El Camino de Santiago

May - June 2024
Camino de Santiago | A pilgrimage across Spain dating back to the 9th century. Also referred to as “The Way” or simply as “The Camino.”
Pilgrimage | A long journey, often for personal growth.
Pilgrim | A person that walks the Camino.
Buen Camino |
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Currently traveling
  • 28footprints
  • 2countries
  • 37days
  • 473photos
  • 15videos
  • 7.7kkilometers
  • 6.8kkilometers
  • Day 9

    Zubiri , Spain

    May 14 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    We left Roncesvalles and are still in the Pyrenees. However, we are going mostly down with a few surprising up hills.

    We are learning to read the topography of the maps to better be prepared for how to plan our day. The little jagged ups on the map are not little! 🤣😳

    We are having our body tested and mind.

    It was a relief to walk through tree cover and a woodsy vibe. I was grateful for the cool air.

    We ate dinner as a group at a Alburge, our guide Nancy booked it for us. I was so grateful for the food they provide. It’s the second night I ordered the fish.

    I need fuel and I need it to be light so I can get up and go.

    Tomorrow we have our longest kilometers to walk 25 k to Pamplona.

    We continue to care for our feet like the valuable delicate assets they are.

    I’m wearing my knee compression sleeve (Incrediwear) and rotating it on each knee.

    Trekking poles are an absolute must! Regardless of fitness.
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  • Day 10

    On to Pamplona….

    May 15 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    We Arrived to Pamplona from Zubiri.

    There were beautiful flowers, shaded tree canopy and a river flowing throughout the day. I think we were walking through wheat fields. There was a closed bar/cafe, its gate and base were hand carved with many ornamental symbols. Zoom in to see them all.

    The cafe we stopped in was a great place to rest and relax and it was at the river. I soaked my feet and knees in the chilly river water. I was careful to fully dry my feet before heading back out on the walk.

    I had an Emotional and humbling day.

    I cried a lot today on the trail, I cried in the cafe, I cried by the river and I pretty much cried all day and night. God spoke to me loud and clear about my homework.

    I arrived in Pamplona tired, a little homesick and a little broken.
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  • Day 11

    Bring on the bulls Pamplona!

    May 16 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Pamplona! I’m here! Why am I crying??
    Lawd I couldn’t stop crying!!


    Upon arrival at our hotel I felt weary and grateful. My legs were like spaghetti noodles. The hotel was awesome!

    I took a long hot and then a cold shower to reset.
    I rubbed my legs out hoping they would stop throbbing …………..and cried!

    Amy brought me a tasty cold Estella beer from the bar and delivered it to my room.

    After I cleaned myself up, I met up with some of the group to head out for Pintxos (Pinchos) bar walk.

    I walked with one trek pole to help support my knee and weight while walking.

    Walking through the streets of Pamplona was a nice introduction to the Spanish bar culture. The food and beverage were great and very reasonably priced. The architecture was fabulous.

    The cadence in how you order and communicate vino tinto con lemon and point at various Pintxos to order was fabulous! The scene was reasonably priced.

    Btw, I never had this drink vino tinto con lemon. Amy ordered it. It’s red wine with lemon soda and ice. It’s super refreshing!

    I chatted with various folks that are walking the Camino and listening to them inspired me and lifted me up. I went and had dinner with Amy and you guessed it …….I cried! Amy listened and lifted me up! 💜
    After dinner I was hopeful that maybe I could recover the next day but I didn’t know.


    I woke up and felt physically wiped out and a little bit better physically and emotionally. Not 100%, but better. It was a full rest day in Pamplona. I slept in. Chores needed to be done like laundry, get some euros, a stop at the pharmacy for medicine for my legs and some compression socks and knee sleeves. We also needed to book more accommodations for our stage stops after we leave pamplona. We had no place to stay.

    Amy checked in on me 😊 and went to have cafe con leche and start planning our next stage. I soon followed her down to the bar for Tortilla Espanol.

    It’s kinda like an egg and potato frittata, it’s super yummy and satisfying. They have different flavors. They salt the eggs perfectly!

    I sat with Amy to discuss our next stage. Our guide Nancy came to meet us and check on us and our planning. We are headed to Obanos tomorrow. The walk will have an ascent and descent.

    I did laundry, chatted with others on the Camino and now off to meet Amy for Pintxos, beer and wine! 🍷 💃🏽….

    Feeling lighter and happier. 😊 still crying literally!! 😊
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  • Day 12

    We have a plan - Obanos

    May 17 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    We moved on from Pamplona and headed to Obanos..

    The path was very populated at the beginning of the morning and day.

    We reached the top standing next to humongous wind turbines and the state of the Pilgrim. We celebrated with smiles enjoyed conversation with others from all around the world . It was also very emotional.

    We decided to stay in Obanos. It was a lovely Pension’ run by an elderly couple. They were sweet, firm and very hospitable. They made us dinner in their home and we sat at their dinning room table.

    The couple cooked I t he kitchen for us and pour us some wine. Maria & Pedro. We’re so lovely and humorous. 💜

    Amy made it fun with Spanish- English chit chat with the couple. I sat and listened picking up a few Spanish worlds here and there.

    Maria said she had done the Camino a couple times and it’s very heavy. Shared some stories.

    Maria and Pedro pool looked luscious - and it’s was cold 🥶. I plugged my whole body into it. My knees and hips were killing me. The cold pool provided relief! Yay!!

    Next morning….

    Off to Villatuerta - We had a plan the next morning to pack our day pack as light as possible and send the rest with luggage transport. We heard the trail was less intense and so we wanted to go light. Have an “easy” day!🤣🤣🤣

    However luggage transport arrived 30 minutes early and wasn’t going to wait for us. We packed in a chaotic state. Cramming anything and everything in our luggage nit wanting to carry it.

    We did the best we could under pressure AND when all was said and done we had way too much to carry that day. It was weird irony that we had gotten the lesson on packing light and was prepared to do so and then the Camino said one more day you can walk with your crap on your back ! 🤣

    We had a few stops on our way to Villatuerta. One town we arrived in had a small church where I went to go visit and pray and meditate. They had a pilgrim meditation. It moved me very much. And……. I cried! 🤣🙌💜. I met a woman from Scotland that started talking about letting go very interesting conversation and I/we met a guy named Fred from the Netherlands. He is kind and caring.
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  • Day 14


    May 19 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Feeling refreshed from the cold plunge at Pedro’s and Maria’s, I walked briskly on my walk for the first hour.

    It was a beautiful day with gorgeous sights.

    We booked a room at Magical Alburge. In a small town call Villatuerta. The floor are made from stones.

    It was very rustic Albergue. Clothes being hand washed in sinks by Pilgrims and hanging to dry. A few hammocks hung for us to rest in. We stayed in a room with 3 other women. From various countries.

    We enjoyed the Pilgrim dinner, vegetarian Paella. It was a cold night. Showers and bathrooms were co-ed and so were some of the dorm rooms.
    I’m getting a bit of hay fever or something. Keeping an eye on that.

    Met a few more folks and chatted about there walks. Some are riding bikes to Santiago and it was fun taking to an Aussie about his chaffed inner thighs!🤣
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  • Day 14

    Los Arcos ! Our longest walk yet!

    May 19 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Yall these walks are stacking up and we feeling it!

    We left Villatuerta and headed to Estella for cafe con leche. Oops!!! It’s Sunday!! Most places closed. It’s interesting when business close on Sunday and mid day throughout the week. We see no one . Not a soul walking around . Ghost town.

    We did end up finding a coffee and then realized we might have a problem, no food to fuel us on our walk.

    As we left Estella we found a tiny food stall and I bought a tomato, tangerine, chocolate croissant and an Aquiriaus (Spanish Powerade).

    We walked with Kathy (Atlanta) and Fred (Netherlands). We helped each other navigate the arrows and stay on track.

    As we were walking I could myself getting weak. I could feel the tomato burn off and banana. I got concerned about my strength and then I saw in a town of closed businesses ONE that was open and they had a tortilla espanol. That did it! That food got me set for the day.

    We walked and walked and saw beautiful scenery. I haven’t tired of it.

    Pain and pleasure.

    My knees and hamstrings were screaming. I was barely taking a Six inch steps. I seriously considered taking a nap on a rock during the misty cool moring under the trees. I walked for about 5 hours and eventually caught up with Amy, Fred and Kathy at a cafe.

    We found a Roman aqueduct or pool or something that was gravity fed by the mountains. The water was cold. So I got in in it to chill my legs down and feet.

    After that Fred said let’s go and do this.

    We walked and walked through vineyards and mountains. I was delirious. Literally!🤣. I think I fell asleep twice walking. 😳

    I even at one point started running! My body just took off running for a few seconds a few times.

    It was a weird fun tiresome day.

    We arrived in Los Arcos totally spent and we realized we could not walk through town because they were doing running of the bulls (toros).

    Check Any Gaster Facebook page and find penguins posts for fun videos .

    We also released we booked our hotel at an out of town truck stop! Oops and yikes! It was another 45 minute walk!!

    It was funny for a lot of reasons and I was happy to have a warm bed and not share the room with 10 other people.

    For dinner I accidentally ordered the wrong meal. I meant to order the goat cheese salad and instead ordered cod and eels salad. Amy, Kathy and I had a good laugh at my blunder. I ate it! Sand gum hit sea worms on a salad!! 🤣. I also had pork ribs french fries and bell pepper. It was sketch for sure and I ate it anyways. I was fine! Yay!🙌. Yum!!!!!

    Oh and we found the wine fountain that pours out of the wall at the Monastery leaving Estella. Rose’
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  • Day 15

    Longrono - Rioja & Rest!

    May 20 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C


    My resting place. My place to reset and reflect on what I have just experienced the last 7 days. A place to give thanks and celebrate. A place to breathe.

    I made it this far and I am very proud of how and where I (and Amy) are at today with our walk.

    Also Longrono is where meeting other Pilgrims and discussing self care & suffering, Some feel bad that they are taking a rest day. Interesting conversation with others on the obligations we put on ourselves. I am of no exception.

    Eating and drinking culture in Spain is conversational and social. A wine and beer pour here is small in size and yet big in satisfaction. Rioja wine is delightful . 🍷

    Off to Navarette

    Below are pictures of
    Cathedral - Concatedral de Santa Maria de la Redonda
    Church of San Bartolomé’
    Church of Santa Maria de Palacio
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  • Day 17

    Navarrette, the in betweens

    May 22 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Met up with some Pilgrims and had a nice breakfast in Longrono at Ibiza.

    Amy, Fred, Cheryl, Glenys and I walked out of the city center and into the cities parks and greens spaces for the locales.

    The green space had a big pond/lake and I enjoyed seeing fisherman catch some fish.

    I have also been taking lots of pictures of dogs.

    We made the 12.6 km (7.82mi) walk in a few hours. We laughed how it feels like such a short walk.

    We are doing another “short” walk tomorrow to get ready for some longer walks. I’m ready to get rid of all my luggage and or clothes. Not sure how to do that yet. I may leave all of it here. 🤷‍♀️ working that out in my head.

    We rolled into Navarrete a small town with an awesome bar that had the best Tapas/Pintxos.

    We ate lunch and then I went to the church there.

    Iglesia Santa Maria de la Asunción - I will post pictures and video on a 2nd post.

    Then we checked into our Albergue - A La Sombra del Laurel.

    I’m enjoying the short day….
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  • Day 17

    Tapas y Vino Tinto

    May 22 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    The concept of bite instead of full meals has some real benefits.

    I don’t eat as much
    I eat what I order
    It’s inexpensive comparatively to a sit down meal.