Take memories, leave footprints! 👣 Read more Sankt Gallen, Schweiz
  • Day 9


    October 28, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Und scho isch e wunderschöni, aber au strengi Wuche in Labuan Bajo z End gange. De Morge het mitme feine Zmorge uf de Dachterrasse gstartet. Aschlüssend hemmer üsi Sache packt und sind an Flughafe gfahre worde. Mit nume 3 Gates und insgesamt 7 Airlines, wo Komodo aflüget, is sehr übersichtlich gsi und zügig gange.
    Und los is gange. Noch chli meh wie enere Stund simmer denn in Denpasar, Bali glandet. Lang simmer do aber nöd bliebe, denn üses nöchste Ziil het no e langi Fahrt vorusgsetzt. Mitm Grab simmer denn fast 4 Stund und ca. 100km spöter im Norde vo Bali acho. Was mer aso über die Fahrt no muess sege - am Afang so typisch durch e Grossstadt fahre, aber noch öppe 2.5h is id Berge ufe gange, d Strosse kum zwei Auto breit und s Feeling isch ähnlich enere Achterbahn gsi. So gseit es Abentüür im Abentüür.

    Lovina - bekannt für d Delfin wome gseh chan und für de schwarzi Strand. Gad nebet üsem Hotel hets mehreri verschiedeni Obstbäum mit viele Frücht dra wie Banane, Mango oder Rambutan. Gseh hemmer sus aber noni viel, well mer acho sind, duschet hend und üs denn e Massage gönnt hend, wo sehr guet tue het. Aschlüssend simmer denn a de Strandpromenade go flaniere und hend en feine Znacht gesse.

    Our awesome but also tiring week in Labuan Bajo has come to an end. We started our day with breakfast on the rooftop of our hotel. Afterwards we finished packing an got on to our taxi to the airport. With only 3 gates and 7 airlines that fly into komodo the security check went by quickly and it wasnt to hard to find our flight.
    After about an hour flight we then landed at Balis Denspasar airport. We did not stay there for long because we still had a drive across the entire island ahead of us. It took us 4 hours for the 100km to the North of Bali. The drive began with the typical asain suburb after 2.5 hours we got into the mountain area of central Bali. Once we reached the top the streets got winding and narrower than two cars next to each other. The drive down was quite adventurous.

    Then we reached Lovina a small town known for its black beaches and the possibility to see bottlenose dolphins in front of its coast. Next to our hotel there are many diffrent trees with carrying lots of driffrent fruits like bannanas, mangos or rambutan. We havent had to much time for sightseeing yet. But we did get a relaxing massage at the hotel and a tasty dinner at a beachfront restaurant.
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  • Day 8

    Komodo Tour 2

    October 27, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

    Noch em Mittagesse simmer uf zum 4. Punkt vo üsere Tour, nämli simmer zum Schnorchle an Mantapoint gfahre. Also de Ort, wo mir die Wuche scho zwei Tauchgäng gmacht hend aber nur eimol Mantas vo wiet weg gseh hend. Bim Schnorchle hemmer meh Glück gha und hend es paar Mantas 10 Meter unter üs i de Putzstation ihri Kreis gseh drülle. Es isch sicher schön, die Tier z beobachte aber während em Schnorchle isch mer hald glich weder a Land no würkli unter Wasser, sodass dem Erlebnis hald glich di nötig Rueh gfehlt het.

    Als 5. Punkt hemmer vor ere Sandbank mit de Schnorchelsache s Boot verloh und üs vo de Strömig i Richtig vonere Insle triebe loh und debi d Tier beobachte. Am Schluss im flache Wasser vor de Insle hemmer no e jungi Schildkrot chönne beobachte, wo üs sehr nöch cho isch. Ahschlüssend simmer no ufd Insle zum es paar Foti ufzneh.

    Als sechste und letschte Ort simmer in Siaba Besar go schnorchle. Es isch genau de Ort gsi, wo mir scho mehreri Tauchgäng hend dörfe mache di letscht Ziit. Weshalb für üs s Schnorchle nüme so speziell gsi isch. Aber es isch glich en schöne Ort und es paar Schildkrote hemmer trotzdem no gseh.

    Ahschlüssend simmer zrugg uf Labuan Bajo und i üses Hotel, wo mer agfange hend packe, wells am nögste Tag wietergoht in Richtig Bali.
    De Obig hend mer uf de Sunneterasse vom Restaurant green Cherry (grüens Chriesi) usklinge loh. Emne Restaurant, wo uf drü Stöck verteilt isch und sehr en eigne Baustil het.
    After lunch we went on to the fourth point of our tour. It was snorkeling at Manta point. The place we have already been diving twice this week once only seen mantas from afar and once not seen any. This time while snorkeling we were luckier we have seen multiple mantas circeling in the cleaning station 10 meters underneath us. It was nice to see these animals but wbile snorkeling one is neither at the surface nor really under water which made the encounter lacking the calm to enjoy it.

    As the 5. Point we got dropped off in snorkel gear by the boat ahead of a sandbank und let ourselfs drift towards a sandy island. Towards the end we were lucky to see a young turtle in the shallow water which we were able to get really close to. After the snorkeling we had time to get onto the Island to take some pictures.

    As the sixt and last point we got to snorkel at Siaba Besar, A spot we have been diving multiple times before. Thats why snorkeling at this place was not that special for us. But e have still seen multiple turtles and some smaller fish.
    Laterter that back in Labuan Bajo and Bacj at the hotel we started packing because it soon goes on to bali. Me finished our day at the "green cherry" a restaurant which is split on to three diffrent levels and has its own architecture.
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  • Day 8

    Komodo Tour 1

    October 27, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

    Üse letschti, ganzi Tag in Labuan Bajo isch no früener losgange als d Täg vorher, nämlich scho am 5i. Mir sind aber nüme go tauche sondern hend e Inseltour vo Komodo gmacht, wo mer mit emne Boot verschiedeni Pünkt agfahre hend.

    De ersti Punkt isch d Insle Palau Padar gsi, e Insle wo mehreri öppe 200 Meter höchi Berge druf het. Uf de einti Berg simmer churz noch Sunneufgang ufegloffe und hend e schöni Ussicht über di nöcher Umgebig gha.

    Üse nögsti Stop isch Pink Beach gsi. Vor dem Strand hets en Hufe roti Koralle, wo wenns absterbed und zermale werdet, de Strand pink färbet. Döt hemmer es bitz chönne schnorchle und am Strand es paar Foti mache.

    De dritti Stop isch uf de Insle Komodo selber gsi. Döt simmer ane, um di berüehmte Komodo Warane, die grösste Eidechse vo de Welt, z gseh. Leider isch de Ort sehr touristisch gsi. Während de "Tour" hend mir zwor zwei Komodos gseh, de eint isch aber sich sehr a Mensche gwöhnt gsi und de ander isch fast leblos nebet de Hütte vo de Bewohner glege. Während em Esse hemmer no en dritte, chlinere Waran gseh, wo wilder gsi isch und sich getraut het, dur d Hütte z striele zum Esse sueche. Es isch sicher sehr idrücklich gsi, zum die Echse moll gseh, mir hend aber beidi gseit, dass mer nüme döt anegoh würdet go, well sichs meh wie en Zoo agfühlt het.

    De zweiti Teil vo dem Tag findet ihr im nögste Footprint...
    Our last full day in Labuan Bajo started even earlier than the previous diving days. But instead of diving we did a komodo tour during which we visited multiple spots by boat.

    The first spot was Palau Padar, an Island which hals multiple about 200 meter high mountains on it. Shortly after sunrise we walked up the stairs of one of those mountains to enjoy the view ofer the neighbouring mountains.

    The second stop was at Pink Beach. In the waters ahead of that beach there are red corals which when dead an munched up are giving the beach a slight pink color. There we had time to snorkel and chill a bit on the beach as well as to take some pictures.

    Our third stop was on the island of Komodo itself to see the famous Komodo dragon which is the largest lizard in the world. Sadly this place was very touristic. During the "tour" we had see two komodo dragons, but one was clearly used to people and the other one was laying almost lifeless in closest proximity to the village. During lunch we have seen a younger dragon that was strolling through the village looking for food. It was definitly impressive to see the dragons but we both said that we would go there anymore because it seemed more like a zoo than wildlife.

    The second part of this day is visible in the next footprint.
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  • Day 7

    Dive Day #5 Last day of diving

    October 26, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Hüt simmer s letschte mol im Dive Center go Zmorge esse. Während em Esse hed d Rebecca mit de Tauchlehrerin zeme d Theorie vom Navigationsteil vo erem Advanced Open Water Kurs aglueget gha.
    Aschlüssend isch es mit em Boot für üs s dritte mol is Zentrum vom Komodo Nationalpark gange.

    Für de ersti Tauchgang (Siaba Besar) simmer zeme is Wasser gumped, hend aber unter Wasser denn trennti Gruppe gha. Während d Rebecca mit em Kompass Navigationsüebige gmacht het, isch de Remo mit sinere Gruppe scho vo Afang ah d Gegend go erkunde. Mir hend mehreri Tintefisch, en Schwarzspitze Riffhai, en Mobula Roche und es paar Schildkrote gseh. Di eint Schildkrot hemmer, während sie am esse gsi isch, sehr nöch chöne filme und sie isch gar nöd schüch gsi.

    Während üsem zweite Tauchgang in Makassar Riff (damol nöd Manta point) hemmer hüt chli Pech gha, well d Strömig so schwach gsi isch. Drum hets leider nöd sehr viel grossi Fisch gha und vorallem kei Mantas. Es paar Schwazspitze Riffhaie und en Doktorfisch so wie es paar Kugelfisch hemmer glich gseh. D Rebecca hett de Tauchgang gnutzt zum eri Tarierigsüebige vom Advanced Open Water Kurs z mache. Da sind zum Bispiel Purzelbäum, Schrube oder mol Köpf über under Wasser z schwebe gsi.

    Für de dritti und für üs letschti Tauchgang do in Komodo simmer nomol uf Batu Bolong gange. Döte isch d Farbepracht vo de viele Hart und Weichkkoralle wieder sehr faszienierend gsi. Mir hend während dem Tauchgang vor Allem chlini Sache versteckt im Riff wie Shrimps, Meeresschnecke und es Krebsli gseh. Aber au mehreri chlineri Muhräne und zwei drü grösseri Süesslippefisch. Ganz am Schluss hets no en schwangere Kugelfisch gha, wo vo üs am Koralle fresse gsi isch.

    Zrugg i de Tauchschuel hett d Rebecca no de letscht Teil Theorie vo erem Advanced Open Water abgschlosse und ahschlüssend d Zertifizierig becho.
    Nocher isch es au scho Ziit gsi zum üs vo üsere Tauchlehrerin, de Sandra, z verabschiede. Mir hend mega e gueti Ziit gha do im Komodo mit ere. Während dene 15 Tauchgäng hemmer meh Sache gseh als mer üs erträumt hetted. Mir hend sehr viel vo ere chönne lerne, nöd nur fürs Tauche sondern au fürs Lebe a de Oberflächi und hend üs mit ere trotz sehr unterschiedliche Gegebeheite under Wasser immer sicher gfühlt.
    Abgschlosse hemmer de Obig mit es paar Tauchkollege imne authentische, italienische Restaurant.
    Today we had our last breakfast at the dive center. While eating Rebecca had the navigation theory of her advanced open water course. Afterwards the boat brought us to central komodo national park for our third time.

    For our first dive (Siaba Besar) we went down together but split into two diffrent groups under Water. While Rebecca was doing navigation exercises with her compass, Remo was already exploring the area with his group from the beginning on. We have seen multiple cuttle fish, a black tip shark, a few turtles and even a mobula ray was circeling above us. There was one turtle which we were able to get really close to while it was eating. It was not shy or afraid of us divers at all.

    During our second dive at Massakar Reef (this time not manta point ) we had a bit bad luck that the current was not that strong. Therefore we havent seen much large fish and no manta. We saw a few black tip reef sharks, a doctor fish and a puffer fish anyway. Rebecca used this dive to do her buoyancy exercises of the course. She turned in every axis back and forth plus some hovering upside down was on her plan.

    For our third and last dive here in Komodo we went to Batu Bolong again. The colors of the diffrent hard an soft corals were really fascinating again. This dive was especially good for makro fish hidden in the reef like shrimp, nudiebranch or crayfish. But there were also some smaller moray eels and some bigger sweet lips dancing on the reef. At the end oft the dive there was a highly pregnant puffer fish eating some coral right in front of us.

    Back at the dive shop Rebecca finished the last part of theory of her Advanced Open Water course and got certified.
    After that it was already time to say good bye to our diving teacher, Sandra. We had a really great time with her here in Komodo. During the 15 dives we had with her we have seen more that we have dreamed of, we learned a lot from her not just for diving but also fot the life above the surface. Although the experienced diffrent circumstances on each dive we felt very safe with her.
    At the end of the day we ate dinner with some of our diving friends at an authentic italian restaurant.
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  • Day 6

    Dive day #4 Shotgun 2.0

    October 25, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Nach em morgentliche Start mit Zmorge im Tauchcenter sind mir für üsen zweitletzte Tauchtag nomol in Norde von Komodo gefahre.
    Uf üsem erste Tauchgang (Castle Rock) hemmer unter anderem Dickkopf-Stachelmakrele, wissspitze Riffhaie, en Schwarm Füsselier Fisch und Kugelfisch gseh. Da zeme mit zahlriche farbige Koralle.

    De zweiti Tauchgang (Crystel Rock) isch sehr ähnlich wie der vorherigi gsi. Mir hend aber no mehreri Muhräne und Skorpionfisch gseh. Innere Anemone hemmer mir e Famillie von Clownfisch chöne beobachte.

    Als dritte Tauchgang hemmer nomol de Cauldron (Shotgun) gmacht, une isch es Fotti Briefingskizze vo dem spannende Tauchplatz. Leider hets hüt nöd so viel Strömig gha a dem Ort. So hets zerst nöd sehr viel Fisch gha und au nöd all zu viel Haie. D shotgun selber isch auch recht zahm gsi. Es isch keis Problem gsi zum sich a de Felskante festhebe aber au döt hets eher wenig Lebe gha. Denn hend mir üs recht schnell vom Stei los und an en Platz wieter une triebe loh. Döt ischs zerst eher ruhig gsi doch plötzlich isches sehr hektisch worde unter Wasser und alli hend eri Kamera füre gnoh. En grosse Schwarm vo Kuhnaseroche isch sehr graziös vor üs durs Wasser gleitet. Da isch e eimoligs Erlebnis gsi, wo üs mega gfreut het😊. A Land het üsi Tauchlehrerin gmeint, dass die sehr selte seget und sie i 20 Johr tauche uf de ganze Welt die no nie gseh het.

    Umso glücklicher simmer ufem Boot zrugg gsi. So zum Spass hemmer ufem Sunnedeck vom Schiff gseit etz würdet nur no Delfin fehle. Kei 10 Sekunde spöter sind knapp vor üsem Boot zwei Delfin usem Wasser gsprunge. Aber scho bevor mir richtig verstande hend, wa passiert isch, sinds wieder im Meer verschwunde.
    Mit emne feine Znacht i de Tauchschuel hemmer denn de unvergesslichi Tag usklinge loh.
    After our start of the second last dive day with breakfast at the dive center our boat brought us to the north of Kommodo again.
    On our first dive day (Castle Rock) we have spotted giant travellys, wite tip reef sharks, a swarm of fusselier fish and a puffer fish. This along with many colorful corals.

    The second dive (Crystal Rock) was pretty similar to the one before. So there werent that many fish. But we have seen many moray eels and scorpion fish. In an anemone we were able to spot multiple clown fishes guarding their home.

    As our third dive we did Cauldron (Shotgun) again. Theres a picture of the dive briefing sketch underneath that visualizes this special dive spot. Sadly there wasnt that much current this time. So there werent that many fishes or sharks. The shotgun itself was pretty tame this time and we didnt see that mutch wildlife. So we let go off the cliff edge fairly quickly to explore a spot more downstream. At the beginning it was quite calm there until all of the sudden it got a big hectig and everybody was looking for his camera. A big ball of cownose rays showed up and passed by graciously 😊 This was wa a once in a lifetime experience. Back in the boat our dive instructor told us that during 20 years of diving all over the world she has never seen cownoses and that they are very rare.

    We were enjoying our ride back on the sundeck and joked around that this was a perfect day and that dolphins would be the only missing. Not even 10 secons after two dolphins jumped 2 meters ahead of our boat. Before we were even able to understand what we have seen they have disaperad again in the ocean.
    As always we finished this unforgrtable day with a tasty dinner at the dive shop.
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  • Day 5

    Dive day #3 Mantas & Haie

    October 24, 2023 ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Am Morge hend mir üs wieder i de Tauchschuel troffe. Ufem hüttige Plan isch s Zentrum vo Komodo gsi. Üse ersti Tauchgang (Siaba Besar) isch sehr gmüetlich gsi mit wenig Strömig und viel Korallene und Fisch. Au vieli Schildkrote, wo teilwies sehr nöch gsi sind.

    Für de zweiti Tauchgang sind mir as Makassar Reef gfahre. Wenn mer en Manta a dem Ort gseh het, denn heisst de Tauchplatz au Manta Point. Am Afang vo dem Tauchgang hend mir üs direkt i de Strömig triebe loh. En chline Iblick zu dem gits im Video 😊. Ahschlüssend hemmer üs i de Strömig immer wieder en neue Stei müese sueche zum üs fest hebe, wa gar nöd immer so eifach gsi isch. I so situatione hilfts immer wenn me sich ganz flach und möglichst nöch as Riff leit, well döt d Strömig weniger starch isch. Während dem Tauchgang hemer 2 Mantas, en Stachelroche und en Adlerroche gseh. Leider hets recht viel Lüt gha unter Wasser, darum sind d Mantas nur i de Ferni sichtbar gsi und nöd über üs dure gschwumme. Nebet dem hemmer au immer wieder Schwarzspitze Riffhai gseh. Noch 40 Minute hemmer den d Stei losloh und sind denn i de Strömig für de Sicheheitsstopp uf 5m uftaucht.

    De letschti Tauchgang (Tatawa Besar) isch wieder amne farbige Riff mit viele farbige Softkoralle und Anemone gsi. Döte hemmer unter Anderem en Bambushai, mehreri Riffhai und wieder es paar Schildkrote gseh.

    Noch em Znacht im Dive Center hemmer i de Tauchgruppe no es Bier trunke und aschlüssend simmer no an Markt vo Labuan Bajo und hend döte frischi Frücht probiert.
    As on the days before we started the day early in the morning at the dive center. Today we had central Komodo on our plan again.
    Our first dive (Siaba Besar) was a very relaxing one with a colorful reef and various fish. There were many turtles as well which somerimes came really close to us.

    Our second dive took us to Makassar Reef a place, which in case there are mantas spotted, is also known as Mantapoint. This dive was a drift dive from the beginning on. The video underneath gives you a sense of what that looked like 😊.

    After that we were moving from rock to rock looking for another spot that was stabile enough to grap onto in the current, which wasnt always easy. In such situations it helps to stay flat and stay close to the reef since the current there is usually weaker. During this dive we have seen 2 mantas and an eagle ray. Sadly there were many people which made us only see the mantas from afar and not swimming above us. Aside from rays we have also seen black tip reef sharks. After 40 minutes we let go of the rocks and dove up in the current to 5 meters to do our safety stop.

    Our last dive of the day (Tatawa Besar) was again at a nice reef with plenty of colorful soft corals and anemones. We have met a bamboo shark multiple reef sharks and a good ammount of turtles. Later we had dinner at the dive shop and enjoyed a beer with our diving group. Our group finnished the day with a visit to the night market of labuan bajo and we enjoyed some fresh fruits.
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  • Day 4

    Dive day #2 Komodos North

    October 23, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Wie gester simmer au hüt wieder früeh ufgstande und hend üs ufgmacht i Richtig Tauchschuel.
    Hüt ischs mit em Boot in Norde vo Komodo gange. Unter Taucher isch die Region sehr bekannt für starchi Strömige.

    De ersti Tauchgang hemmer am Tauchplatz "Shotgun" gmacht. Direkt nochem Istieg hemmer i de Ferni en Manta gseh, wo sini Runde dreit het. Gege s Endi vom Tauchgang simmer i de eigentliche Shotgun acho.
    Wie mer im Video gseht, isch da e Felskante, wo mer sich i de Strömig ine festhebet und s Gscheh gnüsse chan. So hemmer zu üsem Glück sehr nöch vor üs zwei Wisspitze Riffhai dure schwimme gseh. Zum de Tauchgang beende hemmer denn alli glichziitig losloh und üs vo de Strömig wegzieh loh. So hemmer s erste moll richtig Strömig vo Komodo erlebt. 😊

    Am zweite (Castle Rock) wie au am dritte Tauchplatz (Cristal Rock) simmer wieder mit diverse Koralle und farbige Fisch verwöhnt worde. Sogar es chlises Pygmy Seepferdli hemmer versteckt i de Koralle gfunde, aber au Süesslippefisch und en Hufe wieteri Tier hend mer gseh. Am Obig hend mir zrugg i de Tauchschuel en feine Znacht dörfe gnüsse. Aschlüssend het d Rebecca ufem Hoteldach no Theorie für de Tüfetauchgang vo morn glese.
    As yesterday we woke up early again and headed towards the dive center. Today the boat took us up into the north of the Komodo National park, a region that is well known within the dive communty for its strong currents.

    At our first dive site (shotgun) we jumped into the water and have instantly spotted a manta circling around a bit further out in the ocean. Towards the end of the dive we reached the actual shotgun. As seen in the video underneath it is an edge of a cliff where all the current comes together. As a diver you wanna stay right in there holding on to that cliff since there is the most wildlife activity. At this point two white tip reef sharks have passed by really closely to us. Finally to finish this dive we have all let go of the edge at the same time to get washed away by the current which meant a lot of fun. It was our first time to really experience the currents of komodos north.😊

    During the following second (Castle Rock) and third dive (Cristal Rock) we were spoiled again by beatiful corals and marine life. We saw a pygmy seahorse hidden in the corals, some sweetlips and lot more diffrent fishes. In the evening we enjoyed dinner at the diving schools restaurant and later Rebecca read the theory for the deep dive tomorow.
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  • Day 3

    Dive day #1 at Komodo National Park

    October 22, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Üse Wecker het üs hüt am 5:30 für de ersti Tauchusflug is Zentrum vom Komodo Nationalpark gweckt gweckt. Während en Zmorge esse i de Tauchschuel hemmer chönne zueluege, wie s Material verlade worde isch.
    S Boot het üs ahschlüssend an erste Tauchplatz (Siaba Besar) brocht. Während üsem guet stündige Tauchgang hemmer unter anderem Schildkrotte, en Tintefisch und Napoleonfisch gseh. Bi üsem Safetystop sind sogar no zwei Mobula Roche vorbi ghuscht.

    Den simmer wieter zu üsem zweite Tauchplatz (Mawan), wo mer voller Vorfreud uf Mantas is Wasser gsprunge sind. Leider hemmer wege de starche Strömig nöd chöne bis zu de Mantas tauche und hend für eimol nöd so viel Fisch gseh. Liecht frustriert hend mir ufem Boot Zmittag gesse, wo mer plötzlich grossi, schwarzi Schatte im Wasser gseh hend. Um üses Boot ume sind mehreri Mantas uftaucht. Da isch es meh als Wert gsi zum de Zmittag underbreche, d Flosse und Maske ahlege und ohni Tauchusrüstig zu de Mantas is Wasser z springe. Innerhalb vo kurzer Ziit sind so mehreri schwarzi und wissi Mantas a üs vorbi gschwumme und hend üs debi fast berührt. Da isch e sehr idrücklichs Erlebnis gsi, wo mir beidi so schnell nöd werdet vergesse 😊

    De dritti und letschti Tauchgang vo hüt hend mir in Batu Bolong gmacht, lut CNN eine vo de beste Tauchplätz weltwiet.
    De Tauchgang het üs nöd enttüscht - mir sind anere mit Koralle gfüllte, farbige Felswand noh ufetaucht und hend riese vielfalt a Pflanze und Tier dörfe erlebe.
    Noch de Rückfart mit em Boot hemmer zfriede de Rest vom Tag im Städli usklinge loh und freued üs jetzt scho uf de Usflug vo morn.
    Our Alarm went off today at 5:30 am. For our first day of diving the central kommodo national park. While we were eating breakfast our dive equiment got transportet to the harbour.
    A little later on our boat we headed to our first dive site (Siaba Besar). During our 1 hour dive we saw may diffrent animales like turtles, a cuttle fish or a Napoleon fish. Even two mobula ray rushed by at the surface when we were doing our safety stop at the end of the dive.
    For our following 2nd dive of the day (at Mawan) we jumped into the water thrilled to see manta rays. Sadly the strong current made it impossible for us to reach the Manta cleaning stations and there were not that many fish to see.
    Slightly frustrated we went back onto the boat to eat lunch. All of the sudden we saw huge black shadows in the water. Around our boat multiple mantas showed up. This was the moment to interrupt our lunch, put on fins and masks and getting into the water with them without scuba gear.
    It didn't take long for the mantas (black and white) to swimm straight at us almost touching us while passing by. This is definitly an unfogetable memory for both of us which we were gladly able to make. 😊
    Todays third and last dive took us to Batu Bolong one of the worlds best dive sites according to CNN. We were definitly not disapointed by that site, where we dove up a rocky wall which was packed in colorful corals which is the home of an astoundly diverse wildlife.
    After our trip back we enjoyed the rest of the evening in the city and soon called it a day excited for tomorrows trip.
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  • Day 2

    Labuan Bajo

    October 21, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Noch über 22 Stund und über 10'000km reise sind mer a üsem erste Ziil vo dere Reis acho. Am Nomittag am 3 (ide Schwiiz isch do 10i am Morge gsi) simmer in Labuan Bajo glandet. Da isch e Ortschaft vode Isle Flores und de Startpunkt für de Komodo Nationalpark. Mer hend denn üses Hotel bezoge, hend chli usgruebet bis mer denn e Tauchschuel für de Tauchusflug für morn go sueche sind. De Obig abgrundet hemmer mit feinem Esse und guete Getränk us de Kokosnuss.
    After 22 hours and more than 10'000 km of flying we made it to our first destination. At 3 pm. (10 am. in Switzerland) we landed in Labuan Bajo, which is on the isle of Flores and the gate to Komodo National Park. Then we droped our backpacks at the hotel and found a dive school where we organised the dive trip for tomorrow.
    We summed up our day with a spicy dinner and some fresh coconut juice.
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  • Day 2

    Pitstop #2

    October 21, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    Üsi Reis goht in Jakarta, Indonesie witer. Wo ane echt?
    Ps: falls er moll en Inlandflug machet, de Terminal 2 isch denn nöd döt woner mitm internationale Flug achömet 😂
    Arrived in Jakarta, but what is our next stop?
    Btw... if you booked a domestic flight from Jakarta, it's terminal 2 ... we were looking for the airline for quite a while 😂
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