Big Ol Holiday

Mei - Agustus 2023
USA, UK, EU bound over the course of 3 months.
Visiting the old and exploring the new!
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  • 77footprint
  • 16negara
  • 77hari
  • 629foto
  • 18video
  • 62,6kkilometer
  • 43,6kkilometer
  • 1,3kkilometer
  • 1,2kkilometer
  • 492kilometer
  • Hari 11

    Bachelorette Party!

    31 Mei 2023, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    Today was an early start as we were off on Kendra's hens! We all met at a coffee shop and I got to meet Taylor, Cassie and Dani for the first time. Cassie and Dani are in the wedding party with me and they all work at the school with Kendra. Then I got to see Em for the first time in 5 years which was great. We all jumped in the car and headed to a trailhead just outside Salida. We grabbed some drinks and snacks, beginning the walk to a waterfall. It was great to chat with the others and it was especially wonderful to talk with Em as she is married, a firefighter and travelling to Costa Rica after the wedding.
    We got to the top and it was beautiful! We took some pictures and stopped for a beer together. It was a tough hike and my legs are quite dead now!!
    We headed back down and drive to Salida, where we went to a great pizza place and got ice cream. Drove back to Cañon, then we hung out with Em at Kendra's house.
    We had another late dinner and sorted out some more wedding stuff as the days are flying by!
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  • Hari 12

    Wedding Prep!

    1 Juni 2023, Amerika Serikat ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

    Today I woke up and slowly got ready for the day. We packed the truck and the dogs to drive to the wedding venue. We got caught for 30 minutes in road works which set everyone's mood to poor, however we arrived and got set to prepping the venue. It is a beautiful centre called Preseren that was opened by some Slovenians in 1928 and is member only club which Kendra's dad is a member of. It is in a town called Rye which is surrounded by stunning mountains. We set up tables, taped tablecloths, Mitch set up lights, we cleaned and decided where things are going to go. It is going to be a beautiful day! We drove home through Pueblo (favourite town) and got Chick-fil-A for dinner. Tonight we have been packing things as we are staying away in Rye for a couple of days after the wedding, sorting things out for the wedding. Mitch just burnt some sage to clear the bad juju in the house which was hilarious. It's all happening in less than 2 days!!Baca selengkapnya

  • Hari 13

    Day before the wedding!

    2 Juni 2023, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Today we woke up and gathered some last stuff to take up to the venue. Mitch brought us back the best breakfast burrito I've had in a while. We drove up and met Kendra and Mitchs parents as well as some of the other relatives. We quickly got everything completed to satisfaction which was good to reduce stress. We drove back and met Mitchs sister Allie, brother in law Evan and Grandma Lettie. They were making bouquets and there were flowers everywhere. I got ready and then started helping make them as well. Making bouquets was the most stressed I've been all week but it was so nice getting to know Mitch's family. We then headed to the church to rehearse. Mitch and Kendra were running late because they had to take Duke to the vet as he had an infected paw, so we arrived about 15 minutes late.
    The church was absolutely beautiful but we had to rush in and run straight to the front row. The lady leading the rehearsal was Joyce and she was low key scary, she was very strict in what we were supposed to be doing. We walked down the aisle and the men were all stressing out about how quickly we were walking. Kendra and Mitch basically got married as they read through their vows.
    We then headed to Mitch's familys restaurant for a dinner together. It was so fun to get to meet and get to know more of the bridal party, family and other friends. People made speeches and I ended up getting up to talk and finished with a shoey. Kendra and I drunk a bit too much red wine and headed home. Mitch was staying with his grandma and Kendra and I watched the parent trap.
    It was a big day but it'll be an even bigger one tomorrow.
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  • Hari 14

    Nice day for a white wedding

    3 Juni 2023, Amerika Serikat ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    Today was finally the day. Kendra and I woke up early, cooked breakfast and drank some coffee. We packed last minute things and went to get our hair done. Kendra was nervous as to be expected and we were both a little dusty from the night before. We sat and chatted at the salon, the hairdresser Kerri Jo was so lovely. There was a spare spot for hair, so I got light curls done to save some time at the church. We loaded up Emily and Hannah's car and headed to the church. All the bridesmaids met up in this little room attached to the church to get ready, we had some mimosas and snacks before getting changed. The photographers came and Kendra gave us little gifts with letters in them which was so sweet.
    Finally it was time to head to the church. We all lined up as rehearsed and it was time. All the wedding party looked amazing, Mitch looked great. No one fell over and made good timing down the aisle. Kendra walked in with her parents and she looked so beautiful. I obviously cried. The service was a long Catholic service but lovely.
    Then it was photo time. Both Mitch and Kendra gave big families so it took some time to get photos. We then did bridal party photos which were very fun, there were a few photos where they made us do serious faces that will turn out good.
    I drove with Emily and her wife Hannah to the reception which was an hour away and it was nice to chat and catch up.
    At the reception, Mitch and Kendra made their entrance then the wedding party made our entrance before the first dance. Kendra and Mitch were hilarious, then Kendra and her dad danced which was super sweet. Mitch and his mum danced as well. They then cut the cake, we took traditional Slivo shots and they played a game on the dance floor.
    We ate burgers, hot dogs, beans, salad and chips while people played games like cornhole and horseshoes. The dancefloor was popping and they played Horses by Darryl, I dragged Kendra to the dance floor.
    The rest of the night was fun, chatting to people, dancing, a bunch of people did shoeys with me which was hilarious.
    We then headed back to a cabin in the mountains with a few of the wedding party and just continued having fun.
    It was such a wonderful day!
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  • Hari 15

    Wedding recovery

    4 Juni 2023, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    Today was a recovery and chill day after the week of the wedding. Everyone slowly woke up, drank coffee and then we put the formula one race on. No-one else beside Mitch and I were too keen to watch but they all allowed it. We took forever to figure out how to get it on the tv but we succeeded! It was a great race actually. We waited for Mitch's family to bring us breakfast, everyone was starving and they brought so much food.
    After breakfast, everyone cleaned up and we headed out to Lake Isabel. Mitch and a few of the others attempted fly fishing with varying results. Kendra, Mitch's sister and I went for a walk around the lake but then it started pouring rain, so we headed to the car. The fishers weren't far behind us. We said bye to everyone and headed back to the cabin.
    After some lunch, we started the fire and had drinks around the fire just chatting with was so welcome after a wild week. Mitch's mum and stepdad came up to take some of the spare wedding food as we had about 4 trays filled with meat, pasta salad, toppings and beans. They brought their dogs up, who were menaces. It was an interesting time but nice to say goodbye to them.
    Ended the day the same way, sitting by the fire with Kendra and Mitch opening wedding cards. Such a good recovery day with such good humans.
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  • Hari 16

    Last full day with Kendra

    5 Juni 2023, Amerika Serikat ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    Today I woke up still up in Rye in the party cabin. We sat on the couch and drank coffee, slowly getting ready to leave. Once the place was clean and the truck was loaded we headed off. I think for Kendra and Mitch it was the first real day of them being married and it hit them that we were headed back to reality. The drive was squishy, I was loaded up with both the doggos but it was good. There were 2 fairly full kegs left over so we took the longer but gentler route home. We stopped to pick up lunch with were Asada Fries, literally steak, guac, sour cream, salsa and cheese on top of chips. Honestly changed my life. We unloaded the truck, then binged the whole season of "the summer I turned pretty" as we were all wrecked. Kendra and Mitch had to go to see Mitch's mum but I stayed home and did my puzzle book. Safe to say everyone was wrecked from the weekend, including the dogs.
    All my bags are packed as I fly out to Iowa tomorrow! I feel ready to go in a way, so I can give Mitch and Kendra space but I'm so sad to be leaving again. I love being here!
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  • Hari 17

    See ya soon Colorado

    6 Juni 2023, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Today I woke up for the last time in Colorado. Watched Mitch play video games while I drank coffee. I finished packing and Mitch made us breakfast. It was so nice to finish the stay like that, it was sad saying goodbye to Mitch. Kendra drove me to the airport and we had a really good final chat. She dropped me off and it was time to navigate Denver airport. It was easy dropping off my bags and security actually wasn't too bad. Then I headed back on the self driving train (still scares me), and we boarded right on time. I flew Southwest who don't allocate seats but boarding position, so it was weird just getting to pick whatever seat. It was a good chance to catch up on some Netflix really.
    I landed in Iowa and met Coach Wells. It was so so great to see him. We went and got tacos before we drove 2 hours back to the house. It was so good catching up with Wells and just being with him again. We got back to the house and all 4 kiddos were still awake. They were excited to see me and it was amazing to see how much they had grown. I caught up with Stacy (his wife) and we went to bed super late. I'm so happy to be here!
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  • Hari 18

    Children are great, but exhausting

    7 Juni 2023, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Today I woke up and ventured upstairs as I could hear 3 active children running around. I wandered upstairs and grabbed a bowl of lucky charms to eat with the kiddos. The kids were still a bit unsure of me but we went to the park and then I was a hit. I played basketball with Kai and Hudson, then we went back to the main park and I played many games with all the kids that were there. It was very fun. We came back and I sat with the older boys while they did some summer school work. They crushed it. We played some more indoor basketball, then soccer outside, pirates, golf. Hudson and I did a puzzle together #apprentice Then it was time to go to Kai's baseball game. I was requested to sit in the back between Kai and Hudson which was squishy but so nice that they wanted me too. At the game, we met with Stacy's parents which was nice to see them again. Hudson and I sat together on a chair and watched Kai play so well. He got the ball great and covered the field so well! We all sat and ate our PB&J's together which was fun. We headed back, Walker did a puzzle and the boys got ready for bed. Hudson and Walker wanted me to do bedtime which was such an honour!! Then we watched the NBA while Stacy made a cake because it's Hudson's birthday tomorrow.
    I honestly don't know how Stacy does it all, the kids are the best but never seem to get tired!!
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  • Hari 19

    Hudsons 6th Birthday 🎈

    8 Juni 2023, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Today I woke up and came upstairs to birthday excitement. We had decorated the main space with Batman decorations as Hudson wanted a Batman themed day. We ate cinnamon rolls for breakfast, then I played downstairs with the boys for a bit. Walker clung to me this morning, we danced in the kitchen which was lovely. We came back up in time for Grandma and Grandpa on Stacy's side to arrive. We had some snacks, then had a pinata, then Wells cooked some steak for lunch. We also played pass the parcel!!! This isn't an American game but the boys requested it after seeing it on Bluey which was so funny. The boys are so active, especially Kai. He is constantly asking to play basketball on the small hoop behind the door. Wells accidentally broke it today and there were tears. It was then time for presents, Hudson got a really cool Batcave and Bat mobile which he loved so much. The boys all got bubble guns of some sort too which we used in the afternoon. Hudson also got a big boy bike and it was so cool to watch him push himself ride it even though he was scared. We then played Mario kart and I crushed Kai, he was not happy. Wells then almost beat me too. I played a bunch of games with the boys to wind down the afternoon. Wells, Stacy and I squeezed a card game in as well. Then it was time for dinner and chill, we all watched a show and l am once again exhausted from a day with the kiddos!!Baca selengkapnya

  • Hari 20

    Sioux City day trip

    9 Juni 2023, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    Today I woke up early, helped Stacy get the kiddos brekky and ready for a day out. We all piled in the car and headed to Sioux City. It was about a 90 minute drive, the boys watched a DVD in the car and poor Alora screamed for a solid 20 minutes. She eventually calmed down for the last part of the journey. We got out of the car and it was raining, which supposedly is a rarity here so I must have brought it from home and Colorado. We ran into Launchpad which is like an educational children's indoor play centre. Inside there were places to pretend to be police officers, bankers, builders, doctors, chefs, actors, farmers, shoppers and other activities around science and just having fun. All the adults rotated between the 3 boys which was hectic but fun. It was so nice watching the boys do things they initially weren't confident in, especially around climbing things at a height. We spent about 2 hours there, then went to eat Chinese food. I got orange chicken and the boys did so well at being patient and polite. We then stopped at Palmer's chocolate factory for some treats.
    The whole car, except wells and I fell asleep on the way home. When we got home, I played with the boys some more and we had pizza for dinner.
    Walker lay on the couch with me, which David and Stacy said is unusual for him. He clung to me like a koala which was so lovely. Now we are watching the NBA playoff game #letsgonuggs
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