Lister's 1/2 Lap 2024

April - June 2024
A 67-day adventure by Pam Read more
  • 26footprints
  • 1countries
  • 67days
  • 217photos
  • 7videos
  • 13.2kkilometers
  • Day 1

    Day 2

    April 7 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 32 °C

    2nd Day
    We left Kulin at 7.15am and 13° temp!! Stopped at Hyden for diesel and noticed lots of water alongside the road. It was lovely and green from here. Stopped for coffee, then on to "Breakways" Very impressive as you'll see from photos. You can stay o/n as toilets here. Fuelled up and had lunch at Norseman.
    Then all we saw were trucks heading West, carry food for all those starving Sandgropers!!
    Stopped o/n at Harms Lake. Nice and quiet, a few other vans, but no toilets.
    545kms today.
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  • Day 2

    Day 3 Monday 08/04

    April 8 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

    Woke 5am after early night, and it was quite foggy. We left Harms Lake at 5.45am and drove to Balladonia to fuel & a coffee fix!
    Trucks galore (estimate average every km. )
    Fog cleared to light rain by the time we got to our breakfast stop "Baxter" rest area at 7.30am. It continued raining most of the day. There was a cairn there, where I left a rock, which I wrote on ( Pam & John 8/4/2024 Perth - Adelaide. (That's for Sue & Ron and Jo & Rod, Pam & Pete)
    We drove in light rain to Cocklebiddy, for coffee & beautiful fruit cake ( thank you Joy). The Eyre Hwy was so green, and we both are enjoying the driving. Madurah fuel stop ( Madura Pass is very spectacular) then more driving to Mundrabilla for top up fuel. We've been playing all our old cd's, which has been so much fun.
    Crossed the border & reset our watches 1 1/ 2 hours forward. Finally arrived at our o/n stop at the 164 peg rest area. A great spot 20 kms from Nullabor Roadhouse. We'll check out the view over the Bight tomorrow, and then it's on to Steaky Bay. We've crossed the Nullabor many times, so we're not smelling too many roses. ... 712 kms today & another early night now. 🌙
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  • Day 3

    Day 4 Tuesday 9/4/24

    April 9 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Left 164 Peg campsite at 7.15 am after a lovely quiet night. Drove 20kms to Nullabor Roadhouse for a bit of fuel, $2.944 litre. (dearest so far). Roadhouse was good, though. The next stop was "The Head Of The Bight." You must have your seniors card with you to get a discount. ($ 7 each) It's very impressive here as photos will show, but unfortunately, cold & windy. It doesn't open until 8.30 am & closes at 4.00 pm. The gate was locked when we arrived, but we had breakfast and drove on further to the coast once the gate opened. There were about 6 caravans here that had stayed the night.
    We later passed the spot where the two trucks collided & and sadly, 3 people were killed. You can see the evidence on the road where the trucks had both caught fire. It was a terrible accident for those involved but also for those first on the scene who could do nothing to save those people. Just before arriving in Ceduna, we saw 4 mounted police on horses walking slowly along each side of the highway!! I'm not sure what that was about. Obviously, searching for something!
    Arrived in Ceduna about 2 pm and had to get a gas bottle refilled, then we drove on to Smokey Bay and booked here for one night as we couldn't get a sites in Steaky Bay ( March/ April ) very busy. Have a site booked for Thursday and may try the RV park in Streaky Bay tomorrow.
    Weather much cooler here and will be 19° tomorrow.
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  • Day 5–7

    Day 5 & 6 (Wednesday & Thursday

    April 11 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    It was a strange, very basic caravan park last night in Smokey Bay. Only $20 per night with power & water. ( the other park was fully booked) All 20 sites were WA plates except for 1 Victorian.
    We drove the 70kms to Streaky Bay and went straight to the RV park in town. $15 per vehicle with just 2 clean toilets. It was ok for 1 night. Unhooked the van & drove back to town. Had a walk along the jetty ; talked to an interesting couple who had lived in Weipa for 30 years, sold their home & have been travelling for 4 mths.
    Streaky Bay is a great fishing town with a lovely feel to it. We walked the two main streets and had some lunch. Heaps of things to see. Depends where your interests lie. We also bought another 4 dozen oysters to take to the family in the Barossa Valley.
    Quiet night.
    Woke to a cool morning today, Thursday, and after breakfast, we went for a drive. We took the loop road to Cape Bauer, which was very impressive. Blow holes to see also. It's worth the drive.
    Back to RV park to hook up to drive 5kms to "The Islands" Caravan Park. Nice new park with large private sites. The ablutions consist of ensuits, all having a shower & toilet. It's really nice and $39 per night, which apparently doesn't change for peak times. A bike path takes you back to town.
    The beach is just a short track from the C/P and is just lovely for swimming. Islands to be seen in the distance, also the township, and some great walks to be had. It's a bit warmer today but not warm enough for a swim!!. Although I know a couple of friends who would!!
    Off to Kadina tomorrow to catch up with two couples. Big drive, so leaving park early.
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  • Day 6–9

    Friday 12th, Saturday 13th , Sunday 14t

    April 12 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

    Left Steaky Bay at 6.15 am to do the 584 km in good time to Kadina to see friends.The drive was really lovely as the Flinders Ranges made a great backdrop. Goats along the way & unfortunately wind turbines to blight the escarpment.
    Got to Rod & Cynthias ( we ride with Rod in Broome, and he asked us to call in when he knew we were doing this trip )
    We had a cup of tea with them & chatted until it was time to see Marie & Allen Gribble at the Kadina Caravan Park. ( Marie played tennis with us 7 years ago when they were travelling the country. )
    We had a lovely meal with them & some friends of theirs. Then early night & back to the van at R & C's place.
    After breakfast, Rod took us to a friends house to show us his Men's Shed! OMG!!! The photos don't do it justice. He has won the Best Men's Shed in Australia & everything in it he's mostly made. The motorcycles don't go, but if you look closely, you'll see they're made from lawn mower cylinders, saucepans & all sorts. Amazing! You can't possibly see everything in one visit.
    Next, it was on to Wallaroo, Pt Hughes, Moonta & back to Kadina for a tour of the town. Rod was the ultimate tour guide, and we were very grateful. Home to watch two games of footy and a wonderful roast dinner. Beautiful people & we will see them again in Broome.
    Slept well on Saturday night and left Kadina for Kapunda 150kms away.
    Arrived at Jason's on Sunday morning for coffee.
    Had a wonderful first night with all the family, drinking champers, and eating oysters and homemade meat pies. Of course, the highlight was to hear Will ( grandson ) & his girlfriend Ava singing. I have posted a video of them, but it's not good quality. I'll have to post it tomorrow!
    Well, that's all folks! I won't post too much while in Adelaide. Hopefully, you are all well. The weather here is beautiful 😍
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  • Day 10

    Just a joke for you today !!

    April 16 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Lazy day today.
    Someone sent us this very funny video. It's in Russian but you'll get the idea. The customer didn't want to pay for the orange peel because one doesn't eat that! See what the quick thinking cashier does!!!Read more

  • Day 11

    Will & Ava's campfire song

    April 17 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Unchained Melody. Practising for school performance.

  • Day 12

    Thursday 18th

    April 18 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Bit cloudy this morning. We went for a walk to The Kapunda Mines this morning. I will take photos next time we're there as the council is spending a lot of money restoring these old copper mines. They have excavated so much of the original workings, and it will be a fabulous tourist destination when completed. A girlfriend of mine, of nearly 50 years, and her husband came to visit us for lunch. It was a lovely afternoon catching up and reminiscing of days gone by.
    In the evening, we went into "The Shed" and Will and Becc made pizzas for dinner. The shed is a great spot to hang out with, a combustion heater, pool table, etc. Photos to follow of girlfriend Jill and The Shed.
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  • Day 18–23

    Friday 19th -Wed 24th

    April 24 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Hi all,
    Friday night, we drove with Jase & Becc to the Central Markets in Adelaide. These are fabulous markets where one can purchase all sorts of fresh foods and delights from different countries. We had Curry Laksa for a quick dinner before heading across the road to the Metropolitan Hotel to listen to Will's band " Newgate Crowd " perform. They were very good and although quite loud, we enjoyed watching the crowd dancing to the beat. We were very late home!!!
    Saturday, we drove to a large shopping centre to purchase Will's 18th birthday gift.
    The evening was spent in The Shed with friends of Jase and Beccs.
    Most days, we go for a walk through and around Kapunda.
    Sunday was very interesting as we watched granddaughter Bonnie play woman's AFL. She's never played before, doesn't really know the rules, and they put her in full forward, full back, and then Ruck. I felt sorry for her, but she's going back this week for another game.
    I forgot to mention the footy!!! Yeah, I really couldn't believe what we were witnessing! Amazing, magnificent, Eagles, and so very much deserved. ❤️
    Had a lovely Sunday afternoon drive to Clare. The rolling hills and autumn colours were impressive. Had wine tastings in Skillagalee and purchased some Reisling.
    Monday, I caught the train from Gawler (30 mins from Kapunda) into Adelaide (50 mins) and had a wonderful day catching up with my bridesmaid of 56 years ago and another dear friend. Special times.
    There is not much to report from Tuesday, except John had a reaction to his second shingles jab. Sore arm, dizziness, nausea, and fatigue. Didn't last long, but to be expected, according to the doctor.
    Drove to Nuriootpa this morning. It's a lovely town in the Barossa Valley. Found a NAB bank( not so easy these days) and picked up a few bits, after lunch in the bakery
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