traveled in 17 countries Read more
  • Day 178

    Landing in the UK - Final day of travel

    March 25, 2020 in England ⋅ 🌙 1 °C

    Landed in the UK at 4.30am. The plane was completely rammed with people all trying to get home.
    Very surprising to have NO checks upon entering and only old advice on the current guidance. Not what you want to see when coming back home. No wonder the UK is having Covid 19 troubles.
    We were lucky to have an M and S open at 6am as we were walking past to get to the train. With not many people around. Stocked up for at least 5 days.
    Took the train to Terminal 3 bus station. Loads of people everywhere, no one paying attention to the 2m rule. We all should carry round big sticks showing what 2m actually is for those who have forgotten.
    Got on the bus which they only filled to about 1/4 to ensure people were far away. Went to Newport and on to Hannah's brothers house to collect the car.

    Then off to an air bnb in Downderry to have 5 days in isolation before heading back to home (once tenant vacates).

    Plans for the next 2 weeks of self isolation:
    1) Yacht master theory
    2) Video edit 6 month of trip
    3) Do a business plan for my next big idea....😁

    What a fantastic 6 months with my fantastic travel buddy Hannah. Shame we had to cut it 3 months short, but I'm sure we will be off again soon enough. Once the world has sorted itself out again.

    Thanks for reading all. When normal order has resumed, make sure you all go out and have yourselves a great journey.
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  • Day 177

    Time to go home to the UK.

    March 24, 2020 in Hong Kong ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

    Checked out after breakfast and heard police in the street on loud speakers saying things are locked down. Our accommodation was saying there would be no taxis to the airport.
    Although our flight was not until later this afternoon we thought it would be best to just get to the airport so quickly got the lady at the counter to take us to the airport.
    All looked on time... so far so good and all ok with a temperature check to enter the airport!
    Waited for a few hours until check in and then successfully Checked in for the first leg to Hong Kong. Whoop!
    Easy flight but full.
    Hong Kong was going into lockdown at 11.59pm for all people going through transit.
    Our flight was due to leave to Heathrow at 11.45pm. Cutting it pretty fine! We didn't explore the airport, just headed straight to the right gate, passing another temp check on the way.
    It took off and we were away! Yes! So all should be fine as long as the UK doesnt go into lockdown on the way back.
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  • Day 176

    Surfing the world famous Uluwatu

    March 23, 2020 in Hong Kong ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Got up for the start of breakfast at 8am. I was starting to feel better from stomach pains now, so felt up for a bit of a surf.
    Walked down to Uluwatu beach. (World famous beach which breaks onto a shallow reef producing hollow barrels).
    All places where you could rent a board were closed! Can you believe it, almost empty world class surf and I couldn't get in. Uggh.
    Walked back through town to try to find somewhere. No good. All closed. A bit frustrated we went back to call up the airlines to ensure the flights were still going.
    At about 3 we set out again to see if any surf rental places had opened.
    Only 1 had, and was taking full advantage of it with her prices. Rented one for 2 hours and jogged down to the beach.
    Within a few mins of me walking over the reef and paddling out i heard a load of whistles blowing on the shore, with people waving to come back in.
    Initially no one moved. But then a few of the locals went in and the rest started following. I managed to catch one average wave before paddling back in.
    Not quite the surf ending I was looking for.
    Got back and the beach was closed. It sounded like this was going to be a permanent ban on beach access for the next few weeks. Definitely time to head home. Good that we changed our flight to tomorrow. The evening was spent watching films and worrying about the news that Hong Kong (our transit location) was to close 15mins after our flight was due to leave. Definitely could not have left it any later.
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  • Day 175

    Freediving day 2

    March 22, 2020 in Hong Kong ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Started with more stomach friendly toast and met our new German instructor called Verona.
    A good bit more theory before going to the pool for some more training. We did some rescue practice which was one of the key things I wanted to learn. Then a max breath hold underwater test.
    Hannah got a massive improvement with a 2 min hold. I got my max ever of 4mins underwater. (The time required to become an instructor apparently).
    Then out to the sea for more rescue drill practice and and some more fun dives to 15m.
    One exam later we were both qualified to freedive level 1. Whoop.
    With the changed flight to be much sooner, I organised a taxi back to Uluwatu surf spot for hopefully one final day of epic surf before heading home.
    He managed to get lost on the way back. So the 2.5 hour ride ended up taking about 3.5 hours. Passed classic rice paddy field terraces with active volcanoes as a backdrop. Very pretty.
    They drive super close to each other everywhere with continual scooters zooming past and honking. Not the most relaxing. Also made less fun again by Bali belly and excess accelerating and braking.
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  • Day 174

    Freediving day 1

    March 21, 2020 in Hong Kong ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Had a simple breakfast of toast as my stomach was feeling a bit average.
    Walked 30 seconds to the Fusion freediving school.
    Met our instructor for the day, an Aussie called Dave. Taught us freediving theory and some of the breathing techniques. I managed a 3min 15 hold out of the water. Hannah about 30 seconds.
    Then went diving in the ocean and did some freedives both pulling down a line and swimming near the line down to about 15m. I really enjoyed it and felt very comfortable being able to have a 'float' at 15m down to look at the fishies.
    The evening was at our restaurant with no one else around. Went down to the beach to show Hannah the nearby active volcano. Manage to get her 'I'm not happy with being so close to that' face.

    We did much discussing about the pace of lockdown of various countries and decided to bring our flight back from the Saturday to the Tuesday.
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  • Day 173

    Going to Amed for freediving training

    March 20, 2020 in Hong Kong ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    With 10 days left of the holiday we decided to do 3 days of diving / free diving and 7 days of surfing.
    Took us ages to figure out which area to go to for the best free diving, best courses, location etc.
    Eventually settled on Amed. Near to (but far enough away from) an active volcano.
    After much faff of finding a taxi, we selected a free dive course to do and got them to arrange a driver to pick us up.
    The driver told us all about the upcoming silent festival where the whole island shuts down and no one is allowed on the streets. (Well I guess that is one day of surfing out the window already).
    Arrived at our lovely hotel, got upgraded to a nice big room over looking the pool and the sea. All for only 17 quid a night. We were the only people in the restaurant with a meal costing £2.50. Bargain.
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  • Day 172

    Surfing at Bingin

    March 19, 2020 in England ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

    Walked about 20 mins south to Bingin beach. Pretty small surf, but nice for long boarding.
    Hannah and I both rented boards.
    I stayed in for a little longer than Hannah and had empty waves to myself for about an hour. Blissful.
    We sat watching the waves, having some food and researching what activities to do over the remaining 11 days including surfing, diving, free diving and maybe more tourist spots.
    By late afternoon the waves had got even smaller and a few more surfers were around.
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  • Day 171

    Dreamlands surf spot

    March 18, 2020 in Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Had breakkie at our place then walked down to Dreamlands. Got the usual con price from the surf shop for 2 boards and a sun lounger for the day.
    Started with Hannah on a foamie. She caught quite a few waves, good size for learning.
    I had a wonder to find some lunch. Found a place just off the beach with no one else there. Cracking food.
    In the afternoon we changed Hannah's board for a shot board and I taught her how to duck dive and sit on a short boat. "Not as easy as it looks".
    Had one massive storm roll through. Where Hannah tried to hide under an umbrella, till I got her in the sea. Far warmer!
    We watched the sunset and went back to our place for a sandwich, as they had run out of almost everything else.
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  • Day 170

    Seeing the sights of Bali

    March 17, 2020 in Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    We decided to hire a driver to see some of the local temples and sights.
    We aimed to keep away from other tourists by going at opposite times to when was suggested to be most popular - success, hardly another traveler in sight! We visited Tanah Lot temple, a monkey forest, Taman ayun temple and finishing up at Uluwatu temple.
    All the streets are lined with shops, with everything from wood carvings to pots to tat shops. We only stopped in to a surf store to get some wetsuit booties to try and prevent reef rash.
    The temples were definitely not as impressive as others we've seen in Japan or Taiwan, but great locations along the cliff edge.

    We then got dropped off at our new accommodation, where we hoped to have some aircon and a room we could keep the mozzies out of!
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  • Day 169

    Decisions decisions

    March 16, 2020 in Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Spent the morning sorting refunds for various flights and calling insurance.
    Then went to town for a hair cut for me, got some extra strong sun cream and had some lunch. Very hot. Loads of stores along the road selling endless amounts of cheap tat. Who ever buys that stuff?
    Back to the accommodation for more admin whilst dipping in and out of the pool. Finished with an amazing coconut chicken dish.
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