In 2017 Harry finally admitted that yes, he did want to travel for months in a very small trailer with his wife, Renee, and two dog pals, Jack and Sam. This blog recounts their trials (many) and their tribulations (even more!) Læs mere Ashfield, United States
  • Dag 9


    4. december 2017, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    Most of you know my sister and her husband Curt live in the Charleston area. They recently moved from Mt. Pleasant which is near the beach to an area called Summerville. But we drove Jack and Sam one hour to the beach on our free morning in Charleston because we could let them off leash and they hadn't been off leash in ten days. It was worth every minute of the drive - they were so happy and roamed so far away from us. This was Sam's first foray into the water and it turns out she loves it.

    We said goodbye to Rita and Curt after a lovely restful two day visit. Everything in their house seemed so big and beautiful after a week in the camper. I mean, their house is beautiful and restful but we were taken aback by how it felt to be "on land." Thank you guys for a great visit and thank you to Rosie for allowing herself to be displaced for two day so Jack and Sam could be in the house with us! Now that's southern hospitality.

    We set off to Atlanta on Thursday, November 30th, but not before having another huge issue with the hitch. This time our savior was Hans, a maintenance man at my sister's development who had 30 years of RVing experience. He was great and left what he was doing to go work with Harry and show him some things that we hope will solve future hitch problems. One thing that has been amazing to us is how many lovely people we've met, and how even though we sometimes have tough issues, we've been able to find solutions - usually with help.

    Our overnight in Atlanta with my cousins Diane and Mike was another great stop - Mike has been retired for two years and has been diligently pursuing his passion for cooking. He's a much finer cook than either Harry or me. He has been volunteering at restaurants throughout the Atlanta area and kitchens are happy to have him. He made us a dinner of short ribs cooked in the sous vide method (cooking at a precise temp in a water bath in a vacuum sealed bag) and served the ribs with a jus he made from marrow bones (uh huh - much finer than me) over a bed of mashed cauliflower that was delicious and carrots flavored with orange zest and thyme.) These guys are awesome hosts and we loved spending time with them. Thank you Diane and Mike - please come visit us soon and experience our Puritan style New England cooking!
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  • Dag 9

    Charleston via Myrtle Beach

    4. december 2017, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    This entry will introduce some of the trauma that (not infrequently) goes into our days. We wanted an early start to Charleston so we set out to get on the road by 9:00. We got a little behind schedule because first Harry had a terrible time getting the car hitched back up and then we were talking to our camping neighbor, Ricky, before heading out. It's a darn good thing we spent time talking to Ricky because when we pulled out of the campground we became unhitched. Yup, the car and the trailer were no long operating as one. There are two safety chains that connect you so the camper was hanging on by the safety chains and making a seriously god awful noise. We quickly pulled over on the side of a very busy road and Ricky coming crashing through the bushes to help us! Harry and Ricky got us hitched back up.
    Big trauma.

    That day had a few more snafus like going 70 miles out of way courtesy of our gps through very god-forsaken parts of North Carolina, and traffic standstills on 17 South, but we did finally find our way to Myrtle Beach State Park where we had a lovely pull through spot which means we did not have to unhitch which means Harry was a happy camper that night.

    This State Park was just lovely - we had a nice big spot in the trees, clean showers ( I think I took pictures), and a 200 yard walk out to the beach. The dogs couldn't go off leash here but they were happy (see pictures below). The Park Ranger showed us to our spot because we got here late and I asked him - since it was dark - whether there was anything to look out for when we took the dogs for a walk. He r.plied - just snakes!

    We also visited an RV Sales and Repair place one block from the State Park and the lovely service manager got on the ground and examined our hitch because it was making a horrible grating sound and we were unsurprisingly a little nervous about the hitch. He just loosened a bolt and sent us on our way.

    Do you Ashfieldans remember Mr. Donut from Route 9 in Hadley? Well, that was one of Harry's favorite donuts spots - and oddly enough, that Mr. Donut is now located in Myrtle Beach. We got one dozen for us and one dozen for the RV people. Life is good.
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  • Dag 7

    Day 7 - off to Roanoke Island NC

    2. december 2017, Forenede Stater ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

    We left our Misty Mountain (Charlottesville) campgrounds on the Saturday following Monticello trip - heading to North Carolina. The end of the day brought us to The Refuge at Roanoke, a campground on Roanoke Island that sounds more romantic than it is BUT we had a full hook-up which by now you should understand means electric, water and our own personal sewage dump.

    This Roanoke Island is about halfway down the Cape Hatteras peninsula which we were eager to explore. It is also the place where there was The Lost Colony of Roanoke. There are two towns on the Island, Manteo and Wanchese which are both names of Algonquin indians who befriended the settlers. Manteo is the more developed of the two towns and where we got a totally amazing "breakfast in a bowl" at TL's Family Restaurant, that is, grits, a biscuit, bacon, sausage, cheddar cheese and two eggs for $7.00 (and yes, in a bowl). Not to be missed. Manteo is the town where there is also Festival Park which was a lovely park for the dogs, also pictured below) and Fort Raleigh Historical Park where we learned all about the Lost Colony.

    The Lost Colony turns out to be a lot less mysterious than I had thought. There were two excursions funded by England to the New World in about 1585 mainly for the purpose of bringing back New World wealth. The first group had with them one artist and one scientist which is great for the historical record because there are interesting paintings of the Algonquins, how they lived, the fauna, etc. This first group of settlers recorded how welcoming and generous the Algonquins were. But the relationship soured. There are accounts of how the Algonquins would give the settlers 60 otter pelts in return for one pot and there is a general feeling in the writing that the settlors were consistently getting the better deal. And then also, the Algonquin started getting deathly ill with Western diseases. At a certain point, the settlers decided to kill the chief of the Algonquin. This may have been because the Settlors wanted more of what the Algonquin had or it may have been because the Settlors heard that the Algonquin were intending to attack them. I read both versions.

    Fortunately for the Settlers, after they killed the chief, an expedition showed up that took the lot of them off Roanoke Island and returned them to England. Two Algonquins returned with them, Manteo and Wanchese. One or two years later another group of Settlers came, this time with women and children, and this is the group that became known as the Lost Colony. It is also the group that produced Virginia Dare as the first European child born in the New Country.

    Well, would you want to be a part of this second group after the first group killed the Algonquin's chief? No. things did not go well for them and they insisted that the governor of their group return to England to bring back more supplies because guess what - the Algonquins were not being very forthcoming. When the governor left he told them that if they had to leave to write the name of where they were going on a tree, and he also told them that if they were leaving in distress to use a certain word.

    Well, the governor got back to England but due to circumstances (all boats being used in war with Spain) he was never able to get back to Roanoke. But years later another ship stopped there and there was no sign of the settlement. Neither were there graves or signs of war. Carved into a tree was the word COA which was understood to mean Croatan which is now known as Cape Hatteras. Croatan was also the home town of either Manteo and Wanchese, or both, so it makes sense that if circumstances dictated the settlers needed to leave they would go there.

    No intact evidence was ever found of the Settlers down in Croatan. However, there were indians that had grey eyes and spoke of ancestors that would talk into a book. They were very proud of these ancestors. So it seems likely that the settlers went down to the end of the Outer Banks where they might have more support from the local indians (not sure what tribe) and that they eventually melded into the group. So interesting! but I guess I always thought that they disappeared as in maybe getting beamed up.

    There's another amazing restaurant on Roanoke Island called the Front Porch which has excellent coffee brewed on site and fabulous baked muffins and other baked goods. Unusually good.

    We left Roanoke the next morning and moseyed on down to Charleston.
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  • Dag 4

    Charlottesville - Monticello

    29. november 2017, Forenede Stater ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Friday was our last day in Charlottesville and we dedicated it to visiting Monticello. I think everyone's a little fascinated with Jefferson these days in view of Hamilton and the most recent Jeffersonian biography -- but I was not prepared for the wash of emotion I felt as we started our 11:00 o'clock tour of Monticello. Jefferson began life with 3000 gorgeous acres and throughout his life he owned as many as 600 slaves. The tours given of Monticello are very aware of the slavery factor and there is no question of evading the ever present achievement and contribution of the enslaved population to the grandness of Monticello. And yet, Jefferson shines as a major American product of the enlightenment.

    His home has many unique objects - for example, over his bed there is a skylight, one of 13 throughout the residence, and the first in American architecture. he also built a storage space over his bed where he stored his out of season clothes, and put round holes into the walls for circulation. He had huge gardens which fed Monticello and where he experimented with various vegetables which made up a large component of planation diet. He loved beans and had a huge variety of them. For a reason not disclosed in the tour, he wanted to minimize slaves waiting on the family so he devised things like a wine elevator in the living room where wine could be delivered by means of a dumb waiter. Of course, some one had to be below to load the wine...He also hated wasted space so therefore had no fixed dining table. He used tables that could be pushed back into the quarters of his room.

    We also went on a slavery tour and that guide was quite militant about the unfathamable contradiction of a man who wrote "all men are created equal ..." but also owned hundreds of slaves and fathered four children with Sally Hemmings. He valued the worth of his female slaves who could produce more humans, and he separated families during his tenure at Monticello.

    He also died bankrupt. Monticello and its slaves had to be sold at his death with no respect given to intact families. Monticello has only had two private owners before it went into a protected status by a private foundation. All in all, it was a very memorable day.

    We are off in the morning to Roanoke Island, North Carolina - home of the Lost Colony of Roanoke.
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  • Dag 1

    Assateague to Charlottesville

    26. november 2017, Forenede Stater ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

    We left Assateague early Wednesday, November 22 - some of the pictures below are still from there. We took off in a rain storm with Harry doing a great job of getting us to Charlottesville - about six hours. Our campsite in C'ville is what probably most of us think of as an "rv campsite" but it turned out to be really good for us. This was the first time we had a hook up for electricity, water and our very own sewer dump and we had to back in the camper. That was the royal "we." All of these were camping firsts - hooking up those services, using the sewage dump, BACKING IN!!! We also unhitched from the camper for the first time since we planned on going into C'ville to eat and tour. Big milestones for us. So we rewarded ourselves with a meal out at a lovely restaurant in C'ville called C&O recommended by Gail and Ethan. Totally agree! One of the pictures below is of the restaurant and another one of those pictures is of my lovely fig and goat cheese salad. The next day was Thanksgiving and we had reservations in the late afternoon at Maya's. Before dinner we spent the afternoon walking around the University of Virginia which was inspiring - so beautiful and I love to think of my dear friends who attended here. Thus ended November 23rd.Læs mere

  • Dag 1

    Assateague - Nat'l Seashore 11/20 & 21

    26. november 2017, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

    Despite the issues we had on our first night camping, I woke up feeling exhilarated and free. We explored Bass River State Park, and then headed one hour south to the Cape May Ferry which took us across the Delaware Bay. On the other side we took off down Highway 1 finding our way to the Assateague National Seashore where we camped for two nights ($15 a night). Our campsite was on the sand on the Bay Side, less wind, and again we did not have water or electricity hook-ups but our battery had recharged and we could fill our tank with water. We did have access to a cold shower building. That was exciting - complete shower done in four blast of icy cold water.

    The real problem with no electricity hook up is not being able to make coffee in the morning. Sad! Especially since we had new coffee from Eva to try. But we found a way around this set back - we stole electricity from the Ranger station to make coffee before the Station opened. That's what you can see Harry doing below. I had the strangest feeling that this is how bears must feel when they realize that people have bird feeders hanging outside - is that too obscure a reference?

    As you can see, the beaches are beautiful. You probably know that Assateague is famous because of the wild horse herds that roam the Island in both the Maryland and Virginia part. Assateague has a great Visitor Center where we saw a film about how the horses came to be living there as well as great exhibits about the local aqua culture. There are two herds at the National Sea Shore in Maryland and more in Virginia. The horses are left wild in Maryland which means no care is given to them. They are kept to a steady number - something less than 200 - by means of a vaccination given to the mares after they have had one foal. In Chincoteague foals are auctioned off which is the point of that annual event where the cowboys herd the horses across the channel.
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  • Dag 1

    Leaving Home

    26. november 2017, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    On Sunday, November 19, 2017, we set off from Tatro Road on our trip which may or may not last for two month. It was a blustery day which was scary for two people unused to the swayings of their Alto caravan. But with good spirits and an equal amount of trepidation we set off. I'll will post a departure video when I figure out how to do that.

    Our first camping spot was Bass River State Forest on the New Jersey Shore. ($25.00) We got there 15 minutes before closing (who knew campsites had closings?) so the clerk was not terribly interested in answering the unusual amount of questions we had. This was Renee’s first experience booking a camp site and she hadn’t inquired about hook-ups, the electric, water and sewage kind. Bass River had none of these BUT there was a communal source for potable water. We made our way to this pronto since we had about 45 minutes of light.

    We remembered the right side of the caravan to stick the water hose, got that all fitted up, and let her rip. Awesome! except as much water as went into the caravan came out of the bottom. Harry twisted every valve he could find but we eventually had to call Louise, our lifeline at Discount Rental in Montreal. She had assured us that we should call her (day or night!) whenever we got stumped. This was our third call in two days. We love Louise.
    Harry and Louise worked on the problem for 30 minutes (daylight fading) and finally Louise just said we should bring the Caravan to an RV repair place in the morning. Sad! but motivating, so we continued to study the owner’s manual, examined the illustrating photos with a magnifying glass, and finally found one little valve that still needed to be turned. Really awesome! We filled up and went to our little space in the Forest where we would spend the night. We were the only people in the Forest.
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