a bar rounding off an eventful day.

    Song of the Day:
    Quad City DJs - Space Jam Theme
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